Case Study of 360 Image Viewer Software Utilization in Interior Design Presentation To Improve Product I

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Case Study of 360 Image Viewer Software

Utilization in Interior Design Presentation to

Improve Product Immersion
Friska Amalia Ahmad Fitriyansah
Interior Design (Bandung) Department Micro Electronic Center of ITB
Bina Nusantara University Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract—This case study investigates the use of 360 Image interior design products are presented to audiences generally
Viewer software to improve product immersion in interior and how they are perceived by users.
design presentations. The goal is to determine how the
utilization of 360-degree photography technology may enhance Interior designers may now construct interactive virtual
the immersive experience and user engagement with items for worlds for customers to explore and experience the suggested
interior design. This study uses a qualitative method to analyze ideas thanks to the invention of 360 Image Viewer software.
observation. During design presentations, 360 Image Viewer A qualitative technique is used in this case study to analyze
software was evaluated by a sample of interior design experts the viewpoints of interior design experts and clients.
and prospective clients. Users were able to move around in According to Kamil et al, 90% of respondents from their prior
virtual environments thanks to the software, which gave them a research believe that interactive VR tour applications can help
sensation of presence and interaction. Observation was used to customers make more informed judgments about what to
gather qualitative data with an emphasis on the participants' buy[2].
impressions of immersion and participation. According to the
investigation, using 360 Image Viewer software greatly The case study's findings offer important new information
improved product immersion and gave users a realistic and on how 360 Image Viewer software might enhance product
dynamic portrayal of the interior design. Participants noted a immersion in interior design presentations. The study intends
stronger understanding of the design concept and an improved to add to the expanding body of information on immersive
sense of spatial presence. This case study illustrates the technologies in interior design and promote their wider
advantages of using 360 Image Viewer software and adds to the adoption in the sector by demonstrating the advantages and
increasing body of information on immersive technology in effects of this technology. The goal of this study is to improve
interior design. The results show how such technology can our knowledge of how 360 Image Viewer software may be
improve the display and communication of products used in used to revolutionize interior design presentations, elevate
interior design, leading to greater client knowledge and product immersion, and create immersive design experiences
involvement. In conclusion, this study promotes the use of 360- that capture clients and aid in informed decision-making.
degree imaging as a technique to enhance product immersion
and the quality of the entire interior design experience. II. METHODS
Keywords—360-degree image, immersion, utilization, virtual The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of
showroom. 360 Image Viewer software on product immersion in interior
design presentations using a qualitative methodology. The
I. INTRODUCTION study seeks to offer a thorough knowledge of how this
Interior designers encountered an unanticipated rise in technology affects user engagement and immersion. The
building and design initiatives during the pandemic that were foundation for research questions and hypotheses derived
intended to provide a safe environment against the COVID-19 from literature review. The empirical phase uses a
virus without impeding productivity. Despite physical comparative study between the established criteria of
constraints, inventive designs from designers allow for the immersion and the case study. By using this qualitative
survival of sectors like product presentations and art shows. approach, the study adds insightful knowledge on how to use
The development of technology and a preference toward 360 Image Viewer software to improve product immersion,
digitalization made it easier for websites to become well-liked enabling interior designers to provide customers with
display venues, even for entertainment. appealing and engaging design experiences.

In the realm of interior design, a compelling product III. CRITERIA OF IMMERSION

presentation is essential for grabbing clients' interest, Virtual reality immersion in 360-degree image may be an
improving comprehension, and boosting engagement[1]. entertaining way for prospective customers to learn in-depth
Designers are experimenting with cutting-edge methods to information about the products they want to buy. The
enhance product immersion and produce captivating design usefulness of immersive technology in online sales media may
experiences to meet these objectives. The use of 360 Image be improved by several immersion criteria to match the
Viewer software for interior design presentations is a potential expectations of potential customers. By casting the user as a
innovation that is gaining popularity in this area. In this case character in a story world, immersive design transforms fresh
study, users' immersion, engagement, and comprehension of design opportunities into character-driven, embodied
interior design goods are examined in relation to the usage of experiences[3]. Based on the previous findings, experts would
360 Image Viewer software. The purpose of the study is to consider some requirements for immersion as shown at Fig. 1,
look at how 360-degree photography might improve how which include connectedness, attentiveness, natural


