Light, Delayed: The Shapiro Effect and The Newtonian Limit

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Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 1 Jena 2019

Light, delayed: The Shapiro Effect and the Newtonian Limit

Markus Pössel, Haus der Astronomie and Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

The Shapiro effect, also known as the gravitational time delay, is close kin to the gravitational
deflection of light that was the central topic of our Summer School.1 It is also an interesting test
bed for exploring a topic that provides the foundations for most of the calculations we have done
in this school, yet is highly complex when treated more rigorously: the question of the Newtonian
limit, and of the post-Newtonian corrections that must be applied to include the leading-order
effects of general relativity. This contribution discusses simplified derivations for the gravitational
redshift and the Shapiro effect, as well as astrophysical situations in which the Shapiro effect can
be measured.
arXiv:2110.07016v1 [gr-qc] 13 Oct 2021

1 Introduction training: the gravitational deflection of light

near massive bodies, correctly predicted by Ein-
Physical theories stand and fall with having stein in 1915, and first confirmed during a
their predictions tested and confirmed. For solar eclipse in 1919, which led to a substantial
Einstein’s theory of general relativity, there widening of the acceptance of general relativ-
are four so-called classical tests: four distinct ity, and made Einstein famous — and which is
physical effects that are amenable to observa- the subject of several other contributions in this
tional or experimental examination. From a volume.
modern point of view, it could be argued that The third classical test was Einstein’s pre-
gravitational waves, first predicted in 1916 and diction of the gravitational redshift, as early as
first detected directly in late 2015 constitute 1907, eight years before he had found the fi-
an additional test, but somehow, gravitational nal form for general relativity— the change of
waves are not usually counted in that category the wavelength of light as the light falls down
— probably because the detections themselves into, or climbs out of, a gravitational well. As
are always also astronomical observations, and several authors have pointed out, this is not,
never merely tests of a specific physical effect. strictly speaking, a test of general relativity as
The first classical test was, at least in its ori- such, but of the Einstein equivalence principle,
ginal incarnation, not so much a prediction as one of the basic assumptions on which general
a postdiction: The anomalous precession of the relativity is built. On the plus side, this makes
planet Mercury — a minute divergence of the it straightforward to derive the formula for the
planet’s orbit from the Newtonian prediction gravitational redshift from the equivalence prin-
— had been observed as early as 1859. Ein- ciple, even in a high school setting. We will
stein made use of this anomaly when he for- reproduce one such argument in section 2. Ex-
mulated his theory of gravitation, using the perimentally, the redshift was only confirmed
successful derivation of the anomalous preces- only as late as 1960, with the Pound-Rebka ex-
sion as a touchstone to identify the correct field periment.
equations among several competing candidate The fourth test, the gravitational time delay,
theories. Much later, observations involving is different. It was proposed much later than
binary pulsars would successfully test general- the first three tests, namely in the early 1960s,
relativistic predictions of anomalous precession by Irwin I. Shapiro, and confirmed a few years
in a significantly stronger gravitational field. later. The context suggests an interesting ex-
Another classical test is the prediction (and ample for the interaction between basic physics
confirmation) that is the focus of our teacher and technology. After all, for ordinary astro-
This text has been published in K.-H. Lotze & Silvia Simionato (eds.), Proceedings of the Heraeus Summer School
“Astronomy from 4 Perspectives: Thinking Gravitational Lensing for Teaching” (Jena, 2–7 Sep 2019), pp. 42–54.
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 2 Jena 2019

nomical observations, propagation times are ir- small spacetime region, namely special relativ-
relevant — we do not know exactly when a par- ity. By the Einstein equivalence principle, if
ticular photon was emitted, hence can deduce we go into free fall, the only gravitational in-
little from its arrival time. But Shapiro worked fluence that remains are tidal forces. Within a
in the new field of radar astronomy, and radar sufficiently small spacetime region, tidal forces
works by sending electromagnetic waves out, re- can be ignored, and the laws of physics can
ceiving reflected portions of that light, and tim- be approximated by the laws of special relativ-
ing the travel time to deduce the distance of the ity. Within a suitably small laboratory, over a
reflecting object. In that context, propagation suitably small period of time allocated for ex-
times and possible time delays become observ- perimentation, we cannot distinguish between
able. By Shapiro’s own account [13], the idea the situation where the laboratory is drifting in
came to him in 1961 or 1962 after a talk given deep space, far from all major sources of grav-
by George W. Stroke (best known as one of the ity (top panel of Fig. 1) or is in free fall in a
pioneers of holography) at MIT, on measuring gravitational field (bottom panel).
the speed of light. If you send a radar signal
to a planet near superior conjunction, when the
planet, the Sun and the Earth are almost lined
up, in that order, the signal will pass close to
the Sun; by measuring echo times, you can at
least determine the total travel time of the sig-
nal, there and back again.

2 Limits of general relativity

Shapiro’s eventual calculations made use of a

weak-gravity approximation of Einstein’s the-
ory. This ties in with the more general question
of limiting cases of general relativity — a topic
that is relevant for teaching general relativity
in an undergraduate or high school setting, as
One limit is that of slow motion, v  c. From
gravity-free physics, we know this as the limit
where the laws of special relativity can be ap- Figure 1: Experimenters in a small cabin, with lim-
proximated by the laws of classical mechanics. ited time for their experiments, cannot
When gravity comes into play, then for con- distinguish whether their cabin is in vir-
sistency, we need to avoid situations in which tually gravity-free deep space or in free
objects are accelerated gravitationally to high fall in a gravitational field
speeds, which means avoiding compact masses.
Given that, according to classical mechanics,
the speed reached by an object falling from in- As mentioned in the introduction, this limit-
finity onto the surface of pa spherical body with ing case can be utilized to derive the formula
mass M and radius r is 2GM/r, we can re- for the gravitational redshift, as we will do in
p this additional condition as c  v = section 3. More generally speaking, the Ein-
2GM/d for all masses M and length scales d stein equivalence principle enables us to derive
involved, or equivalently d  2GM/c2 . specific (possibly approximated) results without
Another limit is the one that we reach by go- the need for the full formalism of general relativ-
ing into free fall, and then only looking at a ity.
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 3 Jena 2019
3 Jena 2019

