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TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ii

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ iii

1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

3.2 SOURCES OF WASTEWATER .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

3.3 WASTE WATER PHYSICAL METHOD ................................................................................................................................................... 3

3.4 SEDIMENTATION TANK .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3

3.4.1 TYPES OF SEDIMENTATION TANK ............................................................................................................................................... 3

3.4.2 FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DESIGN OF A SEDIMENTATION TANK: ................................................................................. 3

3.5 COAGULATION .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3.5.1 TYPES OF COAGULATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 4

3.6 AERATION TANK ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3.6.1 TYPES OF AERATION TANK: .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

3.6.2 FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DESIGN OF AN AERATION TANK ........................................................................................... 4

3.7 TRICKLING FILTERS................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

3.7.1 TYPES OF TRICKLING FILTERS ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

3.8 WATER STABILIZATION POND ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

3.8.1 TYPES OF WATER STABILIZATION POND ................................................................................................................................... 5

3.9 DESIGN LABELLED................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

3.10 DESIGN BASIS USED DATA ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

3.11 DETAIL OF ASSIGNMENT HOW I HAVE DONE ............................................................................................................................... 7

3.12 STEPS TO DESIGN .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

3.13 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

3.14 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

70097777 i

FIGURE 1 SEDIMENTATION TANKS DESIGN BASIS ........................................................................................................................................ 6
FIGURE 2 TRICKLING FILTERS CLASSIFICATION TABLE ............................................................................................................................. 6

70097777 ii

TABLE 1 AREA AND POPULATION CALCULATED .......................................................................................................................................... 8
TABLE 2 MANHOLE DESIGN ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

70097777 iii

First, I pay my gratitude to the almighty Allah for giving me the ability to work hard successfully. Words actually will never be enough to express
my gratefulness. I will try level best to express my gratefulness towards some people
I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this CEP. A special gratitude I give to
our subject coordinator Dr. Muhammad Imran, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped me to coordinate my
CEP especially in writing this report.
Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the Head of department Dr. Kaleem-Ullah, who gave
the permission to use all required equipment and the necessary materials to complete the assignment. Last but not least, many thanks go to my
parents who have invested their full effort in motivating me in achieving the goal.

70097777 1

This whole complex problem is actually the design of waste water system of SAWAT. As a designer engineer we must follow the by-laws of
WSSC SWAT. 1ST population estimated with respect to calculated area and development. After this Qd (design flow) estimated. For the design of
the treatment plan I have multiple options but I select Sedimentation tank and Trickling Filters. As they are most suitable. In my report I calculated
the following things step by step:
1. Calculate area
2. Then make a Layout of manhole
3. Find out Population
4. Calculate discharge flow
5. Then calculate slope
6. Then waste water design with trickling filter is to be design
7. After all that work waste water design with sedimentation process is to be design.

70097777 2

Water treatment facilities are made to hasten the purification of water that occurs naturally. The natural process is overburdened by billions of
humans and significantly more wastewater. Without wastewater treatment, the volume would wreak havoc, as it does now in underdeveloped
nations like Pakistan. Over 80% of all wastewater discharged worldwide goes untreated. In the nations that do have water treatment facilities,
people utilize a variety of techniques to treat water with the aim of making it as pure as possible before releasing it back into the environment to
preserve the safety and well-being of both humans and the planet.


1. DOMESTIC: It is the wastewater from houses, offices, other buildings, hotels and institutions.
2. INDUSTRIAL: It is the liquid waste from industrial processes.
3. STORMWATER: It includes surface runoff generated by rainfall and the STREET WASH.


Wastewater physical treatment methods involve the use of physical processes to remove pollutants from wastewater. These methods include:
1. Screening: This process involves the removal of large debris and solids from the wastewater using screens or bar racks.
2. Grit Removal: This process involves the removal of heavy inorganic materials such as sand, gravel, and shells from the wastewater.
3. Sedimentation: This process involves the separation of suspended solids from the wastewater by allowing them to settle to the bottom of
a tank.
4. Flotation: This process involves the use of chemicals or air to create small bubbles that attach to suspended solids and cause them to float
to the surface for removal.
5. Filtration: This process involves the removal of suspended solids by passing the wastewater through a filter medium such as sand or
6. Disinfection: This process involves the use of chemicals or ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms in the wastewater.
Physical treatment methods are commonly used in the first stages of wastewater treatment, and are often followed by chemical and biological
treatment methods for further removal of pollutants.


