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Joining And Onboarding

Joining and onboarding are distinct yet interconnected processes within the realm of
employee integration in an organization. Joining marks, the initial formal entry of an
individual into the company, encompassing essential administrative tasks such as
completing paperwork, understanding organizational policies, and configuring the physical
workspace. It is a pivotal moment where the new employee formally accepts the job
offer and aligns their expectations with the organization. Onboarding, on the other hand,
extends beyond the joining phase and focuses on assimilating the new employee into
the company culture and operational processes.

During onboarding, individuals undergo orientation programs, receive training to enhance

job-related skills, and become acquainted with team dynamics. Mentorship, feedback

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sessions, and social integration activities contribute to a holistic and positive onboarding
experience. While joining establishes the official entry point, onboarding is the ongoing
process that nurtures a sense of belonging, fosters professional growth, and integrates
individuals seamlessly into the fabric of the organization. Together, these processes play
a crucial role in shaping an employee's journey, ensuring a smooth transition, and
cultivating a foundation for long-term success within the organizational ecosystem.


Joining is the initial phase of an employee's integration into an organization. It

encompasses the formalities and administrative procedures that take place as the
individual officially becomes a part of the company. During the joining process, new
employees typically complete necessary paperwork, including contracts and legal
documents, and gain an understanding of organizational policies. This phase involves
the formal acceptance of the job offer and the establishment of the terms and conditions
of employment. Joining also includes the allocation of workspace and the provision of
tools or resources needed for the job. It marks the commencement of the professional
relationship between the employee and the organization, laying the foundation for the
subsequent onboarding process.


Onboarding is a more extensive and ongoing process that goes beyond the initial joining
phase. It is designed to integrate new employees seamlessly into the organizational
culture and facilitate their effectiveness in their roles. Onboarding includes orientation
programs that introduce individuals to the company's mission, values, and overall
structure. Training sessions are provided to enhance job-related skills, and employees
often participate in team-building activities to foster relationships. Onboarding also
involves mentorship programs, where new hires are paired with experienced colleagues
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to guide them through their initial period. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions are
conducted to assess progress and address any concerns. The goal of onboarding is to
ensure that new employees not only understand their roles but also feel a sense of
belonging within the organization, contributing to their long-term success and job

Importance of Joining & Onboarding

The importance of joining and onboarding in an organization cannot be overstated, as

these processes play a crucial role in shaping the employee experience, fostering
productivity, and contributing to long-term success.

Importance of Joining:

1. Formal Integration: Joining formalizes the relationship between the employee and
the organization. It marks the official entry into the workforce and establishes the terms
and conditions of employment.

2. Administrative Foundation: Administrative tasks completed during joining, such

as paperwork and policy communication, set the foundation for a smooth transition into
the company.

3. Initial Impressions: The joining phase creates the first impression for the new
employee, influencing their perception of the organization and its commitment to

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Importance of Onboarding:

1. Cultural Assimilation: Onboarding goes beyond administrative tasks to ensure that

new employees understand and assimilate into the organizational culture. This is vital
for alignment with the company's values and goals.

2. Productivity Enhancement: Effective onboarding accelerates the learning curve

for new hires, making them productive more quickly in their roles. This, in turn,
positively impacts the organization's overall efficiency.

3. Employee Engagement: Onboarding programs contribute to higher employee

engaement by fostering a sense of belonging and connection within the workplace.

4. Retention and Satisfaction: well-executed onboarding process is linked to higher

employee retention rates and increased job satisfaction, as it addresses the needs and
expectations of new hires.

5. Skill Development: Onboarding often includes training sessions and skill

development programs, ensuring that employees have the necessary tools and knowledge
to excel in their positions.

6. Social Integration: Through team-building activities and mentorship programs,

onboarding facilitates social integration, helping new employees build relationships with
colleagues and feel a part of the larger work community.

7. Feedback and Improvement: Regular check-ins during onboarding allow

organizations to gather feedback from new employees, enabling continuous improvement
in the onboarding process.

8. Cultural Alignment: Onboarding contributes to the cultural alignment of employees

with the organization, fostering a shared understanding of values and expectations.

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In conclusion, the seamless integration of joining and onboarding processes is essential
for creating a positive employee experience, enhancing organizational efficiency, and
building a workforce that is engaged, satisfied, and aligned with the company's mission
and values.

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Industry Overview

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The landscape of medical education is undergoing a profound transformation in response

to the evolving demands of the healthcare industry. As global healthcare needs escalate,
there is a growing emphasis on producing well-trained and adaptable healthcare
professionals. One prominent trend shaping the industry is the integration of technology.
Digital transformation has become a cornerstone of medical education, with virtual
learning platforms, simulation technologies, and online resources revolutionizing the way
students access and engage with educational content. This shift towards technology not
only enhances the accessibility of medical education but also prepares students for a
technologically advanced healthcare environment.

Interdisciplinary learning is another noteworthy trend, reflecting the recognition that

healthcare challenges are increasingly complex and interconnected. Collaborations
between medical professionals and experts from other disciplines are being fostered to
promote a holistic understanding of patient care. This interdisciplinary approach aims to
produce healthcare professionals who can navigate the complexities of modern medicine
and contribute to innovative solutions.

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Globalization is a key driver in the field of medical education. Cross-border
collaborations, international partnerships, and exchange programs have become integral
to providing students with a comprehensive and globally informed perspective. This
trend not only enriches the educational experience but also exposes students to diverse
healthcare systems and practices, preparing them for a more interconnected and
globalized healthcare landscape.

Despite these positive trends, the industry faces several challenges. Resource constraints,
both financial and infrastructural, hinder the expansion and improvement of medical
education programs, particularly in regions with underdeveloped healthcare infrastructure.
Adapting to rapid technological changes also poses a challenge, requiring significant
investments in both faculty training and the maintenance of up-to-date curricula. Ensuring
quality assurance remains a persistent concern, with the need for continuous evaluation
and improvement to align with international standards and accreditation.

Opportunities within the medical education industry are evident, with online and blended
learning at the forefront. The acceptance of digital platforms provides institutions with
the chance to reach a broader audience and offer flexible, accessible medical education
programs. Collaborations and partnerships between educational institutions, healthcare
providers, and industry stakeholders present opportunities for shared resources, research
initiatives, and innovative curriculum development. Moreover, there is a growing demand
for specialized programs as healthcare becomes increasingly specialized. Institutions that
offer targeted courses and training in emerging medical fields are well-positioned to
capitalize on this demand.

Medical education stands at the forefront of shaping the future of healthcare

professionals, playing a pivotal role in preparing individuals for the complexities of
modern medicine. Rooted in a commitment to excellence, medical education is
undergoing a transformative phase characterized by technological integration,
interdisciplinary learning, and globalization. The incorporation of advanced technologies
such as virtual learning platforms and simulation tools reflects a paradigm shift in
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educational delivery, enhancing accessibility and ensuring graduates are well-versed in
navigating a technologically advanced healthcare landscape.

