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Circuit Breaker Selective Coordination:

Common Questions and Misconceptions
Bob Hansen - ABB Field Application Engineer


• Selective Coordination – review of what the NEC requires

• Common Questions and Misconceptions Related to:

✓ Specifying Selective Coordination

✓ Coordinating Circuit Breakers

✓ Coordination Across General Purpose LV Transformers

✓ Coordination Where a CB has Ground Fault Protection

✓ Circuit Breaker Ratios

Slide 2

Key National Electrical Code Requirements

Definitions per the NEC
Art. 100 NEC: “Coordination, Selective. Localization of an overcurrent condition to restrict
outages to the circuit or equipment affected, accomplished by the selection and installation
of overcurrent protective devices and their ratings or settings for the full range of available
overcurrents, from overload to the maximum available fault current, and for the full range of
overcurrent protective device opening times associated with those overcurrents.”

This applies to any overcurrent.

(overcurrent = overload, short
circuit, or ground fault) OPENS



Art 517.31(G): Overcurrent protective devices serving the essential electrical system shall be
coordinated for the period of time that a fault’s duration extends beyond 0.1 seconds

Slide 4

Example of Systems Requiring Selective Coordination

NEC 2021 Examples:

• all emergency (700), legally required standby (701), or critical operations power systems
(708) are coordinated for the entire range of available fault current per articles 700.32,
701.32, and 708.54
• essential systems under 517.31 (healthcare) can be coordinated to 0.1 seconds if the 2014
NEC or later is in effect
• all elevators (and associated Art 620 equipment) are coordinated to the entire range of
available fault current

Slide 5

Common Questions and Misconceptions:
Selective Coordination of Circuit Breakers

Can circuit breakers coordinate even though they overlap in the

instantaneous region, and if so, how do I determine if a circuit
breaker pair coordinates?

Slide 7
— 1000.00

Coordination by Region
11 Fault A Fault B
Separation between the time-current

curves demonstrates selective

coordination in the non-instantaneous
(overload) region 10.00

2 2
Overlap between circuit breaker TCC’s in
this part of the curve requires special 1.00
consideration if selective coordination is
to be achieved throughout the range of 33
available fault current
0.10 44
Selective coordination (“0.01 second”)

requires all parts of the curve to coordinate
(overload + short circuit region = non- 0.01
instantaneous + instantaneous coordination) 100 Amperes
1,000 10,000 100,000

Slide 8

Circuit Breaker Coordination Tables

• Documents selectivity between specific breaker pairs

• Instantaneous coordination only, instantaneous and non-instantaneous
• Typical means of obtaining selectivity in the instantaneous region:
o Design of the breaker only, no algorithms or wiring between the breakers
o Algorithms in an electronic trip unit, no wiring between breakers
o Algorithms in the trip unit with wiring between the trip unit (e.g., ZSI)
• General Table Organization
o Downstream breakers are the rows
o Upstream breakers are the columns
o Intersection of the row and column is the fault current to which the pair coordinates
o Make sure to read and understand the requirements for using each table.

Slide 9

Example Table from ABB DET-760G Guide to Instantaneous Selectivity

Sensor Options
Upstream Breakers

Downstream Breakers

Coordination in this particular table does not rely on any circuit breaker or trip unit option. The condition for using these values is the
upstream breaker must be set to its maximum instantaneous pick-up.

Slide 10

Common Questions and Misconceptions:
Specification of Selective Coordination

Do I need to include specifications for selective coordination …

should I just leave it to the bidding vendor to decide what to do
because they know how to meet the code using their vendor specific

Slide 12

Selectivity Triage

• What version of the NEC is in effect?

• Are there any local jurisdiction amendments?
• What does the specification say regarding selective coordination?
• Notes on the drawings about selective coordination requirements?
• Is it clear which circuits/part of the one-line require selective

Slide 13

The Bottom Line - Selectivity WWW = What, Where, and Why

For any design, the plans and specs must make clear:

What level of selective coordination is required?

0.1 second coordination, all possible fault currents (“0.01 second”),
both, neither

Where is selective coordination required?

which parts of the system must be coordinated

Why is selective coordination required?

code mandated vs decision by engineer or customer

Slide 14

Which design documents should include selective coordination

requirements for the project?