A sedimentation tank, also known as a settling tank or clarifier, is a device used to separate solid particles from a liquid by allowing the particles
to settle to the bottom of the tank due to gravity. The clarified liquid is then removed from the top of the tank, while the settled solids are removed
from the bottom. Sedimentation tanks are commonly used in wastewater treatment plants to remove suspended solids from the water before it is
discharged into the environment. They are also used in the treatment of drinking water to remove impurities before the water is distributed to
The tank is typically divided into two parts: the settling zone and the skimming zone.
1. The settling zone is where the solid particles settle to the bottom of the tank, forming a layer of sludge. The water, now clarified, flows
over a weir or an outlet pipe into the skimming zone.
2. The skimming zone is the top layer of the tank where the clarified water is removed by an outlet pipe or a skimmer. It is also where
floating materials, such as grease and oil, are removed.
The design of a sedimentation tank is based on several factors, including the flow rate of the liquid, the type of solids to be removed, and the
desired level of treatment. The factors that affect the design of a sedimentation tank include the following:
1. Flow rate: The flow rate of the liquid through the tank determines the size of the tank and the number of tanks needed to achieve the
desired level of treatment.
2. Type of solids: The type of solids to be removed determines the type of sedimentation tank to be used. For example, a circular tank is
typically used for large particles, while a rectangular tank is used for smaller particles.
3. Desired level of treatment: The desired level of treatment determines the number of tanks needed and the depth of each tank.
4. Tank shape and configuration: The shape and configuration of the tank affects the flow patterns and settling characteristics of the solids.
5. Tank depth: The depth of the tank affects the flow rate and the settling rate of the solids.
6. Tank material: The material of the tank affects the durability and cost of the tank.
7. Inlet and outlet configurations: The inlet and outlet configurations affect the flow patterns and the settling rate of the solids.
8. Sludge removal: A mechanism for removing the sludge that accumulates at the bottom of the tank is necessary for the proper operation of
70097777 3

the sedimentation tank.

9. Control system: A control system is necessary to monitor and control the flow rate, the level of treatment, and the operation of the sludge
removal system.

➢ Coagulation is a process used in water treatment to remove suspended particles, such as dirt, clay, and microorganisms, from water. It
works by adding chemicals, called coagulants, to the water which causes the suspended particles to clump together, forming larger particles
called flocs. These flocs are then removed from the water by sedimentation or filtration.
There are several types of coagulation used in the treatment of wastewater, including:
1. Chemical coagulation: This process involves the addition of chemicals such as aluminum or iron salts to the wastewater, which causes
particles to clump together, forming larger particles called flocs.
2. Physical coagulation: This process uses mechanical means, such as rapid mixing or shear forces, to cause particles to clump together.
3. Biological coagulation: This process uses microorganisms to form flocs and remove pollutants from the wastewater.
4. Hybrid coagulation: This process combines two or more of the above methods to optimize treatment efficiency and effectiveness.
The type of coagulation used will depend on the characteristics of the wastewater and the pollutants it contains. A professional engineer or chemist
will be able to recommend the best method for a specific situation.


