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REVIEW UNIT 1 , 2, 3, 4, 6,7 – K11 (1)

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words
1. A. change B. children C. machine D. church
2. A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village
3. A. good B. gossip C. game D. geometry
4. A. chip B. child C. chemist D.French
5. A. endanger B. English C. wrong D. anger
6. A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band
7. A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single
8. A. hour B. honest C. vehicle D. happy
9. A. honest B. honor C. honey D. ghost
10. A. heir B. height C. hit D. hood
11. A. orchestra B. scholarship C. chemistry D. charity
12. A. athletics B. marathon C. faithfully D. smoothly
13. A. country B. lunar C. luck D. plum
14. A. reciting B. spirit C. stimulate D. winner
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words
15. A. number B. eager C. special D. affair
16. A. sorrow B. mutual C. pursuit D. teacher
17. A. favor B. success C. destroy D. sincere
18. A. floppy B. embrace C. cotton D. idol
19. A. complain B. campaign C. struggle D. happen
20. A. finish B. prefer C. invite D. enjoy
21. A. support B. suffer C. suggest D. succeed
22. A. enough B. reply C. complete D. person
23. A. writer B. teacher C. builder D. career
24. A. regret B. selfish C. purpose D. preface
25. A. competition B. illiteracy C. representative D. university
26. A. contest B. sponsor C. observe D. complete
27. A. recite B. organize C. apologize D. participate
28. A. encourage B. compete C. award D. represent
Choose the best answer
29. They were extremely ________ to my plight.
A. sympathized B. sympathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetically
30. One of the most important qualities of friendship is _______.
A. selfish B. selfishness C. unselfishness D. unselfish
31. I have known her so well that there is no _______ between us.
A. suspicional B. suspicious C. suspiciously D. suspicion
32. I don’t know him really well. He’s just an _______.
A. acquaintance B. acquaint C. acquainted D. acquaintanceship
33. We will create a stable, prosperous and highly ____ ASEAN Economic community.
A. compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive
34. He showed unswerving ________to his friends.
A. loyalty B. loyal C. loyally D. loyalist
35. We were delighted by the wonderful __________of the local people.
A. hospitable B. hospitably C. hospitality D. hospitalize
36. I’ve never fallen in such a(n)________________ situation before.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrassment D. embarrass
37. He has a very outgoing ________ and makes friends very easily.
A. person B. personal C. personality D. personage
38. _______ is increasing, which results from economic crisis.
