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Portable Light Pad

A Business Plan
Presented to the Faculty of the College of Engineering
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course


Oriel, Eldrian Patrick
Palermo, Cedrick
Pegoria, Merwin
Profugo, Ralf Jay
Rodriguez, Dhan Reck

April 2024
1. Executive Summary
Our company has created a revolutionary prototype of a portable light pad that is intended to
completely change how enthusiasts, designers, and artists work with transparent materials like as
sketches and drawings. This cutting-edge gadget gives customers a portable, adaptable, and
effective tool for their creative endeavours with its sleek, lightweight design and potent LED

Our prototype portable light pad has the following features:

Portability: Our light pad prototype's lightweight design and thin profile make it simple to
carry around, enabling users to work on projects whenever and wherever they choose.

Brightness Control: The gadget has movable brightness settings to accommodate a range of
lighting tastes and guarantee the best possible visibility for a number of tasks.

Energy Efficiency: Our light pad prototype uses LED technology, which is energy-efficient,
to produce steady and reliable illumination with little power use.

Versatility: The light pad prototype is an essential tool for both professionals and
enthusiasts, accommodating a wide range of artistic and design applications such as calligraphy,
sketching, and tracing.

Durability: Our prototype is made of premium materials and is designed to withstand daily
use, guaranteeing endurance and dependability for many years to come.
2. Company Description Write in third POV.
Megamind Company has developed a product with the goal of creating comfortable and
aesthetic materials for work, studies, and various other activities. The company observed the
struggles faced by students and workers in dealing with paperwork, leading to the creation of a
portable light pad as a solution to their problems. With the use of this product, individuals can
achieve exceptional results due to its unique features. The company's objective is to assist others
in completing their work with ease and without hassle.

a. Company Name and Logo

Megamind is combination of two words which is “Mega” and “Mind” it comes from our
groups which are globally focused on problems of workers as we help them in easier way. Our
company name was inspired by the characteristics of our members, which embodies the
creativity and efficiency to provide a quality product. “Mega” used to describe things that are
very large, huge, or extraordinary examples of their kind, which can be easily adopted by
anyone. Then the “Mind” reminds that we must think, feel emotions, and understand things. The
meaning behind our logo, entails to our consumers that we’re listening to what they needs.

Figure 1. Megaminds Logo

A black and white color palette is good at highlighting simplicity and accessibility,
which are the two fundamental values of business. Black is often associated with
credibility and sophistication, while white relates to purity.
Through a relentless pursuit of excellence and a customer-centric mindset, XYZ
Solutions Inc. aims to carve a niche for itself as a trusted advisor and strategic partner in
the ever-expanding digital marketing landscape. With a focus on delivering measurable
results and exceeding client expectations, the company is poised to redefine industry
standards and become a beacon of innovation in the digital sphere.”

a. Vision Statement
“Megamind’s aims to be the top distributor of working and studying materials and
will help in supplying the demand of workers and student with affordable and quality

b. Mission Statement
“Megamind’s aims to help students and workers by giving them comfortable and
aesthetic working materials”.
c. Project Objectives
This must include the specific objectives of the company to establish clear milestones
and benchmarks for success, guiding its efforts and decision-making as it progresses
towards its overarching goals.
Objective: Within the next year, our primary goal is to successfully launch and establish the
Portable Light Pad in the market, achieving widespread recognition and capturing a significant
share of the target audience.
Key Milestones:

1. Product Refinement and Testing (Months 1-3):

● Conduct thorough testing and user feedback sessions to identify any areas for
improvement in the prototype.
● Refine the design, functionality, and user experience based on feedback and
testing results.
● Ensure that the product meets all quality standards and safety regulations.
2. Manufacturing and Production (Months 4-6):
● Finalize partnerships with reliable manufacturers and suppliers for the production
of the light pad.
● Establish efficient production processes to ensure timely delivery of high-quality
● Monitor production closely to maintain quality control and address any issues that
3. Marketing and Branding (Months 4-12):
● Develop a comprehensive marketing and branding strategy to create awareness
and generate interest in the product.
● Launch a multi-channel marketing campaign targeting artists, designers, students,
and professionals.
● Utilize social media platforms, content marketing, influencer partnerships, and
online advertising to reach the target audience.
● Create engaging and informative content highlighting the unique features and
benefits of the Portable Light Pad Prototype.
4. Sales and Distribution (Months 7-12):
● Secure partnerships with distributors, retailers, and online marketplaces to make
the product readily available to consumers.
● Attend industry events, trade shows, and exhibitions to showcase the product and
network with potential partners and customers.
● Implement a robust sales strategy to drive product sales and meet revenue targets.
● Offer promotional discounts, bundle deals, and incentives to encourage early
adoption and repeat purchases.
5. Customer Support and Feedback (Months 1-12):
● Establish a dedicated customer support team to assist users with product inquiries,
troubleshooting, and warranty claims.
● Collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and
future product enhancements.
● Continuously engage with customers through surveys, reviews, and social media
channels to maintain a strong relationship and build brand loyalty.