An aeration tank, also known as an aeration basin or aerator, is a device used in wastewater treatment to introduce air into the water in order to
promote the growth of microorganisms that break down organic matter. The microorganisms consume the organic matter as a source of food and
energy, converting it into simpler compounds that can be further treated or safely discharged into the environment. Aeration tanks can be either
mechanical or diffused, which uses a diffuser to disperse air into the water. The tanks may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatment
processes, such as sedimentation or filtration.
There are several types of aeration tanks used in waste water treatment, each with their own unique design and characteristics. Some of the most
common types include:
1. Mechanical aeration tanks: These tanks use mechanical devices, such as fine bubble diffusers or coarse bubble diffusers, to introduce air
into the waste water. This helps to increase the oxygen levels in the water, which is essential for the growth of beneficial microorganisms
that help to break down pollutants.
2. Surface aeration tanks: These tanks are open tanks that allow the waste water to come into contact with the air. They use a variety of
techniques, such as spray nozzles or weirs, to create a large surface area for the water to be exposed to the air.
3. Submerged aeration tanks: These tanks are enclosed tanks that use mechanical devices or diffusers to introduce air into the waste water.
The water is kept at a high level of turbulence to ensure good mixing and contact between the air and water.
All aeration methods have its own advantages and disadvantages, and which one to use will depend on the specific needs and characteristics of the
waste water being treated.
There are several factors that can affect the design of an aeration tank, including:
1. Type of treatment process: The type of treatment process (e.g. biological, chemical) that will be used in the aeration tank will influence
the design.
2. Flow rate: The flow rate of the wastewater entering the aeration tank must be considered in order to ensure that the tank is large enough
to handle the volume of wastewater.
3. Oxygen demand: The oxygen demand of the wastewater must be considered in order to determine the size and type of aeration equipment
4. Type of aeration equipment: The type of aeration equipment (e.g. fine bubble, coarse bubble) used in the aeration tank will affect the
5. Temperature: The temperature of the wastewater can affect the rate of biological processes in the aeration tank, so it must be considered
in the design.
6. Site conditions: Site conditions, such as space and climate, can also affect the design of an aeration tank.
7. Future expansion: If the aeration tank is being designed with the possibility of future expansion in mind, this must also be taken into
consideration during the design process.

70097777 4


A trickling filter is a type of wastewater treatment system that uses a fixed bed of material, such as rocks, gravel, or plastic media, to provide a
surface for microorganisms to grow and degrade organic matter in the wastewater. The wastewater is distributed over the top of the filter bed,
where it trickles down through the media and is purified by the microorganisms. The microorganisms consume the organic matter, converting it
into simpler compounds that can be further treated or safely discharged into the environment. Trickling filters are commonly used in small-scale
wastewater treatment plants and can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatment processes, such as sedimentation or filtration.
There are several types of trickling filters, including:
1. High-rate trickling filters: These filters have a high loading rate and a short residence time, making them suitable for high-strength waste
2. Low-rate trickling filters: These filters have a low loading rate and a long residence time, making them suitable for low-strength waste
3. Rotating biological contactors (RBCs): These filters use a rotating drum covered with a biofilm to treat wastewater.
4. Moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs): These filters use floating plastic media to provide a large surface area for the growth of


A water stabilization pond is a type of wastewater treatment system that uses a pond or a series of ponds to remove pollutants from the water
through a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes. The water is allowed to flow through the pond, where it is treated by a
variety of microorganisms that consume the pollutants. Sunlight and temperature also play a role in the purification process. The stabilized water
is then released into the environment. Water stabilization ponds are often used in small-scale wastewater treatment plants, agricultural operations,
and can be used for stormwater management. They are a low-cost and low-energy alternative to more complex wastewater treatment systems, but
they also require a large land area and take longer to treat the water.
There are several types of water stabilization ponds, including:
1. Aerated stabilization pond (ASP): This type of pond uses mechanical or diffused aeration to increase the oxygen content of the water
and promote the growth of aerobic bacteria.
2. Facultative pond (FP): This type of pond is designed to accommodate both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, and can treat a wide range of
3. Maturation pond (MP): This type of pond is used as a final polishing step to remove remaining suspended solids and pathogens before
discharge or reuse.


70097777 5




70097777 6


➢ According to Pakistan Demographic Survey (PDS) avg. person in one marla house in SAWAT = 4
➢ Per capita water consumption = 350 + ((7+7) +7) *2 = 392 lpcd (given)
➢ Qd comes out after calculation = 3679.722 m3 /day
➢ For the physical treatment plant, I prefer sedimentation tank so I consider it to design.
➢ For the Biological treatment plant, I design Trickling Filter because as we are in under developing country and there is restriction of land
use as well so we best available option was designing Trickling Filter.


