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Identifying Teachers' Supports of Metacognition Through Classroom Talk and

Its Relation to Growth in Conceptual Learning

Article in Journal of Educational Psychology · October 2018

DOI: 10.1037/edu0000300


68 5,188

4 authors:

Cristina Zepeda Christina Hlutkowsky

Vanderbilt University Pennsylvania State University


Anne C. Partika Timothy Nokes-Malach

Georgetown University University of Pittsburgh


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Journal of Educational Psychology
Identifying Teachers’ Supports of Metacognition
Through Classroom Talk and Its Relation to Growth in
Conceptual Learning
Cristina D. Zepeda, Christina O. Hlutkowsky, Anne C. Partika, and Timothy J. Nokes-Malach
Online First Publication, October 29, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/edu0000300

Zepeda, C. D., Hlutkowsky, C. O., Partika, A. C., & Nokes-Malach, T. J. (2018, October 29).
Identifying Teachers’ Supports of Metacognition Through Classroom Talk and Its Relation to
Growth in Conceptual Learning. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
Journal of Educational Psychology
© 2018 American Psychological Association 2018, Vol. 1, No. 999, 000
0022-0663/18/$12.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/edu0000300

Identifying Teachers’ Supports of Metacognition Through Classroom Talk

and Its Relation to Growth in Conceptual Learning

Cristina D. Zepeda and Christina O. Hlutkowsky Anne C. Partika

University of Pittsburgh Wooster College

Timothy J. Nokes-Malach
University of Pittsburgh
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

A gulf exists between prior work testing metacognitive instructional interventions and teacher practices
that may support metacognition in the classroom. To help bridge this gulf, we designed an observational
protocol to capture whether and how teachers provide metacognitive support in their talk and examined
whether these supports were related to student learning. We examined four features of metacognitive
support, including the type of metacognitive knowledge supported (personal, strategy, or conditional), the
type of metacognitive skill supported (planning, monitoring, or evaluating) the type of instructional
manner in which the support was delivered (directives, prompting, or modeling), and the type of framing
(problem specific, problem general, or domain general), during three types of instructional activities
(individual, group, or whole-class instruction). We compared teacher talk from 20 middle school
mathematics classrooms with high growth in conceptual mathematics scores with teacher talk from 20
classrooms with low growth. For each of these classrooms, we examined the amount of teacher talk that
supported metacognition during one regular class period. Observations revealed that the high-conceptual
growth classrooms had more metacognitive supports for personal knowledge, monitoring, evaluating,
directive manners, and domain-general frames than the low-conceptual growth classrooms. We discuss
the implications of those observations for bridging research on metacognition to teacher practice.

Educational Impact and Implications Statement

The results of this study show that teachers vary in how they support metacognition through their
talk. Teachers in classrooms with high-growth scores on a conceptual learning assessment used more
metacognitive talk than teachers in classrooms with low-growth scores. To evaluate teachers’
metacognitive talk, we introduced the Metacognitive Support Framework, which allowed us to
identify which aspects of metacognition were supported. This framework provides a coding protocol
that can be used in future studies and is a concrete example of the different ways metacognition can
be supported through talk.

Keywords: discourse, learning, metacognition, pedagogy, situative perspective

Supplemental materials: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/edu0000300.supp

Metacognition refers to both one’s knowledge about their own room research has found numerous positive relations between
cognition as well as their ability to regulate it (Brown, 1978; metacognition and other cognitive and educational outcomes in-
Flavell, 1979). Three and a half decades of laboratory and class- cluding learning and transfer (e.g., Palinscar & Brown, 1984;

thank members of the Activity Systems Group at the University of Pitts-

Cristina D. Zepeda and Christina O. Hlutkowsky, Department of Psy- burgh: Jasmine Williams, Tanner Wallace, J. Elizabeth Richey, Lisa Fazio,
chology, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pitts- Hannah Sung, and Jim Greeno for their feedback on this project. We also
burgh; Anne C. Partika, Department of Psychology, Wooster College; thank Caroline Altaras, Ranem Atia, Michelle Francis, Ava Salimnejad,
Timothy J. Nokes-Malach, Department of Psychology, Learning Research Spencer Schmidt and Tatum Walker for their contributions in transcribing
and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh. the data. We also thank Scortt Fraundorf for his feedback and guidance on
This research was supported by a Seed Grant from the Learning Re- the statistical analyses.
search and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh to Nokes- Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Cristina
Malach, Wallace, Greeno, and Correnti as well as Grant SBE-0836012 D. Zepeda, Learning Research and Development Center, University of
from the National Science Foundation, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Pittsburgh, 3939 O’Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. E-mail: cdz7@
Center (http://www.learnlab.org). No endorsement should be inferred. We pitt.edu


White & Frederiksen, 1998), achievement (e.g., Swanson, 1990; differ in the types of metacognitive knowledge and skills they
Veenman, Kok, & Blöte, 2005), and motivation (e.g., Cardelle- support? Are there differences in the manner and frame in which
Elawar, 1995; Zepeda, Richey, Ronevich, & Nokes-Malach, 2015; teachers deliver these metacognitive supports?
see Dignath, Buettner, & Langfeldt, 2008; Dignath & Büttner, If metacognitive supports rarely occur in teacher talk, then it
2008; Hattie, Biggs, & Purdie, 1996 for reviews). Interventions provides some evidence that there is a need to scaffold teachers in
supporting the development and use of metacognition have en- supporting student metacognition. If metacognitive talk is posi-
hanced performance across a number of domains including math- tively related to conceptual learning, then these relations may serve
ematics (Mevarech & Kramarski, 1997) and science (White & the basis for future interventions to test whether there is a causal
Frederiksen, 1998), and in academic tasks such as lecture compre- link. We view the current work as a critical first step to identify the
hension (King, 1991), reading comprehension (Palinscar & Brown, types of metacognitive interactions that take place between teach-
1984), and vocabulary learning (Boulware-Gooden, Carreker, ers and students.
Thornhill, & Joshi, 2007). This research has inspired many peda- In this study, we used an observational method which had
gogical recommendations such as encouraging teachers to model several desirable features not typically present in intervention or
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

metacognitive behaviors, prompting students with metacognitive self-report studies (Whitebread et al., 2009; Winne & Perry, 2000).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

questions, and giving students checklists to reflect on whether they For example, we were able to document what teachers were saying
engaged in metacognitive behaviors (Lin, 2001; Lin, Schwartz, & and doing based on audio and video recordings as opposed to what
Hatano, 2005; Schraw, 1998; Wilson & Conyers, 2016). However, they remembered or said they did, which could be biased or
it is unclear whether teachers naturally use these instructional inaccurate. An observational approach also enabled us to make
techniques in their classrooms, and if they do, whether they are connections to the contexts and the everyday classroom activities
related to better learning outcomes. in which the behaviors were expressed. This method also captured
Although several instructional interventions have been devel- aspects of the dynamic and interactive nature of the target phe-
oped to improve and support metacognition (see Schneider & nomena (i.e., teacher talk). In the following sections, we review
Artelt, 2010 for an overview in mathematics), less work has prior work to describe the importance of examining metacognition
attempted to identify and examine metacognition in everyday in mathematics, a classroom-level analysis of metacognition, and
middle-school classroom practices. To know when and how to the conceptualization of the Metacognitive Support Framework.
wisely intervene, it is critical to know whether and how metacog-
nition is being supported in the classroom. For example, if math- Metacognition in Mathematics Learning
ematics teachers tend to provide support for certain features of
and Achievement
metacognitive instruction (e.g., evaluating a problem solution) but
not others (e.g., generating a problem-solving plan), then that Metacognition has been argued to be a critical factor in math
knowledge would be useful when designing a new instructional learning and problem solving (Schoenfeld, 1985, 1992; Stillman &
intervention. Past work has focused on placing instructional inter- Mevarech, 2010). Past research has shown that metacognitive
ventions in the materials, activities, and tasks (e.g., Zepeda et al., interventions have helped students learn math concepts and solve
2015), but rarely has examined a teacher’s role in implementing problems more effectively (Artz & Armour-Thomas, 1992;
and facilitating those curricula and activities (cf., Cardelle-Elawar, Cardelle-Elawar, 1995; Kramarski, Weisse, & Kololshi-Minsker,
1995). 2010; Mevarech, Terkieltaub, Vinberger, & Nevet, 2010; Pugalee,
The purpose of the current work is to help bridge the gulf 2001; Stillman & Galbraith, 1998; Swanson, 1990; Zimmerman &
between metacognitive instructional interventions and teacher Campillo, 2003; see Desoete & Veenman, 2006 and Schneider &
practices supporting student metacognition. We developed an ob- Artelt, 2010 for an overview). For example, Mevarech, Kramarski
servational protocol to document whether and how middle school and colleagues conducted a series of intervention studies that used
mathematics teachers’ supported metacognition through their nat- questions that prompted students to employ metacognitive behav-
urally occurring classroom talk. The protocol was built on distinc- iors such as reflecting on their math knowledge and skills while
tions made in the literature regarding what types of metacognitive learning and solving math problems (Kramarski, Mevarech, &
knowledge (personal, strategy, or conditional) and skills (planning, Arami, 2002; Kramarski et al., 2010; Mevarech & Fridkin, 2006;
monitoring, or evaluating) could be supported. The protocol also Mevarech & Kramarski, 1997; Mevarech et al., 2010). In one
captured how that support was delivered in terms of the manner study, students who received this intervention performed better on
(directives, prompting, or modeling) and framing (problem spe- both immediate and delayed mathematics tests than students who
cific, problem general, or domain general). Using this protocol, we received worked examples (Mevarech & Kramarski, 2003). In
examined whether metacognitive talk was related to a classroom’s another study, students in the intervention condition reported using
growth in conceptual mathematics knowledge. To do so, we doc- more metacognitive skills and performed better on a mathematics
umented and compared teacher talk from 20 classrooms with high achievement test than students who received their regular class-
value-added scores on a conceptual mathematics assessment with room instruction (Mevarech & Amrany, 2008).
teacher talk from 20 classrooms with low value-added scores. Other metacognitive interventions have been shown to benefit
Specifically, we investigated the following questions: Do teachers students’ math learning and problem solving. For example, Des-
support metacognition in their talk and do these supports occur oete, Roeyers, and De Clercq (2003) compared a metacognitive
during certain instructional activities (individual, group, or whole- intervention to several comparison conditions (a cognitive inter-
class instruction)? Do teachers from high-conceptual growth class- vention, motivational intervention, math intervention, and a con-
rooms have more instances of metacognitive support than teachers trol). Unlike the other conditions, the metacognitive condition
from low-conceptual growth classrooms? If so, do the classrooms asked students to predict the likelihood they could correctly an-