Interdisciplinary learning emphasizes collaboration between medical professionals and

experts from diverse fields, fostering a holistic understanding of patient care and
encouraging innovative problem-solving. Furthermore, the globalization of medical
education through international collaborations and exchange programs broadens students'
perspectives, exposing them to diverse healthcare systems and practices. Despite facing
challenges such as resource constraints and the need for continuous adaptation to
evolving technologies, medical education presents significant opportunities, particularly
in online and blended learning formats. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve,
the role of medical education remains indispensable in producing competent and
compassionate healthcare professionals equipped to meet the demands of an ever-
changing healthcare landscape.

In conclusion, the medical education industry is navigating a transformative period

characterized by technological advancements, globalization, and an increasing focus on
interdisciplinary approaches. While challenges persist, opportunities abound for
institutions that embrace innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to providing high-
quality medical education that equips professionals for the complexities of modern
healthcare delivery.

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Company Overview

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The GS Medical College & Hospital (GSMC&H) has received official recognition and
approval from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The
permission is granted through a formal letter, specifically Letter No. U-12012/127/2016-
ME-1 [FTS.3084749], dated 31st May 2017. This approval enables GSMC&H to admit
a specified number of students annually for the MBBS program, with an initial intake
of 150 students for the academic year 2017-18. This authorization is provided under
Section 10A of the Indian Medical Council (IMC) Act, 1956.

The academic affiliation of GS Medical College & Hospital is initially established with
Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut. This affiliation signifies the college's
commitment to delivering medical education in adherence to the standards set by the
regulatory authorities.

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Additionally, as of the Academic Session 2021-22, GS Medical College & Hospital is
now affiliated with Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University in Lucknow. This change
in affiliation may indicate strategic decisions or developments within the institution, and
it aligns the college with a different academic institution to further enhance the quality
of medical education and align with the policies and standards of the new university.

This recognition and affiliation signify that GSMC&H has met the necessary criteria
and standards set by the regulatory bodies, ensuring the institution's credibility and the
quality of education imparted to medical students. It also provides students with a
pathway to pursue medical education in accordance with the guidelines and regulations
stipulated by the relevant authorities in India.GS Medical College & Hospital (GSMC&H)
stands as a beacon of commitment to providing an unparalleled college experience for
its students. Rooted in the belief of delivering excellence, the institution has undertaken
significant strides to elevate its standing as one of the premier private medical colleges
with a rapidly growing campus in the country.

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The cornerstone of GSMC&H's success lies in its unwavering dedication to creating an
environment that fosters academic and professional growth. The institution has
strategically invested in upgrading its infrastructure and embracing cutting-edge
technology to ensure that students receive a world-class education. This commitment
positions GSMC&H as a leader in the field, with facilities and resources that meet and
even exceed international standards.

The campus of GSMC&H is a testament to its forward-looking approach, providing

students with an enriching and holistic learning environment. The upgraded infrastructure
is designed not only to meet the current needs of medical education but also to
anticipate and adapt to the evolving landscape of healthcare and medical sciences. This
foresight ensures that graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary
to excel in a dynamic and competitive global healthcare arena.

Central to GSMC&H's mission is the implementation of advanced tools and techniques

in teaching. The institution recognizes the significance of staying at the forefront of
educational methodologies, embracing innovation to enhance the learning experience. By
incorporating state-of-the-art teaching practices, GSMC&H aims to empower students
with a comprehensive and contemporary medical education that prepares them for the
challenges of a rapidly advancing healthcare sector.

In essence, GS Medical College & Hospital stands as a symbol of excellence in medical

education, combining upgraded infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment
to international teaching standards. As the institution continues to grow and evolve, it
remains steadfast in its mission to provide students with not only a top-notch education
but also an experience that instills a passion for learning and a foundation for future
success in the field of medicine.

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At GS Medical College & Hospital (GSMC&H), our commitment extends beyond the
conventional boundaries of education. We are driven by a profound passion to mold
not only proficient professionals but also compassionate individuals imbued with strong
morals, values, and ethics. Located in Pilkhuwa, Hapur, Delhi NCR, GSMC&H stands
as a distinguished educational institution under the esteemed Shri Jaipal Singh Sharma
Trust. Our focus is on delivering high-quality education that encompasses holistic
learning and instills competitive abilities in our students.

As an integral part of the GS Group, GS Medical College & Hospital holds approval
from the National Medical Commission (NMC), New Delhi. Affiliated with Atal Bihari
Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow, our institution aligns with esteemed accreditation
and regulatory standards, ensuring a curriculum that meets the highest benchmarks in
medical education.

GSMC&H aspires to ascend to the forefront of medical education in India, cultivating

a recognized reputation for excellence in academics, research, and teaching. Our
commitment to this vision is upheld by an exceptional faculty, world-class teaching
standards, and innovative academic programs. We aim not only to meet but to set new
benchmarks in the Indian Medical Education System, contributing to the evolution of
healthcare professionals with a global perspective.

The symbolism of petals leading towards a star encapsulates our institution's cherished
mission—to nurture health, foster scholarly pursuits, and empower both students and
faculty to reach unprecedented heights of success globally. At GS Medical College &
Hospital, we are not just imparting education; we are crafting a journey towards
excellence, ensuring that each individual associated with us contributes meaningfully to
the noble field of healthcare.

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The mission and vision of GS Medical College & Hospital are deeply rooted in a
commitment to the well-being and progress of humanity. Our overarching goal is to
ensure good health and longevity for mankind, reflecting a dedication to the fundamental
principles of medical care and public health.

As we strive to achieve excellence in medical education, our vision extends to becoming

a global center of expertise and a valuable resource in the field. This aspiration
underscores our commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in medical
knowledge, technology, and teaching methodologies.

Research forms a pivotal part of our objectives, aiming to expand activities in the field
of medicine for the betterment of society. By fostering a culture of research and
innovation, we seek to contribute valuable insights and solutions to the challenges faced
in healthcare and medical sciences.

The cultivation of qualified trainers, researchers, and professionals is essential to the

growth of medical education. Our commitment is not only to impart knowledge but to
produce individuals who will contribute significantly to the advancement of healthcare,
both in education and practice.

In parallel, GS Medical College & Hospital is dedicated to providing best-in-class

healthcare services. This commitment extends beyond education to the practical
application of medical knowledge in delivering quality healthcare to the community.

Academic development is complemented by a holistic approach to student growth,

preparing them to face the challenges of their professional careers. We aim to create
well-rounded individuals, nurturing both their academic prowess and their personalities.

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Creating awareness in the medical sector is a pivotal aspect of our mission. We
endeavor to disseminate knowledge, share insights, and contribute to public understanding
of medical issues, fostering a more informed and health-conscious society.

The training of students and undergraduates covers both theoretical and clinical aspects,
ensuring a comprehensive educational experience. This dual approach prepares them not
only with the knowledge but also with the practical skills necessary for a successful
career in medicine.

Finally, our commitment to imparting quality education is not confined by geographical

boundaries. We aim to reach students across the country, making quality medical
education accessible to aspiring healthcare professionals nationwide. Through these
collective efforts, GS Medical College & Hospital seeks to make enduring contributions
to the advancement of healthcare and medical education.


