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Winter Break Holiday Homework 2023-24 CLASS IX


Section-A (Reading)
1. Read the passage given below.
Today, some type of animals are an endangered species. This means there are very few animals of that
kind left on Earth. The animals could face extinction. Extinction is when all the animals of that kind
die. When a type of animal is extinct, it is gone forever.

One problem for animals is that their habitat is sometimes destroyed by humans. As human
populations increase, more and more space is needed for people. Building areas for people to live
pushed animals out of their natural homes. Forest and swamp habitats are the most threatened. Trees
are cut down to make room for homes and businesses. Swamps are filled in so that neighbourhoods
can expand. The habitat is destroyed. The animals have nowhere else to go. Without a habitat, the
number of animals begins to go down.

Humans must prevent the extinction of animals due to the loss of their habitat. We have to become
more aware of animal populations when considering building and expansion projects. Other options
may not be as convenient, but the survival of the animals needs to be taken into consideration. Better
planning and an awareness of how human actions affect animals can make a difference. It is still
possible to maintain a diverse animal population for future generations to enjoy.

Another major cause of endangerment of animals is overhunting by humans. The practice of shooting
animals as a sport can quickly bring the animals to extinction. This is a worldwide problem. The
governments of countries around the world must unite to agree on laws regarding animals. Some
animals may have large enough populations so hunting will not endanger them. Others must be

There is still hope for animals that are already on the endangered species list. Some organizations are
working hard to recreate habitats for them. Breeding programs are helping animal populations
increase. We all have to be aware and think before we act. The things we do can affect more than just

Answer the following questions based on the reading passage.

1) What would be the result if worldwide laws were passed to protect animal habitats?
2) Give an example of something that can be done to help keep endangered animals from becoming
3) What statement supports the idea that the author believes animals need to be protected?
4) Based on the article, what does extinction mean?
5) What is one way that humans affect animal populations?

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers
from given options.

If your credit card is more of a functional accessory while you shop or entertain in your own town,
you will want a higher credit limit. Here, foreign and private banks will give you a higher limit. But if
you are a value-for-money person who likes the convenience offered by card, but will alternate
between paying by cash and card, you could consider credit cards offered by public sector banks.
Their entry fees are typically lower. Moreover, if you need them, you get longer periods and lower
credit charges. But you may not get a very high credit limit.
Many of us nowadays carry more than one card, and the circumstances, you could them to segregate
your expenses. For example, if your employer reimburses you for certain travel and entertainment
expenses. It would be a good idea to charge all official expenses to one card and all personal expenses
to the other card. This will help you account for all official expenses easily.
It’s all very well to be a member of the plastic age. Like all good things in life, a credit card privilege
has to be enjoyed.

1. You can get a higher credit limit. Here, foreign and private banks will give you a higher limit
(a) from foreign banks (b) from foreign and private banks
(c) From private banks (d) from nationalized banks

2. Public sector banks offer

(a) Lower entry fees (b) longer credit periods
(c) Lower entry fees and longer credit periods (d) higher entry fees and longer credit
3. You must segregate your expenses
(a) If you have only one card (b) If you have two card
(c) If you have more than one credits card (d) If you have no credit card

4.’ plastic ages’ means

(a) Age of plastic goods (b) age of plastic passbooks
(c) Age of plastic accounts (d) age of plastic debits cards

5. ‘Segregate’ means
(a) join (b keep in
(c) keep along (d) separate

Section-B Writing & Grammar

Q.3. The following dialogue between the student and the teacher is incomplete. Complete the
dialogue in any suitable way. Teacher: Why are you late to school?
Student: I got up late.

The Inter-school Debate Competition which was to be held in your school
on Monday, 28 July 20XX has been postponed by a fortnight due to certain
unavoidable reasons. Write a Notice for the school Notice board informing
participants about the change and any other necessary information in not
more than 50 words. Put the Notice in a box.
Q.4. The following passage have not been edited. There is an error in each line underline the error and
write the correct word at the end of each line.
Error Correction
a)There are some people that are afraid eg. that who
b)of failures and sometimes they are afraid to a._____ _____
c) themselves that they avoid take any b. ____ _____
d) risk for committing a mistake and taking c. --------- --------
e) a wrong step. They totally abstain entirely for d. ------ -------
f) some attempt and endeavour. e. ----- --------

Q.5. Choose the correct answer(ANY 2) from the given options.

a. If I were a king, I______ you rich.

i. Would make ii. Will make iii. Make iv. Made

b. He said that he _________ come soon.

i. Will ii. Should iii. Can iv. Shall

c. The children had slept, before I ____________ home.

i. Had reached ii. Reached iii. have reached iv. Shall reach


Q3. Read the given lines and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct option.

a) All the world’s a stage

And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

1. And one man in his time plays many parts……

Replace the underlined word with the correct option which has the same meaning as used in the given
A. scenes
B. roles
C. jobs.
D. tasks.
2. The word ‘merely’ reveals that the poet regards/views human life as ________.
A. impressive
B. inconsequential
C. magnificent
D. uninspiring
3. Pick the option that does not match with the poetic device used in the phrase ‘All the world’s a
A. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
B. The lightning was fireworks in the sky.
C. Heavy is the heart that wears the crown.
D. The movie was a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Answer the following questions.

1.Why was it necessary to keep Harold’s father’s profession a secret from him?
2. Which was the latest book that you read?
3. Why Does Jeanne want to buy a villa?
4. Write a biography on William Shakespeare?
5 Why does a persome feel that the people pretended to be sick?

Answer in detail
1. Evaluate the roles of Persome and the 12 years old Sudha Murthy ( from how I talk my grand
mother to read ) in the light of the given quote. “I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives
life its deepest significance.” ----- Pablo Casals

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