A. Employment B. Unemployment C. Employ D. Unemployed
39. I believe that everyone has had ________ experiences in their life.
A. memorable B. memorably C. memory D. memorial
40. I haven't got a picture of this so you'll just have to use your _________.
A. image B. imaginary C. imaginable D. imagination
41. There is no truth in the ________ that Margaret has lost her job.
A. rumour B. case C. instance D. news
42. Friendship is a two-side ________; it lives by give-and-take.
A. affair B. event C. way D. aspect
43. Jen had confided her secret to Mark; but he betrayed her ________.
A. loyalty B. trust C. constancy D. sympathy
44. Business leaders gave an ________ welcome to the proposal.
A. official B. exciting C. enthusiastic D. warmly
45. Let me know if you see anyone acting ________.
A. properly B. constantly C. suspiciously D. carefully
46. A ____________ friendship is a precious relationship.
A. mutual B. sincere C. generous D. successful
47. A good marriage is based on _________.
A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. A & B
48. If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a.............
A. loyalty B. sympathy C. constancy D. unselfishness
49. There is a growing tendency among singers to _____ some famous singers.
A. imitate B. follow C. reflect D. pursue
50. She made a big ________ about not having a window seat on the plane.
A. complaint B. fuss C. excitement D. interest
51. He rose from his chair and ________ her warmly.
A. protected B. replaced C. embraced D. appreciated
52. He pulled a(n)___________ of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket.
A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad
53. I know from _________ that he’ll arrive late.
A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality
54. You have to _______ all the candles or your wish won’t come true.
A. blow out B. blow up C. blow in D. blow off
55. Jack’s mother ………………a birthday cake with seventeen lighted candles on it.
A. brought out B. showed on C. turned up D. took over
56. When they finished singing, Lisa _______ the candles on the cake.
A. turned off B. blew out C. cleared up D. brought out
57. The sight was so horrible that I had to _______
A. turn away B. turn over C. turn into D. turn up
58. He’s _______ quickly since going to secondary school.
A. lived up B. grown up C. got up D. turned up
59. She _______ such a fuss when Richard spilled a drop of wine on her blouse!
A. did B. created C. produced D. made
60. True friendship should be _____________ respect and understanding.
A. based in B. based on C. based of D. based to
61. You can’t always insist on your own way – There has to be some give and ………..
A. do B. make C. take D. to
62. The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.
A. sadness B. anxiety C. disappointment D. happiness
63. I had a glance at the article, but I haven't read it yet.
A. close look B. quick look C. direct look D. stare
64. I don't like that man. There is a sneaky look on his face.
A furious B. honest C. dishonest D. guilty
65. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence.
They organized a meeting between the teachers and students.
A. get B. do C. held D. make
66. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence.
These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between married couples.
A. signs B. achievements C. landmarks D. progresses
67. Today’s lesson is concerned _______ friendship theme.
A. about B. to C. for D. with
68. Today, people are much more concerned _______ their health than they were in the past.
A. about B. to C. for D. with
69. Good friendship should be based_____________ mutual understanding.
A. in B. on C. to D. for
70. She's made friends ________ a little girl who lives next door.
A. to B. of C. by D. with
71. The children seem to be totally capable ________ working by themselves.
A. on B. of C. in D. for
72. Does he tell you how he is getting ________ his new friends?
A. on with B. on of C. away with D. out of
73. Some people take ________ an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it.
A. in B. on C. up D. forward
74. You can’t always insist _____your own way - there has to be some give-and-take.
A. in B. with C. on D. by
75. She glanced briefly ________ his lapel badge.
A. in B. on C. at D. up
76. People here have a more relaxed attitude ________ their work.
A. to B. from C. on D. for
77. What made you more interested ________ learning English?
A. on B. in C. with D. to
78. The vaccine was used to protect the whole population_______ infection.
A. among B. under C. for D. against
79. He always complained ________ his mother about his work.
A. with B. to C. at D. for
80. He pointed ______a wad of dollar notes on the table.
A. in B. from C. to D. with
81. Mary:_________? Peter: He’s pleasant and helpful.
A. What is he like B. What does he look like
C. What does he like D. What is he liking
82. Mr. Green: Excuse me! Miss Linda: Yes?_________________
A. Hello B. How are you?
C. Nice to meet you, Sir. D. What can I do for you, sir?
83. We all said, “ ………………………..” ! before Nam blew out the candles on the birthday cake.
A. Happy anniversary B. Happy New Year C. Congratulations D. Many happy returns
84. A custom officer is talking to a client at the airport.
- Officer: “Welcome. Can I see your ticket, please? “
- Client: “___________________”
A. Yes, here you are. B. Can you tell me how to get to gate A22?
C. Thank you for all your help. D. Can I have a seat near the emergency exit?
85. “We’re from London”. “___________”.
A. Not at all B. Yes, please C. How interesting! D. You are welcome
B. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” “___________”.
A. Yes, it is B. Yes, so do I C. I’m very happy D. Yes, I’d love to
86. A: Would you like a cup of coffee? – B: ………………
A. Yes, thank a lot B. No, thanks you C. Yes, please D. No, you are welcome
87. A: I passed my job interview yesterday. -B: …………….
A. oh B. Good luck C. Congratulations! D. Thanks
88. Mai: “Do you want another serving of chicken soup?”
Scott: “______.”
A. No way B. No comment C. No thanks D. No longer
89. John failed his math test. _________, he had to do the test again.
A. Therefore B. However C. Because D. But
90. It is important to keep ourselves clean_____ germs can cause infections in parts of our body.
A. although B. unless C. while D. because
91. I went out ______ the heavy rains.
A. although B. Nonetheless C. Instead D. despite
92. The mail comes at ten o'clock every day_______ Sunday.
A. except B. although C. or D. and
93. He is a very intelligent boy; ___________, he sometimes gets bad marks.
A. otherwise B. thus C. so D. however
94. _____________ to the airline strikes, Mr. Jones had to postpone his business trip to Rome.
