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This is the collection of students’ source text.

Paste you text below the WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT part, don’t forget to write down your name
and the word count.

Before pasting, use “Crl F” to check if someone has used you text or not.



Weighting: 40%

The written assignment consists of two main parts as follows:

Part 1: Source text selection

Choose a text and justify your choice in terms of language difficulty, field/area, personal interest, ...
- The selected text must be in English and can be of any genre/text type, about 500-word long
with language difficulty level from CEFR-B2 (or Upper-Intermediate) to C1 (or Advanced).
- The source text MUST NOT come with an existing translation since you will have to translate it
- You should write about 100-120 words for this part.

Part 2: Text analysis & translation

2.1. Analyze the text you have chosen for Part 1 by answering the following questions:
1. What is the topic of the text?
2. What is the main idea of the text?
3. Where is the text taken from?
4. What is the author’s purpose?
5. Who might be readers of the text?
Note: Satisfactory answers should show your understanding of what the text is about, its source,
intention and potential readers, which will be useful guidelines for your choice of translation methods
2.2. Based on your analysis, decide on a method that you think would be most suitable to translate
the text and translate it accordingly.
Note: Your translation should aim at a particular readership, not readers in general.

2.3. Justify your choice of translation method. Your answer should:

- demonstrate your knowledge of the main features of the translation method you would use,
including both its strengths and weaknesses,
- prove that your choice of translation method is most suitable for the target readership (i.e. whom
your translation aims at), and
- include examples taken from both the source text and its translated version to illustrate your
points where necessary.
- Word count: ~ 1000 words (not including the source text)
- Font type: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12
- Spacing: 1.5 times
- Margin: Top, Bottom, Right: 2cm and Left: 3 cm


Criteria Mark (…/100)

Content of Part 1 (20%)

- The text chosen is of appropriate length and level of language difficulty.
- The choice of the source text in terms of language difficulty, field/area,
personal interest, etc. is well justified.

Content of Part 2 (60%):

- A sound understanding of the source text is demonstrated throughout.
- Translation clearly shows features of the selected method and is well suited
for the target readership.
- Both strengths and weaknesses of the selected method are analyzed and
supported by appropriate examples from the source and target texts.

Language use (20%):

Assignment is clear, concise, and well-structured, showing effective use of
vocabulary & grammatical structures.

Grand total:

First marker:

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