The success of a medical college is often multifaceted, stemming from a combination

of strategic decisions, dedicated leadership, and a commitment to excellence. Here are
several key reasons that contribute to the success of a medical college:
1. Strong Leadership:
- Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any institution. A medical college
with visionary and competent leaders can set clear goals, establish a positive
organizational culture, and guide the institution through challenges.

2. Quality Faculty:
- The presence of experienced and highly qualified faculty members is a key
determinant of success. Faculty members who are experts in their fields, engage in
research, and are dedicated to teaching contribute significantly to the academic success
of the institution.

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3. Accreditation and Compliance:
- Accreditation from relevant medical authorities and compliance with regulatory
standards are essential. Meeting and exceeding these standards not only ensures the
quality of education but also enhances the institution's reputation.

4. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
- Modern and well-equipped facilities, including laboratories, libraries, and clinical
training centers, are vital for a successful medical college. Cutting-edge infrastructure
supports effective teaching, learning, and research.

5. Clinical Exposure and Research Opportunities:

- Providing students with ample clinical exposure and research opportunities fosters
a comprehensive learning experience. Collaboration with healthcare institutions for
clinical training and encouraging research initiatives contribute to the institution's success.

6. Focus on Holistic Education:

- Successful medical colleges recognize the importance of holistic education. This
includes not only academic excellence but also the development of soft skills, ethical
values, and a commitment to compassionate patient care.

7. Community Engagement:
- Engaging with the local community and addressing its healthcare needs can
contribute to the success of a medical college. Community outreach programs, health
camps, and partnerships with local healthcare providers build a positive relationship with
the community.

8. Global Collaboration and Exposure:

- Collaboration with international institutions, participation in global research
networks, and exposure to international best practices enhance the institution's global
standing. International collaborations can bring in diverse perspectives and opportunities
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for students and faculty.

9. Innovation in Teaching Methods:

- Embracing innovative teaching methods, including the integration of technology,
simulation-based training, and active learning approaches, keeps the education dynamic
and aligns with modern pedagogical practices.

10. Alumni Success:

- The success of alumni in their professional careers reflects positively on the
institution. Networking opportunities, career guidance, and support services contribute to
the success and achievements of graduates.

11. Adaptability to Changes in Healthcare:

- Given the dynamic nature of healthcare, successful medical colleges adapt to
changes in medical practices, technology, and healthcare policies. This adaptability
ensures that the curriculum remains relevant and students are well-prepared for evolving
healthcare environments.

By addressing these factors, a medical college can establish itself as a reputable

institution, providing high-quality education, contributing to medical research, and
producing skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals.

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The objective of a study related to joining and onboarding processes in an organization

is to comprehensively analyze, understand, and optimize the experiences of new
employees as they integrate into the company. The study aims to achieve the following

1. Evaluate Onboarding Effectiveness:

- Assess the effectiveness of the current onboarding processes in place. Determine

how well the onboarding program aligns with the organizational culture, policies, and
overall employee experience.

2. Identify Pain Points and Challenges:

- Identify and analyze the challenges and pain points faced by new employees
during the joining and onboarding phases. This includes understanding any logistical,
informational, or cultural barriers that may hinder a smooth integration process.

3. Enhance Employee Engagement:

- Investigate the impact of onboarding on employee engagement levels. Explore

ways to enhance engagement from the outset, ensuring that new hires feel connected
to the company's mission, vision, and values.

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4. Improve Time-to-Productivity:

- Assess the time it takes for new employees to become fully productive in their
roles. Identify opportunities to streamline processes, provide targeted training, and
accelerate the integration timeline without compromising quality.

5. Evaluate Information Accessibility:

- Examine how easily new hires can access essential information during the
onboarding period. Ensure that relevant resources, policies, and contact details are readily
available, contributing to a more self-sufficient onboarding experience.

6. Assess Cultural Integration:

- Evaluate the effectiveness of onboarding in facilitating cultural integration. Explore

how well new employees assimilate into the organization's culture, including
understanding values, norms, and expectations.

7. Measure Employee Satisfaction:

- Measure overall employee satisfaction with the joining and onboarding process.
Collect feedback on various aspects such as orientation sessions, mentorship programs,
and the overall support received during the initial phases of employment.

8. Enhance Managerial Involvement:

- Assess the involvement of managers in the onboarding process. Evaluate the role
of managers in providing guidance, feedback, and support to new employees, and
identify opportunities for improvement.

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9. Optimize Onboarding Tools and Resources:

- Evaluate the effectiveness of onboarding tools and resources, including welcome

kits, online platforms, and training materials. Ensure that these resources are user-
friendly, up-to-date, and aligned with the diverse learning preferences of new hires.

10. Support Long-Term Retention:

- Explore the relationship between the onboarding experience and long-term

employee retention. Identify strategies and practices that contribute to a positive
onboarding experience and, consequently, increased employee tenure.

11. Benchmark with Industry Best Practices:

- Compare the organization's onboarding practices with industry best practices.

Identify innovative approaches implemented by other successful companies and assess
their applicability to the organization's context.

By achieving these objectives, the study aims to provide actionable insights and
recommendations for refining the joining and onboarding processes, ultimately
contributing to a positive employee experience, increased engagement, and improved
organizational outcomes.

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Mission Statement:

"At GS Medical College & Hospital, our mission is to be a trailblazer in medical

education and healthcare, setting unprecedented standards of excellence. We are dedicated
to fostering a learning environment that transcends traditional boundaries, producing not
just competent medical professionals but compassionate leaders committed to the highest
ethical standards. Our relentless pursuit of cutting-edge research and innovative teaching
methodologies aims to shape the future of medicine. Through unwavering dedication to
quality patient care and community well-being, we aspire to be a catalyst for positive
change in global healthcare. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and empower individuals
who will redefine the landscape of medical practice and contribute meaningfully to the
advancement of society."

Vision Statement:

"The vision of GS Medical College & Hospital is to emerge as the unequivocal leader
in the medical education and healthcare market, recognized for our transformative impact
on individuals and communities. We envision a future where our institution is
synonymous with excellence, innovation, and a commitment to societal health. By
consistently producing graduates who are not only exceptionally skilled but also deeply
compassionate, we aim to set new benchmarks for medical colleges worldwide. Our
vision is to be at the forefront of medical research, continuously contributing
groundbreaking advancements to the field. Through strategic collaborations, state-of-the-
art facilities, and a holistic approach to healthcare, we strive to be the preferred choice
for students, faculty, and patients alike. GS Medical College & Hospital aims to be an
influential force that shapes the future of healthcare, making a lasting and positive
impact on the well-being of individuals and communities globally."