A. Owed B. Because C. Due D. As
95. He promised to telephone I have never heard from him again.
A. but B. except C. although D. because
96. My friend and I _____________ tennis at 4 pm yesterday.
A. played B. playing C. are playing D. were playing
97. I ________ the thunder during the storm last night because I _______.
A. hadn’t heard/ was sleeping B. wasn’t hearing/ was slept
C. didn’t hear/ was sleeping D. didn’t hear/were sleeping
98. I have met many people since I ___________here in June.
A. come B. have come C. was coming D. came
99. He was writing to his friend when he __________a noise.
A. was hearing B. heard C. had heard D. hears
100. By the time we ____ to the train station, Susan _____ for us for more than two hours.
A. will get / has been waiting B. got / was waiting C. got / had been waiting D. get / will wait
101. Andrew ______________ the test before so he___________ it very easy.
A. did/ had found B. had done/ found C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
102. You ___________ your new hat when I ______________ you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met
C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met
103. As I_________ the glass, it suddenly ____________ into two pieces.
A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke
C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken
104. A burglar ______________ into the house while we ___________ television.
A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched
C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched
105. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones _________
A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired
106. Before we leave, let's have Shelley _______ a map for us so we won't get lost.
A. draw B. to draw C. drawing D. drawn
107. I think your mother should let you _________ your own mind.
A. make up B. to make up C. making up D. made up
108. Everyone likes ______ when they have succeeded ______ something.
A. being congratulated / for doing B. being congratulated / in doing
C. be congratulating / do D. to be congratulated / to do
109. The children enjoyed ______ on fishing .trips.
A. taking B. to be taken C. being taken D. having taken
110. He was never heard _________ 'thank you' in his life.
A. say B. to say C. saying D. said
111. I was delighted _________ my old friends again.
A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. to be seen
112. The children were eager _________ their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
113. The boss made ________ for a meeting after work.
A. us to stay B. us stay C. us staying D. us to staying
114. Look at the state of the gate. It needs ________ as soon as possible.
A. to repair B. repairing C. being repaired D. be repaired
115. _________ it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again.
A. Reading B. To read C. To have read D. Having read
116. ________ that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.
A. Knowing B. Known C. Knew D. Having knew
117. _________ photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.
A. Seeing B. Seen C. Saw D. Having seen
118. The police accused him of_________ fire to the building but he denied __________ in the area on the
night of the fire.
A. setting/ being B. setting/ having been
C. set/ be D. having set/ having been
119. ________ hard all day, Sarah was exhausted.
A. To work B. Working C. Having worked D. worked
120. ________ all his money, Daniel couldn't afford a new jacket.
A. Spending B. Having spent C. Having been spent D. To spend
121. ______ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
A. Finding B. We found C. Found D. Having found
122. It is seven years since we ______.
A. last talked to Daisy B. have talked to Daisy C. last talked Daisy D. talk to Daisy
123. It’s two years ___________ Joe
A. that I don’t see B. that I haven’t seen C. since I didn’t see D. since I saw
124. By the time I arrived at the station, ______________.
A. my friend has left. B. my friend has been leaving.
C. my friend leaves. D. my friend had left.
125. Judy suggested__________ for a walk but no one else wanted to. go B. go C. going D. went
126. The boy insisted on_______ a break after lunch.
A. having B. to have C. not to have D. have
127. Phi apologized_____________ being late.
A. of B. for C. on D. at
128. He apologized __________ able to finish the project on time.
A. his colleagues not being B. his colleagues for not being
C. his colleagues not to be D. to his colleagues for not being
129. Mary's father approved of _________ in the United States for another year in order to work toward her
A. her to stay B. she to say C. she staying D. her staying
130. ______ is someone who takes part in sports competitions.