swer a math problem (an aspect of planning and personal meta- ples, they performed better on transfer assessments in comparison
cognitive knowledge) and to reflect on the accuracy of their to students that only read through the worked examples (Nokes-
solutions (evaluation). Six weeks after the interventions were Malach, VanLehn, Belenky, Lichtenstein, & Cox, 2013). A similar
administered, students in the metacognitive condition performed finding has also been found with middle school populations (Rau,
better than the other four conditions on a mathematical problem- Aleven, & Rummel, 2009), suggesting that metacognitive supports
solving assessment. could contribute to the development of students’ conceptual math
Although this past work has been successful in facilitating knowledge.
students’ math performance and understanding, there has been Although prior work has revealed the importance of metacog-
much variation in the content and structure of the interventions. nition in mathematics learning and transfer, it is unclear whether
Two features that differ across the interventions are the type of teachers naturally support specific types of metacognition in their
metacognitive skill (e.g., planning vs. evaluating) and/or knowl- talk. To understand the contributions of different types of naturally
edge supported (e.g., personal vs. strategy). Another difference is occurring metacognitive supports, we examined metacognition at
whether the intervention supported multiple metacognitive skills the classroom level. Below, we describe the affordances of exam-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and knowledge types (e.g., Cardelle-Elawar, 1995) or whether it ining metacognition with a situative approach.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

focused on smaller subset (e.g., Desoete et al., 2003). The inter-

ventions also differed in how the support was delivered. Some Metacognitive Support: A Situative View
prior work used questioning as a way to prompt metacognition
of Metacognition
(e.g., Kramarski et al., 2010), whereas other work used modeling
as a way to support it (e.g., Van Luit & Naglieri, 1999). Addition- Metacognition is often examined at the level of the individual in
ally, some interventions framed the metacognitive supports to a which the focus is on how a student performs in isolation (Perry,
particular problem or problem type (e.g., multiplication vs. divi- 2002; e.g., Veenman et al., 2005). In contrast, we took a situative
sion problems, Van Luit & Naglieri, 1999) whereas other inter- view that focused on the interactions that took place in the class-
ventions focused on applying the metacognitive supports to math- room between the teacher and students (Greeno, 2006, 2011;
ematics more generally (e.g., Desoete et al., 2003; Mevarech & Greeno & Engeström, 2014). In this work, the classroom was the
Kramarski, 1997). These differences make it difficult to determine unit of analysis and the primary behavior of interest was teacher
whether certain features of metacognitive support are more essen- talk. We viewed teacher talk as a co-constructed behavior that
tial to improving mathematics performance than others. In the emerged from the interactions between teachers and students.
current work, we examined multiple features of metacognitive Within this discourse, we looked for instances of situative meta-
support in terms of both the type and how it was delivered. cognition.
Metacognitive support might be particularly beneficial for the Situative metacognition involves the interaction of multiple en-
acquisition of conceptual knowledge (Carr, 2010; De Corte, 1995). tities (e.g., students, teachers, computer tutors) engaging in the
For example, engaging in metacognitive monitoring and evaluat- processes of planning, monitoring, and/or evaluating performance
ing while learning fractions can help students identify features of on a task. This definition highlights the interplay between social
the problem that they find difficult and create an opportunity to contexts and cognition. Importantly, the phenomenon cannot be
process those features more deeply (Carr, 2010). They can also reduced to the sum of each individual’s contribution; instead, the
aide in identifying the conditions under which a particular equation phenomenon is defined by their interaction. This interactive pro-
applies. Metacognitive interventions have helped students perform cess is often captured in the discourse between individuals and is,
better on both conceptual and procedural problems (e.g., Mevarech therefore, a primary focus of this analysis. For example, in a
& Kramarski, 2003). Conceptual problems require students to have classroom, whether and how a teacher provides metacognitive
a qualitative understanding of the underlying principles and ideas support in her or his talk is likely influenced by a number of factors
whereas the procedural problems require students to perform a such as the instructional activities, student knowledge, questions,
sequence of steps. This distinction is consistent with Rittle- and level of participation. If a student reveals a gap in his knowl-
Johnson, Siegler, and Alibali (2001) who hypothesized that these edge, his teacher might ask him to think more deeply about his
two types of knowledge are interactive and influence one another. understanding or to evaluate his answer. This interaction could
For example, they found that when 5th- and 6th-grade students also influence the learning of another student who is not directly
learned about decimal fractions their initial conceptual knowledge involved in the interaction.
predicted growth in their procedural knowledge which in turn Recognizing the importance of interactions in learning, past
predicted growth in their conceptual knowledge. research has begun to examine metacognition in different social
This prior work suggests that students who receive metacogni- contexts. These include small groups and dyads (De Backer, Van
tive supports via teacher talk might be able to increase both their Keer, & Valcke, 2012; Garrison & Akyol, 2015; Goos, Galbraith,
procedural and conceptual understanding of the material. Even if a & Renshaw, 2002; Grau & Whitebread, 2012; Iiskala, Vauras, &
teacher’s metacognitive talk focuses on procedural knowledge Lehtinen, 2004; Iiskala, Vauras, Lehtinen, & Salonen, 2011; Land
(e.g., “What is the next step?”), that prompt may help facilitate the & Greene, 2000; Lin & Sullivan, 2008; Mevarech & Kramarski,
acquisition of conceptual knowledge. For example, in response to 2003; Siegel, 2012), individuals interacting with intelligent tutor-
their teacher’s metacognitive support, students could generate con- ing systems and computer agents (Aleven & Koedinger, 2002;
ceptual knowledge of when and where to apply the procedure. Azevedo & Cromley, 2004; Azevedo, Moos, Greene, Winters, &
Related work has shown that when college students were prompted Cromley, 2008; Biswas, Jeong, Kinnebrew, Sulcer, & Roscoe,
to engage in similar constructive cognitive processes such as 2010; Lin & Sullivan, 2008; Roll, Aleven, McLaren, & Koedinger,
self-explaining or analogically comparing different worked exam- 2007, 2011; Schwartz et al., 2009; Wagster, Tan, Wu, Biswas, &

Schwartz, 2007), and a combination of small groups and computer the amount of cognitive-processing language (in which meta-
agents (Molenaar, Chiu, Sleegers, & van Boxtel, 2011). In all cognition was a small component) and growth in second grad-
cases, the metacognitive support or intervention led to more fruit- ers’ mathematical fluency and calculations. Additionally, the
ful learning and performance outcomes. However, the majority of more teachers used this language during instruction, the more
these studies measured metacognition and student outcomes at the first and second graders used sophisticated strategies during a
level of the individual student and not at the group level. memory task that was based on the instructional content (Gram-
Some observational studies have started to examine how metacog- mer et al., 2013). This work provides some evidence that
nition naturally occurs at the group level by examining teacher talk at teacher talk supporting higher-order processing is positively
the classroom level (Coffman, Ornstein, McCall, & Curran, 2008; related to improved learning outcomes.
Depaepe, De Corte, & Verschaffel, 2010; Dignath, 2009; Dignath-van Another study by Dignath-van Ewijk et al. (2013) found that
Ewijk, Dickhäuser, & Büttner, 2013; Grammer, Coffman, & Ornstein, teachers’ self-reported use of metacognitive skills and observers’
2013; Kistner et al., 2010; Michaels, O’Connor, & Resnick, 2008; ratings of teachers’ metacognitive skills did not agree with one
Perry, 1998; Perry, VandeKamp, Mercer, & Nordby, 2002; White-
another in the context of a seventh-grade math class. Furthermore,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

bread & Coltman, 2010; Whitebread et al., 2009). However, much of

the observers’ ratings predicted students’ self-reported SRL com-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

this work has broadly defined and embedded metacognition within

petencies whereas teachers’ self-reported ratings did not. This
other constructs such as memory-relevant language (later referred to
study revealed a mismatch between teachers’ behaviors and self-
as cognitive processing-language; Coffman et al., 2008), accountable
reports which is important because most of the research on teacher
talk (Michaels et al., 2008), mathematical heuristics (Depaepe et al.,
2010), or self-regulated learning (Dignath, 2009; Dignath-van Ewijk use of self-regulated learning skills (including metacognition) has
et al., 2013; Kistner et al., 2010; Perry, 1998; Perry et al., 2002; been based on their responses to questionnaires, not their observ-
Whitebread & Coltman, 2010; Whitebread et al., 2009) in which able behaviors in the classroom (Perry, 2002).
metacognition was not the sole focus. Instead, the focus was on a A third study took a longitudinal approach in which they
larger construct that conceptualized metacognition as one of several observed how two sixth-grade teachers used metacognitive and
components, making it difficult to determine how specific features of heuristic supports during whole-class discusssions over a
metacognition were separately related to learning outcomes. For ex- 7-month period (Depaepe et al., 2010). From their observations,
ample, these studies did not differentiate between components of they found that there were no differences in the amount the
metacognitive skills and knowledge, making it unclear which features teachers supported planning because it rarely occurred, but
of metacognition were related to better outcomes. there was a difference in the amount teachers supported eval-
One observational protocol that has examined metacognition uation. They also found that the students of the teacher who
more precisely than others is the Assessing How Teachers En- provided more evaluative support applied more metacognitive
hance Self-Regulated Learning (ATES; Dignath, 2009; Dignath- strategies when solving novel word problems than the students
van Ewijk et al., 2013). Although the ATES has codes for some of the other teacher. However, there were no differences be-
specific metacognitive skills such as planning, other skills such as tween the two classes in their accuracy on those problems.
monitoring and evaluating are combined into a single code. Com- Although this study provided an in-depth analysis into how
bining monitoring and evaluating into a single variable might be teachers supported metacognition (along with other heuristics),
problematic because some prior work suggests that teachers have the study only examined two classrooms, limiting the general-
used these skills differently (Spruce & Bol, 2015) and that they izability. Additionally, like prior work, the study only focused
have different relations to learning outcomes (e.g., strategy use, on a subset of metacognitive features.
motivation, and overall academic performance; Dignath et al., These studies showed how observable events in the class-
2008). For example, teachers felt more comfortable supporting room can be used as predictors of different types of learning and
monitoring than planning or evaluating (Spruce & Bol, 2015). This performance outcomes. They also highlighted the utility of this
difference would not be captured with the ATES protocol. Thus,
approach and the need for more observational studies to gain a
there is a need for an observational protocol to examine the
better understanding for how teachers support metacognition,
fine-grain features of metacognition from a situative perspective.
rather than relying on teacher reports. These observations re-
In our protocol, we examined specific metacognitive skills along
vealed the patterns of metacognitive support as it occurred
with other metacognitive features including the knowledge type,
during the class (Perry & Rahim, 2011). Given that the obser-
manner, and framing. This approach to investigating how meta-
cognition was supported in classrooms provided insight into what vational protocols used in these studies included only a small
teachers attended to and which types of support would be best number of metacognitive features, it was not clear how specific
served by an intervention. features (e.g., knowledge and skill type) related to learning
outcomes. Additionally, these observational studies examined
outcome measures as the average of individual scores; not as a
Observational Studies Examining Metacognition in classroom-based measure of students’ learning. To fully capture
Mathematics Classrooms situative metacognition, in the current work, we developed a
In addition to identifying aspects of metacognition at the Metacognitive Support Framework to document the different
classroom level, some observational studies have provided in- types of metacognitive supports that emerge through teacher
sight into the relation between metacognition and learning at talk during regular classroom practices and examined how these
the individual level. Recent work by Grammer, Coffman, Sid- supports related to the classrooms’ conceptual mathematics
ney, and Ornstein (2016) has shown a positive relation between learning.

