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Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)

Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Theme 3: Chapter (2)

Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Language processing tools can be invaluable resources of information. ( t)

(2) Use AI tools to invade people’s privacy, cheat or cause harm. ( F)

(3) Artificial intelligence (AI) depends on algorithms. ( t)

(4) AI tools should be inclusive to all users, not just a select group. ( t)

(5) Ai tools designers and users shouldn’t be ethical. ( F)

(6) Chat windows on websites that provide responses from chatbots. ( t)

(7) Use AI tools to help yourself, to help others and to help society. ( t)

(8) Be transparent means that data should be based on facts. (F )

(9) Digital voice assistants that respond to questions/requests. ( t)

(10) Email spam filters allow dangerous email to reach your inbox. ( F)

Q (2): Choose:
(1) Be…................…means that user privacy and security must be considered when designing AI tools.
a) accountable b) protective c) unbiased

(2) Chat windows on websites that provide responses from…….…………….

a) humans b) chatbots c) nothing
(3) Language processing tools can be ……………...resources of information.

a) invaluable b) valueless c) useless

(4) Company or designer who developed the AI tool should follow a ......…...…….

a) piracy b) code of ethics c) hacking

(5) AI tools should be ……………………. to all users, not just a select group
a) inclusive b) exclusive c) private

Q (3): Complete with words:

(unbiased – protective – beneficial – accountable – transparent)


1) Be …………………means AI tools should be used to help society, not used to take
advantage of it.

2) Be ………………… means data should be based on fact, not opinion or personal
3) Be ………………… means if an AI tool doesn’t work as it should, admit the mistake,
provide insight on what went wrong and explain what is being done to fix it.
transparent means be willing to explain how the AI tools work.
4) Be …………………
5) Be ………means User privacy and security must be considered when designing AI
tools. protective

Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (3)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Stocks and bonds can be bought, managed, and sold through trusted websites. (T )
(2) Companies may lose business and money because of competitors or reviews. (T )
(3) Shares are unequal parts into which the ownership of the company are divided into. ( F)

(4) Most websites share user reviews for products. (T )
(5) Consumers use comparison websites to help them compare products. ( T)
(6) All online reviews are fake and exaggerated. ( F)

(7) You can invest in a green company that helps to preserve the environment. ( T)
(8) There are many online shops. ( T)

(9) Individuals may choose to purchase stocks to support a company they trust. ( T)

(10) Search engines are important technological research tools. ( T)
Q (2): Choose:
(1) Companies can sell bonds to help ………………… money.
a) raise b) lose
2 4 c) both of them
(2) ……………………online news stories can affect companies’ business badly.
a) Negative b) Positive c) Nothing

(3) ………...are equal parts into which the ownership of the company are divided into.
a) bonds b) branches c) Shares
(4) ……………is a market where people can buy and sell shares, called stocks

a) E-commerce b) Stock exchange c) Online reviews

(5) …………… buying and selling of goods and services on the internet.

a) E-commerce b) Stock exchange c) Online reviews

Q (3): Complete with words:

(green company – bonds – comparison – research tools – lose – search engine


– reviews)
research tools
1) Some technological ………………… such as search engines and online reviews.

2) Companies can also sell …………….…….… help raise money.

3) Companies may lose business and money because of competitors or………...…...
4) Consumers use ……………………websites to help them compare products.
lose business and money because of competitors or reviews.
5) Companies may ……...….
search engine
(6) A ……...……. provides quick results, as well as a short description for each result.
green company
(7) A person who wants to help the environment might want to invest in a ….……….
Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (4)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Chatbots are real people. (F )
(2) ESPs include both profit and non-profit organizations. ( T)
(3) Chatbots important to be formal than e-mail when writing to an ESP. (F )

(4) You must be polite and clear in your request. ( T)
(5) Chat windows usually have chatbots for responses. (T )
(6) You may get an automatically generated reply thanking you for your email. ( T)

(7) You cannot send an email request to an ESP. (F )
(8) ESPs are sources of information which a student can potentially learn from. ( T )

(9) Alexandria Library and Egyptian Knowledge Bank are two well-known ESPs. ( T )

