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He rubs shoulders with famous people. - that means

Purposive Communication someone frequently associates or interacts with well-
known or influential individuals.

IDIOMS A leg up on the competition - having an advantage or

- phrase, saying, or a group of words that has
head start over others in a competitive situation.
a metaphorical meaning, which has become
accepted in common usage.
I get butterflies in my stomach - describes the feeling
- there are estimated to be at least 25,000 of nervousness or anxiety one experiences, especially
idiomatic expressions in the English before speaking in public or facing a challenging
language. situation.
Example: Whenever I must speak in public, I get
- Building blocks of language and make a
butterflies in my stomach.
language interesting and dynamic.

- Bring a spectacular illustration to everyday. Head start - An advantage over everyone else.

- Provide interesting insights into the use of A sight for sore eyes - A sight that makes you happy.
words, languages, and the thought
processes of their speakers. A weight off your shoulders - You no longer have to
worry about something or deal with something
- Not easy to understand especially for non- difficult.
native speakers because of their
"meanings". Pain in the neck - Something or someone is making
your life difficult.
Examples of idioms:
"Break a leg” - This idiom is used to wish someone Out feeling - A sense or Impression that your
subconscious has about a person or situation.
good luck, especially before a performance or event.
Example: "I hope your presentation goes well. Break
Joined at the hip - To be exceptionally close to
a leg!" someone.

bad hair day? – meaning not okay/ mad or not in Achilles’ heel - A weakness that could result in failure.
good mood
Example: What's wrong with Jenny? Is she having a Hands are tied - you are prevented from doing
bad hair day? something. It Is not within your power.

Weak at the knees - To feel an emotion so strongly

I'm all ears! – means someone is ready and eager to that it makes you feel unstable on your feet.
listen or hear what another person has to say.
Example: Of course, I want to know - I'm all ears! Find your feet - To adjust to a new place or situation.

I know [PLACE] like the back of my hand! - means SENTENCE

someone is very familiar or knowledgeable about a - group of words which expresses a complete
particular location. idea or thought.
- words including a subject and a verb.
Example: I know London like the back of my hand!
- begins with a capital letter and ends with a
period, question mark or exclamation point.
(punctuation marks)

SUBJECT - Keep silent.

- part of the sentence which performs some
action in a sentence. What Is the difference between order and request?
- has a close relationship to what is being
discussed in a sentence. The main difference between "order" and "request" is
- part of the sentence which is being spoken that an order is a directive or command, whereas a
about in a sentence. request is a polite expression (IN POLITE MANNER)
- can be a noun, pronoun, noun clause or of asking for something.
noun phrase.
- the part of sentence which tells about the -expresses strong feelings or emotions -expresses
subject. surprise, joy, sorrow, appreciation, love excitement,
frustration, anger etc.
PARTS OF A SENTENCE -ends with exclamation point
(subject and predicate)
“The Earth spins on its axis.” -Wow! That was an amazing performance!
Earth is the SIMPLE subject while spins is the -Great job!
SIMPLE predicate. -Yes! We got it!
“The medical team arrived from the city.”
The medical team is the COMPLETE subject - arrived KINDS OF SENTENCE
from the city is the COMPLETE predicate. (According to Structure)


(According to Function) -consists of only one independent clause
-has a subject (can be simple or compound)
ASSERTIVE OR DECLARATIVE SENTENCE -has a verb (can be simple or compound)
- make a statement or assertion and ends with a -can stand alone as a complete idea
Examples: Examples:
-We speak English. -She laughs. (simple subject & verb)
-He prefers to study grammar. -Mindy and Joey laugh and dance. (compound
-Norman tops the 2018 Licensure Examinations for subjects and verbs)
Teachers. -The dog ran and howled.
(simple subject & compound verbs)
- asks a question and ends with question mark
-Where did you buy your car? -consists of at least two independent clauses joined
-Do you surf the net? together by coordinating conjunctions or semi-colon
-no dependent clause
IMPERATIVE SENTENCE -uses coordinating conjunction to join independent
- expresses a request, command or advice and ends clauses such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet and do
with a period or in some cases (expressing strong (FANBOYS)
feelings) ends with an exclamation point. -uses conjunctive adverbs such as moreover,
however, otherwise, therefore
- a comma may or may not be used before the
Examples: conjunction
-Get my bag. (an order)
-Please listen to me. (a request) Examples:

-I was active in class, BUT my teacher ignored me.