Slide 15

Power System Study Specification and Coordination

• Power System Study Spec = service spec

• Coordination requirements = equipment performance spec

• For a correct design with suitable circuit breakers:

o 0.1 second coordination is achieved by the study engineer adjusting available
o coordination for the entire range of available fault current (“0.01 second”
coordination) the study engineer can only prove circuit breaker by adjusting
device settings AND using vendor coordination tables

Slide 16

Standard Power Systems Analysis (Study) Specification Statements
Standard language in the Protective Device Coordination Study section may
not be complete for some situations or may cause confusion if not edited

“Provide adequate time margins between device characteristics such that selective
operation is provided, while providing proper protection”
“Graphically illustrate that adequate time separation exists between devices in

- “time margins” or “time separation” will promote 0.1 second coordination,

but not necessarily coordination over the entire range of available fault current
- if coordination for the entire range of available fault current is required, spec should be
edited to indicate this also

Slide 17

Example Specification

1) Equipment Branch 0.10 seconds

2) Critical Branch 0.10 seconds
3) Life-Safety Branch 0.10 seconds

A good spec that indicates

- which circuit types are to be coordinated (by NEC section reference)
- the required coordination level by circuit type

Slide 18

Example Drawing Notes
“Selectively coordinate the emergency branch per 2020 NEC Article 700.32”

“Provide selectively coordinated overcurrent protective devices for the branches of power
indicated (all OCPD from the source breakers to the last OCPD fed from ATS-LS and ATS-LRS),
so that only the closest upstream OCPD of an overcurrent opens (coordinate to 0.01 seconds)”
[this note number was applied on the drawing to the generator CB, and each panel associated
with the LS and LRS systems, as well as the normal switchboard MCB and feeders to the ATS’s]

“Manufacturer shall select appropriate breaker types to provide selective coordination for all
supply side/up-stream devices connected to systems containing normal and generator
powered circuits. Coordination shall be demonstrated by manufacturers published
coordination tables and data.
Requirements and Assumptions
1. Coordination shall comply with NEC articles 700.32 and 701.32
2. Unlimited short circuit current on primary”

Slide 19

Common Questions and Misconceptions:
Coordination Across a Transformer

I’ve heard that coordination at a general-purpose transformer (let’s

say a 480 to 208/120V ) “starts over” so I only need to coordinate the
208V and 480V sides separately, and not worry about the 208V to
480V coordination. Is this true?

Slide 21

Selective Coordination Across a Transformer

For a system requiring selective coordination, protective devices 480V
across a transformer must be coordinated the same as devices
at the same voltage. 208V

In the diagram to the right:

C and D must coordinate with B 35A 3P

C and D must also coordinate with A

B does not need to coordinate with A because the opening of either A or B

has the same result … interruption of all loads on the panelboard.

Slide 22

The Role of the Transformer in Coordination

Normal Condition Fault Condition

The maximum fault current on the
208V 480V 208V 208V side is limited by the transformer
The fault current seen on the 480V side for
a 208V fault = 208V fault current / 2.31
1 : 2.31
Amperage Ratio
1 : 2.31
Amperage Ratio

Example: If a fault on the 208V side of a 45 kVA transformer is 2900A (at 208V ), the resulting
fault current on the 480V side is 2900/2.31 = 1255A (at 480V)

The 480V devices see a substantially reduced amperage for faults on the 208V side relative to
faults on the 480V.

Lower fault currents lend themselves to simpler coordination solutions.

Slide 23

Typical Coordination Layout Across A

a Transformer

CB A: 480V Electronic Trip Main 480V

CB B: 480V Electronic Trip Feeder 208V

CB C: 208V Electronic Trip Main

CD D: 208V Thermal Magnetic Branch

35A 3P
Transformer Inrush Point: 480V devices must be set above and to the right of this point

208V panel board fault current as limited by the transformer impedance

Instantaneous pick-up on the 480V feeder set above the available fault current
of the 208V panel board.

= Overlap in the instantaneous region: consult coordination table

Slide 24

Common Questions and Misconceptions:
Coordination with Ground Fault Protection

How do I evaluate selective coordination when one of the breakers

(upstream) has ground fault protection?

Slide 26

Typical Low Voltage Overcurrent Protection Combinations

1. Upstream Phase only - Downstream Phase Only

2. Upstream Phase and Ground Fault – Downstream Phase Only

3. Upstream Phase and Ground Fault – Downstream Phase and Ground Fault

Situations 2 and 3 are evaluated for selectivity similarly to what we have already discussed for situation 1.

The key difference is where GF protection is involved, the combined phase + GF curve of the device must be
used to evaluate coordination.

Phase coordination in the instantaneous region is still evaluated using coordination tables.

Slide 27

Main Breaker over Feeder
No Ground Fault Protection on Either Breaker

These two breakers are selectively coordinated.

