ARC B2 01 U040CEU HO v1.0

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Participating in meetings
Kamana Island


1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures your teacher gives you of before/after situations. Describe
and compare what you can see in the pictures. Which do you think is a better use of land and
2 Have there been any situations in your country where industry or the government have faced
opposition from environmental groups in relation to plans for expansion?


1 Work in pairs. Your teacher will give you some information about Kamana Island. Work with a
partner to ask and answer questions and complete the information.
2 1 Listen to an informal meeting between João Silva, the owner of the mining company, and

Caroline Fernandes, the local mayor as they discuss the situation. Decide if these sentences are
true (T) or false (F). Correct the sentences you think are false.
1 The meeting was organised many weeks ago.
2 The platinum is going to be extracted through open cast mining, i.e. the mines will be on the
surface of the island.
3 High temperatures are needed to purify the platinum.
4 The refining process will result in poisonous fumes being produced.
5 Some people would like to turn the island into an area where wildlife is protected.
6 Joao refuses to talk to other interested parties.
3 Work in pairs and discuss these questions.
1 Why might this not be the right project for the area?
2 What might the implications be for the area, both good and bad?
3 How might it revitalise the area?

Language focus

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences from the audio.
1 could / clarify / for the / you / what your plans / just / exactly / island / Perhaps / are.

2 the whole process / So, / takes place / island? / on the / saying / are you

3 environmental damage, / would cause / right? / The residue / considerable

4 if that’s / I’m not / this area / it’s the / Well, / the case / sure / for / right project

5 to talk / Would / to representatives / interested groups? / you / be willing / of other

6 to listen to / your side of the argument / if you’re / I’m prepared / to mine. / willing to listen

© British Council ARC_B2_01_U040CEU_HO_v1.0

Participating in meetings
Kamana Island

2 Complete the table with the sentences from 1.

Requesting clarification Expressing reservations

Asking for concessions Making concessions

3 Add the expressions in the box to the table in 2.

I’m not sure what you mean. Could you explain I’ll … as long as you ...
that again? So, would I be right in saying that …?
I think this needs further thought. If we …, would you be willing to …?
What do you mean exactly? We’re prepared to … if you …
Let’s think about the implications. I’m not sure that would work for us.
Would you be prepared to …?
4 Work in pairs. You are members of the conservation group of Kamana Island. How would you
complete these questions and sentence if you were talking to João Silva?
1 Would you be prepared to ?
2 If we , would you be willing to ?
3 We’re prepared to if you .
5 Imagine you are João Silva. How would you respond to your questions in 4?


1 Work in groups of four. You are going to take part in a meeting to discuss the situation and try to
reach an agreement. Read the information on the card your teacher gives you and decide what
you are going to say.
2 Hold the meeting. Listen to the others and ask questions when appropriate. At the end of the
meeting, vote to decide if the project should be approved or not.
3 Report back to the class on your decision.

© British Council ARC_B2_01_U040CEU_HO_v1.0

Participating in meetings
Kamana Island


© British Council ARC_B2_01_U040CEU_HO_v1.0


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