1. Calculate area
2. Then make a Layout of manhole
3. Find out Population
4. Calculate discharge flow
5. Then calculate slope
6. Then waste water design with trickling filter is to be design
7. After all that work waste water design with sedimentation process is to be design.

70097777 7


Blocks House No Length(m) Width(m) Area per House(m^2) Area (Marla) Total Houses Total Area(m^2) Block Area Population Stories

H 179-195 8 4 32 1.265177184 17 544 544 1

196 and 209 10 6 60 2.37220722 2 120 1
I 1320
197-221 except (209) 10 5 50 1.97683935 24 1200 1
J 222-243 11 6 66 2.609427942 22 1452 1452 1
244-254 14 6 84 3.321090108 11 924 1
K 1051.5
255-257 8.5 5 42.5 1.680313448 3 127.5 1
G 178-149 10 5 50 1.97683935 30 1500 1500 1
148-119 8.5 4.5 38.25 1.512282103 30 1147.5 1
F Dispensary 18 8 144 5.693297328 1 144 1561

Flat F-1 38.5 7 269.5 10.6551641 1 269.5

32 5(per story 2 flat)
107,95,118 and 106 12 4 48 1.897765776 4 192
E 117-96 except (107and 106) 13 6 78 3.083869386 20 1560 1990
Flat F-2 34 7 238 9.409755307 1 238
28 5(per story 2 flat)
94-74 except (84) 16 6 96 3.795531552 20 1920
84 and73 16 5 80 3.16294296 2 160
D 2502
Commercial 16 4 64 2.530354368 2 128
Flat F-3 42 7 294 11.62381538 1 294
35 5(per story 2 flat)
72-58 9 6 54 2.134986498 15 810
C 1818
57-49 14 8 112 4.428120144 9 1008
Park Park 1 36 22 792 31.31313531 1 792 792
281-273 16 4 64 2.530354368 9 576
271and 272 11 5 55 2.174523285 2 110
M 1949
School 0 0 361

App3 21 43 903 35.70171866 1 903

108 3(per story 2 apart)
L 270-258 5 10 50 1.97683935 13 650 650
48-23 13 6 78 3.083869386 26 2028
B 2592
App1 27 21 567 22.41735823 1 567
68 3(per story 2 apart)
A 22-Jan 10 5 50 1.97683935 22 1100 1100
App2 0 30.79 779
95 3(per story 2 apart)
Apartment 923
Commercial 6 12 72 2.846648664 2 144
Graveyard 1 17 9 153 6.049128412 1 153 153
Park 1 35 9 315 12.45408791 1 315 315

Bungalows Ban 15 15 225 8.895777076 30 6750 6750 2



Average Average Average Peak

Water Día
Water Water Sewage Infiltration Sewage Dia selected
FROM TO. Population Consumption Qd (m^3/d) Qd (m^3/s) d(m) selected R Slope
Consumption Consumption Flow Rate Flow (mm)
(lpcd) (m)
(l/d) (m^3/d) (m^3/d) (m^3/d)

