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Dated: 24.11.


The Station House Officer,

P.S. Ranhola,
New Delhi-110041

Sub: Complaint against Sh. Vishnu Tomar (delinquent), S/o Sh. Suresh
Tomar, R/o H. No. B 13 phase II, Veer Bazaar road, Shyaam Colony,
Buddh Vihar, New Delhi 110086, Mobile No. 8383037726, 9555595809
for committing the acts of cheating, threatening, criminal intimidation,
fraud etc.

Dear Sir,

The complainant, Ms. Anupama Yadav D/o Shri Satish Kumar Yadav, is
resident of H.No.453, Haveli Haider kuli, Chandni Chowk, North Delhi
110006 Mobile No. 9810728763 and is law abiding citizen.

1. That the complainant was close friends with the delinquent since
January 2022.

2. That the complainant met the delinquent through an online social chat
and became close friends with him eventually. That at the time the
complainant met the delinquent, she was going through an emotional
phase due to her separation with her husband and the delinquent
deliberately made efforts for a relationship towards the complainant and
used her emotional trauma to satisfy his ulterior motives of extracting
money and making a physical bond with her.
3. That since the beginning of their friendship the delinquent made
repeated efforts to lure the complainant and the complainant was
reluctant in the beginning to be in any relationship with him but the
delinquent through his continuous attempts and by using emotional
tactics persuaded the complainant to come in a relationship with him.
4. That after a few weeks only the delinquent through one or the other
reasons started to extract money from the complainant and
complainant in good faith lended the money to the delinquent to which
he made repeated promises to return the money soon.
5. That the delinquent made attempts to create a physical relationship
with the complainant only with the ulterior motive of keeping on
extracting money from the complainant and used her emotional turmoil
to manipulate the complainant into giving her consent to come in a
physical relationship with the complainant.
6. That after that, since the month of ____ the delinquent started to further
emotionally tease and manipulate the complainant on the context that
he was suffering through depression and he started to manipulate her
actions even further so that she does not leave him and also asked for
money repeatedly , which forced the complainant to give him money.
7. The delinquent made such scenarios that the complainant could not
back out from the relationship since he started threatening her that he
will hurt himself or commit suicide if she does not give him money or if
she tries to leave him.
8. That in the month of _____ the complainant realized that the delinquent
is only using her to extort money and have a physical relationship with
her, and accordingly she started asking the delinquent to return the
money he owes her and to not harass her emotionally or physically. To
which the delinquent started to threaten her that he will leak her
private pictures and _____________
9. The complainant in the month of _____ finally broke all her personal
contact and only contacted him to ask for the money she lended him.
10. That the delinquent since the month of ___ started harassing and
threatening the complainant

13. That after dishonoring the above said cheque, the complainant
immediately contacted the above named delinquent and apprized the
factum of dishonoring of the cheque, the above named delinquent
started misbehaving with the complainant and used abusive and filthy
language against him. The above named delinquent made clear to the
complainant that he will forget about the money, if the complainant
tried to ask about his money, he will face dire consequences. The above
named delinquent also threatened the complainant to his life and
liberty, as he is having good nexus with the local anti social elements
and police officials.

14. That it has become apparent that the above named delinquent had
played a fraud upon the complainant and have intentionally caused
wrongful loss to the Complainant and wrongful gains to himself by
misappropriated the hard earned money of the complainant, for which
the above named delinquent liable to be prosecuted for offences such as
cheating, fraud, criminal breach of trust, and threat to life etc. It is
pertinent to mention here that the above delinquent know very well that
he is not the actual owner of the said plot but he represented himself as
an owner of the said flat on the basis of forged, fabricated and frivolous

15. The Complainant further suspect that such dishonest conduct on the
part of the Delinquent, is clearly his modus operandi to cheat and
defraud innocent persons like the complainant in order to cause loss to
them and unlawful gains for themselves and therefore, he is also guilty
of committing the offence of cheating, criminal breach of trust,
dishonest misappropriation of property, fraud, mischief, dishonest
From the above, it has become crystal clear that the delinquent
criminally conspired to dupe the complainant and has also cheated the
complainant of its hard earned money, which amounts to committing the
acts of criminal misappropriation, the criminal breach of trust, cheating,
fraud, criminal intimidation, threats, manipulation of forged and fabricated
documents, and other offences under the relevant provisions of the Indian
Penal Code, for which the above named delinquents are liable to be
prosecuted and punished.

It is, therefore, requested that in view of the above facts and

circumstances FIR may kindly be registered against above named
delinquents for committing various offences under the provisions of IPC.
The complainant further requests that strictest action be taken against the
delinquents and they be prosecuted accordingly.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely

Sh.Roshan kumar,
S/o Shri Parmanand Mehto,
R/o H.No.736, Khasra No.53/2, Gali No.5,
Prashant Enclave, Baprola, New Delhi-110043
Mob No.9654789326

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