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The core values of GS Medical College & Hospital underpin the institution's culture,
guiding principles, and the behavior of its members. These values serve as a foundation
for decision-making, interactions, and the overall ethos of the institution. While specific
core values may be explicitly stated by the institution, here is a hypothetical set of
core values that could align with the mission and vision of GS Medical College &

1. Excellence:
- We strive for excellence in all aspects of medical education, healthcare, and
research. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of quality, professionalism,
and academic rigor.
2. Compassion:
- Compassion is at the heart of our service. We approach patient care, education,
and interactions with empathy, kindness, and a genuine concern for the well-being of
3. Integrity:
- Integrity is the bedrock of our institution. We uphold the highest ethical standards
in all our activities, fostering trust, transparency, and accountability among our students,
faculty, and staff.
4. Innovation:
- We embrace innovation in medical education, research, and healthcare delivery.
We encourage a culture of curiosity, creativity, and openness to new ideas that can
contribute to advancements in the medical field.
5. Collaboration:
- Collaboration is essential for our success. We value teamwork, interdisciplinary
approaches, and partnerships, recognizing that collective efforts yield superior outcomes
in education, research, and patient care.
6. Continuous Learning:

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- We promote a culture of lifelong learning. Recognizing the dynamic nature of
healthcare, we encourage continuous professional development, curiosity, and a
commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in medical science.
7. Diversity and Inclusion:
- We celebrate and embrace diversity in all its forms. We believe that a diverse
and inclusive community fosters a rich learning environment, encourages different
perspectives, and enhances the quality of education and patient care.
8. Community Engagement:
- We are dedicated to serving and engaging with our local and global communities.
Through outreach programs, health initiatives, and collaborations, we contribute to the
well-being of society and address healthcare disparities.
9. Patient-Centered Care:
- Patients are at the center of our mission. We prioritize patient safety, comfort,
and well-being, ensuring that our healthcare services are delivered with the highest
standards of competence and empathy.
10. Global Citizenship:
- We instill a sense of global citizenship in our students and staff, fostering an
understanding of global healthcare challenges and encouraging contributions to the
improvement of healthcare on a global scale.


While specific principles may vary based on the institution's philosophy and goals, here
is a hypothetical set of principles that could align with the mission and vision of GS
Medical College & Hospital:

1. Student-Centric Learning:
- Prioritizing the needs and growth of students by providing a learner-centered
environment that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.

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2. Patient-Centered Healthcare:
- Ensuring that patient care is at the forefront of all medical activities, with a
commitment to delivering compassionate, evidence-based, and patient-centered healthcare

3. Ethical Practice:
- Upholding the highest ethical standards in all educational, research, and healthcare
activities, with a commitment to integrity, honesty, and respect for the dignity and
rights of individuals.
4. Innovation and Research Excellence:
- Promoting a culture of innovation and excellence in research, encouraging faculty
and students to contribute to the advancement of medical science through groundbreaking
research initiatives.

5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
- Recognizing the interconnected nature of healthcare, fostering collaboration among
different medical disciplines, and encouraging interdisciplinary approaches to address
complex healthcare challenges.

6. Global Perspective:
- Instilling a global perspective in education and healthcare, preparing students to
understand and contribute to healthcare solutions on a global scale and fostering a sense
of global citizenship.

7. Continuous Quality Improvement:

- Committing to a culture of continuous quality improvement in all aspects of the
institution, regularly assessing and enhancing educational programs, healthcare services,
and research endeavors.

8. Community Engagement and Responsibility:

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- Acknowledging the institution's responsibility to the local and global community,
actively engaging in community outreach, health promotion, and initiatives that address
societal health needs.

9. Diversity and Inclusion:

- Valuing and respecting diversity in all its forms, fostering an inclusive and
equitable environment that reflects the richness of perspectives and experiences within
the institution.

10. Professional Development and Well-Being:

- Prioritizing the professional development and well-being of faculty, staff, and
students, recognizing that a supportive and thriving academic community is essential for
achieving institutional goals.

11. Responsiveness to Healthcare Challenges:

- Remaining responsive to emerging healthcare challenges, adapting educational
curricula, research priorities, and healthcare services to address the evolving needs of
the healthcare landscape.

12. Strategic Partnerships:

- Establishing strategic partnerships with healthcare institutions, industry, and
academic organizations to enhance educational and research opportunities, strengthen
clinical training, and broaden the impact of the institution.

These principles collectively guide the operations, decisions, and aspirations of GS

Medical College & Hospital, shaping a culture that aligns with its mission and vision
while promoting excellence, integrity, and a commitment to societal well-being.

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Key achievements of GS medical college and hospital often aim for and celebrate:

1. Academic Excellence:
- High pass rates in medical board exams.
- Recognition for innovative teaching methodologies.
- Accreditation from relevant medical authorities.

2. Research Contributions:
- Publication of impactful research studies.
- Participation in clinical trials and research collaborations.
- Recognition for breakthroughs in medical science.

3. Healthcare Advancements:
- Implementation of advanced medical technologies.
- Specialized treatment centers or clinics achieving excellence in patient care.
- Recognition for contributions to public health initiatives.

4. Community Engagement:
- Initiatives addressing local healthcare needs.
- Health awareness campaigns and community outreach programs.
- Collaboration with local organizations for community well-being.

5. Global Recognition:
- Establishment of international collaborations and partnerships.
- Recognition for contributions to global health initiatives.
- Attraction of students and faculty from diverse geographical backgrounds.

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6. Alumni Achievements:
- Notable accomplishments of alumni in medical practice, research, or leadership
- Alumni contributing to the broader healthcare community.

7. Innovation in Medical Education:

- Implementation of cutting-edge teaching technologies.
- Development of novel curricula or educational programs.
- Awards or recognition for excellence in medical education.

8. Patient Satisfaction and Safety:

- High patient satisfaction scores.
- Recognition for patient safety initiatives.
- Implementation of quality improvement programs.

9. Awards and Accolades:

- Recognition by national or international healthcare organizations.
- Awards for excellence in specific medical specialties or services.

10. Infrastructure and Facility Upgrades:

- Continuous improvement of hospital facilities.
- Expansion or enhancement of research and clinical infrastructure.
- Adoption of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

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Medical colleges and hospitals offer a diverse range of services, encompassing education,
healthcare, research, and community engagement. Here are some of the key services
typically provided by medical colleges and hospitals:

1. Medical Education:
- Providing undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and training programs.
- Conducting lectures, practical sessions, and clinical rotations for students.
- Offering continuing medical education (CME) programs for healthcare professionals.

2. Clinical Services:
- Diagnosis, treatment, and management of various medical conditions.
- Outpatient and inpatient care across different medical specialties.
- Emergency medical services.

3. Research and Innovation:

- Conducting medical research, clinical trials, and scientific studies.
- Contributing to advancements in medical knowledge and technology.
- Collaborating with other research institutions and industry partners.

4. Patient Care and Treatment:

- Providing comprehensive healthcare services to patients.
- Specialized services in areas such as cardiology, oncology, pediatrics, etc.
- Surgical procedures, medical interventions, and rehabilitation services.

5. Diagnostic and Imaging Services:

- Laboratory testing for pathology and diagnostic purposes.
- Imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds.

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- Pathology and diagnostic interpretation by qualified professionals.

