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There is an irrefutable fact that information technology is one of the breakthrough

inventions, bringing many great changes to modern social life. It is also believed that
this technological devices, specifically mobile phones is having a growing vital part to
play in school lessons. The following essay will discuss both the merits and demerits
of this trend, and my personal perspective will be stated as well.
As the beginning part of the discussion, advantages are worth mentioning initially.
In this way we can see that mobile phones are a useful tool for learning. From this
what is meant is that students often use mobile phones in primary school to take
photos and record class lectures. In addition, a phone with an Internet connection also
helps students find information and reference materials related to the lessons to help
them understand the lessons better. Another strength can be found in the fact that
when primary school students carry phone it helps their parents feel more secure. The
reason for this is that the phone has GPS so parents can easily determine their child's
Yet, there are still some drawbacks. First and foremost, mobile phones have become
the primary entertainment tool for students. Undoubtedly, students will use their
phones more for entertainment, leading to a loss of control over the information they
receive on social networks, thereby also affecting their studies. As an addition, the use
of phones in primary schools in some countries also affects their social interaction
quite significantly. This is simply because, excessive use of mobile phones can hinder
face-to-face social interactions and communication skills development. Another
obvious disadvantage is the security risk, children may be at risk of losing their
phones or having them stolen, leading to privacy and security concerns.
In my opinion, the use of mobile phones by primary school children at school
should be regulated and monitored. While there are clear benefits to having access to
mobile phones, measures should be in place to prevent misuse and address potential
drawbacks. Schools can establish guidelines on when and how phones can be used,
educate students on responsible phone usage, and implement monitoring systems to
ensure compliance.
As can be seen from the above, there are some advantages and disadvantages to cell
phone use at school. No matter how this issue is dealt with, cautions should be taken
due to two opposite aspects like what has been discussed.

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