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A Roguish Archetype, The Gadgetmaster

Gnome awaits in the shadows, biding his time
while two confused guards approach a
mysterious device tapping just a few feet away Gadget Types
from the gnome. As they finally find the device, Although the Gadgets you utilize have specific
they are momentarily confused but not before designs, that can all be changed based on your
the tapping completely stops and a blinding character. Perhaps you are playing a Gadgetmaster
flash of light erupts from the device as it who was once a Toymaker, and all of their Gadgets
detonates. The gnome awaiting this moment, jumps from the appear to be some kind of volatile toy. Or maybe
shadows, firing a crossbow bolt at one of the guards, and you are an Alchemist who found ways to quickly
with his other hand, spreading out a set of caltrops that begin mechanize chemical formulas to make little
to jump and jitter across the floor. The guards, blinded, gadgets. Speak to your DM on how you want to
tripping, and confused, stumble over each other, not even flavor your Gadgets to give your character a little
more personality if the designs don't fit with your
knowing what hit them, as the Gadget Master gnome grins, character.
already out of sight, and out of trouble. This is an example of
the Gadgetmaster Rouge, one who combines their love of
tinkering and roguish training to become a deadly force in
combat, always hindering and outsmarting their foes. Improved Gadgets
Wondermaker Beginning at 9th level, you've worked with your gadgets so
much that you've managed to improve their design and make
Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, you become them even more superior. The range of your gadgets is now
proficient in Tinkers Tools if you are not already and you doubled. Additionally, whenever you make an attack roll with
become proficient in all Gadgets or objects that can be a Gadget, you add an additional +1 to the attack roll, and if a
thrown, set, or utilized in a similar manner. In addition to gadget requires a creature to make a saving throw, the DC
this, when using an object or Gadget, you may use a bonus increases by 1.
action as opposed to an action to use them.
Mechanical Reflexes
Gadgetmaking Beginning at 13th level, you’ve spent so much time with
Beginning at 3rd level, with a short amount of time and a lot Gadgets and machinery that you've picked up their robotic
of ingenuity, you can make specialty gadgets to help you in speed. In combat, whenever you take a bonus action, you gain
combat. During a short rest or at the end of a long rest, if you an additional bonus action. The additional bonus action you
have a set of Tinker’s tools, you can attempt to make a obtain can not be used to attack or cast a Spell.
number of gadgets equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum 1). Doing so requires a Tinker's Tools ability True Gadgetmaster
check, with the DC being equal to 10 + the number of gadgets
you are making. If you fail the check, you only make half of Beginning at 17th level, you’ve now mastered the equipment
the gadgets intended (minimum 1). You can make any of your own making, and can use them with ease and
combination of the following Gadgets; Electric Dart, Flash expertise. You now automatically succeed any saving throws
Net, Intense Flash Powder, Loud Ringer, Silent Ringer, you are required to make from one of your gadgets, and you
Shivering Caltrops, Shroud Powder, or Superior Ball can choose creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier
Bearings. Details regarding these gadgets are located at the (minimum 1) to automatically succeed any saving throw as a
end of this document. result from one of your gadgets to suffer no ill effects. In
When a creature is forced to make a saving throw due to addition, your gadgets have become even more potent and
one of your Gadgets, the saving throw DC is equal to 8 + your you gain a bonus to attack rolls made with Gadgets, and the
Proficiency bonus + Your Intelligence modifier (Minimum 1). DC a creature has to make to resist your Gadgets increases.
If a Gadget requires an attack roll, you may add your This bonus and increase are both equal to your Proficiency
Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus to the attack roll. bonus halved (round down).
Due to the experimental and unstable nature of the
gadgets, they require no gold to make, only tinker's tools,
scrap metal, and ingenuity. However, they break down and
cease to function if they have not been used in 8 hours.