A. Judge B. Sportsman C. Athlete D. Sponsor
131. A string of defeats has failed to break the team's ______.
A. spirits B. efforts C. works D. methods
132. Such questions provide a useful means of ______ students' interest.
A. expressing B. encouraging C. stimulating D. providing
133. He ______ his poem in front of the whole school.
A. dedicated B. recited C. said D. delivered
134. We managed to ______ over $4,000 through donations and other events.
A. deposit B. donate C. raise D. exchange
135. The contest aimed to stimulate the spirit of learning English ______ students.
A. on B. for C. of D. among
136. The teacher explained the competition's rules ______ the students very carefully.
A. to B. with C. for D. about
137. Most students are interested ______ the annual English Speaking Contests.
A. on B. in C. with D. at
138. He apologized _______ not being able to complete the poem.
A. in B. on C. of D. for
139. They quickly read the questions and tried to find out the answers. (synonym)
A. complete B. guess C. offer D. discover
140. All students can take part in the annual English-speaking Competition. (synonym)
A. happening once a year B. happening once a term
B. happening once a month D. happening once every six months
141. There is now intense ______ between schools to attract students.
A. competence B. competition C. competitive D. competitor
142. Many firms are now struggling to survive in a highly __________ marketplace.
A. competing B. competition C. competitive D. uncompetitive
143. Many twelfth graders find it hard to __________ what university to apply to.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
144. Our education will help with the ___________of knowledge for the young.
A. rich B. riches C. richness D. enrichment
145. Parents shouldn’t use physical punishment________ it negatively influences children’s
A. because of B. although C. because D. in spite of
146. She had butterflies in her stomach_________ having prepared carefully for the interview.
A. although B. due to C. despite D. because
147. They certainly knew that their task was hard__________ two previous attempts had failed.
A. because B. because of C. in spite of D. although
148. Thanh: "Lan's the best singer in our school". Nadia: “_____________”
A. Yes, tell me about it! B. I can't agree with you more!
C. That's OK! D. Yes, please.
149. Linda is thanking Daniel for his birthday present.
-Linda: "Thanks for the book. I've been looking it for months." -Daniel: "_______________"
A. I'm glad you like it. B. You can say that again.
C. I like reading books. D. Thank you for looking for it.
150. Time was _______, and the judges announced the results.
A. out B. up C. off D. down
151. Dave is talking to Hannah after their school's English speaking contest.
- Dave: "Congratulations! You've given a great performance."
- Hannah: "_____________”
A. It's nice of you to say so. B. Me neither
C. I'm sorry to hear that D. No, don't worry
152. Most students find English Competitions _______.
A. enjoying B. enjoyment C. enjoyed D. enjoyable
153. With three teams finishing on 40 points, there was no outright _______.
A. win B. winning C. winner D. winnings
154. For work to flow _______, proper preparations must be made.
A. smoothly B. freely C. constantly D. naturally
155. The contestants are eliminated one by one until the last _______ in a head-to-head contest.
A. sponsor B. support C. compete D. enter
156. The winner of the contest was given a(n) _______ for her excellent performance.
A. bonus B. reward C. fine D. award
157. It is no use _______ to school if you _______ to work hard.
A. going - do not ready B. to go - do not ready
C. going - are not ready D. go - are not ready
158. Nowadays, young men with a technical education _______ because of the great demand for highly skilled
A. is well paid B. should pay well C. are well paid D. could pay well
159. Polar bears are in danger of going extinct ________ climate change.
A. because of B. although C. because D. despite
160. The city has changed a lot since I last _________ it.
A. visited B. would visit C. will visit D. visit
161. Six months after the accident, he still has difficulty _______.
A. to walk B. walking C. walked D. to walking
162. If the technology _______ available, we would be able to expand the business.
A. would become B. were become C. had become D. became
163. If the North Sea _______ in winter, you could walk from London to Oslo.
A. happened to freeze B. froze C. should freeze D. should happen to freeze
164. It would have been a much more serious accident _____ fast at the time.
A. was she driving B. had she been driving C. she had driven D. if she drove
165. If you _______ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess now.
A. listen B. will listen C. had listened D. listened
166. I'll give you a lift if it _______.
A. is raining B. rained C. will rain D. had rained
167. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous________.