Self Previous Total multiple of 75

M1 M2 22 0 22 392 8624 8.624 6.8992 0.482944 27.5968 28.079744 0.000324997 0.022748873 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M2 M3 15 22 37 392 14504 14.504 11.6032 0.812224 46.4128 47.225024 0.000546586 0.02950186 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M3 M4 22 37 59 392 23128 23.128 18.5024 1.295168 74.0096 75.304768 0.000871583 0.03725414 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M4 M5 15 59 74 392 29008 29.008 23.2064 1.624448 92.8256 94.450048 0.001093172 0.041721931 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M5 M6 22 74 96 392 37632 37.632 30.1056 2.107392 120.4224 122.52979 0.001418169 0.047520845 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M6 M7 15 96 111 392 43512 43.512 34.8096 2.436672 139.2384 141.67507 0.001639758 0.051098721 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M7 M8 22 111 133 392 52136 52.136 41.7088 2.919616 166.8352 169.75482 0.001964755 0.055933804 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M8 M9 22 133 155 392 60760 60.76 48.608 3.40256 194.432 197.83456 0.002289752 0.060382958 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M9 M10 42 155 197 392 77224 77.224 61.7792 4.324544 247.1168 251.44134 0.002910201 0.06807406 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M11 M12 30 0 30 392 11760 11.76 9.408 0.65856 37.632 38.29056 0.000443178 0.02656496 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M12 M13 22 30 52 392 20384 20.384 16.3072 1.141504 65.2288 66.370304 0.000768175 0.034974395 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M13 M14 30 52 82 392 32144 32.144 25.7152 1.800064 102.8608 104.66086 0.001211353 0.043919306 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M14 M15 30 82 112 392 43904 43.904 35.1232 2.458624 140.4928 142.95142 0.00165453 0.051328379 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M15 M16 22 112 134 392 52528 52.528 42.0224 2.941568 168.0896 171.03117 0.001979527 0.056143688 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M16 M17 30 134 164 392 64288 64.288 51.4304 3.600128 205.7216 209.32173 0.002422705 0.062111278 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M10 M17 26 197 223 392 87416 87.416 69.9328 4.895296 279.7312 284.6265 0.003294288 0.072427079 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M17 M18 18 387 405 392 158760 158.76 127.008 8.89056 508.032 516.92256 0.0059829 0.097605895 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M19 M20 36 0 36 392 14112 14.112 11.2896 0.790272 45.1584 45.948672 0.000531813 0.029100456 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

