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WEDNESDAY 19TH JULY, 2023 @ 2.00PM.

● The Chairman of the Fiji Higher Education Commission,
Mr. Steve Chand
● The Acting Chairman for the Fiji Qualification Council

● The Director of Fiji Higher Education

● The Acting Police Commissioner,

● Members of the Fiji Higher Education Commission

● Members of the Fiji Qualification Council

● Representatives from the Corporate Entities

● Representatives of the Fiji Higher Education Institutes &


● Representatives of the media

● Invited Guests

● Ladies and Gentlemen



1. We have gathered here today to celebrate a milestone

achievement and reflect on the journey the Fiji Higher
Education Commission (FHEC) has taken in the last 13
years. Re branding the logo of the organisation tells a
huge story of how you have taken a notch up in terms of
services and the vision that you have reset for the
betterment of the Higher Education Institutes here in Fiji.
[3.] The rebranding is a sign of reassurance that the
Commission will ensure that its mandated
responsibilities of registering, regulating and
safeguarding the national interest, the interests of
students and parents and the local higher education

providers are paramount at all times. Among other
responsibilities, FHEC should also ensure that it
promotes the development of Fiji as a knowledgeable
society through a transparent well-established criteria for
allocation of government funds.

3. The Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC), in

looking after the nation’s higher education sector, has
grown and evolved over the last 13 years, and felt it
was time for rebranding. Rebranding also means to me
as the Minister for Education that the organisation is
dedicated and committed to providing transparent
assurance that programs developed by the institutions
meet national standards. An organization calling for
Therefore, rebranding should be reflected in all that you
do as an organisation to bring about confidence in your
quality assurance process through regular monitoring and
evaluation in accordance to the relevant policies and the
legislation that govern your operations.

is a positive sign showing that they are monitoring their

relevancy and currency.

[4.] Fiji's Higher Education Commission (FHEC) has
been taking steps to keep up with the changing global
higher education landscape.
[5.] This rebranding is also a strategic step and a
starting point of rising to a new level with the aim of
reshaping the higher education sector in alignment
with the new Strategic Plan of the Fiji Higher
Education Commission and total commitment to
implementation of its core responsibilities and functions.

4. The Fiji Higher Education Commission is a member of

the international higher education quality assurance
networks, making it part of the global village. It has
moved Fiji to become the first Small Island Developing
State to ratify the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on
the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education,
known as the Tokyo Convention, and has a plan to later
ratify the Global Convention. Rebranding is therefore
part of the process of putting the house in order so that
the FHEC can effectively handle the pressure of being
part of the global higher education village.

5.[6.] Other small Pacific island states take their cues from
Fiji in terms of higher education development. Hence,
the change undertaken by the FHEC will also motivate
our small island neigbours to take bold steps to improve,
enhance, and upgrade policies and processes. Fiji has
served as an example of how higher education ventures
can succeed in fragile states with limited resources –
something which other small islands can certainly learn
from and implement.

6.[7.] We are excited to witness the impact of the

discussions and conclusions that will be produced in the
Education Summit, in tandem with the FHEC’s new
outlook. As the sector continues to evolve, we believe the
Summit’s outcomes will consolidate FHEC’s plans in
charting the course for the future development of higher
education in Fiji.

7.[8.] With the Launch of the new brand, it is encouraging

to note that the Higher Education legislation is also
currently under review. The legal framework should also
be fit for purpose to make rebranding meaningful and
effective as the long-term success of the new brand is
closely tied to these legislative reforms and should
include robust measures that promote the diversity and
quality of academic offerings, strengthen institutional
governance, and ensure that the sector operates in a truly
accountable and financially responsible way.

8.[9.] Strategically, the government is placing heavy
emphasis on TVET in Fiji. The FHEC will be
instrumental in promoting this initiative. I believe that
the FHEC rebranding will constructively push this TVET
agenda as this is the alternative viable option for our
students who struggle with academic subjects. The MoE
looks forward to a collaborative approach. TVET holds
the key to training the critical mass to help us address the
current concern of the exodus of skilled professionals
from Fiji.

9. We also look forward to the completion of the National

TVET Policy. With the government’s investment in

TVET and you, as the arm of the education sector
responsible for its implementation, should be
commended for not compromising quality in all your
quality assurance deliverables so that Fiji can remain
competitive in the regional & global labour market in
terms of our output.

10. The Coalition government has invested in the

quality assurance aspect of the education sector with the
allocation of $103.3m for the Fiji Higher Education
Commission. As your Minster for Education, I also
have expectation and confidence in the organisation that
you will ensure that all higher education institution
courses and programs offered under the Fiji Qualification
are benchmarked to the best research practices in
Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore to name a few.
This ensures that our Fijian tertiary students will also get
due recognition and accreditation to similar programs
that are offered in institutions and universities in the
global village.

11. It is crucial for the Commission to ensure that its
branding reflects the needs and interests of the people it
serves in Fiji. This means that the Commission must
stay up to date on current trends and societal and
economic changes in order to better understand how its
brand can be used to connect with its target audience
effectively and emotionally. That emotional connection
is important because stakeholders can place their trust
and confidence in the Commission.

12. The new brand should also represent the values of

accountability, integrity, respect and diversity of the
Education Sector and serves as a solid foundation for
your ongoing success as an organization.

13. Your new brand reflects who you are today and
symbolizes your future. We anticipate that the new brand
will assist in promoting FHEC’s visibility and the vision
and mission of the organization.

14. I hope that the new logo will be a symbol of your
commitment to excellence and providing quality
services, while inspiring creativity and innovation.

15. With optimism and trust, I wish the Fiji Higher

Education Commission the best as you will live and walk
the vision and symbol of the organisation you represent
as launched and showcased to the world today.


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