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Indian Logic Questions Latestindian Logic MCO Objective Questions gz Ce ARCO ele acer oes Start Complete Exam Preparation Practice easy px aa bcd eee Crear D> Download App Question: ry True knowledge, is: 1. Prama 2. Aprama 3. Prameya 4, Pramana teerloiie} ee muse ee aac lund earl Tse laT as led eee Answer (D: Option 1 ; Prama Get proficient with the Logical Reasoning conceptswith detailedlessonson the topic |ndian Logic among many others. Indian Logic Question! Detailed Solution The correct response is Prama. % rey points Pramaisn'tjust "true" knowledge, it's the reliable and accuratekind. It ‘slike having the right answer ona test,but alsoknowing why it's right. There are differentways to get Prama, like using your senses(seeing ared apple), logic (fire burns), or even trustinga reliable expert (a doctor telling you a symptom). The key is that the knowledge is justifiedand reflectsreality. Pramais important becauseit helpsiis,avoidmistakesand make good decisions. It'slike having a clear map to navigate life. BE as Int - Apragma: This refers to falseknowledge. It'sthe opposite of Prama. Imagine mistakinga rope for a snake- that'sAprama. Prameya: This signifies the object of knowledge, the thing you're trying to understand It'snot the knowledge itself, but what you're acquiring knowledge about. For instance, if you're studying the solar system,the solar systemis the prameya. Pramana: This translatesto the means of knowledge, the method you use to gain understanding. It's the tool that helps you reach Prama. Think of it like using a textbook (pramana) to leam about history (pramya) and gain true knowledge (prama) about the past. ee cee ane unary RS la ere Cee-Lo) Re kno Pear pa ) Mock Tests MasterClass Question Bank pata Download App Question2: View this Question Online > cy Given below are two statements: Oo Statemeni(l); Nyaya syllogism has pa ind five terms pI Statemeni(II): Aristotelian syllo propositions and three terms Inlight of the above sti e the mostappropriate answer from the options given below, 1. Both stereo Statement(Il) are true, PR corso and Statement(II) are false. 3. Statement(|) is true but Statement(Il) is false 4. Statement(|) is falsebut Statement(II) is true. Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 4: Statement(l) is falsebut Statement(|i) is true. Indian Logic Question2 Detailed Solution cy The correct answer is - Statement (I) is false but Statement (Ii) is oo Key Points Statement(I); Nyaya syllogism, @ concept from cla eC $f ry comprises five parts,not three, + Thesepartsare known as the Pratijna jetu (reason), Udaharana (example), Upanaya (application, _ (conclusion). * Hence, the statementth; aya eae vt ican five termsis incorrect. Statemeni(II): Aristotelian syllogism, from classical Westernlogic, indeed involves three propositions and three terms + Thesepropositions are the major premise, minor premise, and conclusion. + Each proposition contains two of the three terms,which interactin @ way that the conclusion follows necessarilyif the premisesare true. + This structureis foundational to traditional syllogistic logic as developedby Aristotle. Hence, Statement(Il) is correct. Teer Start Complete Exam Preparation Rea ets Pea fs Tracey POS ciersrsy (eres Paes cry Download App Question3: View this Question Online > Which among the following is nota value as propounded by the Indian traditional concept of Purushartha: 1. Dharma 2. Artha t 3. Bhakti - F 4. Moksha WA cstsic SolutionBelow) Option 3 : Bhakti Indian Logic Questions Detailed Solution The correct response is - Bhakti. © Key Points * Bhakti is not considereda value as propoundedby the Indian traditionalconceptof Purushartha. + The traditionalPurusharthasconsistof: 1. Dharma (righteousness,moral values), 2. Artha(wealth, prosperity), 3. Kama(desires,pleasures),and 4, Moksha (liberation, salvation). + Bhakti (devotion)is a significantaspectof Indian spiritualityand religious practice, but it is not classifiedas one of the fourPurusharthas. , Q The conceptof Purushar thasrepresentsthe four goals or aims of humanlife accordingto Hindu