Control Systems First Sit Paper

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0324 First-Sit Examination ANZ? CINEC CAMPUS Beyond & Gradzate CINEC Campus Faculty of Engineering & Technology Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering BSc Hons (Eng) Automotive/ Electronic and Telecommunication/ Mechanical/ Mechatronics Engineering Semester 06 First Sit Examination 2023 Module Code 5 EE3324 Module Title : Control Systems date : 19" December 2023 aminers : Mr. Randeera Liyanage Time Allowed =: ~—-9.00AM — 12.00PM; 03hrs INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES * This is a closed book examination. + This paper consists of 4 questions. You Should Answer ALL questions. * Write clearly legibly with a blue or black pen. * Use only the CINEC Answering Booklet. Additional sheets may be requested from the invigilators. + This paper contains 10 pages. MATERIALS REQURIED CINEC answering Booklet; Extra answering paper, Log-linear sheet (Annex. !). * You may use a scientific calculator. This must not be programmable. This may be examined during the examination. CINEC Campus Faculty of Engineering & Technology Page 1 0f10 ees First St Examination ConQSRQ Question 01 A passive RCL filter is given in Figure 1 (a) along with the component values. Figure 1 (a) a) Derive the transfer function via mathematical modelling. (Component values must be Ubstituted & simplified in the final answer) (05 Marks) b) Calculate the following system characteristics, Rise time (Tr). Settling time (Ts). Time to first peak (TP). Percentage overshoot (%0S). v. Steady state gain (Kss). (10 Marks) 9-8sing the transfer function derived in Part a, draw the pole-zero diagram and comment on the stability of the system with reference to pole locations. Hence describe the nature of oscillations of the system. (03 Marks) d) Figure 1 (b) and (c) are two representations of a control system. State the type of control system and describe their differences. (Use 4 bullet points for the description.) (04 Marks) e) If the system described in Part a is to be utilized as a crossover filter in a High-Fidelity stereo system, explain which system configuration described in Part dis the most suitable. (03 Marks) el a [Question 01 Total - 25%) ‘CANEC Campus Faculy of Engineering & Tochnology Page 2of 10 FratStCrenrstin SN fie sstion 02 2) You are given the task of designing a control system for an elevator. Explain how you would approach this task using your knowledge of system analysis and design. (Use not more than 6 sentences for the explanation.) (03 Marks) b) Describe why system stability is crucial in an application such as an elevator, with reference to the 3 basic types of stability. (Use 4 sentences for the description.) (02 Marks) ©) Determine the stability of the system given in Equation 2.0 using the Routh-Hurwitz ‘stability criterion. Hence, state the number of poles that are in the right-hand side, left-hand side and in the imaginary axis. so+s545s4+57+2s?-25-8 o7- (2.9) (04 Marks) d) Compute the open loop transfer function expression of the spring-mass damper systern Lesiven in Figure 2 (a). Figure 2 (a) (03 Marks) ‘e}-Galculate the steady state error (Ess), percentage overshoot (40S), rise time (T:) and settling time (Ts) of the spring-mass damper system in Part (d) for a unit step input. Se Bia a1 (Use m = 1kg;b = 10 Nsm"¥; k = 20 Nm"*) (04 Marks) f) To improve the system response, a PID controller is introduced to the system in Part (d). Initial values of the controller are K, = 300; K, = 0; Kp = 0. Draw the resulting closed loop system block diagram, obtain an expression for the closed loop transfer function, and calculate the resulting steady state error (Exr), percentage overshoot (705), rise time (T-) and settling time (Ts) for a unit step input. (08 Marks) g) Compare the system characteristics obtained for the original system in Part (0) and the PID controlled system in Part (9. Describe how would you further improve the system characteristics which would result in a seduced percentage overshoot and settling time. (Use 3 sentences for the description.) (03 Mares) [Question 02 Total - 25%] CINEC Campus Facuty of Enghesrng & Tesresony Paget (0 conkesl isle Question 03 @) Explain the significance of root locus and bode