Metacognitive Support Framework your thoughts?,” which invites students to think about their under-
standing. Strategy knowledge is declarative knowledge about how
The metacognitive support framework consists of two dimensions. to do things. In the context of mathematics, strategy knowledge
The first dimension focuses on the metacognitive content of the involves knowing the procedures, steps, and heuristics to solve a
support which is defined as the type of metacognitive knowledge and particular problem. For example, when asked whether two frac-
skill (Brown, 1987; Jacobs & Paris, 1987; Schraw & Moshman,
tions are equivalent, a student is able to say that the first step to
1995). The second dimension focuses on the metacognitive delivery
solving the problem is to determine the lowest common denomi-
which is defined by the manner and framing of the support. See
nator and that the next step is to compare the numerators to see
Figure 1 for an overview of these two dimensions and their features.
whether they are equivalent. An example of teacher support for
In the following sections, we define each of the four features and give
strategy knowledge is the prompt “How could you determine if
12 examples of teacher support for those features from our sample.
these fractions are equivalent?,” which invites students to think
about the approaches to solving the problem. Conditional knowl-
Metacognitive Content edge is declarative knowledge about when and why to apply
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Metacognitive knowledge refers to beliefs about one’s own cogni- personal and strategy knowledge. An example of conditional
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

tion or thinking. For example, if a person knows that they are able to knowledge is knowing why a specific strategy can be applied in
recall and use a formula for determining whether two fractions are one situation but not in another. An example of teacher support for
equal, then he or she has metacognitive knowledge about that formula conditional knowledge is the prompt “Why would you round up to
and its use. Below, we define three types of metacognitive knowledge ninety?,” which invites students to think about the conditions of
based on distinctions made in the literature between personal, strat- rounding.
egy, and conditional knowledge. Metacognitive skills refer to pro- Each type of knowledge has implications for improving differ-
cesses to monitor and regulate cognition to accomplish the target goal. ent aspects of learning (Pintrich, 2002). The more personal knowl-
For example, a person who catches and corrects arithmetic errors edge students have, the more likely they are to apply their knowl-
while solving a problem exhibits behaviors consistent with the skill of edge during a task (Schneider & Pressley, 1997) whereas the more
metacognitive monitoring. Below, we define three metacognitive strategy knowledge students have, the more likely they are to
skills of planning, monitoring, and evaluating which have received effectively use different types of strategies during a task (Glaser &
much attention in prior research. Chi, 1988; Pressley, Borkwski, & Schneider, 1989). Similarly,
Metacognitive knowledge. Metacognitive knowledge con- students with more conditional knowledge are more likely to use
sists of different types of knowledge such as personal, strategy, more appropriate strategies (Justice & Weaver-McDougall, 1989).
and conditional knowledge (Brown, 1987; Jacobs & Paris, 1987; Metacognitive skills. Metacognitive skills include three dis-
Schneider, 2008; Schraw, 1998, 2001; Schraw & Moshman, 1995). tinct, yet interrelated, skills: planning, monitoring, and evaluating
Personal knowledge is declarative knowledge about one’s abilities, (Flavell, Miller, & Miller, 2002; Schraw, 1998, 2001; Schraw &
understanding, and self. An example of personal knowledge is Moshman, 1995). We define each skill as taking place at a differ-
when a student is aware that she struggles at comparing complex ent time in relation to a learning task: before, during, and after
fractions and finds it easier to compare percentages. An example of (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1989). Planning occurs at the beginning
teacher support for personal knowledge is the prompt “What are of a task and refers to identifying the goal and allocating resources

Metacognitive Support
Metacognitive Content

Personal Strategy Conditional

Declarative knowledge about Declarative knowledge about Declarative knowledge about
one’s abilities, understanding, how to do things when and why to apply
and self personal & strategy knowledge
Planning Monitoring Evaluating
Identifying a goal, allocating Gauging one’s understanding Assessing the efficiency &
resources & strategies to reach & progress toward the goal accuracy of one’s goal
that goal attainment

Metacognitive Delivery
Directives Prompting Modeling
Telling students to do Asking students a question Enacting a behavior to show
something students

Problem Specific Problem General Domain General
Applied to a specific problem Applied to a problem type or Can be applied to any content
set of problems or context

Figure 1. The Metacognitive Support Framework.


and strategies to reach that goal. An example of teacher support for though there have been benefits for modeling metacognition
planning is the prompt “And what should you keep in mind when within a classroom context (Collins, Brown, & Holum, 1991), the
you set up a proportion?,” which invites students to think about the majority of work on modeling has taken place in laboratory set-
knowledge required to begin solving a proportion problem. Mon- tings (De Corte, 1995).
itoring occurs during the task and refers to gauging understanding These three instructional manners differ with regard to the
and progress toward the goal. An example of teacher support for clarity and type of expected student response. Directives make
monitoring is the directive “Alright, so explain to us what you are explicit that the teacher is expecting the students to engage in a
doing right now,” which invites the student to state their under- certain kind of thinking. To the degree that students comply with
standing of their progress toward solving the problem. Evaluating such directives, they will engage in more metacognition. Prompt-
occurs after generating a solution and refers to assessing the ing is less direct, but potentially more constructive as it invites
efficiency and accuracy of goal attainment. An example of teacher answering a question and may lead students to engage in meta-
support for evaluating is the question “Do you guys get it?,” which cognitive thought. Modeling does not explicitly request students
asks students to check to their accuracy in solving the problem as to engage in metacognition. Instead, modeling demonstrates how
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

well as their understanding of the problem. Past work has shown to engage in metacognition and students might be more likely to
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

large intervention effects of supporting monitoring (d ⫽ 1.16) and passively observe, instead of enacting the demonstrated behavior.
evaluating (d ⫽ 1.16) and medium intervention effects of planning Some work suggests that if a dialogue is more constructive and
(d ⫽ 0.38) on improving mathematical performance (Dignath et active as opposed to passive, learning is more likely to occur (Chi,
al., 2008). Explicitly teaching students on how to use all three 2009; Chi & Menekse, 2015; Chi & Wylie, 2014). Within the three
skills has been shown to facilitate conceptual learning as well as instructional manners, directives and prompting may facilitate
better performance on a future, self-guided learning task (Zepeda more active or constructive processes than modeling as they ex-
et al., 2015). plicitly request that students engage in metacognitive thinking.
Metacognitive framing. The framing examines the expan-
siveness of a metacognitive support. Is the support framed to the
Metacognitive Delivery
specific problem, to a problem type, or is it domain general? It is
In addition to metacognitive content, the way a metacognitive possible that a more general framing will help students integrate
support is provided might also affect students’ use of metacogni- their current thinking with the instruction by providing a more
tion. Different types of deliveries may require different types of open-ended opportunity for students to make connections across
cognitive processing or provide different cues to prior knowledge. topics and concepts. In contrast, a specific framing might support
We examined two dimensions of instructional delivery, the manner connections more narrowly to just a particular problem or problem
and framing. type, and not generally across content.
Metacognitive manner. The instructional manner captures Problem-specific frames involve statements that are tailored to a
how the metacognitive support is delivered. We identified three particular problem. An example of a problem-specific frame is
types of instructional support: directives, prompting, and model- “Now, how you solve for T?” Problem-general frames involve
ing. Directives involve the teacher telling students to do some- statements that are tailored to a set or type of problem. An example
thing. It is a straightforward way to instruct a student to engage in of a problem-general frame is “How are we gonna find the total
a behavior. For example, a teacher might tell a student to think surface area?” Domain-general frames can occur while working
about whether his or her answers make sense. An example of a on a specific problem or type of problem, but the statement is
directive statement is the instruction “Think about that for a general and can be applied to a variety of problems or situations.
minute.” Prompting involves the teacher asking students a ques- An example of domain-general support is “How’d you get that?”
tion. For example, a teacher might ask a student whether he or she The inclusion of these types of metacognitive framings is based
understands the lesson. An example of teacher prompting is the on work by Randi Engle and colleagues who have examined the
question “Make sense?” Prior work has shown that prompting is an role of expansiveness and boundedness of instructional framing on
effective instructional technique in teaching metacognition knowledge transfer (Engle, Lam, Meyer, & Nix, 2012; Engle,
(Berardi-Coletta, Buyer, Dominowski, & Rellinger, 1995; Chi, De Nguyen, & Mendelson, 2011). Engle and colleagues found that
Leeuw, Chiu, & Lavancher, 1994; Gillies & Khan, 2009; Karaali, using a more expansive framing in which the instruction connects
2015; King, 1992; Lin & Lehman, 1999; Schoenfeld, 1987). Mod- across time, place, and topics promotes transfer. Thus, a more
eling involves the teacher enacting a specific behavior. By watch- generally- or expansively- framed metacognitive support might
ing a teacher model particular metacognitive behaviors, students result in more interconnections across topics and concepts. How-
might imitate or replicate similar behaviors resulting in better ever, an expansive framing could also lead to unproductive con-
performance and learning (Bandura, 1977; Renkl, 2014). For ex- nections and negative transfer if students connect unrelated con-
ample, a teacher might demonstrate how he or she determines a cepts that have superficial similarity (Chen & Daehler, 1989). A
useful plan. An example of a teacher modeling statement is the narrower frame might be helpful for focusing on the features
following: “We understand that a proportion is when you have two within a concept (e.g., conditional knowledge). Lastly, it might be
equivalent fractions that are equal to each other.” Modeling meta- that a more general framing may more easily engage students in
cognition has been recommended as a teaching strategy (e.g., metacognition. The domain-general supports do not require stu-
Schraw, 1998). It has also served as a common technique used in dents to recall specific types of knowledge, but instead provide an
computer tutors in combination with prompting (Graesser, McNa- opportunity for a broad range of potential responses. In contrast,
mara, & VanLehn, 2005; Lin, Hmelo, Kinzer, & Secules, 1999; the problem-specific and problem-general framings ask students to
Mathan & Koedinger, 2005; White & Frederiksen, 2005). Al- recall knowledge directly related to that problem or problem type