philosophy. ry + Here’sa brief overview of each: + Dharma: . Representsrighteousness,moral values,and duties > Encourages adherence to thical principles.and societalnorms. It'sconsideredthe “~~ humaniife that supportsthe other three Purusharthas + Artha: > Signifies wealth, prosperity, and career. ° Focuseson achieving material successand financial stability through rightful means. ° Seenasnecessaryfor a comfortablelife and fulfillment of duties. + Kama: Denotes desiresand pleasures,including emotional and sensuallove. Emphasizes the importance of fulfilling lawful desiresand enjoying life's pleasures. » Encourages balance; fulfillment without compromising Dharma and Artha. ‘s Mokena: Translatesto liberation or salvation. Represents the ultimate goal of escaping the cycle of birth and death (samsara)by realizing the true Self. Achieved through spiritual practices,detachmentfrom material desires,and fealization of one’s connection with the divine. i ae reel ee ESE Te mt eLeyy i) ly Te LC) ested moa ere Exerc Download App Question4: View this Question Online > According to the Classical Indian School of logic nar “iD fallacyis committedin the following statement? “Theskyroseis fragrant, becauseitis a roselike theroseon the earth’ 1. Asadharana 2. Badhita xe? dha 4, Agrayasiddha Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: Agrayasiddha Indian Logic Question4 Detailed Solution The fallacy committed in the given statement according to the Classical Indian School of logic (Nyaya) is the fallacy of ASrayasiddha © Key Points oO Aéraya siddha: + The statement" The sky roseis fragrant, becauseit is a rose! he the earth" e commits the fallacy of Asrayasiddha. + ASrayasiddha,one of the Nava Dhvani (Nine Fallacies) School of logic (Nyaya), refers tothe van Classicalindian assumptionor the fallacy of presupposition + Itoccurswhen the argumentrelies on an that itselfhas not been proven or is untenable. + In this case, the statemenipresu| ie existence of “the sky rose” without evidence that sucha thing exists, itaninstance of Asrayasiddha. 5 5 Inf J + Viruddha: This fallacy, alsoknown as the fallacy of contradiction, happens when the two components of a statementcontradicteach other. In the given statermentthe sky cannot be arose, and thus the assertionof it being fragrant becauseit is aroseis contradictory. + Badhita: This fallacy occurs when the proposed argument contradictsan established factor is inconsistentwith previous statements Again, in the given statementthere is no contradiction with establishedfacts. + Agraya siddha: This fallacy ariseswhen the probandum (the proposition to be proved) is already evident. There'sno instance of this fallacy in the given statement India's #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation SRR Seca Oa arsed maa COR creo Creed Diora Download App Question5: View this Question Online > In which of the following arguments the reason is counterbalancedby another reasonasper classical Indian school of logic (Nyay)? / (A). All things are non - eternal, becausethey are knowable. (8). Fire is cold becauseitis a substance. 4 (C). Soundis etemal becauseit is produced. , (0). Soundis a quality, becauseit is visible. Choose the correct answer fromthe options given below: 1. (B)and (©) only. ~, and (D) only. 3. (C) and (D). 4. (B) and (0) only. Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 1: (B) and (C) only. Indian Logic Questions Detailed Solution - Statement: All things are non-eternal, becausethey are knowable. -This statement is based on the principle that anything that can be perceived or known is subject to change, and hence, cannot be eternal. This is a straightforward application of the Nyaya school's logic, without a direct counterbalance within the statement itself. Hence, Statement Given below are two statementsrelated to the Upanishadic tradition Statementl: Paravidya means knowledge that transcendshuman experience Statementll: Aparavidya means knowledge basedon the human experience In light of the above statementschoose the most appropriate answer from the options given below 1. Both Statementl and Statementllare we 2. Both Statement! and é