components, psychological tests, fun, and movement. These The selection and alteration of the environment's elements
requirements will be used to analyze the immersion of the is one of the most crucial responsibilities in interior design.
virtual showroom in this case study. Instant selection and layout in 3D should be possible in the
application to speed up the formulation of concepts and make
it easy for new users to utilize[14].
D. Psychological Measures
In immersive design, psychological measurements refer to
the measurement and evaluation of users' psychological
responses, experiences, and perceptions inside immersive
environments[10]. From a cognitive, emotional, and
behavioral standpoint, these assessments aim to understand
the users' engagement, presence, immersion, and overall
experience in virtual or augmented reality[11]. To identify and
quantify numerous psychological constructs related to
immersion, presence, user experience, emotional reactions,
cognitive load, and other relevant factors, various tests and
questionnaires may be employed as psychological
measurements. These metrics provide data on the
effectiveness, influence, and perceptions of immersive design
experiences among users.
Fig. 1 Immersion in 360 images for virtual reality concept scheme.
(a)connection; (b) attention; (c) nature elements; (d) psychological E. Playfulness
measures; (e)playfulness; and (f)movement.
Users were requested to interact with the system that
encourages inquiry and invention to make the experience as
A. Connection enticing and unobtrusive as possible. This was achieved by
Users can feel connected and a part of something through looking through a report. Playfulness in immersive design
telepresence. Telepresence, as used in immersive design, refers to the incorporation of elements, interactions, and
describes a technology's or a design experience's ability to experiences that promote a feeling of joy, wonder, and
simulate the feeling of being physically present in a remote or exploration in virtual or augmented reality settings[12]. It
virtual location[4]. By making the user feel completely requires creating engaging user interfaces that encourage
immersed in it, it aims to remove the physical barrier exploration, learning, and entertainment while interacting
separating them from the virtual environment[5]. In with immersive content.
immersive design, telepresence is widely employed to deliver
F. Movement
virtual tours, virtual displays, or remote design conversations.
The use of dynamic and interactive features that
B. Attention incorporate real-world or virtual motion is referred to as
In the moment of user engagement of immersive design, it movement in immersive design. To enable users to explore,
was utilized to enhance users' awareness of their surroundings interact with, and engage with the virtual or augmented world,
by using a design that allows users to redirect their attention it is necessary to provide a feeling of movement, flow, and
when they get distracted[6]. In immersive design, the term spatial navigation[13].
"attention" refers to the users' cognitive and perceptual focus
on certain items, occasions, or interactions inside the IV. PRE-DESIGN PHASE
immersive environment. It includes concentrating attention The virtual showroom in this case study was created by the
and devoting mental resources to stimuli or design aspects[7]. researchers to aid PT Eleganza Tiles Indonesia in delivering
their products information which include marble, granite, and
C. Nature Elements
wood-patterned tiles in various sizes. The project was started
These interactions included certain aspects of nature. In in 2021 by a group of five people, including two idea creators,
several interactions, a vision of water or vegetation was used. two 3D artists in charge, and one programmer. The goal of the
"Nature elements in immersive design" refers to the project was to enhance the company's website with a virtual
application of characteristics and characteristics taken from showroom so that customers could see how the materials
the natural world in the development of immersive offered by PT Eleganza Tiles Indonesia may be used. In 2022,
experiences[8]. To replicate the emotions, aesthetics, and it was published on the PT Eleganza Tiles Indonesia website.
ambiance of nature, it involves integrating sensory-evoking
interactive, auditory, and visual elements into a virtual or The virtual showroom covers an area of 1200 square
augmented environment[9]. Realistic materials, lighting meters and is required to be accurate to the physical showroom
effects, and color palettes are examples of this. Using sounds in terms of layout, materials used, and lighting (Fig. 2). The
like running water, chirping birds, rustling leaves, or mild virtual showroom's materials are an accurate representation of
winds can boost auditory immersion and provide the those found in the physical showroom. This design strategy
impression that you are in a natural environment. This is seeks to provide the web visitors with an immersive
another method for introducing natural sounds into experience like visiting a physical showroom. It enables the
soundscapes. Ambient background noise or active, user- visitors to explore and interact with interior spaces, products,
responsive sound cues can both be used as soundscapes. or creative ideas without being there physically.
An additional section is also added to the virtual The rendering engine which is suited to render 360-degree
showroom, which is called interactive gallery. This new spherical panorama is preferable. In this project, Enscape was
section serves as supplemental feature to communicate the utilized because of its capabilities of faster rendering without
client's needs for the implementation of their product in significant decrease in the quality of the render.
domestic settings, as seen in Fig. 3. The interactive gallery
displays the company's tile products in household settings, Lapentor, a web based 360-Image Viewer program, is
such as bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, dining utilized to transform the rendered images from flat projection
areas, and TV rooms. into sphere as seen in Fig. 4. Beside that capability, Lapentor
also facilitates its user to make hotspot that is an element
inside the view which users can interact with by clicking it.
The hotspot can have an action which includes moving to
another location, playing directional sound, playing video,
showing images, showing information, and opening an URL.