A. amount B. rate C. figure D. way
168. One third of the world's population ______ two thirds of the world's resources.
A. drains B. absorbs C. consumes D. supports
169. Pressure on natural resources will __________as we face a population explosion.
A. increase B. decrease C. decline D. raise
170. Like many other baby birds, ducklings are blind _______ birth.
A. of B. at C. on D. from
171. Lack _______ food had stunted his growth.
A. of B. in C. for D. on
172. Nigeria has a population _______ nearly 100 million.
A. about B. in C. of D. with
173. Scientists say that the main reason ______ population explosion is an increase in birth rates.
A. of B. to C. for D. in
174. Global warming will result_________ crop failures and famine.
A. in B. of C. from D. to
175. The rapid growth of population led to an acute_________ of housing.
A. shortfall B. shortcut C. shortcoming D. shortage
176. Better health care and agriculture have led to rapid population __________.
A. grow B. growing C. grown D. growth
177. The old astronomer patiently made his________ and wrote down what he saw.
A. observation B. observatory C. observe D. observer
178. We are in regular_________ with each other by telephone or letter.
A. communicate B. communicative C. communication D. communicatively
179. Our visit to Japan was delayed_________ my wife’s illness.
A. because B. because of C. in spite of D. although
180. Jim gives Mai a birthday present.
Jim: “This dictionary is for you. I hope you will find it useful.” - Mai: “___________”
A. No problem! B. Thanks. I'll do it. C. Thanks. It's very kind of you. D. Yes, please.
181. Pat and Sam are talking about doing exercise.
~ Pat: “I don’t think we should exercise late at night.”
~ Sam: “_______________. This increases our heartbeats and makes it harder to sleep.”
A. You can do it again B. I disagree with you C. You’re right D. It’s not true
182. The second solution is to provide safe, ______ birth-control methods.
A. expensive B. inexpensive C. expensively D. inexpensively
183. The world's population is ______ to be over 7 billion by 2010.
A. claimed B. blamed C. expected D. reached
184. China is one of the most ______ populated areas in the world.
A. wastefully B. perfectly C. densely D. completely
185. ______ been diverted, they would have arrived early.
A. Had the plane not B. Hadn't the plane C. The plane had not D. The plane not had
186. If it ______ more humid in the desert of the Southwest, the hot temperature would be unbearable.
A. is B. would be C. were D. had been
187. People are not aware ______ the problem of overpopulation.
A. for B. of C. at D. in
188. ______ millions of women want to limit the size of their families, they know of no safe way to have fewer
A. Because B. When C. Despite D. Although
189. Big cities like New York and Tokyo are ______ populated.
A. greatly B. densely C. closely D. variously
190. They had a _____ candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage.
A. romance B. romantic C. romantically D. romanticize
191. She sent me a _______ letter thanking me for my invitation.
A. polite B. politely C. politeness D. impoliteness
192. ______ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.
A. If only B. Because C. Unless D. Provided
193. The first part of the test was easy; the second, ________, took hours.
A. therefore B. but C. so D. however
194. Jane is talking to Billy about the meeting.
- Jane: “Is everybody happy with the decision?”. - Billy: “______”.
A. That sounds like fun. B. Yes, it is certainly.
C. No, have you? D. Not really.
195. Anna: “Well, it was nice talking to you, but I have to dash.” - Mary: “______________.”
A. Yes, I enjoyed talking to you too. B. Have a nice stay.
C. OK, see you. D. Don’t make haste. I’m coming soon.
196. Jenny and Kathy are arranging to see a new film.
- Jenny: “Why don’t you come over and see the new film with me?” - Kathy: “________”.
A. Great, I’d love to B. Oh, I’m afraid so. C. You’re welcome D. Wow! You didn’t realise that.
197. You had better (A) learning (B) a foreign (C) language before applying (D) for a job.
198. Approximately(A) 70 percent of all (B)parents let their (C)children to attend (D)school.
199. After being entered (A) the new school, he began (B) to make friends (C) more easily (D).
200. When I kept (A) getting (B) unwanted calls, I called the phone company and had (C) my phone number
change (D).
201. I still(A) remember to leave(B) your hat here(C) this morning(D).
202. He’s(A) tired. He stopped(B) to work(C) for a while(D).
203. While I did (A) my homework (B), I had (C) a (D) good idea.
204. John’s friends (A) had celebrated (B) a farewell party (C) for (D) him last Sunday.
205. After Minh had returned (A) to (B) his house (C), he was reading (D) a book.
206. Last month (A) while we watched (B) an exciting game on (C) television in our living room, the electricity
went out (D).