which may limit the number and type of responses. Mevarech and Method
colleagues (Mevarech & Fridkin, 2006; Mevarech & Kramarski,
2003) have proposed a similar distinction between domain-specific Sample
and domain-general metacognitive skills.
Our sample came from the Measures of Effective Teaching
Longitudinal Database (METLDB; Bill & Melinda Gates Founda-
Classroom Activities tion, 2010). The METLDB contains the data from the Measures of
These four features of metacognitive support (knowledge, skills, Effective Teaching Project that was developed to test multiple
manner, framing) might be used differently during different types assessments of teacher effectiveness for several school districts
of instructional activities. These include individual, group, and across the United States. The goal of the MET project was to
whole-class activities. During individual activities, the teacher measure, understand, and improve teacher effectiveness. The da-
talks to a student or students during individual work. Individual tabase contains video tapes of classroom observations, student and
work is defined as activities in which students are working inde- teacher self-reports and knowledge assessments.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

pendently, often solving practice problems or reading to them- The METLDB contains data from a large number of classroom
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

selves with the goal to accomplish some task individually. Group sections. There is a total of N ⫽ 1,909 classroom sections that were
activities are those in which a teacher talks to a student or students collected during Year 2 of the MET project. From this set of
during group work. Group work is defined as activities in which videos, we selected videos of one class period based on the
following criteria: they were middle school mathematics class-
students are working in small groups, often 2– 4 students, solving
rooms (6th to 8th grade), the teachers were covering a lesson on
problems or working through an assignment together. Whole-class
rates, ratios, and proportions, the video was accessible in the online
activities are those in which a teacher talks to a student or students
database, and the classrooms fell within the high- and low-
during an activity that the whole class is working on together.
conceptual growth bands (See Conceptual Growth section below).
Examples of whole-class activities include the teacher giving a
These selection criteria resulted in 87 videos. Of the 87 videos, we
lesson on new material and the whole class reviewing the home-
selected 46. We used two of those videos as training videos and
work together. We explored whether certain types of activities
removed four videos because of poor video/audio quality or irreg-
were associated with particular types of metacognitive support.
ular classroom activities (multiple teachers, reviewing answers to
From a methodological approach, it also allowed us to better align
an exam), resulting in our final sample of 40 videos. Within these
the classrooms to one another. Therefore, we examined each of the
videos, the teachers conducted their classrooms as they normally
four metacognitive features during each of these different class-
do and used their regular classroom resources and instructional
room activities to get a better understanding for when and how
materials. This sample of videos that we used comes from a larger
these metacognitive supports are provided. In the online supple-
collaborative project called the Activity Systems Group in which
mental materials, we provided example excerpts of metacognitive
different researchers have examined this same set of MET videos.
supports for each of these types of classroom activities.
The larger project was presented in a symposium at the American
Education Research Association’s 2016 Annual conference (Wal-
Current Study lace, 2016) in which different research groups coded a shared
dataset of classroom videos using different theoretical approaches
In the current work, we had three goals. The first goal was to and protocols (achievement goals: Boden & Nokes-Malach, 2016;
examine whether previously defined metacognitive features iden- retrieval practice: Fazio, 2016; analogies: Richey, Walker, Green,
tified by laboratory and intervention studies exist in naturally & Nokes-Malach, 2016; equity: Williams, Sung, & Wallace, 2016;
occurring teacher talk. Building on prior work that has shown that metacognition: Zepeda, Hlutkowsky, Partika, & Nokes-Malach,
teachers do not have a lot of prior knowledge about metacognition 2016).
(Dignath-van Ewijk & van der Werf, 2012; Veenman, Van Hout- Conceptual growth. We selected the videos based on a class-
Wolters, & Afflerbach, 2006; Zohar, 1999), we hypothesized that room’s conceptual growth on a mathematics assessment over the
instances of metacognitive supports might be a small portion of a course of one school year. To measure student growth, we used the
teacher’s total talk. The second goal was to compare the amount of value-added scores of a conceptual knowledge assessment (see
metacognitive talk in high versus low-conceptual growth class- Conceptual knowledge assessment below) that were provided by
rooms. We predicted that classrooms with high-conceptual growth the METLDB. These scores were calculated with an equation that
would have more instances of metacognitive support than the accounted for the student’s background characteristics (e.g., SES),
low-conceptual growth classrooms based on prior work relating the average background characteristic of students in the particular
metacognition to better conceptual learning outcomes (e.g., Me- classroom (e.g., the average class SES), the student’s prior test
varech & Kramarski, 2003). The third goal was to evaluate how score, and the average test score of students in the previous class
classrooms with high- and low-conceptual growth differed in the taught by the same teacher (see White & Rowan, 2014 for more
types of metacognition they supported and how they provided that details).
support. We hypothesized that the high-conceptual growth class- Conceptual knowledge assessment. Students’ conceptual
rooms would support a variety of types of talk as opposed to just knowledge was measured using the Balanced Assessment in Math-
one type when compared to low-growth classrooms. To address ematics (BAM; Schwartz & Kenny, 2012). This assessment eval-
these goals, we examined classroom video data of one regular class uated students’ mathematics-specific higher-order reasoning,
period for 40 different teachers and coded for the features of the problem-solving, and communication skills (Spies & Plake, 2005).
teacher’s metacognitive support based on our framework. Unlike state assessments, this standardized test contained contex-

tualized problems with fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as ques- Two additional pairs were selected based on high/low distinction
tions that required students to show their work and explain their of the value-added BAM scores, but did not have an identical MQI
reasoning. See Tarr et al. (2008) for more examples of the BAM match. The two low videos had MQI scores of 1.50 and the two
and Schoenfeld (2006) for a discussion on different types of high videos had scores of 1.75. The remaining 12 videos were
mathematics assessments. selected based on the high/low distinction of the value-added
High- and low-conceptual growth. In selecting the videos, we BAM scores as there were not matches for the MQI scores (nine
chose two types of classrooms: those with high-conceptual growth videos were missing the MQI scores).
and those with low-conceptual growth. To have a clear delineation Sample characteristics. See Table 1 for the sample charac-
between high- and low-conceptual growth classrooms, our sample teristics. There were no differences between the high- and low-
only included classrooms that had BAM value-added scores above conceptual growth classrooms for grade level, number of students
.08 (high) or below ⫺.08 (low). The high-conceptual growth in the classroom, and several demographic variables. However,
classrooms had students who learned more during the year (M ⫽ there was a difference in the proportion of students who qualified
0.37; SD ⫽ .20) than students in the low-conceptual growth for free or reduced lunch, the proportion of Hispanic students, and
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

classrooms (M ⫽ ⫺0.40; SD ⫽ .24), F(1, 38) ⫽ 121.78, p ⬍ .001, the proportion of Asian students. The low-conceptual growth
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

d ⫽ 3.49. classrooms had more students who qualified for reduced lunch,
Controlling for quality of mathematics instruction. In addi- more Hispanic students, and fewer Asian students. There was also
tion to using the value-added scores, we also attempted to control no difference in the total number of statements made by teachers
for the quality of mathematics instruction. The quality of mathe- or the lesson length between the two types of classrooms.
matical instruction was assessed by MET researchers through an
observational protocol called the Mathematical Quality of Instruc-
Transcription and Coding Process
tion (MQI; Hill et al., 2008). The MQI scores contained assess-
ments of six instructional dimensions: richness of the mathematics, Each video was transcribed into statements. Statement length
meaning-making, mathematical practices, errors and imprecision, was identified by the end of a sentence or a natural break longer
student participation in meaning-making and reasoning, and con- than three seconds. To ensure that the videos were transcribed
nections between classroom work and mathematics. The averaged consistently and accurately, we used a series of transcription
MQI scores ranged from 1 (low quality) to 3 (high quality). To reviews. One research assistant transcribed a video and then
partially control for the mathematics instruction, we paired 24 of proofed the transcription by rewatching the entire video while
the classrooms (12 pairs) from the high- and low-conceptual reading along with his or her transcription. A second research
growth at the same level of MQI scores: one pair had a score of assistant reviewed and corrected the transcription. A third research
1.50, two pairs had scores of 1.75, eight pairs had scores of 2.00, assistant reviewed and finalized all 40 transcriptions for consis-
and one pair had a score of 2.25. Most videos were clustered tency. Once the transcriptions were finalized, the videos were
around 2.00 and, therefore, we selected more pairs with that score. coded.

Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Each Classroom Characteristic

Characteristic Low-conceptual growth M (SD) High-conceptual growth M (SD) Inferential statistic

Math achievement
Value-added BAM score ⫺0.40 (.20) 0.37 (.24) F(1, 38) ⫽ 121.78, p ⬍ .001, d ⫽ 3.49
Value-added state math score ⫺0.08 (.17) 0.19 (.19) F(1, 38) ⫽ 23.09, p ⬍ .001, d ⫽ 1.50
Prior year state math score ⫺0.04 (.49) 0.08 (.78) F(1, 38) ⫽ 3.45, p ⫽ .57, d ⫽ 0.18
Classroom features
MQI 1.88 (0.24), N ⫽ 14 1.92 (0.17), N ⫽ 18 F(1, 29) ⫽ 0.25, p ⫽ .62, d ⫽ 3.49
Video length (in minutes) 52.64 (16.37) 58.35 (19.70) F(1, 38) ⫽ 1.00, p ⫽ .33, d ⫽ 0.32
Number of teacher statements 626.30 (165.90) 662.20 (226.87) F(1, 38) ⫽ 0.33, p ⫽ .57, d ⫽ 0.18
Grade level Sixth grade: N ⫽ 5 Sixth grade: N ⫽ 3 ␹2(2, N ⫽ 40) ⫽ 0.63, p ⫽ .73, V ⫽ .09
Seventh grade: N ⫽ 6 Seventh grade: N ⫽ 7
Eighth grade: N ⫽ 9 Eighth grade: N ⫽ 10
Number of students 25.85 (6.20) 23.90 (6.26) F(1, 38) ⫽ 0.98, p ⫽ .33, d ⫽ 0.31
Age 12.07 (1.10) 12.10 (1.03) F(1, 38) ⫽ 0.01, p ⫽ .91, d ⫽ 0.03
% Male 54.35 (14.06) 53.50 (12.64) F(1, 38) ⫽ 0.04, p ⫽ .84, d ⫽ 0.06
% Gifted 6.75 (7.62) 9.65 (15.69) t(27.48) ⫽ ⫺0.74, p ⫽ .46, d ⫽ 0.24
% Special education 8.20 (9.51) 11.25 (22.22) F(1, 38) ⫽ 0.32, p ⫽ .58, d ⫽ 0.18
% Free/Reduced lunch 82.00 (12.04), N ⫽ 17 63.41 (28.58), N ⫽ 17 t(21.50) ⫽ 2.47, p ⫽ .02, d ⫽ 0.85
% White 15.35 (23.10) 30.40 (30.74) t(35.27) ⫽ ⫺1.75, p ⫽ .09, d ⫽ 0.55
% Hispanic 59.70 (30.98) 35.25 (31.76) F(1, 38) ⫽ 6.07, p ⫽ .02, d ⫽ 0.78
% Black 20.65 (21.20) 20.30 (23.73) F(1, 38) ⫽ 0.002, p ⫽ .96, d ⫽ 0.20
% Asian 2.75 (5.83) 10.65 (15.87) t(24.04) ⫽ 2.09, p ⫽ .047, d ⫽ 0.66
% Other race 1.81 (3.33) 3.46 (5.71) F(1, 38) ⫽ 1.25, p ⫽ .27, d ⫽ 0.35
Note. N ⫽ 20 unless stated otherwise. BAM ⫽ Balanced Assessment in Mathematics (growth in conceptual knowledge); MQI ⫽ Mathematical Quality
of Instruction. If the Levene’s test of homogeneity of variance was violated, we used a corrected t test.

Coding Protocol Overall Metacognitive Support

We developed our coding protocol based on constructs identi- The overall support of metacognition in teacher talk was rela-
fied in both laboratory and classroom research (Dignath et al., tively small and represented on average 6.82% of total teacher talk
2008; Schraw, 1998; Veenman & Spaans, 2005; Zepeda et al., (collapsed across class type and instructional activity). On average,
2015). For each instance of teacher-initiated metacognitive sup- teachers made approximately 44 metacognitive statements per
port, we coded for four features: the type of knowledge (personal, class out of an average of 644.25 total statements. To give a sense
strategy, or conditional), the type of metacognitive skill (planning, of the variation in the percent of metacognitive talk across classes,
monitoring, or evaluating), the type of instructional manner (di- the amount of metacognitive talk ranged from 1.42% to 15.53%.
rectives, prompting, or modeling), and the type of framing (prob- Metacognitive talk also varied across the different instructional
lem specific, problem general, or domain general). Each instance activities.2 Approximately 4.68% of the total number of teacher
of metacognitive support was coded for each feature (e.g., meta- statements made during group talk supported metacognition (rang-
cognitive skill) and the codes within each feature were mutually ing from 0% to 30.23%); 18 classrooms (8 high and 10 low) did
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

exclusive. For example, the support was coded as either planning, not have group activities. Approximately 2.55% of the total num-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

monitoring, or evaluating. Each instance was assigned one type for ber of teacher statements made during individual activities sup-
all four features. We also coded for the type of instructional ported metacognition (ranging from 0% to 25%); four classrooms
classroom activity to gain a better understanding for when meta- (two high and two low) did not have individual activities. Approx-
imately 6.62% of the total number of teacher statements made
cognitive supports tend to naturally occur. These instructional
during whole-class activities supported metacognition (ranging
activities included individual work, group work, and whole-class
from 0% to 18.59%); one classroom (1 low) did not have any
instruction. These classifications were meant to capture how the
whole-class activities. Because of the absence of group activities
teachers were structuring their lesson activities. See the online
for almost half the sample, metacognitive talk during group activ-
supplemental materials for a condensed version of the protocol.
ities was excluded from further analyses. We also excluded one
Two coders independently coded the training videos. After each
classroom from the low-conceptual growth classrooms as that
training video was coded, the kappa was checked and the coders
classroom did not have any talk during individual or whole-class
discussed and resolved disagreements. Then, the coders continued
activities. Therefore, we only compared metacognitive talk that
to the next training video. On the last training video, the coders occurred during individual and whole-class activities for 19 low-
obtained a kappa of 0.7 on all four features of metacognitive and 20 high-conceptual growth classrooms.
support. One coder coded the rest of the transcripts. To prevent To examine whether metacognitive talk was supported similarly
coder drift, the second coder independently coded the data on between individual and whole-class activities, we applied effects
every sixth transcript. The coders reached adequate agreement coding to the activity type (individual ⫽ ⫺0.5, whole class ⫽ 0.5)
(k ⬎ 0.7) on those transcripts for each of the specific codes and as it yields estimates of main effects directly analogous to those
resolved any disagreements. from an ANOVA. A negative binomial multilevel model predicted
the number of metacognitive statements by the activity type with
the random intercept of classroom and the offset of the total
number of teacher statements during individual and whole-class
First, we examined the amount of metacognitive talk during the instructional activities. The model revealed that teachers provided
different instructional activities regardless of class type (i.e., high- more metacognitive talk during whole-class instructional activities
or low-conceptual growth classrooms) to determine whether the than during individual activities (see Table 3). Whole-class activ-
amount of metacognitive talk differs by instructional activity. ities were associated with an increase in the predicted count of
Then, in a second set of analyses, we examined the differences metacognitive talk by 4.75 times, holding all else constant. These
between the high- and low-conceptual growth classrooms and the results showed teachers tended to support metacognition during
types of metacognitive support. For all analyses except when whole-class activities rather than individual activities.
noted, we used a negative binomial multilevel model to reflect the The next set of analyses examined whether the high-conceptual
nature of the count data, in which the variances were larger than growth classrooms had more metacognitive talk during differ-
the means. To account for the multiple observations per classroom ent types of instructional activities. We applied effects coding
(coding for multiple aspects of talk over the course of the lesson) to the activity type (individual ⫽ ⫺0.5, whole class ⫽ 0.5) and
we included the random intercept of classroom. To control for the class type (low ⫽ ⫺0.5, high ⫽ 0.5). A negative binomial
individual differences in the amount of teacher talk across classes multilevel model with the random intercept of classroom and
we used the total number of teacher statements as an offset to treat the offset of the total number of teacher statements during
individual and whole-class instructional activities revealed that
the data as a rate (i.e., the number of metacognitive support
the high-conceptual growth classes had more metacognitive talk
statements/total number of teacher statements).1 We used the R
software package with the glmer.nb function to run all analyses
(Bates, Maechler, Bolker, & Walker, 2015). We set the alpha level 1
There were no differences between the low- and high-conceptual
at .05 and report differences for p values less than .05 and marginal growth classrooms in terms of the total number of teacher statements or
class length (Table 1).
differences for p values less than .10 (Keppel & Wickens, 2004). 2
All of the classrooms were included in the analyses such that if a class
All relevant descriptive statistics are reported in Table 2 and had 0% metacognitive talk for a given activity their score was included as
Figure 2. zero.

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics for the Counts for Each Type of Metacognitive Talk by Activity Type and Classroom Type

Low-conceptual growth High-conceptual growth

Type of talk N M Variance Min Max N M Variance Min Max

Personal 19 2.21 7.62 0 8 20 4.85 20.45 0 14

Strategy 19 1.58 5.04 0 8 20 2.70 13.69 0 14
Individual instructional activities

Conditional 19 0.95 3.50 0 7 20 1.85 5.40 0 7

Planning 19 0.95 2.16 0 5 20 0.60 0.67 0 2
Monitoring 19 2.00 8.89 0 11 20 5.15 30.13 0 17
Evaluating 19 1.79 7.95 0 10 20 3.65 15.19 0 13
Directives 19 0.47 0.60 0 3 20 1.80 3.64 0 6
Prompting 19 4.21 30.84 0 17 20 7.40 57.73 0 23
Modeling 19 0.05 0.05 0 1 20 0.20 0.17 0 1
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Problem specific 19 1.42 5.59 0 8 20 1.95 6.16 0 7

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Problem general 19 0.79 1.40 0 3 20 1.05 6.79 0 11

Domain general 19 2.53 13.04 0 12 20 6.40 36.36 0 20
All metacognitive talk 19 4.74 31.65 0 18 20 9.40 75.20 0 25
Total teacher statements 19 138.42 9734.26 0 311 20 193.40 30873.41 0 628

Personal 20 2.40 27.20 0 22 20 2.70 21.91 0 18

Strategy 20 1.80 13.33 0 13 20 3.50 90.68 0 42
Conditional 20 1.50 10.16 0 12 20 2.15 36.77 0 27
Group instructional activities

Planning 20 0.80 4.59 0 9 20 0.95 6.47 0 11

Monitoring 20 2.60 36.78 0 25 20 3.90 123.04 0 49
Evaluating 20 2.30 23.17 0 20 20 3.50 49.21 0 27
Directives 20 1.40 5.41 0 6 20 0.90 2.31 0 4
Prompting 20 4.20 71.33 0 29 20 5.95 163.84 0 55
Modeling 20 0.10 0.09 0 1 20 1.50 39.11 0 28
Problem specific 20 1.85 24.77 0 21 20 2.80 51.64 0 31
Problem general 20 0.75 2.20 0 5 20 0.35 1.29 0 5
Domain general 20 3.10 29.46 0 20 20 5.20 135.54 0 51
All metacognitive talk 20 5.70 109.59 0 34 20 8.35 391.08 0 87
Total teacher statements 20 76.35 17194.13 0 414 20 109.90 31158.31 0 594