70097777 8

M20 M21 36 36 72 392 28224 28.224 22.5792 1.580544 90.3168 91.897344 0.001063627 0.041154259 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M21 M22 36 72 108 392 42336 42.336 33.8688 2.370816 135.4752 137.84602 0.00159544 0.050403468 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M22 M23 36 108 144 392 56448 56.448 45.1584 3.161088 180.6336 183.79469 0.002127253 0.058200911 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M23 M24 36 144 180 392 70560 70.56 56.448 3.95136 225.792 229.74336 0.002659067 0.065070597 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M18 M24 18 405 423 392 165816 165.816 132.6528 9.285696 530.6112 539.8969 0.006248807 0.099751336 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M24 M25 33 549 582 392 228144 228.144 182.5152 12.776064 730.0608 742.83686 0.008597649 0.117006511 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M25 M26 18 582 600 392 235200 235.2 188.16 13.1712 752.64 765.8112 0.008863556 0.118802113 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M26 M27 22 600 622 392 243824 243.824 195.0592 13.654144 780.2368 793.89094 0.009188553 0.120960544 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M27 M28 22 622 644 392 252448 252.448 201.9584 14.137088 807.8336 821.97069 0.00951355 0.123081129 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M28 M29 18 644 662 392 259504 259.504 207.6032 14.532224 830.4128 844.94502 0.009779456 0.124789353 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M29 M30 18 662 680 392 266560 266.56 213.248 14.92736 852.992 867.91936 0.010045363 0.126474507 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M30 M31 18 680 698 392 273616 273.616 218.8928 15.322496 875.5712 890.8937 0.01031127 0.128137501 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M31 M32 18 698 716 392 280672 280.672 224.5376 15.717632 898.1504 913.86803 0.010577176 0.129779187 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M33 M34 16 0 16 392 6272 6.272 5.0176 0.351232 20.0704 20.421632 0.000236361 0.019400304 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M34 M35 16 16 32 392 12544 12.544 10.0352 0.702464 40.1408 40.843264 0.000472723 0.027436173 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M35 M36 16 32 48 392 18816 18.816 15.0528 1.053696 60.2112 61.264896 0.000709084 0.033602312 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M32 M36 6 716 722 392 283024 283.024 226.4192 15.849344 905.6768 921.52614 0.010665812 0.13032182 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M36 M37 17 770 787 392 308504 308.504 246.8032 17.276224 987.2128 1004.489 0.01162603 0.136061704 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M37 M38 30 787 817 392 320264 320.264 256.2112 17.934784 1024.8448 1042.7796 0.012069208 0.138630748 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M38 M39 21 817 838 392 328496 328.496 262.7968 18.395776 1051.1872 1069.583 0.012379433 0.140401112 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M39 M40 30 838 868 392 340256 340.256 272.2048 19.054336 1088.8192 1107.8735 0.01282261 0.14289216 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M40 M41 21 868 889 392 348488 348.488 278.7904 19.515328 1115.1616 1134.6769 0.013132835 0.144610364 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M41 M42 30 889 919 392 360248 360.248 288.1984 20.173888 1152.7936 1172.9675 0.013576013 0.147030114 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M42 M43 21 919 940 392 368480 368.48 294.784 20.63488 1179.136 1199.7709 0.013886237 0.148700512 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M43 M44 30 940 970 392 380240 380.24 304.192 21.29344 1216.768 1238.0614 0.014329415 0.151054757 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M44 M45 21 970 991 392 388472 388.472 310.7776 21.754432 1243.1104 1264.8648 0.014639639 0.15268113 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M45 M46 18 991 1009 392 395528 395.528 316.4224 22.149568 1265.6896 1287.8392 0.014905546 0.1540615 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M47 M48 6 0 6 392 2352 2.352 1.8816 0.131712 7.5264 7.658112 8.86356E-05 0.011880211 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M49 M50 12 0 12 392 4704 4.704 3.7632 0.263424 15.0528 15.316224 0.000177271 0.016801156 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M50 M51 24 12 36 392 14112 14.112 11.2896 0.790272 45.1584 45.948672 0.000531813 0.029100456 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M51 M52 24 36 60 392 23520 23.52 18.816 1.31712 75.264 76.58112 0.000886356 0.037568527 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M52 M53 24 60 84 392 32928 32.928 26.3424 1.843968 105.3696 107.21357 0.001240898 0.04445168 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M53 M54 24 84 108 392 42336 42.336 33.8688 2.370816 135.4752 137.84602 0.00159544 0.050403468 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M54 M55 24 108 132 392 51744 51.744 41.3952 2.897664 165.5808 168.47846 0.001949982 0.05572313 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M48 M55 18 6 24 392 9408 9.408 7.5264 0.526848 30.1056 30.632448 0.000354542 0.023760423 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M55 M56 12 156 168 392 65856 65.856 52.6848 3.687936 210.7392 214.42714 0.002481796 0.062864169 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M56 M57 12 168 180 392 70560 70.56 56.448 3.95136 225.792 229.74336 0.002659067 0.065070597 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M58 M59 12 0 12 392 4704 4.704 3.7632 0.263424 15.0528 15.316224 0.000177271 0.016801156 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M59 M60 34 12 46 392 18032 18.032 14.4256 1.009792 57.7024 58.712192 0.000679539 0.032894815 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M60 M61 36 46 82 392 32144 32.144 25.7152 1.800064 102.8608 104.66086 0.001211353 0.043919306 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M61 M62 36 82 118 392 46256 46.256 37.0048 2.590336 148.0192 150.60954 0.001743166 0.05268531 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M62 M63 36 118 154 392 60368 60.368 48.2944 3.380608 193.1776 196.55821 0.002274979 0.06018786 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M63 M64 36 154 190 392 74480 74.48 59.584 4.17088 238.336 242.50688 0.002806793 0.066853683 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M57 M64 12 180 192 392 75264 75.264 60.2112 4.214784 240.8448 245.05958 0.002836338 0.067204624 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M64 M65 18 382 400 392 156800 156.8 125.44 8.7808 501.76 510.5408 0.005909037 0.097001519 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M66 M67 11 0 11 392 4312 4.312 3.4496 0.241472 13.7984 14.039872 0.000162499 0.016085882 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M67 M68 16 11 27 392 10584 10.584 8.4672 0.592704 33.8688 34.461504 0.00039886 0.025201734 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M68 M69 16 27 43 392 16856 16.856 13.4848 0.943936 53.9392 54.883136 0.000635221 0.031804075 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M69 M70 22 43 65 392 25480 25.48 20.384 1.42688 81.536 82.96288 0.000960219 0.039102562 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M70 M71 16 65 81 392 31752 31.752 25.4016 1.778112 101.6064 103.38451 0.00119658 0.043650683 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M71 M72 22 81 103 392 40376 40.376 32.3008 2.261056 129.2032 131.46426 0.001521577 0.049222895 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M72 M73 16 103 119 392 46648 46.648 37.3184 2.612288 149.2736 151.88589 0.001757939 0.052908082 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M73 M74 22 119 141 392 55272 55.272 44.2176 3.095232 176.8704 179.96563 0.002082936 0.057591461 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M65 M74 18 400 418 392 163856 163.856 131.0848 9.175936 524.3392 533.51514 0.006174944 0.099160037 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M75 M76 5 0 5 392 1960 1.96 1.568 0.10976 6.272 6.38176 7.3863E-05 0.010845099 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M76 M77 22 5 27 392 10584 10.584 8.4672 0.592704 33.8688 34.461504 0.00039886 0.025201734 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M77 M78 22 27 49 392 19208 19.208 15.3664 1.075648 61.4656 62.541248 0.000723857 0.033950532 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M78 M79 16 49 65 392 25480 25.48 20.384 1.42688 81.536 82.96288 0.000960219 0.039102562 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M79 M80 22 65 87 392 34104 34.104 27.2832 1.909824 109.1328 111.04262 0.001285216 0.045238497 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M80 M81 22 87 109 392 42728 42.728 34.1824 2.392768 136.7296 139.12237 0.001610213 0.050636279 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M81 M82 22 109 131 392 51352 51.352 41.0816 2.875712 164.3264 167.20211 0.00193521 0.055511656 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M82 M83 22 131 153 392 59976 59.976 47.9808 3.358656 191.9232 195.28186 0.002260207 0.059992126 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M74 M83 70 418 488 392 191296 191.296 153.0368 10.712576 612.1472 622.85978 0.007209025 0.107141679 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M83 M84 626 641 1267 392 496664 496.664 397.3312 27.813184 1589.3248 1617.138 0.018716875 0.172638179 175 0.175 0.122873 0.007164