6. Community Health Programs:

- Health awareness campaigns and preventive health programs.
- Immunization clinics and health screenings.
- Community outreach initiatives to address local health needs.

7. Telemedicine Services:
- Remote medical consultations and follow-ups.
- Telehealth services for patients in distant or underserved areas.
- Virtual healthcare options for certain medical conditions.

8. Maternal and Child Health Services:

- Prenatal and postnatal care for expectant mothers.
- Pediatric services and well-child check-ups.
- Neonatal care and specialized services for infants.

9. Rehabilitation Services:
- Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and rehabilitation programs.
- Rehabilitation services for patients recovering from surgeries or illnesses.
- Support for individuals with chronic conditions or disabilities.

10. Global Health Initiatives:

- Collaborations and partnerships with international healthcare organizations.
- Participation in global health projects and initiatives.
- Hosting international students and faculty exchange programs.

11. Dental and Oral Health Services:

- Dental clinics providing preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services.
- Oral surgery and specialized dental procedures.

31 | P a g e
12. Mental Health Services:
- Psychiatric evaluations and counseling services.
- Mental health awareness programs.
- Treatment and support for mental health disorders.

32 | P a g e
Human Resource

33 | P a g e

Human Resources (HR) is a multifaceted organizational function that revolves

around the management and optimization of a company's most valuable asset: its
people. It encompasses a wide array of responsibilities and activities aimed at
effectively acquiring, developing, utilizing, and retaining human capital to achieve
organizational objectives.

At its core, HR is responsible for the recruitment and selection of employees. This
involves creating job descriptions, advertising positions, conducting interviews, and
ultimately, hiring individuals who fit the company's culture and possess the requisite
skills and qualifications. Once hired, HR oversees the onboarding process, ensuring
that new employees are integrated seamlessly into the organization.

Beyond recruitment, HR is instrumental in employee development. This includes

designing and implementing training programs, performance management systems,
and career development initiatives. By nurturing the skills and potential of
employees, HR plays a vital role in enhancing the overall capabilities of the

34 | P a g e
Furthermore, HR is pivotal in managing employee relations and ensuring a healthy
work environment. This involves handling disputes, facilitating communication
between management and staff, and creating policies and procedures that promote
a positive workplace culture. HR also oversees compliance with labor laws and
regulations, mitigating legal risks for the organization.

Employee benefits and compensation fall under the purview of HR as well. This
entails designing competitive and fair compensation structures, managing benefits
packages, and administering payroll.

Additionally, HR plays a strategic role in organizational planning. HR professionals

work closely with senior management to align HR strategies with the overall
business objectives. This involves workforce planning, succession planning, and
talent management to ensure that the organization has the right people in the right
positions to achieve its goals.

In summary, Human Resources is an integral function that manages the full spectrum
of activities related to the workforce. It is a dynamic field that continually evolves
to adapt to changes in the business environment and the needs of employees. A
well-functioning HR department is essential for an organization's success, as it
ensures that the right talent is in place, motivated, and equipped to drive the
company forward.

35 | P a g e
Role of Human Resources

The role of Human Resources (HR) within an organization is multi-faceted and

central to the success of any business. HR functions as a strategic partner that
bridges the gap between management and employees, focusing on various aspects
of personnel management and organizational development.

1. Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: One of the primary functions of HR is

to identify, attract, and hire qualified candidates to fill positions within the
organization. This involves creating job descriptions, conducting interviews, and
evaluating candidates to ensure they align with the company's values and

2. Onboarding and Orientation: HR is responsible for ensuring that new employees

are smoothly integrated into the organization. They facilitate orientation programs,
introduce new hires to company policies and procedures, and provide necessary
training to help them become productive members of the team.

36 | P a g e
3. Training and Development: HR designs and implements training programs to
enhance the skills and knowledge of employees. This includes initial training for
new hires, as well as ongoing professional development opportunities to continuously
improve employee capabilities.

4. Performance Management: HR oversees performance appraisal systems,

providing feedback to employees and helping them set and achieve performance
goals. They also assist managers in addressing performance issues and recognizing
high-performing employees.

5. Employee Relations: HR serves as a mediator between employees and the

organization, handling disputes, conflicts, and grievances. They work to create a
positive work environment by addressing concerns and providing support for
employee well-being.

6. Compensation and Benefits Administration: HR manages the organization's

compensation structure, including salaries, bonuses, and benefits packages. They
ensure that the compensation and benefits offered are competitive and align with
industry standards.

7. Compliance and Legal Matters: HR ensures that the organization adheres to

labor laws, regulations, and industry standards. They develop and enforce policies
and procedures to maintain legal compliance, reducing potential legal risks for the

8. Workplace Health and Safety: HR is responsible for creating and maintaining

a safe and healthy work environment. They develop safety protocols, conduct
training on workplace safety, and ensure compliance with occupational health and
safety regulations.

9. Organizational Development: HR plays a vital role in enhancing the overall

37 | P a g e
effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. This may involve initiatives such
as restructuring, change management, and implementing strategies to improve
employee engagement and productivity.

10. Strategic Planning: HR collaborates with senior management to align HR

strategies with the organization's overall business objectives. They engage in
workforce planning, talent management, and succession planning to ensure the right
talent is in place to achieve organizational goals.

11. Employee Engagement and Well-being: HR focuses on initiatives to promote

employee satisfaction, motivation, and well-being. This may include programs related
to work-life balance, employee recognition, and wellness initiatives.

Human Resource Activities

38 | P a g e
Human Resources (HR) encompasses a diverse range of activities and responsibilities
aimed at effectively managing an organization's workforce. These activities are
integral to the functioning and success of any business, as they directly impact the
recruitment, development, and well-being of employees. Here is a detailed
description of various HR activities:

1. Recruitment and Selection: HR professionals are tasked with identifying and

attracting qualified candidates to fill open positions within the organization. This
involves creating comprehensive job descriptions, posting vacancies on relevant
platforms, conducting interviews, and evaluating candidates to ensure they possess
the necessary skills, experience, and cultural fit.

2. Onboarding and Orientation: Once a candidate is hired, HR plays a critical

role in ensuring their smooth transition into the organization. They coordinate and
conduct orientation programs to familiarize new employees with the company's
culture, policies, procedures, and work environment. This helps employees feel more
comfortable and prepared to contribute effectively.

3. Training and Development: HR is responsible for designing, implementing, and

managing training programs that enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of
employees. These programs cover a wide range of topics, from job-specific skills
to leadership and soft skills development, ensuring employees are equipped to
perform their roles effectively.

4. Performance Management: HR oversees the performance appraisal process,

providing feedback to employees about their strengths and areas for improvement.
They work with managers to set performance goals and objectives, and assist in
creating development plans for continuous growth.

5. Employee Relations: HR acts as a mediator and advocate for employees,

managing relationships between individuals and the organization. They address
39 | P a g e
concerns, conflicts, and grievances, and work to create a positive work environment
that fosters open communication and collaboration.