-I took the test, AND I was happy with the result.
-The group lost the game, YET they are not affected.
-I gave her a flower; she smiled at me.

*In a compound sentence, two independent clauses are

joined together, and each clause can express a complete
idea and function as a standalone sentence. When one of
the independent clauses is removed, the remaining clause
can still form a complete and coherent sentence. *

-consists of one independent clause (main subject
and verb) and one or more dependent (subordinate)
clauses -subordinate clause can't stand by itself
-needs the main clause to complete the meaning of
the sentence
-joined by subordinating conjunction (because,
although, since, when, unless, whereas, even though,
as soon as)
-may also be joined by a relative pronoun (that, who,
-He saw the professor // who had inspired the less
privileged students.
-He wrote books // that are useful for college students.
-Kenneth can be the board topnotcher // since he is a
Magna Cum Laude

-consists of at least two independent and one or more
dependent (subordinate) clauses

-The salesman demonstrated how an LCD projector is
operated, and the buyer waited for the hands-on
-We visited the university where I studied college, and
I took pictures of the buildings.
-Jerome excels in the college because he is an
intelligent student, but he did not graduate as Cum




The presence of sentence fragments and inadvertent -As a writer, you have to find the best combination of
run - on sentences often leads to incorrect sentences. exact, concrete and lively words in order not to leave
your readers baffled or confused.
SENTENCE FRAGMENT -is a group of words that is
missing a subject or a verb. Often, it is a phrase or -modifies the wrong word in the sentence
dependent clause that shows an incomplete thought.
1. Missing verb Sentence fragment: Family -occurs when the modified word is missing in the
problems without cooperation among the sentence
members. (without a verb)
2. Sentence: Family problems will remain
Determine the "doers of the actions" and place the
unsolved if there is no cooperation among modifier immediately before or after the word it
members. (with verb, “will remain”) modifies.


3. Missing subject Sentence fragment: Spread
to many people. (without subject (what is 1. Misplaced Modifier
being talk)) Wrong: The organizers nearly counted a thousand
4. Sentence: SARS virus may spread to many Correct: The organizers COUNTED NEARLY a
people if no cure is found by scientists and thousand participants.
doctors. (with subject, complete thought)
2. Dangling modifier
RUN-ON SENTENCE Wrong: Walking down the street, Mayon Volcano was
- Is made up of two or more sentences joined Correct: Walking down the street, the tourists saw
without the proper pronunciation or a Mayon Volcano.
suitable conjunction.
1. Missing punctuation Incorrect: Jim loves
adventure he climbs mountains and treks -is separating parts that are closely related in a
across the country on his own. (without sentence.
punction such as the comma”,”)
Correct: Jim loves adventure, he climbs 1. Splitting Verb in a Phrase
mountains and treks across the country on Wrong: Rizal Park that has, although is a historical
his own. place, been forgotten by Filipinos.