General relativity: G, c

Free fall, v ⌧ c,
locally d GM/c2 d GM/c2

Special relativity: c Post-Newtonian: G, c Newtonian gravity: G

[Local inertial frame] [?] [Classical frame]

Fig. 2:2:Di↵erent
Figure limits
Different of of
limits general relativity
general relativity

whether or not gravitational waves are real, of Karl-Heinz Lotze to these proceedings, on
The and
most interesting
their emission is limit, however,
described is the
by so-called p.are??↵.)?
by far A thecloser
— more such derivations:
one that goes to neither
quadrupole extreme: Where grav-
formula [3]. anWhy can wetodescribe
attempt calculatecosmological
the Shapiro models
time in an
itational But
evenare small,
so, there arebut significant,
simplified yet
derivations almost
delay purely
using Newtonian
the same way, deriving
approximations — shows the de-
where ofwerelativistic
do not want e↵ectstothat are based
restrict on some-
ourselves to that the calculations
pendence of the cosmicget thescale
timing of the
factor evolution
how linking a sort-of-post-Newtonian
situations in which v  c. This is known limit, propagation of light near a mass completely
a(t) in terms of the energy density of the uni-
as the where there is gravity,
post-Newtonian but where
regime, and ifweyou are had
also wrong, not only
verse from quantitatively
Newton’s but qualitat-
law of gravity (with minor
studying the relativistic propagation of light. ively: photons propagating as Newtonian test
hoped that it is somehow simpler to under- modifications for pressure terms) [5]? Only be-
If post-Newtonian relativity is hard, why do particles get faster as they approach the cent-
stand than
those the full theory
simplified of general
derivations work? Sure,relativ- in cause
ral mass,ofwhile
the the
Shapiro timeand delayisotropy
results of ex-
ity, yousome
would cases they are missing a factorTaking
be sorely disappointed. 2, but from the coordinate speeds of light gettingthe dy-
pansion, which allows us to calculate
this limit a suitably
Stealing therigorous
quotationway fromis quite
Will ina namics
slower of the
near the mass.
scale factor at arbitrarily
Why, then, do these small
[16], While
who in the turnbasics were worked
was stealing out by
it from Eugene scales, corresponding
approximations to arbitrarily
give a sensible result forslow
the motion
Fockweincan theask:USSRWhyand are simple sort-of-
Subrahman- deflection angle? test
of macroscopic Evidently because
particles changes
in that expanding
Newtonian models
yan Chandrasekhar in theso unreasonably
US in the 1960s, e↵ective?the in direction are encoded in the ratios
universe, corresponding to an arbitrarily of ve- good
locity components (e.g. vy /vx if we are de-
last conceptual holes were only filled inisin
The Shapiro e↵ect, as we will see, a nice
the fit of the Newtonian approximation.
example that indicates that the simplest sort- scribing light deflection in the xy plane), and
1990s [16], and the uncertainties of the early And why do we get a sensible result, off by
overall changes in propagation speed do not
of-Newtonian calculations are in fact not rep-
derivations are linked
resentative. Each directly
only works to because
the question
of ad- a constant
a↵ect such ratios.factor of two, from simple Newto-
whether or not gravitational waves
ditional, very special circumstances. are real,Takeand nian calculations
A schematic overview of of
light deflection
the di↵erent (as those
whether or not
what are their
by faremission
the mostisprominent
describedsuch by the
de- isthat
givenare presented
in Fig. in the contribution
2. Considering the above con-of Karl-
so-called quadrupole
rivations: Why can formula [3]. cosmological
we describe Heinz Lotze
siderations, we to these
might ask:proceedings, on p. ??ff.)?
Given that reason-
But models
even so, in there
an almost purely Newtonian
are simplified derivationsway, ably rigorous post-Newtonian calculations
A closer look — more precisely: an attempt are to
deriving the dependence of the
of relativistic effects that are based on somehow cosmic scale hard, and that the simplified derivations
calculate the Shapiro time delay using the same are
limited, what strategy can we trust in deriv-
linkingfactor evolution a(t) in terms limit,
a sort-of-post-Newtonian of the energy
where approximations — shows that the calculations
density of the universe from Newton’s law of ing general-relativistic e↵ects without the full
there is gravity, with studies of the relativistic get the timing of the propagation of light near
gravity (with minor modifications for pres- machinery of di↵erential geometry?
propagation of light.
sure terms) [5]? IfOnly
because of therelativ-
homo- a mass completely wrong, not only quantitat-
ity is so
geneity and isotropy of why
hard to get right, do those
expansion, whichsim-al- ively but qualitatively: photons propagating as
3 Gravitational redshift
plified lows
derivations work?theSure,
us to calculate in some
dynamics of thecases
scale Newtonian test particles get faster as they ap-
they are missing
factor a factorsmall
at arbitrarily 2, but still.correspond-
scales, Stealing proach
When it the central
comes mass, while
to statements about the Shapiro time
ing to arbitrarily slow motion
the quotation from Will in [16], who in turn of macroscopic relativistic spacetimes without employing
delay results from the coordinate speeds the of light
test particles
was stealing it from in that expanding
Eugene Wigner,universe,
we cor-
can full formalism, we are on comparatively
getting slower near the mass. Why, then, do safe
responding to an arbitrarily good fit of the ground whenever we employ
ask: Why are simple sort-of-Newtonian models these approximations givethe principle result
a sensible of for
Newtonian approximation. equivalence — for any e↵ect that can be de-
so unreasonably effective? the deflection angle? Evidently because changes
And why do we get a sensible result, o↵ scribed in an infinitesimally small spacetime
The byShapiro effect,factor
a constant as weofwilltwo,see,fromis asimple
nice in direction
region, are e↵ects
where tidal encoded in definition
are by the ratios in-of velo-
example that indicates
Newtonian thatofthe
calculations simplest
light deflection sort-
(as city components
finitesimally (e.g.
small, we needvyonly
/vx go
if we
those that calculations
are presented areininthefact not rep-
contribution ingand
fall light deflection
apply the lawsin ofthe xy plane), and overall
resentative. Each only works because of addi- changes in propagation speed do not affect such
tional, very special circumstances. Take what ratios.
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 4 Jena 2019