Success Criteria:

● Achieve a minimum of 10,000 units sold within the first year of launch.
● Secure partnerships with at least five major distributors and retailers.
● Maintain an average customer satisfaction rating of 4 out of 5 stars based on user reviews
and feedback.
● Generate positive media coverage and industry recognition for the Portable Light Pad

By successfully executing these key milestones and achieving our success criteria, we aim to
establish the Portable Light Pad Prototype as a leading product in the market, setting the stage
for future growth and expansion opportunities.
3. Product or Service
Our flagship product is a Portable Light Pad that includes many features such as transparent
desk, LED lights, Paper tray, adjustable stand, measuring scale, switch button, and accessory
holder. Those features provides significant role that helps the user to work effectively in their
desired place. We offer 3 months warranty for the customer which cover the repair or
replacement of defective products for free.
Include schematic diagram, fabrication process chart, and bill of mat


The Portable Light Pad consists of the main desk, led lights, tray, switch, accessory
holder, meter scale and a cable for power source.

Main Desk

This component consists of the functions for drawing, eating, and other works that can
be done.

Led lights

Led lights give a light for drawing and for aesthetic looks.

There is a tray where you can put a drawing paper or etc to be sketched.

Accessory Holder

It will help to keep your accessory and serve as a holder.


It used to control the led lights.

Meter Scale

This part is for drawing which helps to have accurate measurements.


It is used as a connector to the power source.

The PORTABLE LIGHT PAD is a sample to show how the system will work. So this system
will be connected to the any electric power supply such battery, power bank, outlets, etc.
4. Market Analysis
1. Overview of the Market:

The growing demand for portable light pads from professionals, designers, artists, and
students in a variety of industries has been driving the market's expansion.

There is a demand for more practical and adaptable light box alternatives because traditional
light boxes are heavy, less portable, and frequently lack contemporary features.

A combination of well-established companies and up-and-coming startups make up the

market, and the main factors influencing competitiveness are product attributes, cost, and quality.

The target market for the Portable Light Pad comprises a diverse range of users with distinct
needs, preferences, and behaviors. By understanding the demographics, motivations, and
purchasing behaviors of each segment, manufacturers can tailor their marketing strategies and
product offerings to effectively meet the needs of their target audience and drive sales and
growth in the portable light pad market.

The portable light pad industry is characterized by a combination of well-established

companies, up-and-coming startups, and independent designers competing for market share.
Manufacturers may create strategies that work to differentiate their products, draw in customers,
and spur growth in this competitive and dynamic market by studying consumer preferences,
market trends, and competitive dynamics.

We want to maximize visibility, drive customer engagement, and ultimately succeed in

launching and promoting the Portable Light Pad to our target audience. To that end, we are
putting into practice a comprehensive distribution and promotion strategy that includes online
and offline channels, digital marketing tactics, influencer partnerships, and promotional