Intense Flash Powder Silent Ringer
Intense Flash Powder typically is made in a small round The silent ringer is a small mechanical device that mimics
container that has a mixture of finely ground dark grey a metronome, accompanied with a small charge of flash
and white minerals. If the container impacts a surface powder. This device creates a subtle clicking noise that
with enough force, the powder ignites through a chemical can last up to 5 minutes before the device detonates in a
reaction and emits a blinding flash of light. blinding flash of light.
As an action, this powder can be thrown up to 20ft away, As an action, the silent ringer can be thrown up to 10ft
where it will ignite in a 10ft cube. All creatures caught in away without risk of it breaking upon impact. The ringer
the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or can be modified on the same action as it is being thrown
become blinded until the start of their next turn. to determine how long it will click before detonating (upon
Shroud Powder impact, 12 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 5 minutes).
Shroud powder typically is made in a small round If the device does not detonate on impact, it will produce a
container with a very delicate shell that contains thicker repetitive clicking noise that can be heard up to 30ft away.
grains of a ground, jet black mineral. If these minerals Upon detonation, each creature within 10ft of the Silent
impact a surface with enough force, they will react and Ringer must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or suffer
create a thick, rapidly spreading plume of black smog. disadvantage on all Perception checks that rely on sight
for 1 minute as the silent ringer detonates in a blinding
As an action, this powder can be thrown up to 20ft away, flash of light.
where it will then release a thick 5ft radius sphere of
smog that heavily obscures the area. This smog will Superior Ball Bearings
persist for 1 minute before it disperses, or until a powerful Superior Ball Bearings are very lightweight and tiny
enough force of wind disperses it, like Gust of Wind. metallic spheres greased, polished, and infused with a
substance to make them especially slippery even in
Loud Ringer terrains where ball bearings are not normally effective
A loud ringer is a small, mechanical bell that contains a (like mud or sand). Even carefully moving through a
little package of black powder, with a mechanism that sprinkling of these ball bearings may cause a creature to
rings the bell. This device creates a loud, repetitive ringing slip.
that can last up to 5 minutes before detonating with a loud
bang. As an action, you can spread a single set of superior ball
bearings to cover a 5-foot radius. Any creature that enters
As an action, the louder ringer can be thrown up to 10ft the area for the first time on a turn, or moves within the
away without risk of it breaking upon impact. The ringer area, must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be
can be modified on the same action as it is being thrown knocked prone. A creature moving at half speed has
to determine how long it will ring before detonating (upon advantage on their saving throw.
impact, 12 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 5 minutes).
If the device does not detonate on impact, it will produce a
repetitive ringing noise that can be heard up to 120ft
Upon detonation, each creature within 10ft of the Loud
Ringer must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be
deafened for 1 minute. While a creature is deafened in
this way, they may remake the saving throw at the end of
each of their turns, ending the effect upon a success. The
detonation of the loud ringer is especially loud and can be
heard from up to 500ft away.

Shivering Caltrops Lightning Dart
Shivering caltrops are sharp, three pronged steel spikes The lightning dart is a 4 inch long mechanical dart
that have small mechanical systems at their joints causing charged with lightning through especially conductive
them to jump and "shiver" upon being activated, hindering metals. Upon impact, the dart will release a significant
the movement of all of those who may be sorry enough to shock through the target's body, strong enough to
be underneath them. completely hinder movement. Due to its minute size and
reliance on forcibly constricting muscles, this does not
As an action, you can spread a single set of Shivering work against large or hardy creatures, nor creatures
caltrops to cover a 10-foot cube. Any creature that enters without a corporeal form.
the area, or moves inside of the area, must succeed on a As action, you can make a ranged attack roll with the
Dexterity saving throw or take 1 piercing damage. Until Lightning Dart against a target within 30ft of you. Upon
the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed hit, the creature will have lightning course through their
is reduced by 10 feet. Due to the caltrop's mechanical body, causing their speed to be reduced to 0 until the end
nature of constantly jumping and "shivering," any creature of their next turn. This has no effect on creatures who are
who ends their turn on the Shivering Caltrops must make of the size category Huge or larger, creatures who have a
a Dexterity saving throw or take 1 piercing damage and Constitution score of 20 or higher, creatures who have
have their walking speed reduced by an additional 10 feet. resistance to lightning damage, or creatures who do not
Flashnet have a corporeal form.
The Flashnet is a mechanism that has a full sized net
stored neatly within a 1 inch diameter sphere. Upon being But wait, there's more!
thrown, the mechanism will activate and it will release the The Gadgets displayed here were designed to not
metal wiring that transforms into a net mid-flight. The net be too powerful, but to add a utility and area
itself has a small mechanical device that causes the metal control that other Roguish Archetypes didn't have
wiring to constrict once thrown. If the Flashnet misses its the ability to do. With that being said, if you or your
target or is thrown on the ground, it will continue to character have ideas for types of Gadgets that you
constrict until it is a tangle of metal wiring, and can not be could use, speak with your DM about potientially
used again. having more Gadgets at your fingertips!

As an action, you can make a ranged attack with the

Flashnet against a creature up to 15ft away. The creature
must be of a medium size or smaller. Upon hit, the More!
creature is restrained, and due to the flashnet's This homebrew was made by Koa Johnson, and the art was
constricting nature, the creature has disadvantage on made by Nami Helgason, and you can find more homebrew
ability checks made to break or escape the net. The content on dmsguild under Koa Johnson. I also have an
restrained creature can use their action to attempt to Instagram and Reddit account where I post and tease other
escape the Flashnet by making a Strength Check against homebrew content, by the name of KoatheDM. This
your Gadget save DC. Upon success, the creature is freed document was made through Homebrewery.
and the flashnet is destroyed. Dealing 8 Slashing damage
to the Flashnet (11 AC) also destroys the Flashnet and
frees the restrained creature.

By Koa Johnson 3

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