FANBOYS – FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO Correct: Rizal Park is a beautiful place that has been
forgotten by Filipinos.
2. Missing conjunction Incorrect: In Greek
mythology, Pallas Athena is the goddess of
wisdom Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. 2. Splitting Infinitive
(WITHOUT “AND”) Wrong: In order to look beautiful, one has to everyday
Correct: In Greek mythology, Pallas Athena Correct: In order to look beautiful, one has to smile to
is the goddess of wisdom AND Aphrodite, everyone.
the goddess of beauty. (WITH “AND”)

-Results when equivalent ideas follow different ensuring that the structure aligns on both sides of the
grammatical forms. "than" conjunction. *

Wrong: Danilo enjoys reading, to write and to sing. Unnecessary Repetition

(FOLLOWED COUNTINOUSLY BY THE WORD Wrong (Faulty): He is both a talented chef and in his
“TO”, also write, sing is in base form and culinary skills.
reading(gerund form)) * The phrase "in his culinary skills" repeats the idea of
Correct: Danilo enjoys reading, writing and singing. being skilled in the culinary arts. *
Correct: He is both a talented chef and skilled in his
Wrong: I need to buy groceries, pay the bills, and to culinary arts.
* In the corrected version, the repetition is eliminated by
clean the house.
expressing the idea of being skilled directly within the
Correct: "I need to buy groceries, pay the bills, and phrase "culinary arts," making the sentence more concise
clean the house." and avoiding redundancy.*


- Verb can show general time relationships in the
past, present and future. Every noun or pronoun has WORDINESS
a particular person (first, second and third) and -results when one uses more words than necessary to
number (singular or plural) convey a meaning.
Example 1:
FAULTY COORDINATION Wordy: "In my personal opinion, I believe that the new
-Results if you link a noun with a phrase or a phrase policy is not effective."
with a clause. Concise: "I believe the new policy is ineffective."
Example 1:
Mismatched Verb Forms Example 2:
Wrong (Faulty): He enjoys running marathons and Wordy: "At this point in time, we are not in a position
plays the piano. to make a decision."
*” running” (gerund form) and “plays” (base form) to Concise: "We are not currently able to make a
correct this, both verbs should be in the same form. decision."
Correct: He enjoys running marathons and playing the
- results when closely related ideas in a paragraph
Parallelism - refers to the use of consistent grammatical are individually stated in several short sentences.
structure in a sentence or a series of related sentences.
Example 1:
Choppiness: I woke up. I brushed my teeth. I had
Inconsistent Sentence Structure
Wrong (Faulty): The team not only lost the game but
Correct: I woke up, brushed my teeth, and had
angry with the coach.
* The phrase lacks parallelism because the second part
("angry with the coach") does not follow the same
grammatical structure as the first part. * Example 2:
Correct: The team not only lost the game but also was Choppiness: He studied for the test. He reviewed his
angry with the coach. notes. He practiced sample questions.
Correct: He studied for the test, reviewed his notes,
and practiced sample questions.
Unequal Comparison
Wrong (Faulty): She is more interested in science Example 3:
than her sister is biology. Choppiness: She opened the door. She saw a cat.
Correct: She is more interested in science than her She screamed.
sister is. * The corrected version, the comparison is made Correct: She opened the door and saw a cat, which
more parallel by removing the unnecessary "biology" and made her scream.

UNDERSTANDING THE It is a writing technique that makes you explain a thing
PARAGRAPH by breaking it into categories and explaining each
class based on their similarities.
- Paragraph is a group of related sentences
developing one topic or idea. DESCRIPTION
- It is a that uses words and visuals to create a picture
Parts of the paragraph: of a mechanism or product. It may also be a written
a) a beginning sentence - starts the paragraph, account or explanations of events orderly occurring
attracts attention, and gives a hint of what is one after another over time.
to follow. It may also express the central
thought of the paragraph. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST
This is one of the most useful and common method of
b) Middle sentences - develop the thought organizing ideas or information wherein similarities
introduced in the beginning sentence. and differences of concepts, things, persons, and
places are pointed out.
c) Ending sentence - gives the detail, sums up
the paragraph or makes a personal COMMON STRATEGIES IN PARAGRAPH

