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Definition of right knowledge

RK is knowledge not contradicted by experience. In common life there is a saying that man has spoken
the truth when he makes us reach the object he pointed towards. Same can be said for knowledge, it is
right when it makes us reach an object it pointed towards. By making us reach an object it means it turns
our attention straight to the object. Knowledge does not create an object and it doesn’t offer that object
o us but rather it turns our attention to the object, it makes us reach it. to turn man straight to an object
is nothing else than to point that out as an aim of a purposive action.

The ultimate and only result of act of cognizing is distinct cognition. When an object has been cognized
man has turned towards it and the object has been reached. Therefore the proper function of cognition
is at the end after the object has been cognized. Therefore cognition is then concerned with an object
not yet cognized. But when the object is first cognized, the similar act of cognition has also drawn mans
attention and made him reach the object. Any more act concerning the object then cannot be referred
to as its cognition. Consequently any object already cognized will not be an act of cognizing it.

Different modes of cognition

When an object is recognized by direct experience, it is then converted into an object of purposive action
through sense perception. An object is pointed by out sense perception when it is cognized as something
directly perceived. Inference or indirect cognition differs, it points out the mark of an object, thus
indirectly making sure its existence gives it as an object of purposive action. Therefore sense perception,
points out a definite object, object that is localized in space and time, it also appears before us directly.
Whereas inference points to a definite object, by way of the mark it is connected with.

These two point out definite knowledge therefore they are considered as right knowledge. What differs
from these two is not right knowledge. Knowledge is considered right when it makes us reach an object,
it has pointed to an attainable object. But when the object is pointed out in some other way, not
according to the above mentioned two ways , is either unreal completely i.e. it does not exist or it cannot
be reached or there is uncertainty regarding its existence.

Since there is no object that can exist and not exist at the same time. Acc to dharamkirti eveyr cognition
other than inference and perception is not a source of right knowledge since it presents an object which
cannot be reached.

Sentient beings strive for desired ends. They want knowledge which leads them to the fulfillment of
objects suitable for successful action. Knowledge that is investigated by the theory of cognition is the
knowledge they want. RK is knowledge that points to reality and is capable of experiencing a purposive
action. If there is any divergence between what is pointed out by our cognition and the real object. The
real object then has a different quality or a different place or a different time. Every variation in the
object in terms of characteristics makes the real object, another object. Therefore, neither is our
cognition right when it is wrongly represents any of its characteristics, so not right when it wrongly
repserents the place of an object or existence at a time when we really do not perceive it. TAKE

There can be an objection regarding an objects own place of form can be admitted but to cognize own
time is not possible. There is a moment of sensation and a different moment of distinct perception. It
can also be said that we can distinctly cognize the object of existence confined to a previous moment.
This unity which exist between different moments is actually a unity produced by the synthesis of
different apprehensions and it thus represents a chain of momentary existences.

RK precedes all successful human action,i.e. it is the casue of it. cause exist before the result thus it is
said that knowledge precedes action. Right knowledge then is the immediate cause producing successful
human action. Right knowledge is twofold that is it is either intuitive(directly presenting to the mind ) or
its discursive (directing our attention towards a possible object of successful action) of these two
dharamkirti examines only the knowledge which stimulates purposeful action.rk only precedes and not
produces action.

Rememberance arouses the will, which then produces action, this action then reaches the object. Thus
this knowledge is not a direct cause. When purposeful action presents itself directly the aim is reached
straight off process cannot be analyzed but when men needs to strive it needs to be analysed.

Human action has an aim. Object is what is aimed at, and is what is desired. There exist objects that are
to be avoided and that are to be attained. There exist no other class of objects other than these two.
The indifferent object since it is not desired belongs to the object of undesirable ones.

Success is thus the actual attaining or avoiding of object.

Success when achieved by cause is called production but when achieved by knowledge is called behavior.
The latter consists in avoiding the avoidable and attaining the attainable. Behavior in this activity is called
successful action.

The word all in all successful human action refers to the totality of the objects, and not the different
ways of action. The two ways of purposeful action do not depend on right knowledge , but every
successful action, the totality of actions depend upon right knowledge.

.Accidental success through false knowledge is impossible. Indeed, successful action is possible when
(knowledge) has rightly constructed 2 the object whose (existence) has been pointed out by sensation.
And this is done by right knowledge alone, not by wrong knowledge.

Varieties of right knowledge

It has two varieties. When it is being differentiated, it becomes possible to make a definition of right
knowledge which is confined to each of the variety separately.

Perception/ Direct knowledge- knowledge dependent on sense. This meaning is suggested by the
entomological analysis and not by its actual use. Knowledge is called perceptive when it makes the
object before us appear directly. Sense knowledge alone can be called direct knowledge but not mental
sensation etc.

The word for inference means etymologically “subsequent measure” it is called this because it appears
after the logical mark has been apprehended and its ocncimmitance brought to memory.

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