A schematic overview of the different limits is fects, like varying clock rates or the propagation
given in Fig. 2. Considering the above consid- of light. That is where local free-falling frames
erations, we might ask: Given that reasonably come into play: In those frames, at least loc-
rigorous post-Newtonian calculations are hard, ally, special relativity allows us to describe light
and that the simplified derivations are limited, propagation and time dilation effects. Com-
what strategy can we trust in deriving general- bining physics in those local free-falling frames
relativistic effects without the full machinery of with the global Newtonian coordinates govern-
differential geometry? ing the frames’ free fall, we obtain our results.
By construction, it is also straightforward to
3 Gravitational redshift say which element is missing in our description.
Our recipe cannot include any relativistic tidal
When it comes to statements about general- effects, that is, curvature effects. In our Newto-
relativistic spacetimes without employing the nian coordinates, space is Euclidean, and our re-
full formalism, we are on comparatively safe cipe, as we have stated it here, does not provide
ground whenever we employ the principle of corrections to that spatial geometry. That is
equivalence — for any effect that can be de- a limitation of this approximation, and when
scribed in an infinitesimally small spacetime re- comparing results obtained in this way for light
gion, where tidal effects are by definition infin- deflection and for the Shapiro time delay, the
itesimally small, we need only go into free fall discrepancy, which amounts to a factor 2 in
and apply the laws of special-relativistic phys- both cases, can indeed be traced to the neg-
ics. lected contributions of spatial curvature.
In cosmology, to give an example, this
strategy allows us to calculate the exact for-
mula for the propagation of light in a flat uni- As an example, consider the gravitational
verse, and the cosmological redshift — simply redshift, for which we will give a not-quite-
by using the fact that galaxies whose motion is rigorous derivation [9, for a similar derivation].
determined by cosmic expansion only (“galax- The setup can be seen in Fig. ??: We want to
ies that are in the Hubble flow”) are in free fall examine light travelling in a homogeneous grav-
[5, section 6.3], and without the need to under- itational field, from an emitter E a bit higher
stand or evaluate the spacetime metric. up to a receiver R lower down. We assume the
gravitational acceleration to be g. In order to
In the situation we are interested in for the
calculate how light propagates in this scenario,
Shapiro effect, namely the propagation of light
we introduce two free-falling systems. The sys-
near a mass, introducing frames in free fall as
tem I1 is at rest at the location of E at the
prerequisite for applying the equivalence prin-
exact event when the light is emitted. Assume
ciples requires that we already have a descrip-
that the wavelength of the light is so short that
tion of gravity at hand. The only description of
it can be measured locally, directly at the emis-
gravity we do have at hand at this point is, of
sion event. For this measurement, an observer
course, Newtonian gravity. This suggests a nat-
at rest in I1 will obtain the same result as an
ural way towards heuristic post-Newtonian ar-
observer at rest relative to the emitter, since at
guments in a weak gravity situation: As a first
that event, both systems are at rest relative to
step, we choose a coordinate system in which
each other.
classical mechanics and Newton’s law of gravity
provide an adequate approximate description of Let us assume that tidal effects are so small
how objects are accelerated. By its definition, that we can neglect them over the distance h
we can use that coordinate system to describe between emitter and receiver. In that case, we
the gravitational experienced by objects mov- can extend I1 downwards to the receiver. At the
ing slowly, that is, with v  c. But classical moment the light arrives at the receiver, which
physics can tell us nothing about relativistic ef- (up to higher-order corrections) happens a time
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 5 Jena 2019