Example: - The use of an example in developing a

MODEL: OUR LADY OF LITTLE ONES paragraph (give examples that are factual
and material to the paragraph)
How happy the boys and girls of today should be to Sample paragraph: HOW TO CONSERVE ENERGY
realize that the apparitions of Our Lady which have
attracted the greatest attention have been those in There are several ways by which you can conserve
which she appeared to children! electricity. For example, always turn off the lights
when not in use. The same goes for the television and
MIDDLE SENTENCE: other appliances. Also, change your incandescent
Susan was still an immature girl when she beheld the bulb to a more efficient electronic fluorescent lamp
Immaculate Virgin in the grotto in Novaliches. When with a lower wattage rating. Be sure to clean your
the Philippines and the world needed the stern lighting fixtures regularly to optimize brilliance.
warnings of Our Lady of Manaoag, it was to a youthful Intermittently, turn off and on your electric iron when it
shepherd and his companion that the message was is already hot enough. Do not use your air conditioner
given. if an electric fan will do. Keep your refrigerator
properly maintained to maximize its automatic
ENDING SENTENCE: features. Turn your electric stove to low heat as soon
In later years, three young children of Pangasinan as the food starts to boil. Eat as soon as the food is
were the chosen ones to whom she revealed the cooked to avoid reheating. These are just a few
power of the rosary in moving the heart of God. creative ways by which you can keep your electric
Because Mother, perhaps, she will visit us again. consumption within your budget.
Could she confide to you a secret or a mission?
- The use of descriptive details in developing
a paragraph (your details will suggest
MOST COMMON TYPES OF PARAGRAPHS impressions that paint images clustering
around the introductory statement or the
DEFINITION topic sentence)
It is a way of giving or explaining the meaning of an
abstract term or a concept. Sample paragraph: THE CREATION

On the first day, our Almighty God created a bright

light against a gloomy darkness and chaos. On the
next day, God created the orderly earth with swirling - The use of comparison and contrast
world divided into a partition of dry land and cool (similarities and differences of concepts,
water where chirping birds flew in the fresh air, things, persons and places are pointed out)
multicolored fish swarm in the blue ocean and lovely
flowering plants thrived on the verdant earth. Then He Sample paragraph: The Good and Bad Effects of
also filled the dry land with various kinds of walking Technology
jumping and creeping creatures: fierce beasts and
gentle insects of all shapes and sizes. Amidst all this We have a future in the present generation of Filipino
splendor of God's creation, He finally blew the breath "techies" in computer technology. If their talents are
of life to the first man and first woman who ever further refined, their creative aptitude can be
walked on the face of the earth, lovingly created in His extracted for productive, not destructive uses.
own image. He rested on the seventh day. Technology can either improve lives or ruin them.
Recently, a bunch of kids flew back home with a plum
- The use of incident in developing a prize for winning in a computer game software
paragraph (narrating an incident can work development contest. They make us proud of their
effectively to illustrate an idea relevant to the talents as home-grown success in computer science.
intention of the writer) But remember, it was also a Filipino who introduced
the home-made " love-you" virus that virtually
Sample paragraph: Cherishing the Gift of Priesthood destroyed many business and government files of
An elderly priest once showed me a portrait of the information around the globe which negatively
crucified Christ deprived of a hand and foot and with a affected their business operations. Should we also be
rather disfigured mouth. I first thought that it was an proud of him?
unpleasant sight but then he explained to me that
what motivated him to be a priest is the invitation of - The use of definition in developing a
that disfigured Christ to become his hands, his feet, paragraph (the meaning of a term is
and even his mouth. In a simple way, he was trying to discussed, or a given a collection of related
explain what "configuration of Christ" meant to him. I sense of meaning thus developing a
was somewhat bemused by the imagery, but his paragraph)
devout thought left an indelible impression on my
mind. Sample paragraph: Leisure Time Activities
It is summertime! No doubt, people are dreaming of
- The use of cause and effect in developing a the ideal vacation. Walking leisurely along the beach,
paragraph (some situations, events or filling one's lungs with fresh mountain air, waking up
phenomena need explanations to indicate in the morning without being harassed by a list of
why they happened) things to do, or whiling away the hours without guilt or
regret. For those with money to spend, the ideal
Sample paragraph: Our Gallbladder vacation means endless shopping, touring or partying
The gallbladder, located under the liver, stores bile, at home relishing the company of loved ones,
salts, and cholesterol which are discharged into the watching TV, reading books or rearranging the
intestine to help digest fats. A healthy gallbladder has furniture. For those bent on improving their spiritual
balanced amounts of bile and cholesterol. A diet high life, vacation means the time for retreats,
in fats, meat, and sugar may lead to a high recollections, or more intense personal prayer.
concentration of cholesterol in the system. Besides
other physiological complications, this cholesterol
build-up may form gallstones, in time, precipitating as DEFINITIONS OF ‘THESIS'
hard stones within the bladder itself. When the
gallstones become large enough to block the exit of - A statement or theory that is put forward as a
the bile, they cause not only pain but also premise to be maintained or proved.
inflammation and yellowing of the skin.

