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Rubric- IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion)


Clear Statement of the Problem:

• 4 points: The introduction clearly states the problem or research question

being addressed.
• 3 points: The problem is somewhat clear but could be more explicitly stated.
• 2 points: The problem is vaguely stated or not clearly defined.
• 1 point: The problem is not stated or is completely unclear.

Background and Context:

• 4 points: Provides thorough background information and context relevant to

the research problem.
• 3 points: Provides sufficient background information, but some important
aspects may be missing.
• 2 points: Background information is limited and/or not entirely relevant.
• 1 point: Little to no background information is provided.


• 4 points: Clearly states the hypothesis or research objective.

• 3 points: States the hypothesis or objective, but it could be clearer or more
• 2 points: The hypothesis or objective is vaguely stated.
• 1 point: The hypothesis or objective is not stated.

Clarity and Reproducibility:

• 4 points: Methods are clearly described and detailed enough for another
researcher to replicate the study.
• 3 points: Methods are mostly clear but may lack some detail or clarity.
• 2 points: Methods are somewhat unclear or lacking in detail, making replication
• 1 point: Methods are poorly described and lack clarity, making replication
nearly impossible.
Appropriateness of Methods:

• 4 points: Methods chosen are appropriate for addressing the research

question and are well-justified.
• 3 points: Methods are generally appropriate, but some alternatives could have
been considered or justified.
• 2 points: Methods are somewhat appropriate but lack justification or
consideration of alternatives.
• 1 point: Methods are not appropriate for addressing the research question, or
there is no justification provided.


Presentation of Data:

• 4 points: Data are clearly presented using appropriate tables, figures, and/or
• 3 points: Data are presented adequately but may lack some organization or
• 2 points: Data presentation is somewhat confusing or disorganized.
• 1 point: Data presentation is unclear or difficult to follow.

Relevance of Results:

• 4 points: Results are directly relevant to the research question and

• 3 points: Results are mostly relevant but may include some extraneous
• 2 points: Some results are relevant, but others are tangential or irrelevant.
• 1 point: Results are largely irrelevant to the research question.

Interpretation of Results:

• 4 points: Results are interpreted accurately and in the context of existing

• 3 points: Results are generally interpreted correctly but may lack depth or
thorough consideration of alternative explanations.
• 2 points: Interpretation of results is somewhat unclear or lacks consideration
of relevant literature.
• 1 point: Interpretation of results is inaccurate or completely lacking.
Implications and Conclusion:

• 4 points: Discusses the implications of the results thoroughly and draw

appropriate conclusions.
• 3 points: Addresses the implications of the results, but conclusions may be
somewhat weak or underdeveloped.
• 2 points: Provides limited discussion of implications and/or conclusions are not
• 1 point: Fails to discuss the implications of the results or draw meaningful
Rubric- Abstract

Clarity and Conciseness:

Clear and Succinct Overview:

• 4 points: The abstract provides a clear and concise overview of the study's
purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
• 3 points: The abstract is generally clear and succinct but may contain some
minor ambiguities or unnecessary details.
• 2 points: The abstract is somewhat clear but lacks conciseness or contains
irrelevant information.
• 1 point: The abstract is unclear or overly verbose, making it difficult to
understand the main points.


Introduction and Background:

• 4 points: Clearly introduces the research topic, provides relevant background

information, and states the research question or objective.
• 3 points: Introduces the topic and provides background information but may
lack clarity in stating the research question or objective.
• 2 points: Provides some introduction and background information but lacks
clarity or relevance.
• 1 point: Introduction and background information are insufficient or irrelevant.


• 4 points: Describes the methods used in the study in sufficient detail to

understand how the research was conducted.
• 3 points: Provides an overview of the methods used, but some key details
may be missing.
• 2 points: Briefly mentions the methods used but lacks sufficient detail for
• 1 point: Does not adequately describe the methods used in the study.

• 4 points: Summarizes the key findings of the study accurately and clearly.
• 3 points: Provides a summary of the results but may lack clarity or detail.
• 2 points: Mentions some results but lacks clarity or organization.
• 1 point: Fails to summarize the results or provides inaccurate information.

• 4 points: Clearly states the main conclusions drawn from the study and
discusses their implications.
• 3 points: States some conclusions and discusses implications to some extent
but may lack depth or clarity.
• 2 points: Mentions conclusions or implications but lacks clarity or coherence.
• 1 point: Does not provide clear conclusions or discuss implications.


Logical Flow:

• 4 points: The abstract follows a logical sequence, with each section

(Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion) clearly delineated.
• 3 points: The abstract generally follows a logical sequence but may lack
smooth transitions between sections.
• 2 points: The abstract is somewhat disorganized, making it difficult to follow
the flow of information.
• 1 point: The abstract lacks organization, making it challenging to understand
the structure or sequence of information.

Language and Style:

Clarity and Readability:

• 4 points: The abstract is written in clear, concise language that is easy to

• 3 points: Language is generally clear, but some sentences may be overly
complex or unclear.
• 2 points: Language is somewhat unclear or convoluted, hindering
• 1 point: Language is confusing or difficult to comprehend.
Accuracy and Precision:

• 4 points: The abstract accurately reflects the content of the study and uses
precise terminology.
• 3 points: Generally accurate but may contain minor inaccuracies or imprecise
• 2 points: Contains some inaccuracies or imprecise language that could lead
to misunderstanding.
• 1 point: Contains significant inaccuracies or uses vague language that
obscures meaning.


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