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ted mahathir 1211304486

Hair reference
I will use two Xgen
descriptions, one for the main
part of the scalp, and one for
the large ponytail.
I will use the clump modifier in
Xgen to further imitate the
Blue vignette
around corners
Light Analysis
In order to recreate this party scene, I will use one large
key light to fill the scene with light, subtly tinted pink to
create a fun, party vibe with high exposure and intensity.
It will be slightly angled overhead to get the short
shadows in the reference.

I will then use two more softer lights off to each side of
pink rim lighting the model, each tinted pink and purple. This gives the
subtle purple light
Neutral-warm keylight effect of colored spotlights rebounding on the character.
I will then add another soft blue light, angled slightly
upwards to imitate the blue vignette (although I think that
was added in composition.) I will then add a high
intensity, high exposure pink light behind the characters
to get that bright pink rim light.
To improve further, I could increase the tint
on the rim lighting to make it a more intense
pink, matching the reference more closely. I
could also have spent more time grooming
the hair to make it more closely match the
reference. I think the lighting is quite close
to the reference, but obviously not perfect.

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