6. Compensation and Benefits Administration: HR professionals are responsible

for developing and administering the organization's compensation and benefits
packages. This includes establishing competitive salary structures, managing bonus
programs, and overseeing benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and
other employee perks.

7. Compliance and Legal Matters: HR ensures that the organization adheres to

all relevant labor laws, regulations, and industry standards. They create and enforce
policies and procedures to maintain legal compliance, reducing potential legal risks
for the organization.

8. Workplace Health and Safety: HR plays a crucial role in creating and

maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. They develop safety protocols,
conduct training on workplace safety, and ensure compliance with occupational
health and safety regulations to protect employees and minimize workplace accidents.

9. Organizational Development: HR is involved in initiatives aimed at enhancing

the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. This may involve
restructuring, change management, and implementing strategies to improve employee
engagement, productivity, and overall organizational performance.

10. Strategic Planning: HR collaborates with senior management to align HR

strategies with the organization's overall business objectives. They engage in
workforce planning, talent management, and succession planning to ensure the right
talent is in place to achieve organizational goals.

11. Employee Engagement and Well-being: HR focuses on initiatives to promote

employee satisfaction, motivation, and well-being. This may include programs related
40 | P a g e
to work-life balance, employee recognition, wellness initiatives, and mental health

These HR activities collectively contribute to building and maintaining a skilled,

motivated, and engaged workforce that aligns with the organization's goals and
objectives. They are essential in creating a positive workplace culture and driving
the long-term success of the organization.

Forces of Human Resource

HR external forces refer to the external factors and influences that impact the way
Human Resources functions operate within an organization. These forces are beyond
the control of the HR department but significantly shape how HR strategies and
practices are developed and implemented. Here is a detailed description of the key

41 | P a g e
HR external forces:

1. Economic Conditions: Economic factors, such as inflation rates, unemployment

rates, and overall economic stability, can greatly impact HR functions. In times of
economic downturn, HR may need to focus on cost-cutting measures, downsizing,
or restructuring. In contrast, during periods of economic growth, HR may be more
focused on talent acquisition and employee development.

2. Technological Advancements: Rapid technological changes influence how HR

processes are managed. The emergence of HRIS (Human Resources Information
Systems), AI-driven recruitment tools, and digital communication platforms have
transformed HR functions, making them more efficient and data-driven. HR must
continuously adapt to these technological shifts.

3. Demographic Trends: Changes in demographics, such as age, gender, and cultural

diversity, have a significant impact on HR practices. For instance, an aging workforce
may require specialized programs for retirement planning and healthcare benefits,
while a more diverse workforce necessitates inclusive hiring and diversity and
inclusion initiatives.

4. Legislative and Regulatory Changes: Changes in labor laws, employment

regulations, and workplace compliance requirements directly affect HR operations.
Staying abreast of legal updates and ensuring compliance is crucial to avoid legal
risks and penalties.

5. Globalization and International Markets: Globalization has expanded the reach

of many organizations, leading to diverse workforces spread across different countries.
HR must navigate international labor laws, cultural differences, and manage the
complexities of global mobility, including visas and work permits.

6. Social and Cultural Shifts: Evolving societal norms, values, and cultural attitudes
42 | P a g e
towards work-life balance, diversity, and inclusion, and employee well-being have a
profound impact on HR practices. HR must be attuned to these shifts and adapt
policies and practices accordingly.

7. Environmental Sustainability: Organizations are increasingly focusing on

sustainability and environmental responsibility. HR may be tasked with implementing
green initiatives, promoting eco-friendly practices, and ensuring compliance with
environmental regulations.

8. Political Instability and Geopolitical Events: Political events, geopolitical

tensions, and changes in government policies can influence HR practices, particularly
in areas related to immigration, trade, and labor laws. HR may need to adapt
strategies to navigate the impact of political instability.

9. Market Competition and Industry Trends: The competitive landscape and

industry-specific trends dictate HR strategies, particularly in talent acquisition,
compensation and benefits, and employee retention. HR must be responsive to
industry dynamics to attract and retain top talent.

10. Emerging Workforce Trends: Trends such as remote work, gig economy, and
contingent workforce arrangements are reshaping traditional employment models. HR
must adapt policies to accommodate these emerging workforce trends and ensure
organizational flexibility.

11. Pandemics and Health Crises: Unforeseen events like pandemics can have a
profound impact on HR functions, requiring rapid adaptation to remote work
arrangements, health and safety protocols, and crisis management.

By recognizing and adapting to these external forces, HR professionals can

proactively shape their strategies and practices to align with the changing landscape
of the business world, ultimately contributing to the organization's overall success
43 | P a g e
and resilience.

Trends of Human Resource

Several trends were shaping the field of Human Resources (HR). Keep in mind that
the field may have evolved since then, so it's advisable to consult more recent
sources for the latest trends. Here are some of the notable HR trends up to 2022:

1. Remote Work and Hybrid Work Models: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated
the adoption of remote work. HR professionals had to adapt policies and practices
to support remote work, and many organizations are now considering hybrid work
models that combine remote and in-office work.

2. Employee Experience (EX): Employee experience became a significant focus for

HR. This includes factors like onboarding, professional development, work-life
balance, and overall workplace satisfaction. HR departments are increasingly using
technology to improve and measure EX.

44 | P a g e
3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): DEI initiatives gained prominence in
HR. Organizations are striving to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces,
recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives and experiences.

4. Well-being and Mental Health: Employee well-being and mental health received
heightened attention, particularly due to the challenges brought on by the pandemic.
HR departments started offering more resources and programs to support employees'
mental and physical health.

5. Skills Development and Upskilling: With rapid technological advancements and

changing job roles, HR focused on providing opportunities for employees to develop
new skills. This helps them adapt to evolving job requirements and stay competitive
in the job market.

6. Data-Driven HR: HR departments increasingly use data analytics to inform

decision-making. This includes using data to improve hiring processes, identify trends
in employee turnover, and measure the impact of HR programs on business outcomes.

7. AI and Automation in HR Processes: Artificial intelligence and automation

technologies were being integrated into various HR functions. This includes AI-
powered recruitment tools, chatbots for employee inquiries, and automated onboarding

8. Agile HR Practices: Some HR departments adopted agile methodologies, which

emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and iterative processes. This allows HR to
respond more effectively to changing business needs.

9. Employer Branding and Reputation Management: HR played a crucial role in

managing an organization's reputation as an employer. This includes crafting an
appealing employer brand, managing online reviews and ratings, and showcasing
45 | P a g e
company culture.

10. Gig Economy and Contingent Workforce Management: HR had to adapt to

the increasing prevalence of gig workers and contingent workforce. This includes
developing policies and practices to effectively manage and integrate these workers
into the organization.

11. HR Technology Stack and Integrations: HR departments continued to invest

in technology solutions to streamline processes. There was a trend towards integrating
various HR systems to create a more seamless employee experience.

