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Progress Test 9 (Unit 9)

NAME:: …………………………………………………………….……. DATE:: ……………………

CLASS:: …………………………………………………………….……. MARK:: ……………………
(Time:: 30 minutes)


1 ). (30 marks)

Look, read and put a tick (

0 1 2

hunt  kick king

sail pick queen

3 4

travel knight
fight deer


bake machine
guard palace

Fairyland 4 1 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Test 9 (Unit 9)


2 Read and complete. (25 marks)

0 I baked (bake) two cakes 3 Georgia …………….…… (stop) at

yesterday. the supermarket to get some milk.
1 James ………………………. (kick) 4 Anna …………..…………………….
the (carry) the shopping for me.
ball to John. 5 John ………………………. (study)
2 I ………………… (travel) to Spain hard for his test.
last year.


3 Look and complete. (30 marks)



0 Brainy didn’t play football last 3 He ................................ to music.

night. 4 He ......................................... TV.
1 He .................................... chess. 5 He ............................ for the test.
2 He ................................ computer

Fairyland 4 2 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Test 9 (Unit 9)

4 Read and choose. (15 marks)

0 A: What did you do yesterday? 2 A: Did the knights live in big

B: a) I played chess with my castles?
brother. B: a) Yes, they did.
b) Yes, I did. b) Yes, they didn’t.

1 A: What happened? 3 A: Did Tim play tennis on

B: a) Yes, it happened. Tuesday?
b) That boy kicked me! B: a) No, he did.
b) No, he didn’t.


Total 100

Fairyland 4 3 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

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