Personal 19 13.11 67.65 2 27 20 17.50 168.16 1 58

Strategy 19 10.00 47.44 2 27 20 8.75 39.14 0 22
Whole class instructional activities

Conditional 19 7.26 80.20 0 40 20 4.55 17.31 0 14

Planning 19 6.79 56.73 0 33 20 5.45 44.58 0 27
Monitoring 19 8.63 31.02 1 20 20 8.75 85.25 0 36
Evaluating 19 14.95 157.27 2 58 20 16.60 103.20 2 40
Directives 19 3.74 22.54 0 20 20 3.70 10.96 0 14
Prompting 19 24.32 211.34 5 51 20 25.75 294.93 2 66
Modeling 19 2.32 5.78 0 8 20 1.35 4.13 0 8
Problem specific 19 9.32 48.45 0 20 20 9.00 48.84 0 24
Problem general 19 5.00 22.44 0 15 20 4.25 22.72 0 17
Domain general 19 16.05 122.83 4 42 20 17.55 119.84 2 42
All metacognitive talk 19 30.37 289.20 5 72 20 30.80 357.64 3 74
Total teacher statements 19 440.47 19525.82 182 764 20 358.90 20913.99 165 704

than the low-conceptual growth classes (see Table 4). High- tive support during individual activities, but both class types
conceptual growth classrooms were associated with an increase provided a similar amount of metacognitive talk during whole-
in the predicted count of metacognitive talk by 1.48 times, class activities.
holding all else constant. The model also revealed that teachers
across both classrooms provided more metacognitive talk dur-
Types of Metacognitive Supports
ing whole-class than individual activities (Exp(B) ⫽ 5.06, p ⬍
.001). There was also a marginal interaction between the class To evaluate whether the high- and low-conceptual growth class-
type and the activity type (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.53, p ⫽ .06). These rooms engaged in different types of metacognitive talk, we used
results showed that although there were two main effects of one multilevel model per metacognitive feature for a total of four
class type (i.e., more metacognitive statements for high- vs. models. We also included an additional random intercept for
low-conceptual growth classrooms) and instructional activity activity type in each of the models to account for the two instruc-
(i.e., more metacognitive statements for whole-class vs. indi- tional activities. The analyses examined the repeated outcomes of
vidual activities), there was a marginal interaction in which the metacognitive talk by class type, metacognitive types within the
high-conceptual growth classrooms provided more metacogni- feature, and their interaction while including the random intercepts

of classroom and activity type, and offsetting for the total number Table 3
of teacher statements made during individual and whole-class Output for Mixed Negative Binomial Model of Activity Type on
activities. We applied effects coding to class type (low ⫽ ⫺0.5, Counts of Metacognitive Support
high ⫽ 0.5) and dummy coding to each metacognitive feature to
examine whether the class types differed in their use of each type Variable Estimate SE z value Exp(B) 95% CI p value
of metacognitive support as well as whether one type of metacog- Intercept ⫺3.65 0.09 ⫺41.48 0.03 [0.02, 0.03] ⬍.001
nitive support occurred more than another type regardless of class Individual Ref.
type. Whole class 1.56 0.18 8.86 4.75 [3.36, 6.70] ⬍.001
Metacognitive knowledge. Teacher talk was coded for the Note. The second column gives raw coefficients for each predictor,
three types of metacognitive knowledge: personal, strategy, and which are in logit form. The fifth column transforms the coefficients into
conditional. A negative binomial multilevel model predicted incident rate ratios, and the confidence intervals are based on the fifth
the number of metacognitive statements by the type of metacog- column. Ref. ⫽ reference category. AIC ⫽ 569.9, Loglik ⫽ ⫺280.9, df
resid ⫽ 74. Seventy-eight observations with 39 classrooms and two types
nitive knowledge, class type, and the interaction of those terms. of instructional activities.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

The model revealed a difference between the two class types in the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

number of personal statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 1.77, p ⫽ .01) in which

the high-conceptual growth class provided more personal knowl- classes had more monitoring (Exp(B) ⫽ 2.35, p ⫽ .01) and
edge statements than the low-conceptual growth classrooms (see evaluating statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 1.94, p ⫽ .04) than the low-
Table 5). There was no interaction between class type and conceptual growth classes. Both class types had more monitoring
strategy knowledge revealing that two classes supported strat- (Exp(B) ⫽ 2.26, p ⬍ .001) and evaluating statements (Exp(B) ⫽
egy knowledge similarly (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.63, p ⫽ .10). However, 2.91, p ⬍ .001) than planning statements.
there was a marginal interaction between class type and condi- Metacognitive manner. Teacher talk was coded for the three
tional knowledge revealing that the low-conceptual growth types of metacognitive manners: directives, prompts, and models.
supported more conditional knowledge than the high- For prompting, a normal distribution emerged for the whole-class
conceptual growth classrooms (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.59, p ⫽ .07). Both activities (High: Shapiro-Wilks ⫽ .91, df ⫽ 19, p ⫽ .07; Low:
class types had more personal knowledge statements than strat- Shapiro-Wilks ⫽ .91, df ⫽ 18, p ⫽ .08), preventing us from
egy knowledge (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.63, p ⫽ .001) and conditional analyzing it further with the use of a negative binomial model.
knowledge statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.39, p ⬍ .001). Given the normality of prompting for the class types for the
Metacognitive skills. Teacher talk was coded for the three whole-class activities, we chose to use a one-way ANOVA. To
types of metacognitive skills: planning, monitoring, evaluating. A control for the number of teacher statements in a given classroom,
negative binomial multilevel model predicted the number of meta- we divided the number of prompting statements by the total
cognitive statements by the type of metacognitive skill, class type, number of teacher statements, which yielded the proportion of
and the interaction of those terms. The model did not reveal a prompting statements per teacher talk. Results revealed that there
difference between the two class types in the number of planning was no difference in the proportion of prompting statements, F(1,
statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.76, p ⫽ .31; see Table 6). The model did 37) ⫽ 0.35, p ⫽ .56, d ⫽ .33, between the high- (M ⫽ .04, SD ⫽
reveal two interactions in which the high-conceptual growth .03) and low-conceptual growth classrooms (M ⫽ .05, SD ⫽ .03).



Average Percent of Teacher Talk








Problem General

Domain General

Problem Specific

Metacognitive Metacognitive Skill Instructional Manner Frame

Low-Conceptual Growth High-Conceptual Growth

Figure 2. Summary of results with the average percent of metacognitive talk across the different four features
of metacognitive support. The percentages were calculated by taking the counts and dividing by the number of
statements for each class, and then taking the average of those percentages.

Table 4
Output for Mixed Negative Binomial Model of Class Type and Activity Type on Counts of
Metacognitive Support

Variable Estimate SE z value Exp(B) 95% CI p value

Intercept ⫺3.68 0.08 ⫺43.68 0.03 [0.02, 0.03] ⬍.001

Low-conceptual growth Ref.
High-conceptual growth 0.39 0.17 2.31 1.48 [1.06, 2.06] .02
Individual Ref.
Whole class 1.62 0.17 9.62 5.06 [3.64, 7.04] ⬍.001
High-conceptual growth: Whole class ⫺0.64 0.34 ⫺1.91 0.53 [0.27, 1.02] .06
Note. The second column gives raw coefficients for each predictor, which are in logit form. The fifth column
transforms the coefficients into incident rate ratios, and the confidence intervals are based on the fifth column.
Ref. ⫽ reference category. AIC ⫽ 566.3 Loglik ⫽ ⫺277.1, df resid ⫽ 72. Seventy-eight observations with 39
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

classrooms and two types of instructional activities.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

For the prompting that occurred during individual activities, we eral, and domain general. A negative binomial regression predicted
used a Mann–Whitney U test to evaluate whether the two classes the number of metacognitive supports by the type of metacognitive
differed in the proportion they supported prompting. There was a framing, class type, and the interaction of those terms. The model
marginal difference between the two class types in which there revealed that there was a difference between the two class types in
were more supports in the high-conceptual growth classrooms the number of domain-general statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 1.81, p ⫽
(Mdn ⫽ .008) than the low-conceptual growth classrooms during .01) in which the high-conceptual growth class provided more
individual activities (Mdn ⫽ .004, U ⫽ 128, p ⫽ .08). The domain-general statements than the low-conceptual growth class-
majority of the instructional manners consisted of prompting. rooms (see Table 8). There was also an interaction between the
Collapsed across activity type, prompting was 81.26% of the total class types and problem-general statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.51, p ⫽
amount of metacognitive talk for the low-conceptual growth .04) in which the low-conceptual growth classrooms provided
classes and 82.46% for the high-conceptual growth classes. more problem-general statements than the high-conceptual growth
For the other two manners, we proceeded with a negative classrooms. There was no interaction between the two class types
binomial regression predicting the number of metacognitive state- in the number of problem-specific statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.61, p ⫽
ments by the type of metacognitive manner (directives and mod- .10). Both classes types had more domain-general than problem-
eling), class type, and the interaction of those terms. The model specific (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.46, p ⬍ .001) and problem-general state-
revealed a difference between the two class types in the number of ments (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.24, p ⬍ .001).
directive statements (Exp(B) ⫽ 1.82, p ⫽ .04) in which the
high-conceptual growth classrooms provided more directive state-
ments than the low-conceptual growth classrooms (see Table 7).
The model also revealed a marginal interaction in which the We examined whether teachers used metacognitive supports in
high-conceptual growth classes had fewer modeling statements their classroom talk and whether these supports were related to
than the low-conceptual growth classes (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.42, p ⫽ .05). conceptual growth in math learning. We focused on the situative
Both class types supported more directives than modeling state- level of analysis in which we examined teacher talk as an indicator
ments (Exp(B) ⫽ 0.35, p ⬍ .001). of emergent interactions that were embedded in the classroom
Metacognitive framing. Teacher talk was coded for the three context. Overall, teachers in high-conceptual growth classes made
types of metacognitive framings: problem specific, problem gen- more metacognitive statements than teachers in low-conceptual

Table 5
Output for Mixed Negative Binomial Model of Class Type and Metacognitive Knowledge Type
on Counts of Metacognitive Support

Variable Estimate SE z value Exp(B) 95% CI p value

Intercept ⫺4.45 0.57 ⫺7.78 0.01 [0.004, 0.04] ⬍.001

Low-conceptual growth Ref.
High-conceptual growth 0.57 0.23 2.51 1.77 [1.13, 2.77] .01
Personal Ref.
Strategy ⫺0.47 0.14 ⫺3.29 0.63 [0.47, 0.83] .001
Conditional ⫺0.94 0.15 ⫺6.36 0.39 [0.29, 0.52] ⬍.001
High-conceptual growth: Strategy ⫺0.46 0.28 ⫺1.63 0.63 [0.36, 1.10] .10
High-conceptual growth: Conditional ⫺0.54 0.30 ⫺1.81 0.59 [0.33, 1.05] .07
Note. The second column gives raw coefficients for each predictor, which are in logit form. The fifth column
transforms the coefficients into incident rate ratios, and the confidence intervals are based on the fifth column.
Ref. ⫽ reference category. AIC ⫽ 1224.9, Loglik ⫽ ⫺603.4, df resid ⫽ 225. Two hundred thirty-four
observations with 39 classrooms and two types of instructional activities.