(10) Your Email can contain an introduction about you. ( T)
Q (2): Choose:
(1) ……………...…...are AI computer programs designed to respond to questions online.
a) Shares b) Bonds c) Chatbots
(2) Email is ……………… formal than chat windows.

a) less b) more c) nothing

(3) ESPs include ………………………. organizations.
a) profit b) non-profit c) both of them

(4) You can communicate with some ESPs using…………………...


a) chat windows b) email c) both of them

(5) At the end of your email message you can put …………………

a) your name b) introduction c) reason

Q (3): Complete with words:

(ESPs – online libraries – reply – EKB – Chatbots)


1) ……………………. aren’t real people.

2) Sometimes you may get an automatically generated ……………thanking you for
your email.
3) ………………….. stands for Educational Service Providers.
online libraries
4) ESPs may include……………………. and educational publishing sites.
5) Alexandria Library and …………………...are two well-known ESPs.

Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (5)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Video conference is a form of real time communication. (T )
(2) Send an email to follow up after the meeting. (T )
(3) Video conferencing platforms have no similar basic tools in both of them. (F )

(4) Unless you turn off your camera, participants will be able to see you. ( T)
(5) To create a meet in Google Meet, Click on New Meeting. (T )
(6) Make sure the information is correct and sources are accurate. ( T)

(7) Dress appropriately, and be sure to smile and appear friendly while video calls. (T )
(8) Click on the microphone icon for audio, and the camera icon for video. ( T)

(9) After creating the meet link, you shouldn’t copy the meeting link or send it. (F )

(10) In Google meet we can’t schedule a meeting for later. ( F)
Q (2): Choose:
(1) From popular video conferencing platforms ………………….
a) Google meet b) MS Teams
2 4 c) both of them
(2) In Google meet we have ………….…………. To join a meeting.

a) one way b) two ways c) nothing

(3) Practice run of your presentation ……….………...showing it on a group.
a) before b) after c) nothing

(4) You can turn ……………………...your camera while the meeting.


a) on b) off c) both of them

(5) Always look up and speak while looking at the…………………….

a) camera b) mic c) speakers

Q (3): Complete with words:

(connection – Email – Google Meet – Video chats – instantly – Share)


Video chats
1) We can communicate with our friends through ………………………….. .

2) ……………………the meeting link with the meeting participants.
3) Send an ………………...…….to follow up after the meeting.
Google Meet and MS Teams.
4) Two popular video conferencing platforms are……….………...
5) You can start a meeting ………………………or a meeting for later.
6) Before communicating via a video conference before double check your
…………………...and software.
Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (6)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) HTML is a language commonly used to create web pages. (T )
(2) JavaScript allows the creation of static web content. ( F)
(3) When saving a file make sure you’re not using the name of another file. ( T )

(4) HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark Up Language. (T )
(5) HTML is used to create static web content. ( T)
(6) HTML includes more personalized user interaction than Java script. (F )

(7) It is preferred back up important files to an external hard drive regularly. ( T )
(8) You can delete the corrupted file and download it again. (T )

(9) Set up strong unique passwords for each account. (T )

(10) Use a password manager application with a master password and remember it. ( T )
Q (2): Choose:
(1) Deleted files stored temporarily in …………………….
a) recycle bin b) trash
2 4 c) both are true
(2) In case of …………… on the link that confirms you forgot your password.
a) Accidental file deletion b) Forgotten password c) Corrupted file

(3) In case of corrupted file try to open the file with ……………………...application.
a) same b) another c) nothing
(4) ……………...allows the creation of static web content.

a) JavaScript b) HTML c) GIMP

(5) Always make sure your software version is……………….

a) old b) up-to-date c) both of them.

Q (3): Complete with words:

(cloud storage – Dynamic web – charging cable – password manager – static web)

1) HTML is used to create ……………………. content.
cloud storage
2) Regularly back up important files to an external hard drive, or…...………... service.

Dynamic web
3) …………………. content is content that can be changed based on the individual

user’s interactions with the app or website.

4) If your device won’t charge make sure your charging cable

…………………… functioning.
password manager
5) To keep your passwords, you should use a ……………………...application.

Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (7)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Use photo editing software to alter images to make them look more professional. (T )
(2) GIMP is an expensive software program. (F )
(3) Photographers can use Adobe Photoshop only to create and edit images. (F )

(4) Blending means combines two images to make them look like one. ( T)
(5) GIMP has a large number of tools. (T )
(6) GIMP supports different file formats such as PDF, gif or jpeg. ( T)

(7) Retouching means enhances the photo to make it look more beautiful. ( T)
(8) GIMP take up a lot of space on your hard drive. ( F)

(9) In GIMP you can use different filters to add special effects to an image. (T )

(10) GIMP is an efficient and light program. (T )
Q (2): Choose:
(1) You can use different ……………….to add special effects to an image.
a) shapes b) lines
4 c) filters
(2) GIMP supports different file formats such as ………………
a) PDF b) GIF c) both of them

(3) GIMP is an ………………………source program

a) open b) closed c) both of them
(4) We can use GIMP on different operating systems to change ……………...

a) images b) sounds c) videos

(5) In GIMP you can customize the interface to show only the ………..that you need
a) tools b) apps c) programs

Q (3): Complete with words:

(GIMP – present – artistic filter – download– motion blur – Photoshop)


motion blur
1) To make the image appears as moving in the photo with………………...
2) Graphic designers can use many image programs such as …………… and GIMP

artistic filter
3) To make image look very old with the …………………. gallery.

4) You can ………………the GIMP software freely from the internet.
5) It is useful when you …………………an idea for something that doesn’t exist yet.
6) …………… an open source program

Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Theme 4: Chapter (1)

Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Ms. Sonika Manandhar is a financial technology entrepreneur. (T )
(2) Mobile wallet is an app for storing money. ( T)
(3) Fintech company Aloi prevents people from using financial services. (F )

(4) Egypt launched its first locally manufactured electric car. (T )
(5) The electric car is expected to have an affordable price for the Egyptian market. ( T)
(6) Passengers cannot pay with digital tokens or through mobile wallets. ( F)

(7) All financial transactions are sent as an SMS (text). ( T)
(8) The funders know exactly how the loans were spent and how much is paid back. ( T)

(9) The most of the minibus drivers in the capital Kathmandu were men. (F )

Q (2): Choose:
(1) ……...…allows users to access their money and use it electronically anywhere and at any time.
a) cash money b) Mobile wallet 4 c) coins
(2) Manandhar wanted to reduce the ……………………. emissions rate.
a) carbon b) oxygen c) nothing
(3) The electric car is expected to have an ………………price for the Egyptian market.

a) expensive b) affordable c) nothing

(4) People can pay for rides using ………………. messaging with the digital platform’s
tokens or their own mobile wallet.

a) Facebook b) Instagram c) both of them

(5) Scheduling and paying for rides …have become increasingly popular in the past years.

a) offline b) online c) nothing

Q (3): Complete with words:

(mobile wallets – 5 – digital tokens – 60– green economy – loan)

1) The first locally manufactured Egyptian electric car maximum speed is ……… and it uses

a lithium-ion battery.

2) The first locally manufactured Egyptian electric car is designed to accommodate ………. people.

3) When the funder approves a……………………., the business owner gets a digital token.
digital tokens mobile wallets
4) Passengers can pay with …………….…….or through……….…………….
green economy
5) As part of its strategy to adopt a……………………, Egypt launched its first locally manufactured

electric car.

Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (2)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Some software installs automatically to your device. (T )
(2) The graphical interface of the Control Panel is similar in each version of Windows. ( F )
(3) Operating systems runs the software and hardware. (T )

(4) The changes you make in the Control Panel are automatically applied to other software
in your computer. (T )
(5) OS is the most important software on your computer. ( T)

(6) Without OS, your computer will become useless. (T )
(7) It is also hard to remove computer programs from your computer. (F )

(8) We can’t add extra fonts to our computers. ( F)

(9) Closed-source means that anyone can run Linux and for any reason. ( F)
(10) When you buy a computer or device, it usually has a pre-loaded OS. ( T)

Q (2): Choose:
2 4
(1) All adjustable hardware and software settings and configurations can be modified
in the……………………….