interval that is, to different time intervals as measured

∆t = h/c (1) by the clocks themselves, using physical units
defined in the same way — that is a valid reason
after the emission event, system 1 has gathered
to say that the clocks are running at different
some speed and is now moving at
speeds. If you are skeptical since that statement
gh 5 is so far only based on indirect comparison Jena 2019 via
v = g · ∆t = . (2) light signal, consider the situation sketched in
Fig. 4. There, a clock is transported from its
In I1 , the light
gathered a speed experiences no wavelength shift. sketched in Fig. to
original location 4. aThere,
locationa lowerclock in is atrans-
After all, in that system, the light is propagat- ported
itational from its
potential, original
left location
there until to a
∆τ location
on that
ing freely, as inv special gh
= g · trelativity.
= . But at the (2) lower in a gravitational potential,
clock has elapsed, and then back for comparison and then
moment of reception, when the c second free-fall back for comparison purposes.
In I1 , the I , is at rest relative
2 light experiences no wavelength to the receiver,
1 has speedAfterv all,relative
in that to I2system,
. By thethe classical
light y
Doppler effect (which
is propagating freely,isasa in valid
relativity. A B
inButsituations when the speed
at the moment of reception, when is small, and thusthe
second ∆tfree-fall
is small), this speed
system, I2 , iscorresponds
at rest relative to a h
wavelength shift
to the receiver, I1 will have gathered the speed
v relative to I2 . By λthe R − λE
classical Doppler ef- ⌧
fect (which surely z ≡is a valid approximation(3) in ct
situations where t is small), this speed cor- Figure
from the emitted wavelength λE of
Fig. 4: 4:
transported to to a lower
lower location
responds to a wavelength shift a gravitational field and back up again,
in a gravitational field and back up
gh R ∆Φ for
again, comparison
for comparison with a clock
with a that
clock has
that re-
z =z − = − E , (4) mained in the original position through-
⌘c2 c2 (3) hasoutremained in the original position
2 throughout
from theg ∼ emitted
9, 81 m/swavelength
is the gravitational
E of
eration and ∆Φ = Φ(rE ) − Φ(rR ) the potential
difference. gh If we repeat the experiment several times, al-
z= 2
= 2
, (4) wayswe
If repeat the
effecting the transport
experiment in several
the same times,
c c
but e↵ecting
varying the the
of ∆τ in
, wethe will same
The gravitational redshift 2 can be understood
where g ⇠ 9, 81 m/s is the gravitational
in terms of different “tick rates” of local clocks ac- way,
that but
the time varying
∆τ U the
that duration
has elapsed of
between ⌧ , we
celeration and = (r )
at rest in different positionsEin the gravitational (r R ) the po- will find that the
events A and B on the clock time ⌧ U that has elapsed
stays at con-
tential di↵erence.
field. Consider a coordinate system in which between
stant the
height events
h (brownA and B on
worldline) the isclock
related thatto
theThe gravitational
gravitational redshift
potential is not can timebe depend-
under- stays
∆τ as at constant height h (brown worldline)
stood in terms of di↵erent
ent, and consider two clocks at rest in that co- “tick rates” of can be written∆τ asU = b + ∆τ , (5)
local clocks
ordinate rest In insuch di↵erent
a situation, positions in
it will ✓ 1 − ◆2
the gravitational field. Consider
always take light the same coordinate time to a coordin- ⌧ =
where b stands for the proper ⌧ · 1 + b, (5)
c2 time that elapses
ate system in which the gravitational
propagate from one clock to the other. After poten- on the travelling clock during the (identical)
all, is situation
not time is, dependent,
per definition, and consider
invariant two un- where
transport b stands
phases. for theThisproper time thatwith
is consistent elapses the
clocks at rest in that coordinate
der translations in time — neither the position system. In claim
on thethat the clock
travelling clockisduring
running themore slowly
the atwosituation,
clocks norit willthealways take light
gravitational the
poten- when it is phases.
transport lower down Thisinisthe gravitational
consistent with field.
tial at coordinate
each point of timethetolight’s
propagatedepends from on one
the While this derivation yielded
claim that the clock is running more slowly the correct res-
time to the other.If After two lightall, the pulses situation
are sentis, ult, weitcan,
when is iflower
we take down another
in the critical look at it,
per definition,
from the one clock invariant
to theunder other,translations
a coordinate in find
field. some weak spots. We have taken light to
time — neither the position
dt apart, then they of the willtwo clocks
arrive at propagate
While this at the speed c not
derivation only inthe
yielded thecorrect
norsecond clock the same
the gravitational coordinate
potential time point
at each inter- systems, but also in the Newtonian
result, we can, if we take another critical look coordinate
of dt
light’sIf depends
these coordinate
on the time time coordin-
intervals systems.
at it, find And somewe weakhavespots.
assumed We that have the taken co-
ate. If two to different
light pulses proper aretime sentintervals
from the — ordinate
light speed v is also
to propagate at thethespeed
speedcinnot theonlyinertial
one clock to the other, a coordinate time in- the inertial systems, but also in the Newto-
terval dt apart, then they will arrive at the nian coordinate systems. And we have as-
second clock the same coordinate time inter- sumed that the coordinate speed v is also the
val dt apart. If these coordinate time intervals speed in the inertial system I2 . If we now redo
correspond to di↵erent proper time intervals
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 6 Jena 2019