207. If Rudy would have studied (A) German in college,(B) he would not have found the scientific (C)
terminology so difficult to understand.(D)
208. If I hadn't miss (A )the bus, I would have (B) come (C) at least 20 minutes earlier (D).
209. If you phoned (A) me before I left home (B), I would (C) have brought you (D) the textbook.
210. If you had (A) studied hard (B), you wouldn't (C) fail (D) the last exam .
211. If I hadn't been (A) too late for (B) the exam, I might be (C) allowed to enter (D) the examination room.
1. I finished work. Then I came home early
→After ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. A terrible storm occurred. First many people moved to another place
3. She looked at the question carefully. Then she gave the answer
4. He had had breakfast and then he went to school.
 Before ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Nam went to bed, but he had a hot milk before.
 After ………………………………………………………………………………………..….
6. After he had taken a Korean course, he moved to work in South of Korea.
Before ………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. We decided to go on a trip to Hue after we had had some problems.
Before ……………………………………………………………………………..…………..
8. After they had eaten all the food, they left the party.
Before ………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. By the time Mozart turned 14, he had composed a few piece for the piano.
After …………………………………………………………………………………….……..
10. After her partner had uninstalled a program, he restarted the computer.
-> ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
11. She had been to disco the night before and she overslept in the morning.
12. We had worked in the garden all day and were sunburned in the evening.
13. She had not slept for two days and therefore she wasn’t able to concentrate.
14. I was eager to catch the bus in good time because I had been told off the day before for arriving late.
15. She didn't know where the theater was, so she asked for directions at the hotel reception.
16. He had spent his childhood in Oslo so he knew the city well.
17. Although it had been hunted close to extinction, the rhino is once again common in this area.
18. “I’m happy you have passed the job interview. Congratulations!” Jim said.
 Jim congratulated……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
19. Peter said : “It was nice of you to invite me to your party, Jean .”
 Peter thanked………………………………………………………………………………………………..
20. Lan said, “Why don’t we visit our friends on the way to the countryside next week.”
 Lan suggested ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
21. The woman said, “You mustn’t touch anything in my shop, boys”
 The woman stopped ………………………………………………………………………………………..
22. Tom said to Kate, “I will pick you up from your school tomorrow”
 Tom insisted ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
23. The thief said, “I didn’t break in her house last week”
 The thief denied ………………………………………………………………………………………….
24. I said to Tom, “Don’t make fun of that guy”
 I warned …………………………………………………………………………………………………
25. “We gave the reporter the information about our plan,” he said.
 He admitted ……………………………………………………………………………………
26. “It was really kind of you to drive my daughter home last night .” She said
 She thanked………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
27. John said to me: “You shouldn’t have made that silly mistake”
 John criticized……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
28. "I always want to lead my life on my own without my parents’ interference," she said .
 She always dreamed ……………………………………………………………………………
29. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell your about our plan yesterday Mrs Brown”, Margaret said
 Margaret apologised……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………
30. "You can't play football in the street," Ms. Kelly said to the children.
 Ms. Kelly prevented the children ………………………………………………………………………
31. "You damaged my garden" My neighbor said .
 My neighbor accused ………………………………………………………………………………………
32. "I dislike it when people told me off for any reasons." He said.
 He objected …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
33. “ please let me pay for your meal, Mary” Peter said
 Peter persisted………………………………………………………………………………………………………
34. “ Yes, it’s me . I stole your money”, he said
 He confessed…………………………………………………………………………………………………
35. “I will call you if I am back next Sunday .” My friend said.
 My my friend said …………………………………………………………………………………….
36. “If I don’t learn English, I won’t go abroad.” She said.
 She said ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
37. Minh said to his mother, “If my brother and I get a scholarship, we will study overseas.”
 Minh told his mother ……………………………………………………………………………………..
38. John said, “If I were a millionaire, I would support all of my relatives.”
 John said ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
39. “What would you do if you were having a problem with your car now, Johny?” Anna asked.
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
40. “If I’d had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you.” Lenka said.
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
41. “Your parents would have been proud of you if they had known about your study results,John.” Linda said. 
42. “ What would you do if you had three days off ?” I asked him.
→ ……………………………………………………………….
43. “ I would have come to see you if I had known your address, Jim, ” he said.
→ …………………………………………………………………..
44. “ I’m sure she will help you if you ask her, ” he told me.
→ ……………………………………………………………………
45. “ You will be surprised if you meet him , ” Peter said to me.
→ …………………………………………………………………….

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