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Patented Aug.

21, 1945
Truman E. De Villiers, Okmulgee, Okla., assignor
to Cities Service Oil Company, New York, N.Y.,
a corporation of Pennsylvania.
No Drawing. Application July 24, 1942,
Serial No. 452,172
5 Claims. (C. 252-18)
This invention relates to cleaning solutions. pears to produce a soap which has the highest
More particularly the invention relates to deter solvent properties of any of the ethanolamines,
gents for removing water-insoluble material from such as the mono-, di-, and tri-ethanolamines.
the skin of the body. All of the ethanolamine soaps produce a Satis
Most hydrocarbons, such as lubricating oils, 5 factory product. Orthodichlorbenzene is a very
asphalt, tars and also greases, are not soluble effective solvent and still is not corrosive or in
in Water, or not soluble in ordinary hand soaps. jurious to the skin or metals. In place of the
Therefore, they cannot be readily removed by orthodichlorbenzenes other dichlorbenzenes, such
Washing the hands or skin with soaps. It is com as 'the meta- may be used. The commercial
mon to use solvents for such hydrocarbons, and
greases to dissolve the hydrocarbons and greases
0 orthodichlorbenzene contains small amounts of
both metal and paradichlorbenzenes. However,
and then use soap to remove the solvents. The the orthodichlorbenzene is the most satisfactory
Solvents commonly used are gasoline, kerosene, solvent from the standpoint of solubility in the
benzene, turpentine, carbon tetrachlorid, acetone, other ingredients and the injurious effect on the
and mixtures of these ingredients. These sol skin.
vents are not readily soluble in water and most '. . Butyl “Celilosolve' is a monobutyl ether of
of them are quite harsh to the skin. Therefore ethylene glycol. The function of this product
they are not well adapted for cleaning the hands is principally that of a solvent.
or delicateparts of the skin. Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol which is soluble
The primary object of the present invention is in water and acts as a stabilizing compound for
to provide a cleaning composition that will read bringing the ingredients into mutual solution.
ily dissolve most of the water-insoluble com Furthermore it gives a different viscosity to the
pounds and still be non-irritating to the most solution and is a solvent for many of the mate
delicate skin.
Another object of the invention is to provide a
rials for which it may be used as a cleaning
cleaning composition which will dissolve water A large series of experiments have been made
insoluble ingredients, such compound being sol to vary the composition of the preferred deter
uble itself in water to permit its ready removal gent and still provide a satisfactory product. It
from the skin after it has dissolved the water has been found that the constituents of the de
insoluble ingredients. 30 tergent may be varied between the following
A further object of the invention is to provide limits:
a detergent which is effective for cleaning, non Per cent
injurious to the skin, and relatively inexpensive. An ethanolamine--------------------- 1 to 15
With these and other objects in view, the in Oleic acid-------------------------- 5 to 50
vention consists in the detergent hereinafter de 5 Dichlorbenzene ---------------------- 10 to 40
scribed and particularly defined in the claims. Butyl "CelloSolve'------------------- 10 to. 40
A detergent embodying the preferred form of Glycerin ---------------------------- 5 to 20
the invention has the following composition: Water ------------------------------ 0 to 15
Percent 40 It is preferred to provide a cleaning detergent
Monoethanolamine -----arm-m-m-m-m-as-a-a-a-a-a-mm-a-- 5
Oleic acid--------------------------------- 23 by adjusting the volume of ethanolamine and
Orthodichlorbenzene ----------------------- 30 oleic acid therein to give a pH of approximately
Butyl "Cellosolve"------------------------ 20 9.3. The preferred composition of the detergent
Glycerin ---------------------------------- 15 given above has a pH of 9.3. This pH, however,
Water ----------------------------------- 7 may be varied when making a detergent which
is to be used for dissolving different types of ma
All of the ingredients of the above composition terials.
are mutually soluble in one another and provide When using the detergent solution the solution
a clear yellow liquid of low volatility and a flash is poured upon the hands or the portion of the
point of 150 F. Tag closed. The odor of ortho skin which is soiled by the water-insoluble and
dichlorbenzene prevails but this odor can be other types of ingredients so that the detergent
modified by means of perfumes: will dissolve the products to be removed. There
The monoethanolamine and oleic acid are pref upon the detergent, together with the materials
erably used in proportions to provide an eth to be removed, can be easily rinsed from the
anolamine oleate soap. Monoethanolamine ap hands or skin with water.
2 2,383,114
. By having a detergent which is a solvent for 2. A detergent mixture comprising approxi
water-insoluble ingredients, such as hydrocar mately 30% of orthodichlorbenzene, approxi
pons, greases and the like, and also which is Sol mately 20% of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether,
uble in water, a product is provided which may approximately 15% of glycerin, up to 15% of
be conveniently used for cleaning because it is 5 water, the remainder of the mixture consisting
merely necessary to use the detergent upon the essentially of an ethanolamine oleate soap.
hands first and then rinse the dissolved material 3. A detergent mixture comprising approxi
from the hands. In cases where Solvents have mately 30% of orthodichlorbenzene, approxi
been used heretofore, the solvent is generally mately 20% of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether,
placed upon a cloth to wipe and remove as much O approximately 15% of glycerin, up to 15% of
of the ingredients to be removed from the hands water, the remainder of the solution consisting
as possible with the solvent, and thereafter the essentially of a monoethanolamine oleate Soap.
hands have to be thoroughly washed with Soap in 4. A detergent mixture resulting from the
order to remove the Solvent. mixing of the following materials, approximately
While the invention has been described as a 15 5% of monoethanolamine, approximately 23%
detergent adapted for cleaning skin, this deter of oleic acid, approximately 30% of orthodichlor
gent is Satisfactory for cleaning purposes for benzene, approximately 20% of ethylene glycol
fabrics and other surfaces where it is intended to monobutyl ether, approximately 5% of glycerin,
remove water-insoluble materials, such as hy and approximately 7% of Water.
drocarbons, asphalts, greases and the like. 5. A detergent mixture resulting from the mix
The preferred form of the invention having ing of the following materials, from 1% to 15%
been thus described what is claimed as new is: of an ethanolamine, from 5% to 50% of oleic
1. A detergent mixture comprising approxi acid, from 10% to 40% of orthodichlorbenzene,
mately 30% of orthodichlorbenzene, approxi from 2% to 20% of glycerin, from 10% to 40% of
mately 20% of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, and from zero
approximately 15% of glycerin, approximately 7% to 15% of water.
of Water, the remainder of the mixture consist TRUMAN E. DE WILLERS.
ing essentially of an ethanolamine oleate soap.

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