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Dated: 25.07.



The Hony. Secretary,

Dwarka Court Bar Association,
Dwarka Courts Complex,
New Delhi-110075

Sub: Reply to letter dated 30.06.2022 issued by your goodself.

Dear Sir,

I received your above mentioned letter dated 30.06.2022. In reply to the

same, it is submitted here that the Bar has allotted a shop to the
undersigned. I am 45 years old. My father is suffering from the ailment of
Kidney since last many years. Due to the ailment of my father, I had
appointed Sh. Ranjeet as my employee to run the shop regularly. Since last
few months I was busy to take care of my father, as his treatment is going
on in Govt. Hospital, Jhajjar, Haryana. I have not sub let the shop in
question to Ranjeet, he is my employee. Due to serious ailment of my
father, I could not pay the rent since last few months. I have not committed
any violation of the rules and regulations of the Bar.

Sir, this shop is only source of my income to survive my entire family. Sir, I
undertake that I will open the shop regularly.

In view of the above facts and circumstances, it is requested to your goodself

that you may be take leniency towards me, keeping in view of the serious ill
health of my father.


Rajbir Singh

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