12. Sustainable and Purpose-Driven Workplaces: Many organizations focused on

demonstrating a commitment to social and environmental sustainability. HR played
a role in aligning corporate values with hiring, employee engagement, and CSR

46 | P a g e
Literature Review

47 | P a g e

• K. Nalband, P. Jadhav, and G. Salunke, “Employee on Boarding Process Automation,”,


They explain the importance of the on boarding in the management and give the postulates for
good onboarding. This paper seeks to examine the effectiveness of onboarding programs at
creating person-organization fit through organizational socialization tactics.

• P. D. Gupta, S. Bhattacharya, P. Sheorey, and P. Coelho, 2017

He explain the Relationship between onboarding experience and turnover intention:

intervening role of locus of control and self-efficacy.

• M. Krasman, “Three Must-Have Onboarding Elements for New and Relocated

Employees,”, 2015.

The onboarding process typically begins with paperwork, such as completing HR forms, setting
up payroll, and signing up for company benefits.

• K. L. Pike, “New Employee Onboarding Programs and Person- Organization Fit: an

Examination of Socialization Tactics,”, 2014.

He explain the primary goals of new employee onboarding programs are to increase
performance levels and create higher levels of fit within both the job.

48 | P a g e

Problem Statement &

Objective Of The Project

49 | P a g e

Remember, problems come along with solutions. Identically we will discuss recruitment
problems and solutions as well.

1. Onboarding for New Hires:

Onboarding for new hires in an organization, emphasizing that the process extends
beyond the early-stage orientation. According to Ferrazzi and Davis (2015),
onboarding is a continuous effort that involves managers playing a crucial role in
training new employees to enhance productivity, engagement, and retention. The
onboarding process is portrayed as a significant investment in time and knowledge,
requiring at least 180 days for efficient execution. During this period, new hires are
trained into their roles, and the importance of providing direct support is underscored,
allowing them to ask questions and gain a better understanding of their
responsibilities within the organization.

The passage also emphasizes the role of attracting engaged and eager talents to the
organization. This is seen as essential for the successful development of the
onboarding process. The idea is that individuals who are enthusiastic about their
roles and engaged with the organization are more likely to contribute positively
during the onboarding phase, ultimately benefiting the organization in terms of
employee satisfaction, productivity, and long-term retention.

In summary, the passage highlights the ongoing nature of the onboarding process,
the role of managers in training new hires, and the importance of attracting engaged
talents to facilitate a successful and comprehensive onboarding experience.

50 | P a g e
2. Onboarding for Management:

The onboarding process is important to managers as they are in charge and will delegate
the training if necessary to their staff who are able to train the new hire. As management,
you have the responsibility in training the new hire as well as managing your staff to
ensure that they new hire fulfils their responsibility and that they have full
encouragement and support from the staff, organization and managers. A successful
onboarding process for the organization can be created by managers being accountable
for building relationships, providing the tools during the onboarding process, help new
hires understand the organization’s mission and business, and promoting a positive

If managers are able to develop this relationship with their staff, they can “quickly
establish credibility with their team and will be able to work well together. Being a
manager, we need to establish and define roles and responsibilities so everyone can be
able to help each other out and especially help out a new hired employee. Once
managers are able to do this, it can help retain these employees with the organization.

51 | P a g e

The objective of studying the joining and onboarding process within an organization is
multifaceted and encompasses a comprehensive understanding of current practices,
challenges, and opportunities for improvement. The primary goal is to evaluate the
effectiveness of the organizational procedures in integrating new employees seamlessly.
This involves assessing the experiences of new hires during the onboarding phase,
examining the level of managerial involvement, and identifying any gaps or inefficiencies
that may hinder a positive integration process.

Additionally, the study aims to measure the impact of onboarding on key organizational
metrics, such as

• Employee retention rates and overall satisfaction.

• By delving into the intricacies of training programs
• Communication strategies,
• Cultural assimilation efforts
• The study seeks to identify best practices and develop targeted improvement strategies
• To align the joining and onboarding processes with the broader organizational goals
• Fostering a positive workplace culture,
• Enhancing productivity, and ensuring the long-term success
• Commitment of new employees to the organization.

52 | P a g e
Research Methodology

53 | P a g e
Research Methodology

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may

be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically.

In it we are studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is
necessary the researcher to know not only the research method techniques but also the

Research Design

A research design is the set of methods and procedure used in collecting and analysing
measure of the variables specified in the research problem research. The design of the
study defines the study type (descriptive, correlation, semi –experimental, experimental,
review) and sub-types (descriptive, longitudinal case study), research problem, hypotheses,
independent and dependent variable, experimental design and if applicable, data collection
methods and a statistical analysis plan. A research design is a framework that has been
created to find answer to research question.

There are many ways to classify research design, but sometimes the distinction is
artificial and other times different design are combined.
A research design is an arrangement of conditions or collection.
• Descriptive (case study, naturalistic, observation, survey)
• Correlation (case control study, observational study)
• Semi experimental (field experiment, quasi experiment)
• Experimental (experiment with random assignment)
• Review (literature review, systematic review)

54 | P a g e
Types Of Research Used:

It is descriptive type of research. Descriptive research the major purpose of descriptive

research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied.

It does not answer question about how / when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather
it addresses the “what “question (what are the characteristics of the population or
situation being studied?) the characteristics used to be described the situation or
population are usually some kinds of categories scheme also known as descriptive

Descriptive research generally precedes explanatory research. For example, over time
the periodic table description of the elements allowed scientists to explain chemical
reaction and make sound prediction when elements were combined.
Hence, descriptive research cannot describe what caused a situation.

Sampling Techniques

Sampling is the selection of a subsets of individuals from within a statistical population

to estimate characteristics of the whole population.
Two advantages of sampling are the cost is lower and data collection is faster than
measuring the entire population.
In survey sampling weights can be applied to the data to adjust for the sample design,
particularly stratified sampling.

Sampling Techniques Used:

Random Sampling

55 | P a g e
Data Analysis:

The data is analysed with the help several statistical tool like pie chart graph.

Period Of Study:

This study has been carried out for the maximum 31 days.

Sample Size- 40

Data Source:

The source of project depends on accurate data that’s why collecting the accurate data,
which differ considerable in context money, time, and other resources at the disposal

There are two types of data collection methods available.

Types Of Data Collection Method

• Primary Data Collection Method

• Secondary Data Collection Method

56 | P a g e
a) Primary Data Collection Method:

Primary data are those that are obtain by the user for fulfilment their purpose. I have
taken primary data through visiting the HR head and HR Executive of the GS Medical
College and Hospital. At all the levels and observations methods to get more reliable
information. I have collected the primary data by the prepared questionnaires filled by
the employees of the company. This data helped me to justify the statements that have
made in this project.

b) Secondary Data Collection Method:

The secondary data is that which is already collected and stored or we can say already
saved or ready data by others. I got secondary data from internet, their journals, articles,
newspaper etc. I have collected the data from the website of the GS Medical college .

• Company brochure.
• Internet
• Website
• Organizational report & records
• Journals etc.

57 | P a g e
Data Analysis &

58 | P a g e

1. How would you describe your first impression of GS Medical College and Hospital?

o Positive

o Neutral

o Negative

Positive 60


Negative 10

59 | P a g e
Positive Neutral




Interpretation – From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of positive
first impression of GS Medical College and Hospital.