Fig. 4 Lapentor Dashboard Work Area for Virtual Showroom Eleganza

Style in Eleganza Official Website.

B. Features
1) Scene-list feature
Scene-list feature on Lapentor offers user to look at all the
available scene in the showroom and move to a specific scene
(b) on that list. This feature allows users to jump to specific areas
Fig. 2 Showroom façade of Eleganza Tiles Indonesia. (a) Homepage of the showroom as they choose. According to the client's
virtual showroom façade in official website of Eleganza Tiles
Indonesia; and (b) Official Showroom Eleganza Style in St. Lingkar
feedback, this function should ideally be normally closed so
Luar Barat, Kembangan, West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia users may fully observe the scene or switch scenes as they
choose, as illustrated in Fig. 5.

(a) (b)
Fig. 5 White Experience Are in Virtual Showroom Eleganza Style in
Eleganza Official Website with scene-list feature. (a) closed state
visualization; (b) open state.

Fig. 3 Interactive Gallery section in Virtual Showroom Eleganza Style

in Eleganza Official Website. 2) Point hotspot
The point hotspot feature in Lapentor function to move
between scenes. By clicking on the hotspot, users will be
moved to a scene specified by the hotspot. By moving the user
A. Design Media Utilization to a scene with a close distance, the virtual showroom can
The 3D modeling of the showroom is done on various mimic sense of movement as if the users are traversing the
machines as a collaborative project. The machines used was physical world.
mainly run on Windows 10 with various Central Processing With the use of this tool, you may go between different
Unit (CPU) and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU). scenarios based on how the virtual showroom is laid up. The
Sketchup and Rhinoceros are used for 3D modeling. point hotspot function is made to adhere to the scenes' order
Sketchup was mainly used to models rooms and other interior when the user is browsing the virtual showroom, taking
components like furniture, and openings. Meanwhile, accessibility into consideration. As seen in Fig. 6, the
Rhinoceros is used to create more intricate 3D models of positioning of this feature indicates navigation by being
interior components, such as artwork, furniture with placed near the bottom of the picture.
parametric design, and others.
3) Object Interaction The article hotspot feature on Lapentor describes the idea
Object interaction is unfortunately limited for a 360-image of attention in the notion of immersion in 360-degree photos
viewer software. Ideally, object interaction should allow users for virtual reality. This function offers comprehensive details
to engage with, change, and observe how things respond to on the products of the business inside the virtual showroom.
actual or virtual activities. Objects can be picked up, thrown, This hotspot is planned to be used to present materials in the
pushed, or spun to do this. Moving platforms, shifting virtual showroom in detail. As such, each article hotspot is
landscape, or weather effects are examples of dynamic placed in the middle of its corresponding materials as shown
elements that are used in environmental alterations to give the in Fig. 7. This feature's attention component aids users in
sense that the environment is moving and changing. [13]. focusing on important design elements, messaging, or
interactive features to grab and hold their attention virtually.
The usage of static 360-image makes the environment of a
scene unchanging. In Lapentor, object interaction is limited to Effective and engaging experiences need careful attention
playing a sound or video and opening a window to show to immersive design. To direct users' attention toward
information. important design components, messaging, or interactive
features, designers must know how to grab and hold their
attention. Designers lead users' investigation by placing
product information as an article hotspot in the virtual
showroom. It makes users easier to grasp and improves the
entire experience by deliberately directing attention to the
product information.
Incorporating components, interactions, and experiences
that foster a feeling of fun, wonder, and exploration in virtual
or augmented reality environments is referred to as
playfulness in immersive design[13]. It entails developing
dynamic and enjoyable user interfaces that motivate users to
Fig. 6 Navigation features to move to another scene of Virtual explore, learn, and have fun while interacting with immersive
Showroom Eleganza Style in Eleganza Official Website. material.
The virtual showroom and the interactive gallery are
divided into two primary components in this design as shown
in the Fig. 8 (a). The users will begin their investigation in
front of the exterior of the Eleganza Tiles showroom, where
they may make their way inside to reach the reception area
(Fig. 8 red). The virtual showroom space is comprised of a
meeting area, a wood-look product area, a product area with
mosaic tiles, a product area with Stone Polymer Composite
(SPC), a product area with a rough appearance, and a product
(a) area with a white experience (Fig. 8 yellow, purple, green,
blue, and orange respectively). The rendered image of white
experience and mosaic tiles area can be seen in Fig. 9.
The user will next be instructed to explore the centrally
located interactive gallery. The experience area, located in the
middle of the room, shows how product materials are used in
(b) (c) various household settings, such as bathrooms, bedrooms,
dining rooms, kitchens, walk-in closets, family rooms, eating
areas, and gardens. Materials used in the experience area,
which are sorted by category and display different patterns for
each marketed product, surround the core space as shown (c)