M84 M85 420 1267 1687 392 661304 661.304 529.0432 37.033024 2116.1728 2153.2058 0.024921364 0.199207681 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M85 M86 16 1687 1703 392 667576 667.576 534.0608 37.384256 2136.2432 2173.6275 0.025157725 0.200150124 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M86 M87 18 1703 1721 392 674632 674.632 539.7056 37.779392 2158.8224 2196.6018 0.025423632 0.201205095 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M87 M88 38 1721 1759 392 689528 689.528 551.6224 38.613568 2206.4896 2245.1032 0.02598499 0.20341429 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M88 M89 18 1759 1777 392 696584 696.584 557.2672 39.008704 2229.0688 2268.0775 0.026250897 0.204452419 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M89 M90 24 1777 1801 392 705992 705.992 564.7936 39.535552 2259.1744 2298.71 0.026605439 0.205828446 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

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M90 M91 26 1801 1827 392 716184 716.184 572.9472 40.106304 2291.7888 2331.8951 0.026989527 0.207308836 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M91 M92 14 1827 1841 392 721672 721.672 577.3376 40.413632 2309.3504 2349.764 0.027196343 0.208101606 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M92 M93 15 1841 1856 392 727552 727.552 582.0416 40.742912 2328.1664 2368.9093 0.027417932 0.208947666 225 0.225 0.145406 0.005116