system I2 . If we now redo the derivation in a inertial system I1 that is initially at rest relat-
more careful way, we will automatically find the ive to our clocks positioned at constant radius
key ingredient for the Shapiro time delay. value r + dr will pick up a bit of coordinate
4 Shapiro time delay dΦ(r)
dv = − (7)
The analysis of gravitational redshift in the pre-
by the time the light signal reaches the observer
vious section has given us valuable clues as to
at constant radius value r. Making use of (6) in
which elements we need to include in order to
order to calculate the corresponding speed dvI ,
analyse the propagation of light in a gravita-
as measured by the inertial observer in I2 at the
tional field. We cannot use the purely Newto-
moment that observer is momentarily at rest re-
nian approximation since we want to describe
lative to the clock at constant radius value r,
light propagation, v = c. This suggests mak-
noting that the relevant time coordinate in I2
ing use of the principle of equivalence. As we
corresponds not to the Newtonian time coordin-
shall see below, that strategy allows us to at
ate t, but to the local proper time τ , we find
least capture part of what is going on in this
situation. Assume that we are dealing with a dΦ(r)
radially symmetric gravitational potential Φ(r). dvI = −c . (8)
Then we can argue as follows [6]:
First, we again choose coordinates t and r In consequence, the Doppler factor (3) in this
in which the laws of classical mechanics, and case is
dvI dΦ(r)
of Newtonian gravity, are approximately valid. z= =− . (9)
We have learned from section 3 that, in this c c(r)2
case, we need to distinguish between coordin- But as we have seen, that Doppler shift also de-
ate time intervals dt and proper time intervals termines the relation between proper times at
dτ as shown by clocks in our scenario, since the different radius values and the coordinate time
two are not necessarily the same. Let us assume t, and thus the relation between proper time in-
explicitly that the geometry of space is Euc- tervals at different radius values. In our case,
lidean (even though that means we will neces- we have
sarily miss out on at least some of the general-
dτ (r + dr) 1 dΦ(r)
relativistic effects). = ≈1+ . (10)
dτ (r) 1+z c(r)2
By placing a momentarily co-moving, free-
falling frame next to an observer, we can de- This allows us to re-write
duce that for an observer at rest at constant
radius coordinate value r, light propagates at dc(r) dτ (r + dr) − dτ (r)
= c· (11)
the same speed in all directions, and with the dr dr · dt
speed c as measured by the proper time τ of the
1 dΦ
local clock. This means we have an r-dependent = . (12)
c(r) dr
coordinate speed of light,
We are interested in the situation where the
d~x d~x dτ dτ
c(r) = = · =c· . (6) masses are all localized in a limited region of
dt dτ dt dt
space; far away from those masses, light will
In order to find the dependence of τ on t, we propagate at the vacuum speed of light c, same
take similar steps as in our gravitational red- as in special relativity, so limr→∞ c(r) = c. At
shift calculations in section 3, but this time we such great distances, the gravitational poten-
are more careful about which part of the argu- tial will vanish, limr→∞ Φ(r) = 0. (Note that
ment involves the Newtonian coordinates and the latter is not just a matter of convention any
which involve proper time. For instance, the more, as in classical mechanics — the poten-
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 7 Jena 2019

tial determines the ticking rates of our clocks; center of the Sun as the origin of our coordin-
the limit is a consequence of our assumption ate system, place the planet at x = xP < 0 and
that, far away from the masses, physics, includ- y = η and the Earth at x = xE > 0 and y = η.
ing clock rates, is approximately given by the As part of our simplification, we are making the
physics of gravity-free space, that is, the phys- assumption that our light signal travels along a
ics of special relativity.) straight line. Since we are assuming Euclidean
With these limiting values, we can integrate geometry, we have
up (12) to yield q
r r rE = x2E + η 2 (15)
2Φ(r) 2GM
c(r) = c 1 + 2
=c 1− , (13) 7and Jena 2019
c rc2 q
rP = x2P + η 2 . (16)
where in the second step we have inserted the
is Newtonian
going to be potential
what for a spherically
leads to the time symmet-delay. xP light’s
The η marks the F closest
x approach to the
ric mass. Closer to the central mass, the co- P E
Note that this contradicts what our expect- mass S, and thus is what is commonly called the
⌘ r
ordinate speed of light c(r) slows down — that impact parameter
rP in scattering
' scenarios
rE such
ation would have been, had we treated light
is going to be what leads to the time delay.7 as this. yWe describe the trajectory of Jena 2019
the light
like a (massless) Newtonian particle, as in the
Note that this contradicts what our expecta- as sketched in Fig. 6.S
Soldner or Cavendish
tion would have been, calculations.
had we treated From that
light like
is going to beenergy
a (massless)what conservation
leads to
Newtonian would
the time
particle, have
as in delay.
the Sold-led xP xF x L
Noteusthat to orthis
ner Cavendish calculations.
contradicts what our From that An-
expect- ⌘ r
satz, energyrconservation would have led
treated us to Fig. 6:rPGeometric
' setuprfor our time delay cal-
ation would have been, had we light E
r 2GM GM culation: light trajectory
like a (massless)
c(r) = c · Newtonian
1 + 2GM 2r
⇡ c 1 +GM
particle,  the
as 2in , (14) y
c(r) c
= c · 1 +calculations.
≈ c 1 + c r , (14)
Soldner or Cavendish c2 r From
c2 r that
withenergy conservation
light speeding up aswould have led the
it approaches x
with light speeding up as it approaches
us tocentral mass (just like, say, a comet will). the cent- The speed at which the light is moving
ral mass
r (just like, say, a comet will). This Figure
Fig. 6: 6: Geometric
along setupline
the straight for our
for our time
between delay cal-
P and cal-E is
 culation: light trajectory
leads to a similar
2GM logarithmic shape,
GM but for a culation:
given by (13), light
c · 1 + 2travel
c(r) =counter-factual ⇡ time
c 1 reduction,
+ 2 ,not(14)
c r c r p
r =
The speed at which the light x2 +is ⌘moving
along (17)
with light speedingxP up as it approaches
xE the
P E the
speedline at between
which P Epis is
theandlight given by
central mass (just like,⌘ say, a comet will). In other words, and using 1/ 1 + ⇠ ⇡ 1 ⇠/2
(13), the
along where straight line p between P and E is
rP rE for small ⇠,r in separating the variables, we
given by (13), where= x2 + η 2 . (17)
y have
S Separating the variables
√ "p 2 x and 2
t, and using
1/ 1 + ξ ≈ 1 −rξ/2 = forxsmall+ ⌘GMξ,. we have (17)
xP x xE c dt = 1 + p dx. (18)
P E " 2 p
2 + ⌘2
GM x
Fig. 5: ⌘
5: Geometric
Geometric setup
for our
our time delaycal-
time delay cal-
In other words,
c dt = and1 + using
p 1/ 1 + dx.⇠ ⇡ 1 (18)⇠/2
rP culation r E for small ⇠, in separating 2
c x +the2 2
η variables, we
culation Looking up the integral (I myself looked on
y have
Looking up the integral (I myself welooked
find on
" #,
Z we find
Letx us use the position-dependent speed of dx ⇣GM
p ⌘
Z c
p dt = 1 + 
=cplnp 2 2dx. (18)(19)
light (13) to calculate the time delay for light dx 2 2 x2 x + +2 ⌘ + x +C.