Fig. 11.
Connection criteria can be evaluated by the telepresence in
the virtual showroom. The resemblance of physical showroom
establishes the connection to users that have visited the
physical showroom. In addition to that, the transition between
scenes that are close to each other gives an illusion of
connectivity of the scenes. This observation shows that the
connection between users to the showroom and scenes within
Fig. 7 Hotspot features to inform details of materials in Virtual the showroom are well established.
Showroom Eleganza Style in Eleganza Official Website. (a)hotspot
article feature default from lapentor software; (b) variant hyperlink
Users’ attention is maintained by increasing their curiosity
image viewer; (c) image visualization hyperlink viewer to inform with additional hotspot within the scene. The article hotspots
material application in interior design; and (d) html code display in which are placed in the middle of materials draw the focus into
lapentor to create details of article hotspot. them and provoke user to try clicking. Within the information
shown in the article, the user can also see variants of the
material and how the material can be applied to a room. This
further increases the interest of the users in the material
The goal of incorporating natural aspects into immersive
design is to provide people with a more interesting, soothing,
and beautiful experience. It is done by using realistic materials
and lighting in the virtual showroom. In addition to that, green
vegetation and water are added to many areas in the showroom
to induce calm, foster a sense of connection to the natural
world, and improve immersion and enjoyment in the virtual
The researcher's psychological measuring element links (a)
the virtual users' and showroom visitors' shared sense of
immersion. The virtual experience is comparable to and can
give the user the impression that they are in the actual
showroom thanks to lighting that has been set to mimic the
physical showroom conditions. With identical choices for
material bump level, material glossiness, and material module,
the exhibited materials are created to closely mirror their
actual counterparts. These factors shed light on how well
immersive design experiences work, how they affect people,
and how they are perceived by users.
This interior design project's mood board as seen in Fig.
10. blends materials like marble, rattan weaving, pastel velvet (b)
fabric, bronze metals, crystal-made lighting fixtures, and Fig. 9 Virtual Showroom Room Program in Eleganza Official Website.
white wainscoting to provide an opulent and opulent (a) Rough Look Product Area; and (b) Mozaic Tiles Product Area.
contemporary aesthetic. The weaving of rattan lends natural while lighting fixtures made of crystal serve as eye-catching
texture and warmth, while the inclusion of marble adds focal pieces. Together, these components stand for
refinement and timeless beauty. Pastel velvet fabrics add sophistication, luxury, and a modern style, producing an
softness and richness, while golden metals add glitz and environment that is both aesthetically appealing and
grandeur. White wainscoting offers a polished backdrop, harmonious.
Increasing playfulness goes hand in hand with increasing
attention. Clickable hotspots such as article and point hotspot
VIRTUAL SHOWROOM encourage users to explore and discover what interaction
awaits them. This would allow users to interact virtually with
products and contribute to evoking their own design ideas thus
adding to the playfulness aspect. The visual appeal, including
bright colors usage in lighting and engaging aesthetics, further
enhances the overall playful experience, aiming to increase
user engagement and create a deeper connection with the
showcased products.
Typically, movement cannot be done by using static images.
But a feeling of movement can be achieved by using smooth
transition between scenes. Using available plugins to
transform the shape of point hotspot to arrow shape, it adds a
sense of direction to the transition which further increases the
perception of movement. Furthermore, by avoiding sudden or
too many changes to the lighting and location of the scene,
smoother transition is achieved.
From the analysis, the case study on utilizing 360 Image
Viewer software in interior design presentations meets the six
criteria of immersion. It has provided valuable insights on
enhancing product immersion through the integration of
various immersion elements. Key findings emphasize the
(b) importance of connection, attention, natural components,
Fig. 8 Room program blocking in Virtual Showroom Eleganza Style in psychological indicators, playfulness, and movement in
Eleganza Official Website. (a)general plan layout furniture of Eleganza creating engaging design experiences. By considering these
Tiles Virtual Showroom; and (b) Isometric view of general plan layout factors, designers can create captivating presentations that
of Eleganza Tiles Virtual Showroom.
effectively convey design concepts, foster stronger user
connections, and leave a lasting impact.
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