60 | P a g e
2. How important is the workplace matters to you when making a joining decision?

o Not at all important

o Slightly important

o Moderately important

o Very important

o Extremely important

Not at all important 5

Slightly important 5

Moderately important 10

Very important 20

Extremely important 60

61 | P a g e
Slightly important Moderately important
Not at all
important Extremely
Very important important



60% 20%

Interpretation – From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour
of good workplace.

62 | P a g e
3. How important for you to get sufficient training to learn the company’s tools?

o Not at all important

o Slightly important

o Moderately important

o Very important

o Extremely important

Not at all important 8

Slightly important 12

Moderately important 15

Very important 25

Extremely important 40

63 | P a g e
Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important






Interpretation – From the above study 40% of the respondents are in favour
of consuming sufficient training related to the company’s tools.

64 | P a g e
4. Have you ever felt welcomed and engaged?

o Yes

o No

Yes 68

No 32

65 | P a g e
Have You Ever Felt Welcomed and Engaged?
Yes No



Interpretation – From the above study 68% of the respondents are in favour
of good welcomed and engaged.

66 | P a g e
5. Express your feelings about the organizational culture using an emoji:

o Positive

o Neutral

o Negative

Positive 60


Negative 10

67 | P a g e
Positive Neutral




Interpretation – From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of positive
organisation culture.

68 | P a g e
6. How was the candidate experience?

o Strongly Disagree

o Disagree

o Neutral

o Agree

o Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree 5

Disagree 10

Neutral 20

Agree 25

Strongly Agree 35

69 | P a g e
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree






Interpretation – From the above study 30% of the respondents are in favour
of strongly agree in the experience.

70 | P a g e
7. What are your concerns about work culture and life balance?

o Environmental impact

o Safety & Flexible

o Cost

Environmental impact 60

Safety & Flexible 30

Cost 10

71 | P a g e
Environmental impact Safety Cost 4th Qtr




Interpretation – From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of working
culture according to environment impact.

72 | P a g e
8. Were there any surprises during your first week?

o Yes

o No

Yes 68

No 32

73 | P a g e
Were there any surprises during your first week?
Yes No



Interpretation – From the above study 68% of the respondents are in favour
of getting surprises.

74 | P a g e
9. If your training sessions were a movie genre, which one would they be?

a. Comedy

b. Action

c. Drama

d. Fantasy

Comedy 30

Action 50

Drama 15

Fantasy 5

75 | P a g e
Comedy Action Drama Fantasy




Interpretation – From the above study 50% of the respondents are in favour of training
sessions according to actionable.

76 | P a g e
10. Summarize your feedback on the onboarding process in a GS Medical College and

o Excellent start

o Some tweaks needed now

o Overall pleased

Excellent start 60

Some tweaks needed now


Overall pleased

77 | P a g e
Excellent Start need bad 4th Qtr




Interpretation – From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of excellent
onboarding process.

78 | P a g e

79 | P a g e

• From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of positive first
impression of GS Medical College and Hospital.
• From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of good
• From the above study 40% of the respondents are in favour of consuming
sufficient training related to the company’s tools.
• From the above study 68% of the respondents are in favour of good
welcomed and engaged.
• From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of positive
organization culture.
• From the above study 30% of the respondents are in favour of strongly
agree in the experience.
• From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of working culture
according to environment impact.
• From the above study 68% of the respondents are in favour of getting
• From the above study 50% of the respondents are in favour of training sessions
according to actionable.
• From the above study 60% of the respondents are in favour of excellent
onboarding process.

80 | P a g e

81 | P a g e

Findings of the study-:

• Human resource department is very alert for selecting candidates and also
the process is very transparent so that they can choose the best candidates
among applicants.

• When GS Medical College and Hospital search for any experienced people
they give more concentration on Previous experienced, educational
background, length of services etc. so that human resource department can
select the most suitable experienced people.

• When human resource department of GS Medical College and Hospital

select entry level candidates than they concentrate more on pro-activeness,
creativeness, ideas which related with the post.

• Human resource department of GS Medical College and Hospital have its

own drop box. At the time of selection process, they collect CV drop box.

• In the joining & onboarding process there is no bias so there are higher
possibilities to be selected without having any back up.

82 | P a g e

• Different sources of recruitment should be utilized.

• Make proper succession planning to ensure right people are placed
rightplace at right time.

• Make salary structure more attractive to the employees by doing competitors

analysis yearly so that company can attract more candidates for joining
and onboarding.

83 | P a g e
Limitations of the Study

84 | P a g e

The project has certain limitations such as:

➢ All function is only related with personnel department.

➢ Time constraint and Absenteeism.

➢ Company not allowing to discloser the confidential information.

85 | P a g e

86 | P a g e

The crucial role of integrating new hires into an organization's culture for a more
efficient transition to productivity and to prevent the potential derailer of isolation. This
integration is seen as particularly significant in the context of contemporary technological
advancements. The evolving landscape of technology provides opportunities to enhance
onboarding processes, allowing organizations to convey the importance of both the
broader organizational culture and the specific job duties to new employees. As
technology facilitates more immersive and consistent cultural integration, it becomes a
tool for speeding up the onboarding process.

The passage also emphasizes that creating a successful onboarding process requires a
substantial investment of time and effort. This investment is justified by the potential
long-term benefits of retaining new hires as valuable contributors to the organization.
As new hires seek purpose and significance in their roles, organizations are encouraged
to articulate and demonstrate the importance of each individual to the organizational
framework. This strategic approach not only aids in the successful onboarding of new
employees but also contributes to their sense of belonging and commitment, fostering
a mutually beneficial relationship between the employee and the organization.

87 | P a g e

88 | P a g e








89 | P a g e

90 | P a g e
1. How would you describe your first impression of GS Medical College and Hospital?

a. Positive

b. Neutral

c. Negative

2. How important is the workplace matters to you when making a joining decision?

a. Not at all important

b. Slightly important

c. Moderately important

d. Very important

e. Extremely important

3. How important for you to get sufficient training to learn the company’s tools?

o Not at all important

o Slightly important

o Moderately important

o Very important
91 | P a g e
o Extremely important

4. Have you ever felt welcomed and engaged?

a. Yes

b. No

5. Express your feelings about the organizational culture using an emoji:

a. Positive

b. Neutral

c. Negative
6. How was the candidate experience?

a. Strongly Disagree

b. Disagree

c. Neutral

d. Agree

e. Strongly Agree

7. What are your concerns about work culture and life balance?

92 | P a g e
a. Environmental impact

b. Safety & Flexible

c. Cost

8. Were there any surprises during your first week?

a. Yes

b. No

9. If your training sessions were a movie genre, which one would they be?

a. Comedy

b. Action

c. Drama

d. Fantasy

10. Summarize your feedback on the onboarding process in a GS Medical College and

o Excellent start

o Some tweaks needed now

o Overall pleased

93 | P a g e

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