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1. What is the electronics?

 Is the branch of engineering which deals with the electron flow through a vacuum or
gas or semiconductor
2. Define electricity?
 Is the deals with flow charges through metal conductor
3. Tell the types of bands?
 Valence bands
 Conduction bands
4. What is the forbidden energy gab?
 Is the energy gab between the conduction and valence bands
5. What is the electronic circuit?
 Is the circuit with microchips and other semiconductor devices
6. List electronic devices?
 Rectification
 Amplification
 Control system
 Generation
 Conversion of light in to electricity
 Conversion of electricity in to light
7. Define rectification?
 Is the process conversion AC into DC
8. What is the rectifier?
 Is the devices that convert AC in to DC
9. Define Amplification?
 Is the process of raising the strength of weak signal
10. What is the Amplifier?
 Is the devices that raise strength of weak signal
11. Define photo-electricity?
 Is the conversion of light into electricity
12. What is the semiconductor?
 Is the substance which has resistivity ( 10 – 4to 0.5 om ) in between conductor and
13. Give some example of semiconductor?
 Germanium
 Silicon
 Selenium
 Carbon
14. List effect of temperature?
 At absolute zero
 Above absolute zero
15. Tell the types of semiconductor?
 Intrinsic semiconductor ( pure semiconductor )
 Extrinsic semiconductor ( impure semiconductor )
16. Define intrinsic semiconductor?
 A semiconductor in an extremely pure form

Prepared by ENG Ahmed Mohamed Abdullahi ( A.M.C )

17. What is the extrinsic semiconductor?
 Has little current conductor capability at room temperature
18. Define impurities?
 Is the conductivity of pure semiconductor can be greatly improved by introducing
a small number of suitable replacement atoms
19. Tell the types of impurities?
 Pentavalent ( donor impurities )
 Trivalent ( acceptor impurities )
20. Define pentavalent impurity?
 Impurity having 5 valency electron
21. Define trivalent impurity?
 Impurity having 3 valency electron
22. What is the doping?
 Is the process of adding impurity atoms to the pure semiconductor
23. Tell the types extrinsic semiconductor?
 N-type semiconductor
 P-type semiconductor
24. Define n-type semiconductor?
 Is the number of free electron increases by the addition of an impurity the negative
charge carrier increase or
 Is the small amount of pentavalent impurity is added to pure semiconductor
25. What is the p-type semiconductor?
 Is the amount of trivalent impurity is added to a pure semiconductor
26. List uses of semiconductor in everyday life?
 Temperature
 3D printing machine
 Microchips
 Transistor
27. Define pn-junction?
 Is when p-type semiconductor is suitably joined to n-type semiconductor
28. Tell the types of PN- junction?
 Forward biasing
 Reverse biasing
29. Define forward biasing?
 Is connect positive terminal of the battery to the p-type and negative terminal to
the n-type
30. What is the reverse biasing?
 Is connect negative terminal of the battery to the p-type and positive terminal to
the n-type
31. Define diode?
 Is a two terminal electronic component that conduct current in one direction
32. List application of diode?
 Rectification
 Digital logic

Prepared by ENG Ahmed Mohamed Abdullahi ( A.M.C )

33. What is the transistor?
 Semiconductor devices used to amplify or switch electron signals and electrical
34. Tell the types of transistor?
 NPN-transistor
 PNP-transistor
35. Define NPN-transistor?
 Is composed of two n-type semiconductor separated by a thin section of p-type
36. What is the PNP-transistor?
 Is composed of two p-type semiconductor separated by a thin section of n-type
37. Define emitter and collector?
 Emitter the section on one side that supplies charge
 Collector the section on the other side that collects the charge
38. Define logic gate?
 Is building block of a digital circuit
39. List basic logic gates?
 Are seven types of logic gates
 OR
 NAND ( Not AND )
 NOR ( Not OR )

Prepared by ENG Ahmed Mohamed Abdullahi ( A.M.C )

1. What is thermionic emission?
 Is the process of emission of charge particle from the surface of heated metal
2. What quantum mechanical?
 Is the key to understanding the behavior of matter on the molecular , atomic and
nuclear scales
3. Define modern physics?
 Is based on the two major break throughs of the twentieth century
4. Who discovered of electron?
 J.J Tomson ( 1897 )
5. What is the electron gun?
 Is controls the brightness and focuses the beam on screen
6. Define deflecting plates?
 Is allow horizontal and vertical deflection of the beam
7. What is the fluorescent screen?
 Is screen on which a beam produces spot of light
8. Define photoelectric effect?
 Is the process where by electrons are emitted from matter when an electromagnetic
radiation falls on it
9. What is the work function?
 Is the minimum energy required to liberate an electron from the surface of the metal
10. Tell the types of electromagnetic wave?
 Gamma -rays
 X-rays
 Ultra-violet
 Visible light
 Infrared
 Microwave
 Radio waves

Good lucky every students

Prepared by ENG Ahmed Mohamed Abdullahi ( A.M.C )

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