Islamic Speech - Competition

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Juniors: My role in developing a harmonious society - Haqooq-al lbaad

Society consists of many individuals and all of us here has a different important role to play. As I
SAID EARLIER all of us here has a different role to play but that role is shaped by our surroundings.
let’s take our teachers – for e.g. in this school community they have the role to teach us, give us an
understanding of what our future self would want to be but when the society, environment, and the
people we are surrounded by change our roles automatically changes, for instance,(lets again take the
eg of our teachers) most of our teacher are mothers too (we can say motherly teachers)so now , when
they get to their homes their roles change from being a teacher to be and to act like a mother, this
concept applies to each and everyone here including me, our roles change as the changes occur around
us(to our surroundings), therefore, it has a collective role in fostering a harmonious society, guided by
the principles of Haqooq-al Ibaad. This is an Islamic idea that refers to the rights of fellow human
beings, making sure we do what we're supposed to do, one’s obligations and responsibilities towards
others. But then what are my roles? Are they treating others with kindness, justice, and respect or
fulfilling my duties towards family, neighbours, or the vast community. But aren’t these the basic role
that everyone must play in this society, When I think of a role I try to think of it as a part to play that
helps create a good society and helps to keep that society together. Developing a welcoming society is
very important but it’s very difficult to create one. It requires the effort of everyone. Allah (SWT) has
provided guidance to mankind about human beings. A true Muslim is always concerned with the
rights of human beings (Haqooq al lbaad)-. Islam is not just about following the path of righteousness,
but Islam is a complete way of life that hag both duties towards Allah (SWT) and duties towards
humanity as well. Haqooq al Ibaad is equally important as Haqooq al Allah (demands from His
creation, which is again for man's interest, is applied, fulfilled, and practiced, is to worship Him.) My
role in fostering a better society is to Create Positive Change between the individuals it could be as
simple as sharing knowledge. Sharing knowledge can foster stronger relationships and enhance
connections with others. And always remember that the same effort from each one of you can make a
difference. THANK YOU!

Prophet Muhammad SAW was asked, “Who is the best Muslim?” He replied by saying, “He is the
one from whose hand and tongue all Muslim are safe”. Assalamualikum Warahmatullah Wararakatu
respected teachers, principle and parents, my name is Sadia Aziz from 9g1.Haqooq al ibaad, the duty
we owe to humanity and there are rights of every soul on another, rights of human beings. As Allah
(SWT) mentioned in the holy Quran in Surah Baqarah, Ayah 83 (say the verse below)

THE TRANSLATION, do good to parents and to kindred and

orphan and the needy and speak good to people. Allah (SAW) has reminded mankind of the
obligations multiple times in the holy quran, showing the importance of Haqooq al lbaad ,it is
a‘treaty’, an ‘agreement’ which must be fulfilled by people fearing Allah(SAW). On the day of
judgement there will be no wealth, the only wealth that exists is hasanat (good deeds) and if person
has a lot of them, but because of his dealings with others and because he scored low on the scales of
Akhlaq (morals) and he was cursing people, backbiting others, causing Fitan (mischief), He has to pay
them back. Everything must be sorted out. He will pay them back and if his good deeds are not
enough, he will start receiving some of their sins and will end up going to hell fire. This clearly states
how much Islam Values about Good Conduct. And indeed, our Prophet (saws) is the Best example to
follow as how to fulfil our duties and rights towards mankind. A true Muslim is always concerned
with the rights of human beings (Haqooq al lbaad).Islam is not just about following the path of
righteousness, but Islam is a complete way of life that hag both duties towards Allah (SWT) and
duties towards humanity as well. Haqooq al Ibaad is equally important as Haqooq al Allah. My role to
fostering a better society is to Create Positive Change between the individuals it could be as simple as
sharing knowledge. And always remember what our Prophet (saw) said: “Every act of kindness is
charity.” Thank You!

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