fe false 3. Statemen| Statementilis false x is falsebut Statementil is true Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 1 : Both Statement! and Statementll are true Indian Logic Question6 Detailed Solution Statementl: Paravidya means knowledge that transcendshuman experience Explanation: + Para Vidya (Sanskrit: 48 faem) is a combination of two words — para, in Hindu philosophy, means- existence,paramount object, the highestpoint or degree, final beatitude;and vidya means - knowledge, philosophy, science, learning, scholarship. + Para Vidya means— higher learning or learning related to the Self or the Ultimate Truth ie. transcendentaknowledge. + Vedanta affirms that thosewho gain the knowledge of the Self attain kaivalya, they become liberated, they become Brahman. + Para Vidya is defined asthe intuitivevision of non-duality; it is the transcendental knowledge whichis beyondall limits of knowledge, experience and reason, whichis, beyondintellect, mind and sense. Therefore, Statement I is correct. ot Statemenill: Aparavidya meansknowledge basedon the human experience. Explanation: + Para Vidya is the knowledge of the Absolute whereas. the world; the formerhas Reality as its content and ultimacywhich is singular and free fromreason, se! phenomenal world asits content. % a but the latterhas the + Here were two differentkinds edge tobe acquired ‘thehigher knowledge’ or Para Vidya (Sanskrit: 3a fa e lower knowledge’ or Apara Vidya. + The lower knowledge consistsof all textualknowledge - the four Vedas, the science of pronunciation, etc., the code of rituals, grammar, etymology, meter, and astrology. + The higher knowledge is by which the immutableand the imperishable Atman is realized, which knowledge brings about the directrealization of the SupremeReality, the Source of All. * The knowledge of the Atman is very subtle;it cannot be obtained out of one’s own effort; the Atrnan cannot be intuitively apprehended by mere intellectual equipment. + Thus,Angiras draws the distinctionbetween the way of knowledge and the way of realization, as between opinion and truth. For understanding this for realizing the Reality the aspirantmustseeka teacher. + The teacherwho has already realized his identity with the Atmanalone can impart this much sought-efter wisdom on the strengthof his own experiences. + Therefore, Aparavidya means knowledge basedon the human experience Thus, Statement II is correct. Therefore,ption| is the correctanswer. India’s #1 Learning Platform Rea ets Sela meeps) (ee ey Le-L tC) a mo aca MasterClasses Een Download App Question? View this QuestionOniine > Which of the following pramanasare acceptedby Vaisheshika philosophy? A Pratyaksa B. Anumana C. Sabda D. Upamana E. Arhapatti F Anupalabdhi Choose the correct answer from the options given beow: J 1. AandB only tes. © cal a. CandE only Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 1: A andB only Indian Logic Question7 Detailed Solution Pratyaksaand Anumanapramanasare acceptedby Vaisheshika philosophy. 0 Key-Points Vaisheshikaphilosophy: * Itis one of the six schoolsof Indian philosophy + Kanada Kashyapawas the founder of this school + The word “Vaisesika’is derived from “Vishesa; which means“distinction,’ or “distinguishing feature” or “particularity” + Vaishesikais a systemof pluralisticrealism + Itis a systemof physiesand metaphysicsand classifiesall objects of experience into six categories ° Dravya Guna » Karma > Samanya » Visesa © ° Samavaya G * The Vaisesikaschool admits the reality of spiritualsubstancesthe soul al i, also the law of Karma + Itis not materialismbutit is atomism + Itis independent and has its own logic, epistemology,metaphysi gy,and ethics + Among six pramanasof Hinduism, Vaisheshikaphilos: ceptspratyaksaand anumana. “BL Important Point + Pratyaksameens the perception both internal and external. Itacquires through sensory organs and the mind + Anumanameansinference, which acceptsthe truthbasedon the observationand previoustruths. + Pramanas Pramanasare proofs or ‘meansof knowledge’ + Itis the theory of knowledge and encompassesvalid and reliable means of knowledge + the sis pramanasare ° Pratyaksa