1. Portability: One of the primary strengths of 1. Limited Size and Working Area: One of the
portable lighting pads is their mobility. They are main limitations of portable lighting pads is their
designed to be lightweight and compact, making size, which can restrict the working area for larger
them easy to carry and use in various locations, projects. While suitable for small to medium-
whether at home, in the studio, or on the go. sized artworks or documents, they may not be
ideal for oversized or bulky materials.
2. Versatility: Portable lighting pads offer
versatility in usage. They can be used for a wide 2. Power Source Dependency: Portable lighting
range of applications, including drawing, pads rely on external power sources, such as
sketching, tracing, crafting, and even reading or batteries or USB connections, for operation. This
viewing documents with backlighting. dependency can limit their use in remote or
outdoor settings where access to power outlets
3. Adjustable Brightness and Color Temperature: may be limited.
Many portable lighting pads come with
adjustable brightness levels and color 3. Uniformity of Illumination: Some portable
temperature settings, allowing users to customize lighting pads may exhibit variations in brightness
the lighting according to their preferences and or uneven illumination across the surface,
needs. This feature enhances user comfort and particularly in cheaper or lower-quality models.
facilitates precise illumination for different tasks. This inconsistency can affect the clarity and
accuracy of drawings or tracings.
4. Energy Efficiency: Compared to traditional
lightboxes or desk lamps, portable lighting pads 4. Heat Generation: Although LED lighting
are often more energy-efficient. They typically technology is known for its energy efficiency,
use LED technology, which consumes less energy some portable lighting pads may generate heat
while providing bright and uniform illumination. during prolonged use, especially at higher
brightness settings. This heat can potentially
5. Ease of Use: Portable lighting pads are affect user comfort and may require periodic
designed to be user-friendly, with simple controls breaks to prevent overheating.
and intuitive interfaces. They often feature touch-
sensitive buttons or dials for adjusting brightness 5. Cost: While portable lighting pads are available
and color temperature, making them accessible at various price points, high-quality models with
to users of all skill levels. advanced features may be relatively expensive
compared to traditional lightboxes or desk lamps.
6. Durability: Many portable lighting pads are Cost can be a significant consideration for budget-
built to withstand regular use and transportation. conscious users or hobbyists.
They are constructed using durable materials
such as acrylic or tempered glass, ensuring 6. Fragility: Despite their durable construction,
longevity and reliability. portable lighting pads may still be susceptible to
damage from impacts, drops, or mishandling
during transportation. Users should exercise
caution when handling and storing these devices
to avoid potential damage to the surface or
internal components.

Opportunities Threats

1. Market Growth: The market for portable 1. Competition: The portable lighting pad market
lighting pads is experiencing steady growth driven is highly competitive, with numerous
by increasing demand from artists, designers, manufacturers and brands vying for market share.
students, and professionals across various Intense competition can lead to price wars,
industries. This growth presents opportunities for margin pressures, and commoditization of
manufacturers to expand their product offerings products, posing challenges for manufacturers to
and capture a larger market share. differentiate themselves and maintain
2. Technological Advancements: Rapid
advancements in lighting technology, such as
improvements in LED efficiency, color accuracy,
and customization options, present opportunities 2. Counterfeit Products: The proliferation of
for manufacturers to develop innovative portable counterfeit products, particularly in online
lighting pads with enhanced features and marketplaces, poses a threat to legitimate
functionalities. manufacturers. Counterfeit products not only
erode brand reputation and trust but also
3. Diverse Applications: Portable lighting pads compete unfairly by undercutting prices and
have diverse applications beyond traditional offering inferior quality alternatives.
drawing and sketching, including tracing, crafting,
photography, and even medical diagnostics. 3. Technological Disruption: Rapid technological
Manufacturers can capitalize on these diverse advancements and disruptions in lighting
applications by targeting niche markets and technology, such as the emergence of alternative
customizing products to meet specific needs. illumination solutions or new display
technologies, could render existing portable
4. E-commerce and Online Sales: The rise of e- lighting pads obsolete or less competitive.
commerce platforms and online marketplaces Manufacturers must stay abreast of technological
provides manufacturers with opportunities to trends and invest in research and development to
reach a global audience and expand their remain innovative and relevant.
customer base. Effective digital marketing
strategies and partnerships with online retailers
can help manufacturers increase brand visibility 4. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with
and drive sales. regulatory standards and certifications, such as
safety regulations and electromagnetic
5. Emerging Markets: There are emerging compatibility (EMC) requirements, poses
markets and untapped segments, such as challenges for manufacturers, especially when
educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and selling products in international markets. Failure
remote working professionals, where portable to meet regulatory requirements can result in
lighting pads can offer value-added solutions. legal liabilities, product recalls, and damage to
Manufacturers can explore partnerships and brand reputation
distribution channels to penetrate these markets
and capitalize on growing demand. 5. Supply Chain Disruptions: Dependencies on
global supply chains and manufacturing facilities
expose manufacturers to risks such as raw
material shortages, transportation delays, and
geopolitical tensions. Supply chain disruptions,
whether due to natural disasters, trade disputes,
or pandemics, can impact production schedules,
lead times, and product availability.

6. Market Saturation: The portable lighting pad

market may become saturated as more
manufacturers enter the market, leading to
oversupply and price erosion. Manufacturers
must carefully manage inventory levels,
production capacities, and distribution channels
to avoid excess inventory and margin erosion.
5. Financial Plan

Research and Development: To hone and enhance the technology behind the soil moisture-
based irrigation system, research and development activities may need some initial financing.
Costs for developing, testing, and validating prototypes may be included in this.

Acquisition of Technology: In order to purchase or obtain a licence for the equipment and tech-
nology required for the LED Portable Lighting Pad, funding may be required. Buying hardware,
software, and specialised sensors may fall under this category.