Fig. 5: from an object
Geometric P —
setup forthink of itdelay
our time as a cal-
planet, p x += ⌘ 2ln x2 + η 2 + x + C. (19)
x2 + η 2
for now — travelling to the Earth E close to a Looking up the integral (I myself looked on
culation For the travel time of our light signal, leaving
mass S, such as the Sun. In this setup, whose For the travel time of our light signal, leaving,
P time
at time tP arriving
and arriving we find E at the time
We will use
geometry the position-dependent
is sketched in Fig. 5, we choose speedtheof P at tP and at E at at the time tE ,
light (13) to calculate the time our calculation Z tE , dx this means ⇣p ⌘
p = ln x 2 + ⌘2 + x  +C. (19)
of the time delay for light from an object P — 2 + ⌘2
x xE xP GM rE + x E
think of it as a planet, for now — travelling tE t P = + 3 ln .
to the Earth E close to a mass S, such as the For the travel time ofc our lightc signal,rPleaving + xP
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 8 Jena 2019

this means rewrite the Shapiro delay as

xE − xP GM rE + xE GM rE + xE
tE − tP = + 3 ln . (20) ∆tSh = (1 + γ) 3 ln , (22)
c c rP + xP c rP + xP
The first term on the right-hand side is the and then use observational results to constrain
travel time for light travelling at constant speed the value of γ. The rigorous framework for
c. The second term is the general-relativistic this is the parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN)
correction: the Shapiro time delay, or gravita- formalism which is at the heart of all modern
tional time delay, with its characteristic logar- tests of general relativity [17, 16].
ithmic form. The basic time scale of the Shapiro delay
is set by the factor in front of the logarithm,
Note that, similar to simplified Newtonian namely as
derivations of the light deflection angle, our de-  
rivation has only taken into account the effect = (1 + γ) · 5 µs . (23)
c3 M
on gravity on local clocks, but not the associ-
ated curvature of space. In consequence, again
5 Solar System
like in the case of light deflection, our result
for the Shapiro time delay is too small by a The Shapiro time delay was first observed in
factor of 2. It should be noted that even with the Solar system. To get a feeling for the scale
a more rigorous derivation using the metric, it of observations within the Solar system, con-
is not straightforward to get the correct result. sider an object for which xP = 0, that is, an
Using the most common form of the Schwarz- object that is at the closest approach of its
schild metric, one will get an unphysical extra own light signals to the Sun. Now, we can
term; only when using the so-called isotropic plot the associated Shapiro
q time delay (22) for
form of the metric describing a spherical mass xP = 0, rP = η, xE = rE 2 − η 2 , where r is
will one get the same result as rigorous post-
one astronomical unit. For η, we plot the range
Newtonian calculations — another indication
from zero The result is shown in Fig. 7. The
that post-Newtonian derivations are not to be
sharp peak with convex flanks is a very charac-
taken lightly. Simply choosing some coordin-
teristic shape.
ates, doing a Taylor expansion and only keeping
the leading terms is not enough [6].

Time delay in s

Here, we will be satisfied with having derived

the correct functional form (20), except for an
overall factor of two. In the rest of this text, we
will use the corrected version 20
2GM rE + xE 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
∆tSh = ln (21) in AU
c3 rP + xP

as we consider specific applications. There is Figure 7: Time delay for objects next to the Sun
an alternative way of writing this. Just like
for the gravitational deflection of light, we can
distinguish between the Newtonian result, the As the minimal η value for this plot, we have
general-relativistic result and possible other res- taken the radius of the Sun — no signal can
ults by introducing a parameter γ that is zero pass the Sun closer than that. Also, in a typ-
in the Newtonian context, whereas γ = 1 in ical situation, the delay plotted here, will be
general relativity. Using this parameter, we can only part of the picture. This delay is for a sig-
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 9 Jena 2019

nal starting at the closest distance to the Sun. a factor of about 10−27 . When you send out a
For a signal starting further out, the delay will 100 kW signal, what comes back will have the
be larger — for a signal starting at a distance of power of a mere 10−19 W.
rE = 1 au, passing the Sun, and finally reaching Then, there is the required precision needed
Earth, the delay will be twice as large as plot- for reconstructing what exactly is happening.
ted here. Thus, within the Solar system, we In order to predict the travel time of your sig-
can reasonably expect maximal delays between nal in the absence of the Shapiro delay, the
about 80 µs and 160 µs. Of course, time delay is geometry must be known with great precision.
only measurable if you know how long the light Only then can you distinguish between the
was supposed to take in the first place! For this time light would need if travelling at constant
reason, Solar System measurements make use speed c through Euclidean geometry — what is
of radar astronomy, sending radio signals to an- called the Rømer time delay, commemorating
other planet, detecting the reflected signal, and Ole Rømers 17th century astronomical meas-
timing both in order to determine the round- urement of the speed of light — and the travel
trip travel time. There are not that many radars time predicted by general relativity.
for use in astronomy around. Irwin Shapiro’s Part of the problem is that the planetary sur-
initial measurements made use of the MIT 37m face is not a perfect sphere, but instead a more
Haystack Observatory antenna as well as the complex landscape. On Mercury, the lowest and
Arecibo radio telescope shown in Fig. 8. highest surface point have a difference of almost
10 km in elevation; for Venus, the maximal elev-
ation difference is about 13 km, for Mars nearly
30 km. A height difference of 6 km will corres-
pond to a travel time difference of 20 µs. In or-
der to achieve the accuracy needed for the Sha-
piro delay measurements, the researchers first
had to create detailed planetary maps (which,
of course, is a useful achievement in its own
right). Shapiro’s team would commonly do this
around inferior conjunction, when the planet
Figure 8: The Arecibo Radio Telescope. Image by was closest to Earth.
Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz on Wiki-
media Commons, license CC BY-SA 4.0

