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3B Module 1 Unit 1

Class_________ Name_________ No_______

I. Words and phrases (单词和词组)

1.a chick 一只小鸡 2.hear raindrops 听见雨滴声

3.fall down 落下来 4.sit on the chair 坐在椅子上
5.many ships 许多船 6.many sheep 许多羊
7.see some buses 看见一些巴士 8.hear an aeroplane 听见一架飞机 a car 开一辆小轿车 10.a toy car 一辆玩具轿车 the window 在窗旁 12.a child 一个孩子(单数)
13.some children 一些孩子(复数) 14.make a spinner 制作一个陀螺
15.draw a circle 画一个圆 16.cut the circle 剪个圆
17.colour the picture 给图片涂颜色 18.use a toothpick 用牙签
19.spin the spinner 转陀螺 five senses 我的五种感官
II. Sentences(句子)

1. “飞机”的不同表达 aeroplane = airplane = plane = air

2. What else can you hear? 你还能听到什么?
I can hear a ship. 我能听到一艘轮船。
3. I can’t see them, but I can hear them. 我看不见他们,但我能听见他们。
4. What can Kitty see? 凯蒂能看到什么?
She can see some buses. 她能看到一些公共汽车。
5. How many children can Kitty see? 凯蒂能看见多少孩子?
She can see a boy and two girls. 她能看到一个男孩和两个女孩。
III. Grammar. (语法)

1. There be 句型
 There is / are …
表示“某地存在(有)某物或某人”,后跟可数名词或不可数名词,be 动词按照
e.g. There is a tree in the park.
There is some bread on the plate.
There is a glass of water on the table.
There are two pairs of trousers in the wardrobe.
There are two buses and one car in the garage.
= There is one car and two buses in the garage.
 句型转换(易错)
There are two bees in the garden.→How many bees are there in the garden?
There are two butterflies in the garden. → What’s in the garden?
2. 人称代词用法
I you he she it we you they
我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们
所有 my your his her 她 its our your their
格 我的 你的 他的 的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的
me you him her it us you them
我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们

 主格人称代词在句中作主语
e.g. I am a pupil. You are a teacher.
He is a doctor. We like swimming.
 所有格人称代词也叫形容词性物主代词,常作定语修饰名词
e.g. This is my book. Those are their clothes.
This is her room. We like our school.
 宾格人称代词在句中作宾语(即紧跟动词或介词)
e.g. Our parents love us very much. I sit beside her.
Can you help me? Show me your book, please.
IV. Phonetics. (语音)

ch: Charlie chair chick Chinese chopsticks

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