a) start b) menu bar c) control panel

(2) ………………….is the software that manages a computer’s functions.
a) Cloud storage b) Operating systems c) E-commerce
(3) ………………….is a family of open-source operating systems, such as Fedora.

a) Linux b) Windows c) MAC os

(4) Smartphones and tablets use different operating systems, such as …………….

a) Android b) iOS c) both of them

(5) Macintosh computers use ………………...

a) iOS b) Mac os c) windows

Q (3): Complete with words:


(requirements – Linux – Operating System – Control Panel – Microsoft Windows)

Operating system

1) ……………….…. allows a user to communicate with the computer easily.

2) OS verifies the requirements
…………………for each program and the computer components.
3) …………………. can be distributed by anyone around the world and anyone can
make changes to it. Microsoft windows
4) Most laptops and computers have ……………………… OS pre-loaded.
5) If you download a new font, you need to use the………………., click on Fonts.
control panel

Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (3)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) Microsoft Word is the most reliable creation tool to use for writing reports. (T )
(2) You can’t choose the font type in MS Word. (F )
(3) In Word we can use editing tools to check reports for spelling and grammar. ( T )

(4) In MS Word we can use layout tab to choose from available options. ( T)
(5) In MS Word we can insert a new image from File menu. (F )
(6) Messaging services are compatible with Android devices only. ( F)

(7) We can use WhatsApp application to communicate ideas and share information. ( T )
(8) No special prices to worry about when messaging someone from across the world. ( T )

(9) There are big restrictions to send a message around the world. (F )

(10) You can include one person in a chat, or many people. (T )
Q (2): Choose:
(1) You might use a ……………. service to collaborate on a group project.
a) messaging b) phishing
2 4 c) piracy
(2) Messages sent are …………only the intended recipient will be able to see it.
a) public b) general c) encrypted

(3) Messaging services are compatible on any device and with ……………. products.
a) Android b) Apple c) both of them
(4) We can use …………… Word to view a document before saving or printing.

a) Preview tools b) Editing tools c) nothing

(5) Messaging services like WhatsApp have some …. over standard text messaging

a) advantages b) disadvantages c) harm

Q (3): Complete with words:


(encrypted – Formatting – Editing – text – messages)

1) Since people use the internet, ………. are almost always free to send and receive.

2) Like …………...messaging, messaging services allow you to send text, images,

voice messages and videos.

3) Messages sent are ...…only the intended recipient will be able to see the message.
Formatting tools in MS Word to add bold, and italicize words, set
4) We can use ……….……….
up headings, create tables, and insert images, hyperlinks, and footnotes.
5) We can use ……………….tools in MS Word to check reports for spelling, grammar,
and conciseness.

Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (4)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) A PowerPoint presentation shouldn’t be more than 10 slides. (T )
(2) Creation tools help you to choose a style for your presentation, including design. ( T )
(3) We can add a textbox from design tab. (F )

(4) Font size in your presentation should be smaller than 30 points size. (F )
(5) Add pictures to your presentation to help get your message across. (T )
(6) You can use SmartArt but make sure it’s easy to read. ( T)

(7) See a final preview of your flyer and click Print from File tab. ( T)
(8) Your presentation time should be at least one hour. (F )

(9) Use the Text Box to carefully craft your message. (T )

(10) You can use Office Suite to create presentations to express opinions and ideas. ( T )
(11) In PowerPoint you can’t customize your own slide size. (F )
Q (2): Choose:
(1) A PowerPoint presentation shouldn’t be more than………………… slides
a) 5 b) 10 c) 20
(2) A PowerPoint presentation time shouldn’t be more than……………… minutes

a) 10 b) 20 c) 30
(3) A PowerPoint presentation font size shouldn’t be less than…………… points.
a) 10 b) 20 c) 30

(4) You can upload pictures from an …………………or from your photo album.
a) online picture bank b) a screenshot c) both of them

(5) You can use …………………but make sure that text is easy to read.
a) pictures b) SmartArt c) nothing
Q (3): Complete with words:

(Save As PDF – slide – design – visually appealing – animation options – review)

1) A suitable…………can help make presentations engaging and visually appealing.