Radar ranging plays several roles in modern

astronomy. It can be used to monitor the dis-
tances to other planets with high precision, al-
lowing both for the reconstruction of orbits and
for the measurement of the astronomical unit as
the basic length scale for solar system dynamics.
Measuring the propagation of reflected radio
signals sufficiently accurately to be able to de- Figure 9: Solar corona, as visible from La Silla,
tect the Shapiro time delay is a considerable Chile, during the 2 July 2019 solar ec-
challenge [10, 11, 12]. First of all, mainly due lipse. Image: M. Pössel, C. Liefke & D.
to the distances involved, any signal that is sent Elsässer
out, reflected and sent back will be damped by
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 10 Jena 2019

There are other factors, as well. If you have radio waves travelling from Earth to Mercury
ever seen an image taken during a solar eclipse, and back would pass close to the Sun. From
such as Fig. 9 from earlier this year, you know 12 measurements around the mid-May superior
that the Sun has an extended corona. That conjunction, and 7 measurements around the
corona is made of plasma, which in turn has an following superior conjunction in late August,
effect on the propagation of radio waves. The the astronomers obtained a measurement of
effect is, however, frequency-dependent, namely
inversely proportional to the square of the radar γ = 0.8 ± 0.4, (24)
frequency, and is thus a few hundred times smal-
ler at Haystack transmitting and receiving at definitely favouring general relativity over the
8 GHz than at Arecibo at 430 MHz. For the Newtonian prediction, but still with a com-
1969/1970 measurements described below, the paratively large error [11]. Shapiro followed
two-way coronal delay for the Haystack meas- this up with observations around the January
urements was estimated at about 3 µs, amount- 24, 1970, 20:27:06UT superior conjunction of
ing to uncertainties of the order of a few percent. Venus, using the Arecibo and Haystack tele-
scopes to make radar measurements starting
How does one “ping” a planet? If one were
300 days before the conjunction, and following
to send an unchanging, continuous signal, one
up 300 days after, with Haystack covering the
could not tell when the reflected radio light that
120 or so days directly before and after the con-
reached the receiver had been sent out, and
junction itself. The result is shown in Fig. 10,
thus one could not determine the travel time.
whose data set consists of an incomplete re-
When sending out short pulses, on the other
production of that in Fig. 1 of [12], namely of
hand, in essence turning the radar transmitter
those data points I could extract, with their
off and on again, it is difficult to reach suffi-
error bars, from that figure. The extracted
ciently high power. The Shapiro group solved
data set can be found on [
this problem by sending a continuous signal, but].
(pseudo-)randomly flipping the phase of the ra-
dio wave every 60 µs, in a sort of cosmic Morse Three curves are shown for comparison. In
code. In this way, what went on the journey was green is the general-relativistic prediction from
a strong continuous signal, yet with a unique (21). In violet is the curve of the Newto-
phase pattern imprinted that would allow the nian prediction, a factor 2 below the general-
astronomers to determine exactly when a cer- relativistic one. The red curve is the prediction
tain portion would be transmitted and when from the naive calculation using Schwarzschild’s
the same portion would be received roughly 30 original form of his metric, shown here as a
minutes later, at what time. reminder that post-Newtonian calculations are
more difficult to get right than a number of text
On the plus side, the characteristic shape of
book authors apparently think. All three curves
the curve, a peak with two convex flanks as
use ephemerides generated with the ephem Py-
in (7), which is not easily mimicked by other
thon package by Brandon Rhodes [7]. With this
effects, allows for reliable fitting of the data
data, Shapiro and his colleagues obtained the
best fit for
Shapiro started his first serious attempts at
γ = 1.03 ± 0.04, (25)
measuring the gravitational time delay in the
fall of 1966, after the new transmitter at the a successful fit at an accuracy below the 4%
Haystack antenna had become operational — level.
an improvement of a factor 5 in power, with an Even more accurate, later measurements
impressive 500 kW. His targets were two super- within our Solar system made use of space
ior conjunctions of Mercury in 1967, that is, two probes with transponders — send a signal to
occasions on which Mercury, the Sun and the such a spaceprobe, and its transponder will
Earth stood almost in line, in that order, so that reply immediately (or at least after a well-
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 11 Jena 2019

200 ART
Schwarzschild coords
Superior conjunction of Venus Newtonian time delay
175 Arecibo
1970/1/24 20:27:06
Time delay in s






300 200 100 0 100 200 300
Days from superior conjunction

Figure 10: Time delay of radar signals around the January 1970 superior conjunction of Venus

defined short delay). Having two transmitters, the Earth, but with a mass like that of several
one on either end, makes it considerably easier Suns. This makes for some of the most dense
to receive the return signal. states of matter which, in this case, is mostly
The first such measurements were made us- in the form of neutrons. Due to the conserva-
ing the Mariner 6 and Mariner 7 space probes in tion of angular momentum, neutron stars are
1970. The most precise such measurement was typically in fast rotation (think ice-scaters do-
made in 2002, making use of the Cassini probe ing pirouettes), and from a combination of that
in orbit around Saturn [1]. The result was rotation with neutron stars’ rather strong mag-
netic fields, neutron stars typically send beams
γ = 1 + (2.1 ± 2.3) · 10−5 , (26) of strong radiation into opposite directions.