- Theory, proposal, contention, premise, REFERENCES. The reference list at the end of the
argument, assumption, hypothesis, surmise article (manuscript) documents the article and
provides the information necessary to identify and
- A long essay or dissertation involving retrieve each source.
personal research written by a candidate for
a college degree. APPENDICES. An appendix is helpful if the detailed
description of a certain material is distracting or
- A piece of writing; theme inappropriate in the body of the paper. It may include:
a new computer program designed specifically for
CRITERIA OF A GOOD THESIS your research and unavailable elsewhere; an
- It is arguable, the kind of statement someone unpublished test and its validation; a complicated
can agree or disagree with. mathematical proof; a detailed description of a
complete piece of equipment; excerpts of filed notes
- It provides the answer to a specific question and or observational data, etc.
or the solution to a specific problem.

- It addresses the topic of the paper without

straying from the central idea.


TITLE and AUTHOR/S. The title page contains the
title of the study, the author's name and institutional
affiliation (Department, College, Name of Institution).

ABSTRACT. An abstract is a brief, comprehensive

summary of the contents of a paper, and should not
exceed 120 words.

INTRODUCTION. The introduction establishes the

rationale, context, and general direction of the study
lined to the relevant literature.

METHOD. The method section includes the research

design, participants, sources of data or research
instruments, and data analysis.

RESULTS. The results section summarizes the data

collected in the most efficient manner possible. Data
are reported in sufficient detail to justify the
Paragraph – is a group of related sentences that
DISCUSSION. The discussion presents the analysis, focus on one main idea or topic.
interpretation, and inferences drawn from the results.
It includes the review of the major findings of the Beginning sentence - ang purpose po ng beginning
study drawn from results. sentence is to grab po yung attention ng readers and
also to give short description din kung tungkol saan
CONCLUSION. The conclusion is a statement in the po yung paragraph na ginawa. Dito din po inintroduce
extent of how the goals of the study have been kung ano yung main idea ng buong paragraph.
attained. The conclusions are validly drawn from the
results of the study. Middle sentence - Sa middle sentence naman po is
dito po ineexpand and pinapaliwanag ng mas concise

yung main idea na inintroduce sa beginning

sentence. Dito din po is nag pprovide ng explanation
or evidences yung writer to support the main idea.

Ending sentence - and lastly, sa ending sentence

naman is dito po yung summarize ng buong
paragraph and main points. Dito din po nag bibigay
ng personal comment yung writer sa topic na

DEFINITION – explaining the meaning of the

word or concepts to understand it better.

CLASSIFICATION – Dito po inorganizing yung

information by putting similar things or
characteristics into a group.

DESCRIPTION - way of using words and pictures

to show what something looks like or how it


organizing ideas by pointing out the how things
are similar and different to one another. It helps
us po to understand what makes things similar
or different. So that, we can learn about the
specific characteristics and qualities hinahanap
po natin.

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