Anumana Sabda Upamana © Arhapatti ° Anupalabdhi + In differentschools of philosophy, they acceptdifferentmeans of knowledge or different pramanas. x & India’s #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation Re roi Pears etc Sea Pcie res eaira Exons Download App Question View this QuestionOnline > Which of the following are acceptedin Buddhism? A. Adhyasa B. Apoha C. Abhava D. Arthapatti 4 E. Pratyaiksha . pf F Sabada " Choose the correctanswer from the options given below: wR. B only 2. CandD only 3. BandE only 4, EandF only Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 3: B andE only Indian Logic Question8 Detailed Solution Buddhism acceptsApoha and Pratyaksa. Apoha: + Apoha refers to the Buddhist “« exclusiontheory” + Itis anegativeprocess of exclusion’ + Apoha or exclusions can be usedto ul away universalsas the referentsof words. + Pratyaksameans the perceptionboth internal and external + The knowledge is perceptible to the eye or visible and recognizable through other sensory organs and the mind. + Eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin are the five sensory organs and mine is the sixth one. sSal, “BL important Point + Buddhist philosophyis developedby various Buddhist schools that are the systemof inquiry and philosophical investigation * Apoha Is an important theory of Buddhist philosophy + Pratyaksaand Anumana are two acceptedmeans of knowledge in Buddhist philosophy ea bart Rear Start Complete Exam Preparation Pra eee aca Rien Creer peo Download App Question? View this Question Online > The sequentialorder of syllogism on Nyaya philosophy is .a% A. Nigmam B. Udaharana N\A G C. Hetu O D. Upanaya No? E. Pratigya Choose th nswer from the options given below: ,D,B 2. E,C,B,D,A 3. £,B,C,D,A 4. DAB.GE Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 2: E,C,B,D,A Indian Logic Question9 Detailed Solution Naya Philosophy: + Itis one of the six systemsof Indian philoso; Oo + Gautamais the main proponent of Naya pl + Itis a philosophy of atomistic pluralisi lism, + The four Pramanas of Naya role and testimony, ‘ption, inference, analogical reasoning, 0 Key-Points “ There are five membersof Naya syllogism. Theseare 1. Pratigya or proposition:the logical statemnentwhich is tobe proved 2. Hetu or reason:the reason for the establishmentof a proposition 3, Udaharana:universalconcomitancetogether with an example 4, Upanaya: the application of universal concomitanceto the present case 5, Nigmam: the conclusions drawn from the preceding proposition Therefore,option2 is the correctanswer. ee anu parte) Start Complete Exam Preparation SRE Rea eee: ried ket tons Diora Download App Questianto View this Question Online > Given below are two statementspne is labeled as AssertionA and the other is labeled as ReasonR , AssertionA: If thereis a contestationbetween srutiand smriti, sruti prevails over smriti Reasonf: srutirepresent the philosophical aspectof the Vedasand Upanishads, while smriti is an application of philosophicalideas In light of the above statementschoose the mostappropriateanswer from the options given below > Be, Aand R are correctand R Is the correct explanation of A 2. Both A and R are correctbutR is NOT the correct explanation of A 3. Ais correctbutR is not correct 4. Aisnot correctbutR is correct Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 1: Both Aand Rare correct andR is the correct explanation of A Indian Logic Questiont 0 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Both A and R are correct andR is the correct explanation of A The given Assertion(A) and Reason(R) are basedon conceptsin Hindu philosophy: + Sruti: Theseare revealed texts and include the Vedas and Upanishads. Srutitexts are consideredto be of divine origin and have primary authorityin Hindu tradition. + Smriti: Theseare rememberedtextsand includeworks like the Mahabharata, Ramayana, and the Dharma Shastras.Smritisare consideredof humanauthorshipand are secondaryto Sruti in Whatis the sequential order of a comprehensible sentencein Nyaya philosophy A Akansha B. Yogyata C. Tatparya Moet Choose the correctanswer from the options given below 1. D,C,BA co™ 