a confirmation of the general-relativistic predic- Where the magnetic poles of a neutron star
tion at the impressive level of 23 parts per mil- are offset against the axis of rotation, those
lion. beams sweep through space like the light beams
of a lighthouse. Whenever a neutron star hap-
6 Pulsars pens to be oriented just right for one of its
beams to periodically sweep over Earth, radio
There is another astrophysical scenario that in- astronomers can observe a pulsar: every time
volves the Shapiro effect, and amounts to tests the beam (or a part thereof) sweeps over the
of general relativity in some of the strongest Earth, they register a pulse. Given that the
gravity environments we can study: binary regularity is directly linked to the neutron star’s
pulsars. Since there is a separate talk on this rotation, and that the star’s enormous moment
by Norbert Wex, I will only recapitulate the ba- of inertia makes it very difficult for any physical
sics. A neutron star is the compact remnant of influence to change the rotation period even by
the core of a massive star that has gone super- a little, the pulses we receive from a pulsar are
nova. Neutron stars are only about as large as very regular indeed — about as regular as the
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 12 Jena 2019

most regular atomic clocks we can build. sketched in Fig. 11. In that situation,

Whenever a pulsar is part of a binary sys- η = 2a · sin ϕ (27)

tem, and when the double star partner is a xP = −2a · cos ϕ (28)
compact object as well, like a White Dwarf, or
another neutron star, or possibly even a black xE = rM + a · cos ϕ (29)
hole, that inherent regularity allows for high
rP = 2a, (30)
precision tests of general relativity. Unless we
are looking onto the binary system face on, the and we pick parameters with a sensible order of
pulsar’s radio signals will occasionally pass the magnitude,
other star’s mass more or less closely. Given
that both White Dwarfs and neutron stars are M = M (31)
comparatively compact, the general-relativistic
effects in their immediate vicinity are comparat- a = 0.01 AU (32)
ively large. As the radio signal travels from the rM = 109 AU (33)
pulsar to Earth, the proximity of the mass will
influence the propagation of light — including In that situation, the basic time parameter,
light deflection and a Shapiro time delay. which in pulsar astronomy is called the Shapiro
shape parameter r, for range, is
12 Jena 2019
r= = 5 µsec. (34)
P The result can be seen in Fig. 12.
The other Shapiro shape parameter, s = sin ι,
a is directly related to the system’s inclination;
M '
xP in our simplified edge-on case, s = 1. A simple
a derivation of the Shapiro time delay in terms of
S ⌘ the phase angle ϕ in a more general geometric
situation can be found in [6].
The result can be seen in Fig. 12.
rE xE 175
Fig. 12:
125 Shapiro time delay for our simple
Time delay in s

100 edge-on neutron star binary system

75 as a function of the phase angle '
E 50
Fig. 11: Simplified geometry for a pulsar’s ra- 0
Figure 11: Simplified geometry for a pulsar’s radio With a maximum
150 100 around
50 1750 µs,50the mag-
100 150
dio waves
waves travelling
travelling totoEarth,
passingthe Angle in degrees
nitude is similar to our solar system e↵ects.
the pulsar’s
pulsar’s binary
binary partner
partner The Shapiro shape parameters have been de-
Figure for
termined 12: the
delay for ourpulsar
binary simple edge-
on neutron star binary system as a func-
PSR 1913+16 [14], as well as for the double
We can estimate the magnitude of the e↵ect tion of the phase angle ϕ
pulsar PSR J0737-3039A/B [4] and for the
by looking at the simplest possible set-up, an
system that has the pulsar PSR J1614 2230
edge-on view of an equal-mass binary pulsar,
orbiting a White dwarf [2].
as sketched in Fig. 11. In that situation, With a maximum around 175 µs, the mag-
We can estimate the magnitude of the effect nitude is similar to our solar system effects.
⌘ = 2a · sin ' (27) 7 Conclusions
by looking at the simplest possible set-up, an The Shapiro shape parameters have been de-
edge-on viewxof
P an
= equal-mass
2a · cos 'binary pulsar,
(28) as Thetermined for theis famous
Shapiro e↵ect first
one of the binary
basic pulsar PSR
relativistic corrections to classical gravita-
xE = rM + a · cos ' (29) tional physics. It is closely related to the grav-
rP = 2a, (30) itational deflection of light, and as we have
seen, there are similar simplified Newtonian
and we pick parameters with a sensible order derivations for one and for the other, both o↵
Astronomy from 4 Perspectives 13 Jena 2019

1913+16 [14], as well as for the double pulsar well.

PSR J0737-3039A/B [4] and for the system that The gravitational time delay becomes import-
has the pulsar PSR J1614 − 2230 orbiting a ant in two astrophysical contexts: Within the
White dwarf [2]. Solar system, it has been tested using radar
signals reflected off other planets near and at
7 Conclusions superior conjunction, when such radar signals
pass close to the Sun. The most precise ver-
The Shapiro effect is one of the basic general- sions of these measurements use space probes,
relativistic corrections to classical gravitational with the signals in question received and sent
physics. It is closely related to the gravitational back actively by a transponder installed on the
deflection of light, and as we have seen, there probe.
are similar simplified Newtonian derivations for The Shapiro time delay is also one of the ef-
one and for the other, both off by a factor 2 as fects that affect the systematic deviations from
they neglect the curvature of space. perfect regularity of the pulses we receive from
Measurements of the Shapiro time delay pulsars that are part of a binary system. Such
can be used as tests for the same post- binary pulsars allow for some of the most strin-
Newtonian parameter γ that encodes the dif- gent tests of Einstein’s theory of gravity to date,
ference between the Newtonian and general- and the Shapiro time delay is one of the relevant
relativistic predictions for light deflection, as general-relativistic effects.

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Address: Haus der Astronomie, MPIA Campus, Königstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany E-Mail:

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