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Addressed to the management of SPE Azerbaijan.

From a student of the French-Azerbaijani University The main goal of this c

Mehraliyev Oruj Fidail oglu. interest in this field. In
and introduce them to
brake games and ask th
Statement based on our speeches.
about during the confe
SEG ASOIU Student Chapters are going to hold the conference is also t
Junior Conference ( Geology ) into 5 teams of 7 peopl
awarded with medals,
individual competition
to have a coffee break.
I appeal to you to the organization that you head to assist in holding this event.

The total of the estimated cost of the event is AZN and is as follows by cost items.


Certificates Certificates for members of winning team. 35
Posters for presentation articles 10
Highlighters to use during the activities 5
A0 papers A0 sheets for making posters by children 10
A4 papers A4 sheets for children to prepare a report on the topics 20
Medals Medals for members of winning team. 7
Award Award for most active child 1
Coffee Break Juice and some cakes for participants

Sweet Some sweet for game winners

pens to use during the activities 10

Microphone service Microphone system for speakers during conferences
Poster Stand for informing the public about key information 1
Total 0
Description of Conference
The main goal of this conference is to inform school children about the science of geology and arouse
interest in this field. In this regard, we will make presentations with articles prepared by ourselves
and introduce them to the fields and important points of geological science. meanwhile, we will play
brake games and ask them to make posters on A0 sheets about what we taught during the conference
based on our speeches. On A4 sheets, we will ask them to prepare a report about what we talked
about during the conference. which supplies are mostly needed for posters and reports. the essence of
the conference is also to encourage schoolchildren in this field, which in this regard will be divided
into 5 teams of 7 people and will perform tasks and games. at the end, the winning team will be
awarded with medals, only one of the 7 winners will be the most active and the winner of the last
individual competition we will do. Since the whole conference will last 5 hours, it is better for them
to have a coffee break.

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