Product Development: To further develop and tailor the LED Portable Lighting Pad to the
unique requirements of various professionals and students, further money may be required. This
could entail system integration, product improvements, and product development.

Manufacturing and Production: In order to fulfil demand, manufacturing and production pro-
cesses may need to be scaled up after funding has been secured for the invention. This could in-
volve costs for labour, supplies, machinery, and facility expansion in the manufacturing process.

Sales and Marketing: In order to reach potential clients, the soil moisture-based irrigation sys-
tem may require funding. This could involve paying for trade exhibits, advertising, purchasing
sales materials, and employing salespeople.

Installation and Implementation: Funding can be needed to pay for the expenses of setting up
and running the soil moisture-based irrigation system for clients, depending on the business plan.
This could involve site inspections, labour for installation, instruction, and continuing assistance.

Operational Expenses: Money may be required to pay for continuous expenditures associated
with running a business, including rent, utilities, insurance, and maintenance.

Regulatory and Compliance costs: acquiring certificates, acquiring permissions, and adhering
to environmental standards are just a few of the regulatory and compliance costs that may be in-
volved in introducing the soil moisture-based irrigation system to the market.

Working Capital: Sufficient working capital may be required to conduct regular business opera-
tions, control cash flow, and react to unanticipated costs or demand variations.

Growth and Expansion: As the company expands, more financing can be needed to support ini-
tiatives for growth, to enter new markets, or to create new product lines.

Initial Capital/Investment needed:

Total:P 50,000

Cost Structure. List out all your fixed and variable costs. Outline the initial investment requir

Funding Requirements. Specify the amount of funding needed to start and operate the business until i

Revenue Streams. Identify your revenue model (e.g. subscription, ads, freemium, etc.) and outline you

Financial Ratios and Metrics. Calculate key financial ratios and metrics, such as return on investment
6. Strategy and Implementation
For the next ten years, our strategy and implementation plan for the portable light pad
business are driven by a distinct vision, strategic goals, and a dedication to quality. We are
certain that by putting an emphasis on innovation, customer-centricity, operational effectiveness,
and talent development, we can succeed in the fast-paced and cutthroat industry and experience
sustained growth. Together, we will shine a light on the future and keep igniting innovation and
creativity around the globe.


CEO: Mike Cedrick Palermo

The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for making the major decisions, plan-
ning company growth, overseeing the company and driving the company to success and

MANAGER: Eldrian Patrick Oriel

A manager is a person who is responsible for running part of or the whole of a busi-
ness organization.

STAFF DIRECTOR: Kirk Jeron Pumarada

Staff Director means the employee designated by the legal authority to, among
other responsibilities, assist a particular commission or board with its duties.


Facilitate internal and external communications. Organization of public relations,

marketing, and communications activities and materials including publications, media re-
lations, and so forth. Ensure communication of image and position to all constituencies,
both internal and external.

Marketing Managers are responsible for developing, implementing and executing

strategic marketing plans for an entire organization (or lines of business and brands
within an organization) in order to attract potential customers and retain existing ones.

[a.] Company Guidel

Company guidelines within a business plan serve as a set of principles and policies that guide the ope

Define the core values that underpin the company's culture and identity. These values should reflect t

Set expectations for delivering exceptional customer service and support. Define standards for respon

[b.] Socio-economic Study

This section should summarize the socio-economic aspect of the business which is an important cons

Government Policies and Regulations. Examine relevant government policies, regulations, and

Community Engagement and Stakeholder Analysis. Identify key stakeholders, community orga

Risk Factors and Mitigation Strategies. Identify socio-economic risks and uncertainties that ma

Opportunities for Social Impact and Community Development. Explore opportunities for busin
7. Recommendations
In this section, concrete recommendations are offered based on the analysis conducted
throughout the plan. These recommendations should be actionable, specific, and aligned with the
company's goals and vision. They may encompass various aspects of the business, including
operations, marketing, finance, and management. Recommendations may include strategies for
market penetration, expansion into new markets or product lines, optimization of operational
processes, implementation of cost-saving measures, enhancement of customer service and
satisfaction, leveraging technology for efficiency gains, talent acquisition and development, and
risk management strategies. Additionally, recommendations should prioritize initiatives that are
feasible, realistic, and have the potential to deliver measurable results in line with the company's
long-term objectives. By providing clear and well-defined recommendations, the business plan
equips stakeholders with actionable insights and guidance to drive the company's success and
growth trajectory.

8. References
Use the IEEE Reference format.
9. Appendices

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