tuệ khanh

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When it comes to people's focus on themselves over their society, everyone thinks this is a big problem

and needs to be solved quickly. In this essay, I will first indicate that the major issues brought on by this
phenomena and it will then make the case that the best solutions.

To begin with, there is the opinion that people increasingly value personal time and their income, so they
often focus more on themselves and are indifferent to other individuals, this will definitely weakens the
sense of community. Because community provides a common identity, when it weak, every individual
will feel isolated and disconnected with each other. Take Korea as an example. In this country, most of
the population, instead of participating in community connection activities, will choose personal
activities, which creates insensitivity in the minds of many people especially the younger generation. To
solve this problem, not only the government but also the people must encourage others to volunteer
work, local events and cultural celebrations can stimulate the spirit of solidarity. In addition, investing in
community spaces such as public libraries, parks and community centers is also a solution to provide a
valuable platform for connection and engagement.

Another problem is that when people care too much about themselves, they will neglect the
environment. This facilitates the formation of a neglected urban environment. Which will cause
pollution, increased crime rates, and a lack of community spirit. So how can we solve this problem? The
first is to suggest ways to encourage community participation and revitalize urban areas, building
community projects like organizing events, clean-ups and volunteer opportunities.

To sum up, the rise of individualism in society leads to the weakening of communities and the neglect of
the environment, which are both notable social problems. But it can be solved with the help of the
government as well as other conscious individuals.

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