- there is no overlap in the non-instantaneous region 1600A Main Breaker

- the overlap in the instantaneous region is

coordinated per a coordination table

250A Feeder Breaker

Slide 28

Ground Fault Protection Added to Main
No Ground Fault Protection on Feeder

GF Curve
PU = 0.4 = 400A
These two breakers are NOT selectively coordinated.

- overlap between MCB GF and Feeder Phase in the

is NOT coordinated. 1600A Main Breaker
- downstream phase protection must not overlap with With
combined envelop of the MCB phase + GF GF Protection
- the phase overlap in the instantaneous region can be
coordinated if the breaker pair is documented in a
coordination table

250A Feeder Breaker

Slide 29

Ground Fault Protection on Main Adjusted
No Ground Fault Protection on Feeder

GF Curve
PU = 0.6 = 1200A
These two breakers are selectively coordinated. I2T slope added

- there is no overlap between MCB (phase + GF) protection

and the feeder protection in the non-instantaneous region
1600A Main Breaker
- the phase overlap in the instantaneous region is GF Protection
coordinated per a coordination table

- the MCB GF PU is set at maximum, yet is still very close

to the feeder short time pick-up

250A Feeder Breaker

Slide 30

Ground Fault Protection on Main with Additional Adjustments
No Ground Fault Protection on Feeder

GF Curve
PU = 0.6 = 1200A
These two breakers are selectively coordinated. Selective GF Delay

- there is no overlap between the MCB (phase + GF) protection

and the feeder protection in the non-instantaneous region
1600A Main Breaker
- the phase overlap in the instantaneous region is With
GF Protection
coordinated per a coordination table

- the MCB GF curve is using a slope and additional

shaping capability

250A Feeder Breaker

Slide 31

Common Questions and Misconceptions:
Selective Coordination Ratios for Circuit Breakers

Instead of using vendor coordination tables, why can’t I just use a rule
of thumb for ratios of the circuit breakers that will selectively

Slide 33

Issues with using Circuit Breaker Ratios

- Ratios will vary by specific breaker families involved

- Thermal mag to Thermal mag vs Etrip to Thermal mag vs Etrip to Etrip will all be different

- Ratios for “0.01 second” vs 0.1 second coordination will be different

- Instantaneous coordination is a function of the number of poles for some breakers

- In general, too many ratios to know – not easier and less reliable than using TCC analysis and
coordination tables

What ratios are we talking about? (in breakers, the same amperage may be set on multiple frames)

For circuit breaker selective coordination (entire range of available fault current), both frame
size and amperage separation are important.

Slide 34

Basic Template for MCCB Frame Selection
Instantaneous Region Coordination At the Same Voltage (not across a transformer)

Example based on ABB DET-760 (applicable to ABB Molded Case Circuit Breakers)

For sufficiently low fault current available

below the branch breaker Otherwise

800/1000/1200 AF 800/1000/1200 AF

400/600 AF 400/600 AF

250 AF

125 AF 250 AF
100 AF
Thermal-Magnetic Branch up to 60A (1) Thermal-Magnetic Branch Branch > 125A to 250A
up to 125A (1)

Based on the above, a simple rule is: at least one frame size difference is needed between upstream and downstream CB’s.

(1) Limits on poles apply in some cases

Slide 35

Amperages and Selective Coordination

For sufficiently low fault current available

below the branch breaker
Representative Frame
Amps Trip
350A 800/1000/1200 AF Typically etrip to etrip, the amperage ratio here can be very
low (e.g., < 1.2 to 1 for newer trip units; < 1.3 to 1 for older or
higher tolerance trip units)
175A 400/600 AF
When etrip to etrip, the amperage ratio here can be very low
(e.g., < 1.2 to 1 for newer trip units; < 1.3 to 1 for older or
higher tolerance trip units)
100A 250 AF
Generally higher amperage ratios needed because of
30A 3P Thermal-Magnetic Branch downstream thermal-mag breaker.
up to 60A (1)

(1) Limits on poles apply in some cases

Slide 36


• Indicate the device coordination requirements in your specifications and

drawings … remember to cover the WWW.
• Circuit breaker coordination is possible even where the time current curves
overlap in the instantaneous region. Consult vendor coordination tables.
• Coordination across a transformer must follow the same principles used in
coordinating devices at the same voltage.
• Where ground fault protection is involved, use the combined phase + GF curve
when evaluating selectivity.
• Use frame separation requirements indicated in the vendor coordination tables
for coordination in the instantaneous region.
• Allowable amperage separations may be in some coordination tables, and are
also easily determined for etrip to etrip knowing the LTPU tolerances

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Thank you for joining us!

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