M46 M93 18 1009 1027 392 402584 402.584 322.0672 22.544704 1288.2688 1310.8135 0.015171453 0.155429611 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M94 M95 52 0 52 392 20384 20.384 16.3072 1.141504 65.2288 66.370304 0.000768175 0.034974395 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M95 M96 52 52 104 392 40768 40.768 32.6144 2.283008 130.4576 132.74061 0.00153635 0.049461264 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M97 M98 52 0 52 392 20384 20.384 16.3072 1.141504 65.2288 66.370304 0.000768175 0.034974395 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M96 M98 26 104 130 392 50960 50.96 40.768 2.85376 163.072 165.92576 0.001920437 0.055299374 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M98 M99 26 182 208 392 81536 81.536 65.2288 4.566016 260.9152 265.48122 0.003072699 0.06994879 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M100 M101 78 0 78 392 30576 30.576 24.4608 1.712256 97.8432 99.555456 0.001152262 0.042834711 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M99 M101 26 78 104 392 40768 40.768 32.6144 2.283008 130.4576 132.74061 0.00153635 0.049461264 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M101 M102 0 182 182 392 71344 71.344 57.0752 3.995264 228.3008 232.29606 0.002688612 0.065431102 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M103 M104 52 0 52 392 20384 20.384 16.3072 1.141504 65.2288 66.370304 0.000768175 0.034974395 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M102 M104 26 182 208 392 81536 81.536 65.2288 4.566016 260.9152 265.48122 0.003072699 0.06994879 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M104 M105 26 260 286 392 112112 112.112 89.6896 6.278272 358.7584 365.03667 0.004224961 0.082022227 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M105 M106 52 286 338 392 132496 132.496 105.9968 7.419776 423.9872 431.40698 0.004993136 0.089167561 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M107 M108 52 0 52 392 20384 20.384 16.3072 1.141504 65.2288 66.370304 0.000768175 0.034974395 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M108 M109 52 52 104 392 40768 40.768 32.6144 2.283008 130.4576 132.74061 0.00153635 0.049461264 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M109 M110 52 104 156 392 61152 61.152 48.9216 3.424512 195.6864 199.11091 0.002304524 0.060577429 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M110 M111 52 156 208 392 81536 81.536 65.2288 4.566016 260.9152 265.48122 0.003072699 0.06994879 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M111 M112 52 208 260 392 101920 101.92 81.536 5.70752 326.144 331.85152 0.003840874 0.078205125 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M112 M113 52 260 312 392 122304 122.304 97.8432 6.849024 391.3728 398.22182 0.004609049 0.085669422 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M114 M115 26 0 26 392 10192 10.192 8.1536 0.570752 32.6144 33.185152 0.000384087 0.024730632 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M113 M115 0 312 312 392 122304 122.304 97.8432 6.849024 391.3728 398.22182 0.004609049 0.085669422 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M115 M116 0 338 338 392 132496 132.496 105.9968 7.419776 423.9872 431.40698 0.004993136 0.089167561 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M116 M117 52 338 390 392 152880 152.88 122.304 8.56128 489.216 497.77728 0.005761311 0.095781325 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M117 M118 0 390 390 392 152880 152.88 122.304 8.56128 489.216 497.77728 0.005761311 0.095781325 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M118 M119 0 390 390 392 152880 152.88 122.304 8.56128 489.216 497.77728 0.005761311 0.095781325 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M119 M120 0 390 390 392 152880 152.88 122.304 8.56128 489.216 497.77728 0.005761311 0.095781325 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M106 M120 26 338 364 392 142688 142.688 114.1504 7.990528 456.6016 464.59213 0.005377224 0.092533551 150 0.15 0.110816 0.008808

M120 M121 754 754 392 295568 295.568 236.4544 16.551808 945.8176 962.36941 0.011138535 0.133178528 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

M93 M121 0 2883 2883 392 1130136 1130.136 904.1088 63.287616 3616.4352 3679.7228 0.042589384 0.260417916 75 0.075 0.069648 0.022297

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Design of manhole was done considering slope of local area and restriction of land. Similarly, for the placement of treatment plant these factors
also considered. All design done accurately while considering every restriction and design parameters in mind. As a whole this CEP was good for
the brain storming of students for their interaction with real life problems associated with the design of waste water treatment plant.

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➢ Pakistan Bureau of Statics
➢ Pakistan Demographic Survey 2020


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