0° we Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 2: A,B, D,C Indian LogicQuestion11 Detailed Solution The correctsequentialorder of a comprehensiblesentencein Nyaya philosophy 1, Akansha 2. Yogyata 3, Sanniddhi 4, Tatparya Cp key Points Naya Philosophy: + Itis one of the six systemsof Indian philosophy + Gautamais the main proponent of Naya philosophy * The four Pramanas of Naya philosophy Is perception, inference, analogical reasoning, and testimony. i BL Important Point Verbal testimony: + Asentence that is a meansof valid knowledges called verbal testimony. + Itis the fourth kind of valid knowledge in Nyaya philosophy, it is called Sabda or agama C or authoritativeverbal testimony. + Itis definedas the statementof a trustworthyperson (aptavaky@) and con: understandingits meaning. e + A sentenceis defined asa collection of words and a word is definedas that which is potent to convey Its meaning. + The power in aword to conveyitsmeaning comes, according fo ancient Nyaya, from God, and according to later Nyaya, fromthe long-establishedconvention. + Verbal testimonycan be classifiedinto twoVaidika and secular(laukika) x + Asentencein order tobe intelligible mustconform to certain conditions. These conditions are four: 1, Akanksa It is mutualimplication or expectancy. A mere aggregate of unrelated words will not make a logical sentence. It will be sheer nonsense, eg., ‘cow horse man elephant’, 2. Yogyata itis a contradictorysentence. Itis the condition of consistencyFor e.g,, ‘water the plants with fire, Sannidhi The third conditionis the close proximity of the words to one another. It is definedas contiguity. If the words ‘bring’, ‘a’, ‘cow’ are utteredatlong intervals they would not make a logical sentence. Tatparya The validity of a sentence depends on its purport,not on its literal meaning. itis the condition of the intentionof the speaker. For e.g, the word’ saindhva’ means salt as well asa horse, + Therefore,option 2 is the correctanswer. Fa Pee er far Start Complete Exam Preparation Re neo Cyipeton Foc ergs Pry Cesta Ext) Download App Question2 View this QuestionOnline > Paravidya, according to the vedic tradition, implies: ( 1. Knowledge based on human experience 4 L 2. Knowledge that transcendshuman experience a Babes 3. Knowledge acquired from teachers 4 vowledge acduredfrom texts, fy Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 2: Knowledge that transcendshuman experience Indian Logic Question12 Detailed Solution There are two categoriesof knowledge, declares the Rishi of Mundaka Upanishad knowledge of the world and knowledge of the inner world, material knowledge (apara vidya), and spiritual knowledge (para vidya), CP xey-Points Para vidya: + Para Vidya is one of two types of knowledge in Hindu philosophy and refers tohigher or spiritual knowledge. The term comes from the Sanskritpara, meaning "the highest point” and vidya, meaning “knowledge” ‘clerity” or “learning” + Para vidya is spiritualrealization, which is knowledge of the ‘Ghote, or the Absolute. In Hinduism and yogic philosophy, the goal is to obtain para vidya, which remoyesthe veils of ignorance and frees the Yo cy recurring cycle of life, death, and reincarnation. + Para Vidya means~ higher learning or ering teat the Self or the Ultimate Truth ie. transcendentaknowledge + Para Vidya is definedas i ie of non-duality; it is the transcendental knowledge thatis beyon| its of knowledge, experience, and reason, which is, beyond intellect, mind, and st + Para Vidya is the intuitive level of vidya that stemsfrom unity, and manifestsas a vision, manifestsas an experience. Thus, option 2 is the correctanswer. [additional Information Apara Vidya: The lower knowledge is of the intellect and the sensesand comprisesall empirical and objectiveknowledge. It is, therefore, limited to the finite world. Empirical knowledge presupposesa knower, the thing known, and the act of knowing. a cg India’s #4 Learning Platform Pt ye Sela es chibi prea aed Peace CS ater Correo Peet Download App Questiont3 View this QuestionOnline > Which one of the following is not a sense-organ according to classical Indian school of logic? 