Table 6
Output for Mixed Negative Binomial Model of Class Type and Metacognitive Skill Type on
Counts of Metacognitive Support

Variable Estimate SE z value Exp(B) 95% CI p value

Intercept ⫺5.57 0.60 ⫺9.28 0.004 [.001, 0.01] ⬍.001

Low-conceptual growth Ref.
High-conceptual growth ⫺0.28 0.27 ⫺1.01 0.76 [0.45, 1.29] .31
Planning Ref.
Monitoring 0.81 0.17 4.81 2.26 [1.62, 3.14] ⬍.001
Evaluating 1.07 0.16 6.51 2.91 [2.11, 4.01] ⬍.001
High-conceptual growth: Monitoring 0.86 0.33 2.56 2.35 [1.22, 4.54] .01
High-conceptual growth: Evaluating 0.66 0.33 2.03 1.94 [1.02, 3.67] .04
Note. The second column gives raw coefficients for each predictor, which are in logit form. The fifth column
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

transforms the coefficients into incident rate ratios, and the confidence intervals are based on the fifth column.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Ref. ⫽ reference category. AIC ⫽ 1223.6, Loglik ⫽ ⫺602.8, df resid ⫽ 225. Two hundred thirty-four
observations with 39 classrooms and two types of instructional activities.

growth classes. When examining the specific types of supports, Metacognitive Support and Conceptual Growth
teachers in the high-conceptual growth classrooms made more
personal knowledge, monitoring, evaluating, directive, and As expected, teachers from high-conceptual growth classrooms
domain-general supports than teachers in the low-conceptual engaged in more metacognitive talk than teachers in low-
growth classrooms. In contrast, teachers in the low-conceptual conceptual growth classrooms. These observations are consistent
growth classrooms made more problem-general statements and with metacognitive and self-regulated learning theories (e.g.,
marginally more modeling and conditional knowledge statements Schraw, 1998; Zimmerman & Campillo, 2003) and a large body of
than teachers in high-conceptual growth classrooms. Below we research showing that metacognitive interventions result in many
discuss these observations and their implications for bridging the cognitive and educational benefits (e.g., Dignath & Büttner, 2008;
gap between theory and practice. We conclude with the limitations Dignath et al., 2008; Hattie et al., 1996). The current work extends
of this study and directions for future work. prior empirical work by showing that naturally occurring meta-
cognitive talk is also associated with conceptual learning out-
comes. Next, we discuss which types of metacognitive supports
Overall Metacognitive Support
were present in teacher talk and whether certain types of metacog-
Teachers supported metacognition through their talk, regardless nitive support were related to conceptual growth.
of classroom type. The amount of metacognitive talk varied across Metacognitive knowledge. The metacognitive knowledge
the three different types of instructional activities. Most of the feature represented whether the supports were directed at students’
metacognitive supports occurred during whole-class activities with personal beliefs about their knowledge, strategies, or conditions
fewer supports occurring during individual activities and even for applying their knowledge and strategies. Teachers in the high-
fewer during group activities. This observation shows that these conceptual growth classrooms supported more personal knowl-
teachers were more likely to support metacognition when all the edge, but less conditional knowledge than teachers in the low-
students were engaged in an activity. This result suggests that conceptual growth classrooms. These class types did not differ in
teachers may need more help in knowing how to support meta- their support of strategy knowledge. Metacognitive support for
cognition during different kinds of instructional activities. personal knowledge encourages students to think about what they

Table 7
Output for Mixed Negative Binomial Model of Class Type and Metacognitive Manner Type on
Counts of Metacognitive Support

Variable Estimate SE z value Exp(B) 95% CI p value

Intercept ⫺5.68 0.62 ⫺9.21 0.003 [0.001, 0.01] ⬍.001

Low-conceptual growth Ref.
High-conceptual growth 0.60 0.29 2.06 1.82 [1.03, 3.23] .04
Directives Ref.
Model ⫺1.05 0.23 ⫺4.69 0.35 [0.22, 0.54] ⬍.001
High-conceptual growth: Model ⫺0.87 0.45 ⫺1.93 0.42 [0.17, 1.01] .05
Note. The second column gives raw coefficients for each predictor, which are in logit form. The fifth column
transforms the coefficients into incident rate ratios, and the confidence intervals are based on the fifth column.
Ref. ⫽ reference category. AIC ⫽ 501.7, Loglik ⫽ ⫺243.9, df resid ⫽ 149. One hundred fifty-six observations
with 39 classrooms and two types of instructional activities.

Table 8
Output for Mixed Negative Binomial Model of Class Type and Metacognitive Frame Type on
Counts of Metacognitive Support

Variable Estimate SE z value Exp(B) 95% CI p value

Intercept ⫺4.27 0.59 ⫺7.19 0.01 [0.004, 0.04] ⬍.001

Low-conceptual growth Ref.
High-conceptual growth 0.59 0.23 2.52 1.81 [1.14, 2.86] .01
Problem specific ⫺0.78 0.15 ⫺5.13 0.46 [0.34, 0.62] ⬍.001
Problem general ⫺1.42 0.16 ⫺8.73 0.24 [0.18, 0.33] ⬍.001
Domain general Ref
High-conceptual growth: Problem specific ⫺0.50 0.30 ⫺1.64 0.61 [0.34, 1.10] .10
High-conceptual growth: Problem general ⫺0.68 0.32 ⫺2.09 0.51 [0.27, 0.96] .04
Note. The second column gives raw coefficients for each predictor, which are in logit form. The fifth column
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

transforms the coefficients into incident rate ratios, and the confidence intervals are based on the fifth column.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Ref. ⫽ reference category. AIC ⫽ 1198, Loglik ⫽ ⫺590, df resid ⫽ 225. Two hundred thirty-four observations
with 39 classrooms and two types of instructional activities.

know. For example, asking students whether the lesson makes evaluating. We observed that monitoring and evaluating occurred
sense to them, prompts them to think about their understanding more in the high-conceptual growth classrooms than the low-
generally and does not specify whether students should recall a conceptual growth classrooms. These observations are consistent
particular kind of mathematics knowledge. In contrast, the strategy with a meta-analysis of prior intervention work by Dignath et al.
and conditional supports are tailored more to particular mathemat- (2008). Dignath and colleagues showed that there were larger
ics steps and procedures or the reasons for applying one’s knowl- effects on learning outcomes for interventions targeting monitor-
edge in a certain situation. Additionally, because conditional ing (d ⫽ 1.16) and evaluating (d ⫽ 1.16) compared with planning
knowledge elaborates on personal and strategy knowledge (d ⫽ 0.38). Monitoring and evaluating have been theorized to help
(Schraw, 1998, 2001), students might need more support of these students effectively regulate their problem solving (Zimmerman &
types of metacognitive knowledge before building to the condi- Campillo, 2003). Students have the opportunity to learn more from
tions for which that knowledge should be applied. By providing a these experiences by catching errors or identifying better problem-
personal knowledge support, teachers may have been more suc- solving strategies, which may lead students to revise their prior
cessful in engaging their students’ in metacognitive processing knowledge. Thus, these types of supports may have a more direct
because they were more open-ended and students could respond in impact on students’ behaviors in subsequent learning experiences.
a number of productive ways. The open-ended nature of the Regardless of classroom type, teachers provided more support
supports might have also made the students feel more welcome to for monitoring and evaluating than planning. Teachers may find
share their thinking about the mathematics, resulting in construc-
monitoring or evaluating easier to support than planning or per-
tive conversations.
haps these supports more effectively help them achieve their
Personal knowledge supports might also serve to alleviate some
instructional goals (e.g., to correct and go over solutions). Another
anxiety students have about mathematics or taking a test. Some
explanation for this result is that teachers might find planning to be
prior work supports this idea as more personal knowledge has been
less effective when they do support it. This interpretation is con-
shown to limit the amount of worry or doubt students have about
sistent with the findings from Dignath et al. (2008) in which
what they know (Matthews, Hillyard, & Campbell, 1999). Related
interventions targeting planning were not as effective as those
work has shown that students who received metacognitive ques-
tions showed a reduction in their mathematics anxiety compared targeting monitoring and evaluating.
with students in a control condition (Kramarski et al., 2010). Thus, Though much prior work has shown that planning is a key
personal knowledge supports might have been a more effective metacognitive skill, this skill may be particularly hard to support in
tool to engage students in conceptual discussions and thinking. It mathematics instruction because it may require high levels of prior
is also possible the students in the high-conceptual growth class- knowledge. Planning skills in mathematics depend on having
rooms engaged their teachers in ways that triggered more supports conditional knowledge (to know when and where to apply a given
for personal knowledge than the students in the low-conceptual formula) which might also be difficult for students. There might
classrooms. also be poor alignment to this support and the curriculum if
Regardless of classroom type, personal knowledge occurred planning is not valued as a critical problem-solving skill and not
more than strategy and conditional knowledge. This observation assessed during instruction. Monitoring and evaluating may align
suggests that strategy and conditional knowledge may be more better to instruction that assesses calculations and strategy imple-
difficult to support and may take additional explanations from the mentation particularly when there is a strong focus on using the
teacher to be effective. If students have difficulty in responding to correct procedures and generating the correct answers. Monitoring
strategy and conditional knowledge supports, then teachers may be and evaluating also provides opportunities for students to engage
less apt to use them in their classrooms. in other constructive processing such as the use of self-
Metacognitive skills. The metacognitive skill feature as- explanation, which has been shown to be a powerful learning
sessed whether the supports focused on planning, monitoring, or activity (Chi, 2009; Koedinger, Booth, & Klahr, 2013).

