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DAILY School Grade Level

LESSON Teacher Learning Area

PLAN Teaching Dates
and Time
In doing your lesson plan, remove all the texts in red, including this statement.
Session 1

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Cognitive Write your cognitive objective here.

B. Psychomotor Write your psychomotor objective here.

C. Affective Write your affective objective here.

II. CONTENT Write the specific subject matter here.


A. References Leave this blank.

1. Textbook pages Write the references here.

2. Additional Materials from
If you have downloaded materials like video, picture, pdf file, modules, etc. from the
Learning Resource (LR)
Internet, write the link here.
In bullet form, write here all other learning resources you will use in your teaching
B. Other Learning Resources
(PowerPoint Presentation, laboratory tools, music, etc.)
IV. PROCEDURES Leave this blank.
Detail here your plan in prayer and motivation. If you intend to use a video presentation,
put a screenshot here and give descriptions on what you are going to do. If you intend to
ask a student to pray, put it here as well.
A. Prayer and Motivation
For motivation, put it in details. Whether it is a quotation, music, questions, write it here.
Make sure your motivation is connected to your subject matter.

Also, present classroom rules on this part.

How will you review the previous lessons? You can have activity, game, Q and A portion,
B. Review of Previous Lessons
etc. Detail it here.
In presenting examples/instances of the new lesson, you may begin with a question,
pictures, videos, games, etc. But do not discuss on this part, you’ll just tickle the curiosity
C. Presenting examples/
of the learners on this part.
instances of the new lesson
Also, present to class the objectives on this part.
This is usually focused on attaining the psychomotor objective. So, if your objective is
“dissecting an eggplant,” your activity should be real dissection. Include the step-by-step
procedures, the mechanics, the rules of the games, etc.
D. Activities
During the activity, you will also do performance assessment. Performance assessment
needs a rubric. So, you need to present the rubrics here as well.
We need to process the activity on this part. Considering the dissection of eggplant, you
E. Developing mastery can post questions, or students will present their outputs, etc. This is where you put
(Processing) gradings using your rubrics. Our target is to deepen their understanding of the lesson
through processing the activity.
On this part, we do our discussions as teachers. You may put the lesson proper here. This
F. Making generalizations and
will rectify misconceptions that arise during the activity and processing. You may paste
abstractions about the lesson
PowerPoint slides here. This is also the intended activity for the cognitive objective.
G. Finding practical We’re touching the affective objective on this part. You may ask them to reflect on things
applications of concepts and they’ve learned. How are these learnings connected to real life scenarios? You can assess
skills in daily living them here as well for the affective domain. You can ask them to write an essay and the
(Reflection) likes.
On this part, we do quizzes. We are going to assess the cognitive part of the lesson. Write
H. Evaluating learning
your actual questions here.
I. Additional activities for This may include assignments, peer tutoring, etc. Detail your plan for remediation on this
application of remediation part.
V. REMARKS Put other remarks here that may arise in your lesson plan.

Prepared by:


Pre-service Teacher

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