1. Manas 2. Savikalpaka 3. Caksuh 4. Srotra a ° Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 2: Savikalpaka ps eieeeticnsten 3 Detailed Solution © Key Points Sense-organ accordingto classicallndian schoolof logic: + Perception deals with five external senseorgans namely, the senseof sight (sesiadf)smell (ghrana) , senseof sound (srota) ,senseof touch (tvak), and senseof taste(rasana) + Thesefive senseorgansrespectivelyperceive the physical qualities of colour, smell, sound, touch, and tastein the objects. + In Nyaya philosophy, For perceptual cognition, four elementsare necessary. + Theseare; the self, mind, senseorgans, and objects + The selfis in contactwith the mind (manas), the mind is in contactwith the sense organs, and lastly, the sense organs are in contactwith the objects,as a result, we perceiveobjects + Ordinary perceptionis further dividedinto two sorts,external (bahya) and internal fonBna al Hence, option(2) is correct. vy BL Important Point Savikalpaka + Savikalpaka (@feareus, “determinate’)refers to one of the two types of pratyaksa (perception) * Savikalpakapratyaksais that in which the cognition of an objectis qualified by certain attributeslike name, genus, quality, etc. + According to Annambhatta, attributiveknowledge is called Savikalpaka (determinate) pratyaksa [additional Information + Manas, (Sanskrit: ‘thought’), in Indian philosophy, the human, pat ate coordinates sensoryimpressionsbefore they are presentedto the consciousness. + Thus,when a person sees,hears, and smells an object— three differentand not necessarilyrelatedimpressions—the manas ekgoagteay thathe is consciousthat itis the same object 2 + Manas isa Sanskrit term that means ) oo" hig Shes Desvecancc at Miieeua Hhilanneha ic Karkibslitnrannn ansineieal rascaninn: and testimony. © Key Points . There are fivemembersin 1yey@)@Blgcism: + Pratigya or proposition: |t is the logical statementwhich is to be proved. » Forexample: The hill is fiery. + Hetuor reason which statesthe reason for the establishmentof the proposition, ° For example: Becausethe hill is smoky{hetu) + Udharana which gives the universal concommitancetogether with an example. > For example: whateveris smokyis fiery, e.g, a kitchen. + Upanaya the application of the universal concommitanceto the present case. » For example: This hill is also smoky. + Nigamana conclusion drawn from the preceding propositions. ° For example: Thereforethishill is fiery. These five propositionsof the Indian syllogismare calledmembersor avayavas. 3 & eee encod SST Te eel) Ce Ld) eR ect Prot eed eases DS ier Corea peor Download App Questions View this Question Online > Consider the following with reference to the Indian School of Logic A Itis relatedto form of the argumentonly - zs B. Itis relatedto the content of the argument only Citisrelatedto perceptualknowledge alone D. Itis relatedto presenting analogies alone Choose the correct: answer fromthe options given below: 3. BotnAandB 4. BothC andD Answer (Detailed SolutionBelow) Option 3: Both AandB Indian Logic Question15 Detailed Solution ow Logical reasoning occupiesa highly significant positionin Indian The word ‘Logic’ comes from classical Greek language logos’ originally mm omething significant. the argument.However the subj |, the task of the logician is the same: to + Indian Logic not onlyinvolvesthe pou Sor alsoinvolves the contentof advancean accountof valid and fal inference toallowone to distinguishgood frombad arguments + Argumentsare normal uunddefinedas a systemof at leasttwo premisesanda conclusion every premise but the first is introducedby ‘now’ or ‘but’, and the conclusion by ‘therefore’. + An argumentis valid if the conditional formedwith the conjunction of its premisesas antecedentand its conclusion as consequentis correct. An argumentis ‘sound’ (literally: ‘true’), when in addition to being validit has true premises + A mode of an argument differs from the arqumentitselfby having ordinal numbers taking the place of assertibles. Hence, theIndian School of Logic is relatedto the form of the argumentas well as the contentof the argument.

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