Metacognitive manner. The instructional manner captured constructive problem solving. The level of abstraction of each
whether a metacognitive support involved a directive, prompt, or frame might also have implications for how these frames are
model. There was only a difference between the two class types on processed. Problem-specific frames focus on the concrete problem,
the average amount of prompting during individual activities in problem-general frames take more abstraction, and on the other
which the high-conceptual growth classrooms used more prompt- end of the continuum, domain-general frames do not have the
ing supports than the low-conceptual growth classrooms. Prompt- constraints of the learning content and are not specific to any one
ing was also the most commonly used instructional manner. This problem type. In the middle, problem-general frames require ab-
observation suggests that metacognition might be more easily straction from the concrete problem and specification to a category
supported through the use of questioning than directives or mod- of problems. Thus, problem-general frames likely require some
eling. Prior work has shown that prompts can provide powerful additional cognitive work to describe the intermediary level of
learning opportunities and are a common method to engage con- abstraction.
structive cognitive activity (e.g., Lin & Lehman, 1999). It might Regardless of classroom type, teachers used domain-general
also be easier to incorporate prompts into typical classroom prac- supports more than problem-specific and problem-general frames.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tices such as the Initiate-Response-Evaluation (IRE) and Initiate- This observation suggests that these frames may be more easily
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Response-Feedback (IRF; Sinclair & Coulthard, 1975) models of applied. Because they are generally framed, teachers do not have
instruction which are often embedded in teacher training programs. to think about whether the support fits the particular math content
Teachers in the high-conceptual growth classrooms provided of the activity. Instead, teachers can focus on the timing of the
more directives than the low-conceptual growth classrooms and support and whether that support may help facilitate productive
teachers in the low-conceptual growth classrooms provided more thinking and problem solving. These supports might also be more
modeling statements than teachers in the high-conceptual growth likely to be used by students in future problem-solving activities as
classrooms. These results suggest that more explicit manners such they are readily adaptable to different contexts. Using a successful
as directives and prompts may encourage students to engage in problem-general or problem-specific support might take more
metacognition more easily than modeling. Given the past work that teacher effort and forethought whereas domain-general supports
has examined the benefits of modeling on learning (e.g., Renkl, might be derived more naturally from the situations that arise in a
2014) it is unclear why this association is in the opposite direction. classroom.
One possibility is that students may have falsely thought they
understood the modeled processes and problems (due to the flu-
Bridging Metacognitive Research to Teaching Practice
ency and ease of listening to the teacher description) and did not
engage in further thinking about those problems/concepts. Another This observational analysis provides exciting new directions to
possibility is that the modeled process may have been too complex, further explore the relation between metacognitive teacher talk and
difficult, or unclear in what it was meant to illustrate and therefore learning outcomes. Would an intervention based on the observed
it was associated with less learning. Future work should further metacognitive supports promote conceptual learning in the class-
investigate the conditions under which modeling can help or room? The current work provides a metacognitive framework and
hinder learning. concrete examples of what these supports look like. This frame-
Regardless of class type, directives occurred more than model- work brings the naturally occurring teacher actions and talk in
ing. This observation is consistent with results from other studies much closer alignment with the theoretical concepts and opera-
showing that teachers rarely use labels or describe the function or tional definitions of metacognition pursued in laboratory and in-
application of the metacognitive supports they provide (e.g., Coff- tervention research. Talk-based interventions that are anchored in
man et al., 2008; Kistner et al., 2010; Moely et al., 1992). A the observational discourse of teachers may be more easily codi-
potential explanation for this result is that directing students to fied and adopted into teacher practice than those metacognitive
engage in metacognition might be easier for teachers to support interventions derived from abstract theoretical definitions.
than modeling their own metacognitions while problem solving. As we mentioned in the introduction, many factors can affect the
Metacognitive framing. The last feature of interest was the type of talk that teachers engage in, including the tasks and
framing of the metacognitive support which consisted of problem- activities, student knowledge, questions, and engagement. We do
specific, problem-general, or domain-general frames. The high- not know the causal direction of these types of metacognitive
conceptual growth classrooms made more domain-general state- support. The talk might facilitate metacognitive processing as
ments than the low-conceptual growth classrooms which is hypothesized in the previous sections. However, it is also possible
consistent with the expansive framing view (Engle et al., 2011, that some other aspect of the classroom environment is driving
2012). However, the low-conceptual growth classrooms made both the learning gains as well as the type of talk that teachers use.
more problem-general statements than the high conceptual-growth It is also possible that the metacognitive support is causally driving
classrooms. It might be the case that in these classrooms the the learning outcomes but for a different reason than engaging
narrower frames (problem specific and problem general) led to a students in metacognitive processing. For example, it could be that
mixture of positive and negative transfer outcomes. For example, by providing opportunities to engage in metacognitive activities,
if students did not know the specific answer to a question they may teachers are also demonstrating that they value their students’
not engage in further reflection or problem solving and instead thoughts and learning (Turner & Patrick, 2004). In turn, perhaps
passively wait to hear the answer. In contrast, the expansive frames students are more motivated to learn.
(domain general) are more open-ended and may invite a wide This work suggests that there might be benefits to conceptual
variety of potential answers and connections to prior activities. learning when teachers support metacognition, particularly those
Thus, these frames may engage students in more reflection and supports that focus on personal knowledge, monitoring, evaluat-

ing, directive manners, and domain-general frames. This work also be different for college students, not only in the way that they are
revealed that teachers tended to support some types of metacog- used by the students, but also in the ways that they are supported
nition more than others, which is important as it provides a by the instructor as there are fewer opportunities for student–
baseline for which types of supports teachers might be more apt or teacher interactions in large lecture courses. Future research should
more comfortable enacting. When discussing metacognition with examine whether and how metacognitive support differs depend-
teachers and providing examples and scaffolds it might be helpful ing the age of the students.
to emphasize the factors that are not often supported such as Future work could also examine whether these findings gener-
planning. Although there is work demonstrating that these supports alize to different contexts and topics. We chose to examine the
are critical components to learning and problem-solving (e.g., relations of metacognitive support in mathematics classrooms on a
Schoenfeld, 1992; Zimmerman & Campillo, 2003), the current conceptual assessment because metacognition is thought to benefit
results suggest that teachers rarely use them, paving the way for both mathematics instruction and conceptual learning. Future work
teacher education programs to rethink how they support metacog- should examine these supports in other contexts, because different
nition in the classroom. relations might emerge. For instance, Grammer et al., (2016) found
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

In fact, across all of the instructional activities some types of fewer instances of cognitive-processing language in language arts
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

metacognitive supports were rarely present such as teacher- classrooms than in mathematics classrooms.
supported conditional knowledge, planning, directives, modeling, One novel aspect of this work was the use of a situative
and problem-general frames. This observation provides an oppor- perspective when examining metacognition and learning outcomes
tunity in which metacognitive interventions could help facilitate a in which the unit of analysis represented the classroom level.
new, not currently observed, behavior in the classroom. For ex- Instead of assessing student learning at the individual level, we
ample, the lack of support for conditional knowledge and planning used a class-level measurement of value-added scores that ac-
suggests that interventions or scaffolding to support their use and counted for the demographic and prior performance information at
development might be particularly powerful because teachers are the classroom level. We also examined teacher talk as a co-
not naturally engaging in these behaviors, at least in the current constructed aspect of the discourse, which reflects the interactions
sample. that took place in the classrooms. Classrooms are dynamic and
Some prior work has shown that talk-based interventions such complex systems, consisting of multiple individuals interacting
as Accountable Talk can have a large impact on learning and and engaging in learning activities. To understand the learning that
transfer outcomes (Resnick, Michaels, & O’Connor, 2010). emerges from these complex systems, it will likely require analysis
Teacher talk is thought to be a particularly powerful tool because
at multiple levels of the system, including both the individual as
it can be applied to many different types of curricula and activities.
well as the group levels. Future work should include more of these
However, future work needs to further unpack the instructional fit
group-level measures of learning and performance. This inclusion
between the talk supports, instructional activities, student knowl-
would allow researchers to capture what is happening in the
edge, and teacher goals (e.g., Nokes, Hausmann, VanLehn, &
classroom from a situative perspective and provide additional
Gershman, 2011). Which configurations of these factors leads to
affordances to complement individual measures.
the most optimal learning outcomes?

Limitations and Future Directions References

We view this work as taking a first step in assessing the types of Aleven, V. A. W. M. M., & Koedinger, K. R. (2002). An effective
metacognitive talk teachers naturally use and the relation of this metacognitive strategy: Learning by doing and explaining with a
computer-based Cognitive Tutor. Cognitive Science, 26, 147–179. http://
talk to class learning outcomes. Although there are many benefits
of our approach, one limitation of the current study is that the
Artz, A. F., & Armour-Thomas, E. (1992). Development of a cognitive-
analytical approach evaluated the correlational patterns within the metacognitive framework for protocol analysis of mathematical problem
data. To see whether there is a causal relation between metacog- solving in small groups. Cognition and Instruction, 9, 137–175. http://
nitive talk and conceptual growth, these relations should be dx.doi.org/10.1207/s1532690xci0902_3
brought back into the laboratory and/or evaluated with intervention Azevedo, R., & Cromley, J. G. (2004). Does training on self-regulated
studies. Developing successful educational interventions and in- learning facilitate students’ learning with hypermedia? Journal of Edu-
struction that can be broadly disseminated and widely effective cational Psychology, 96, 523–535. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-0663
will require multiple iterations of observation and testing between .96.3.523
classroom and laboratory contexts. Azevedo, R., Moos, D. C., Greene, J. A., Winters, F. I., & Cromley, J. G.
Another limitation is that each classroom was assessed based on (2008). Why is externally-facilitated regulated learning more effective
one 30- to 90-min video. Future work could examine and compare than self-regulated learning with hypermedia? Educational Technology
Research and Development, 56, 45–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/
the metacognitive supports at different time points throughout the
year. This approach would provide a better understanding of how
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