plot when designing @ control systen (Use 2 sentences for the exofanation.) (02 Marks) b) Describe the differances between phase lead compensator and phase lag compensato! (02 Marks) m of 2 bullet points for the description.) compensator for an industrial machine {the system is given in Figure 3 (a). (Use a man ¢) You are provided with the task of designing a gain containing a motor and a load, The block diagram of alue of 1, determine the open loop transfer function (This will be the uncompensatea (03 Marks) plot the bode diagram for the . (Use the log-linear sheet in {A Assuming *K” has an initial v and obtain the corresponding frequency response. system.) Using the frequency response obtained in part range of w between 0.01 rads~* and 100 rads’ ‘Annex. | page 09/ 10 and attach it to the answer script.) (10 Marks) Determine the corresponding gain margin and phase margin. (02 Marks) iv. Using the answers obtained in parts “i* and “ii”, design a gain compensator by determining the value of the gain "KC required to yield a 9.5% percentage overshoot in the transient response for a step input. SP P.O (06 Marks) a uma | con Figure 3 (a) [Question 03 Total - 25%) Fecuty ot ghetng & Tetralogy Pape dot 10 CINEC Campus rene Fs santo AOR, Question 04 4) With the dovelopmont of the minicom, mid-1970s, tho popularity of Digital ¢ advantages of digital control compa the explanation.) puter in tho mid=1960s and tho microcomputer in tho Sontrol Systems has been on tho rise, Descrlbo throo red to its analogue counterpart. (Use 3 sentences for (03 Marks) 5) Diilzing digital control may introduce compatibiity Issues with sensors and actuators, Describe two such Compatibility Issuos and draw a system block diagram with tho corrective mechanisms, (Uso 2 sentences for the doseription,) (03 Marks) hiquo usod to convort a digital control signal to an analogue actuator able diagram in your answor, (Uso 2 sontoncos for tho doserlption.) (03 Marks) 4) An analogue controller is designed with the following transfer function In Equation 4.0, The design engineors have decided to implement a digital version of the contrallor by initially using a sample increment of 7 = +s, ©) Deseribe ono te signal, Include a 1 05547 ‘Obtain the equivalent Z-transfer function using Tustin transformation. G(s) = 7 (4.0) (03 Marks) Using the Z-transfer function obtained in part |, determine the difference equation and plot the unit step response of the digital controller for a poriod of Os St s 3s. (08 Marks) Plot the unit step response of the analogue controller G(s) for a period of Os st s 3s, and describe the compatibility with the digital controller's response, (Uso 2 sentences for the description.) (07 Marks) [Question 04 Total — 25%) CINE Compus Page 6 of 10 ee3324 Frst-Si Examination con OOQ: CONTROL DATA SHEETS Design via Frequency Domain Gain Adjustment 7 -1 % z= —Shncwossr00 ®, = tan 2 Vr +in?(005/100) 20 vita! Second Order System Standard Form G(s) = Standard Performance of a Second Order System Time to first peak; Ty + Settling time; ; Risetime; T, Percentage Overshoot; %0S =e("/YF") x 100 ; ¢ =0.01xPM (2) = ae - 2 Where Z is the damping ratio, w, is the natural frequency, w, is the crossover frequency and PM is the Phase Margin, Bode Plot —x ; PM=$+180 —x dB = 20log(K) Modelling Equations Spring ; F=kx(t) ; Damper; F = bx(t) ave Capacitor Current; 1=C.7= ; Inductor Voltage; V Steady State Error . RS) E(s)=R(S)—X(s) 3 E(s) Too Where “G(s)" is the open loop transfer function, and “R(s)" is the system input. Ens = ee s.E(s) Tustin Transform GH) s= in CINEC Campus Faculy of Engineering & Technology Page 6 of 10 3324 First-St Examination TABLE OF LAPLACE AND Z TRANSFORMS Fs) | ft) C «) | pe) \ unit impulse: a) 4 8k) 1 | k | \ delayed unit impulse: 6(1-NT) &&-N) j \ |unitste: 1 | I | | unit ramp: t kT | } ol ed | oa | { a . a za 4 | 1a i Lae Te | Lig ae he Salatke | ne t ze + 3 : Fag qt | re A) ae ene) | [ 3 2 fee | oe | Le wera) epee") r ae 2-@) - : =a EDE-) zs Zain i sin (at) ae PatceoTH | 5 a(e=co8 OF) cos (at) Ze cor oT +1 @ ze? sino eMsinat Gta t a Pade coset re ay (sta) Poze sinaT erat at Gray +o? eT esoTse -END OF EXAMINATION PAPER- CINEC Compus Faculty of Engineering & Technology Page 7 of 19

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