Save as PDF
2) You can use ………………………. option to keep file formatting.

3) You can select ……...…………size from design tab as standard or wide screen.
4) Edit in ……………mode help you to easy discover any errors in your presentation.
5) There are animation options
……………………………to add movement to sentences and words.
6) PowerPoint has easy-to-use tools to help make material …………… interest
visually appealing

10 | P a g e
Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (5)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) To create a formula, you first must type “=” in the cell. (T )
(2) In Excel the data can’t be easily analyzed or changed to meet the needs of users. ( F )
(3) When you type in numbers, such as a date, Excel will automatically format them. ( T )

(4) You can add text and formulas to cells in Excel. ( T)
(5) You can add additional information columns to a database. ( T)
(6) Excel lets you manipulate numbers in your database by adding formulas. ( T)

(7) To add a new column Right-click at the bottom of the column then insert. (F )
(8) “A4+B4/C4” is a correct formula. ( F)

(9) All data must be managed in compliance with Egypt’s Data Protection Laws. ( T )

(10) A teacher may have a secure database that includes student information. ( T)
(11) A business may have databases for keeping track of employees’ information. ( T )
Q (2): Choose:
(1) …………...…store a large amount of information in a computer system.
a) encryption b) Databases c) privacy

(2) To arrange data, go to the toolbar and choose Data then choose……...
a) File b) Insert c) Sort
(3) You can use Microsoft … create databases.
a) Excel b) PowerPoint c) Word

(4) To add a new column Right-click the top of the column and then select…………
a) Insert Cell b) Insert Column c) Insert Row

(5) A ………….... may have databases for keeping track of employees’ information.
a) business b) teacher c) nothing

Q (3): Complete with words:

(formula – Data Protection Laws – information – Excel – toolbar – numbers)


1) You can use Microsoft ……………………to create databases.

2) To create a…………………., you first must type “=” in the cell.
numbers such as a date, Excel will automatically format them.
3) When you type in……….………,
data protection laws
4) All data must be managed in compliance with Egypt’s………………………………...
5) Databases can be used to collect ………………...about people, places or things.
6) To arrange data, go to the ……………….and choose Data. Then choose Sort.

11 | P a g e
Dakahlia Educational Directorate ICT final revision (Prim 6)
Computer, IT and communications supervision 2nd term 2024

Chapter (6)
Q (1): Put (√) or (×):
(1) No need to Practice your presentation in advance. (F )
(2) Make sure you point towards the different sections of your flowchart as you present the
information about them. (T )

(3) When you give a presentation, you should speak quickly. ( F)
(4) In your presentations you can use text, images, videos, animations and graphics. ( T )
(5) Via the Insert tab then select SmartArt to add SmartArt to your presentation. ( T )

(6) Give your audience an introduction about the purpose of your presentation. (T )
(7) Click on [Text] in the flowchart to add your information. (T )

(8) You can use flowchart in many different scenarios. ( T)

(9) PowerPoint also helps you to understand the material better than just plain text. ( T )
(10) Consider changing colors to make your flowchart less visually appealing. (F )

Q (2): Choose:
(1) ………...….is a useful presentation tool to share information with others.
a) Excel b) Word c) PowerPoint

(2) Another tool you can include in a PowerPoint presentation is a……………….

a) flowchart b) formulas c) nothing
(3) …………………in a presentation are appealing additions to any presentation.

a) Text only b) Sounds only c) Visuals

(4) To change color, click on ………. or choose an option using SmartArt Styles.

a) view b) textbox c) Change Colors

(5) Click on a ………………to review its description in the dialogue box.
a) font b) flowchart c) layout

Q (3): Complete with words:

(colors – planning – introduction – clearly – flowchart)


1) A …………….……...illustrates a series of steps.

2) When you give a presentation, speak …….……………...and slowly and confidently!
3) Consider changing …………………to make your flowchart more visually appealing:
planning presenting and tracking progress of
4) We can use flowchart for visualizing, ….……………,
a task or project, including a coding project.
5) Give your audience an ………………about the purpose of your PowerPoint presentation.

12 | P a g e

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