Repet cz1 End-of-Year Test Answer Key and Audioscript

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Zadanie 1
Dave: Hi Jamie. How’s the football training going?
1.1 A 1.2 C 1.3 B 1.4 C 1.5 A What’s it like now you’re in the team?
Jamie: Oh, hi, Dave. Yes, it’s good thanks. We
Audio 5 – Transkrypcja: won our last match.
Dave: Is that where you’re going now? To a
training session?
Mum: Nancy, have you seen my sunglasses
Jamie: Oh, no, we train on Wednesdays and
Saturdays. No, today’s basketball practice!
Nancy: Oh Mum, have you lost them again?
Dave: Oh, really? How long have you been doing
They’re usually somewhere in the kitchen!
Mum: No, I’ve looked there, and I’ve checked the
Jamie: About six months. I got fed up with
hall. I sometimes leave them on the hall table but
swimming, the pool is so far away.
not this time. I can’t think where they are.
Dave: Wow. You must be awfully fit. How do you
Nancy: Hang on, I’ll look outside. Perhaps you
manage it all?
took them off while you were doing the
Jamie: I don’t know really, I just like sport!
Mum: Oh, yes, maybe I did … I’ll come and look 4
with you, I’ll … Oh? A: Excuse me, do you know what time the next
Nancy: What? train to London is?
Mum: Umm, they’re here, on top of the fridge. B: To London? I don’t think the trains go to
Nancy: I thought you’d looked in the kitchen? London from here.
Mum: I know, I didn’t see them the first time. A: Oh, no, sorry, I think I have to change at
Sorry. Birmingham.
B: Birmingham? Oh, right. The next train is in
about five minutes.
Waiter: So, are you ready for me to take your
A: Great, thanks. Do you know which platform it
goes from?
Guest: Hmm, I’m not sure yet. What kind of soup
B: Yes, this one. I’m waiting for it myself.
do you have today?
A: Cool. Thank you.
Waiter: It’s onion soup today, I can recommend it.
Guest: Oh, I’m not too keen on onions. What 5
about the chicken curry? Is it very spicy? Look, that man over there is my uncle Harry. He’s
Waiter: Not very, no, it isn’t. my mum’s brother. We don’t see him very often.
Guest: OK, I’ll have that, please. My cousins are here somewhere, too – Jenny and
Waiter: Certainly. And would you like anything Tim. Jenny’s 16, same as me, and Tim’s a year or
else? A salad, perhaps? two older. I’m not sure where they are at the
Guest: Oh, hmmm, I love salads, but not this moment, they must be in the other room. Um,
time, thanks. that girl over there, the one with the short brown
Waiter: Anything to drink? hair, is my brother’s girlfriend, Mandy. The other
Guest: No, thanks, or … Sorry, just some water girl’s our next door neighbour, Kelly. Let’s go and
please. talk to her.
Waiter: Of course.

Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, część 1 © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Zadanie 2 Zadanie 4
4.1 B 4.2 C 4.3 B
2.1 He decorates the (Christmas) tree.
2.2 His grandparents / father’s parents.
Audio 8 – Transkrypcja:
2.3 In February.
My mum and dad were out yesterday afternoon
Audio 6 – Transkrypcja: and they left me, my brother and my sister alone.
Well, alone with my sister’s boyfriend. He
This is my favourite day of the year. In the
brought some DVDs, but no-one wanted to watch
morning, my dad, my sister and I decorate the
them so we went to my sister’s room to listen to
tree. My mum doesn’t help because she spends
some of her CDs. She was angry because she
all day in the kitchen. After lunch, dad drives to
couldn’t concentrate on her school work and had
my grandparents’ house – his parents – and
to go downstairs to the living room to do it.
brings them to our house where they stay until
the 28th of December. My mum’s parents never My brother was in his room, bored as usual.
come. They’ve got a holiday home in the Canary I asked him to help me in the kitchen, but he
Islands and always spend the winter there. preferred to look at websites on the computer.
We had Christmas there once. The weather was I was in the kitchen because today it’s my mum’s
amazing, but it didn’t feel right somehow. birthday so I thought I’d surprise her by making
I love going there in February but not a cake.
at Christmas. Most people like Christmas Day As I was starting, my friend arrived. ‘Great’,
better than Christmas Eve because they get I thought, ‘now I’ve got someone who can help
presents, but for me the 24th is more special. me.’ He came to the kitchen, but he wasn’t much
help. He just sat there watching me make the
Zadanie 3 cake and sending messages to his friends and
taking photos of me working.
3.1 disappointed/unhappy
3.2 53% / fifty-three percent
Zadanie 5
3.3 English
5.1 out of the question / not possible / impossible
Audio 7 – Transkrypcja: 5.2 can/do I get
5.3 is/’s the matter
Rob: Hi, May. Have you got any of your exam
results yet?
Zadanie 6
May: Oh, hi Rob. I’ve got a few. I didn’t do very
well in Science, I’m quite disappointed. 6.1 A 6.2 B 6.3 B 6.4 C
Rob: Oh, that’s your favourite subject, isn’t it?
May: Yes, it is. It’s weird. I got a good mark for Zadanie 7
Geography, and I don’t even like it much! Oh,
7.1 Can/Could I speak to
and Emily’s upset cos she only got 53% for Maths
7.2 What time are
and that’s the subject she likes best.
7.3 am (so) sorry about
Anyway, what about you? Have you got any
results yet? I bet you’ve come top in English.
Zadanie 8
Rob: I don’t know yet but I hope I’ve done OK. It’s
what I want to study at university, after all. 8.1 B 8.2 E 8.3 C 8.4 A
May: Oh, I heard Katie’s got good marks for IT.
I’m not surprised cos she’s very keen on it.
Rob: Yeah, she’s a bit of a geek …

Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, część 1 © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Zadanie 9 Zadanie 15
9.1 C 9.2 B 9.3 A 9.4 B Przykładowa odpowiedź:
I am in London now and yesterday when we were
Zadanie 10
visiting the Buckingham Palace, our guide was
10.1 too small/low / not big/high enough a girl with pink hair. I was surprised that such
10.2 animals a young and extravagant person works there, so
10.3 over / more than two months I decided to talk to her after the tour.
10.4 food She told me she was 19 years old and she worked
to collect money for her trip around the world.
Zadanie 11 She had a great sense of humour and she knew
a lot of things! I was really impressed and
11.1 grać w gry
fascinated by her.
11.2 niewidomi
I told her I live in Poland. I gave her my phone
11.3 na górze
number and she promised to call. I really hope I’ll
see her again when she starts her trip.
Zadanie 12
12.1 C 12.2 E 12.3 B (116 słów)

Zadanie 13
13.1 B 13.2 B 13.3 C 13.4 A

Zadanie 14
14.1 was helping Sam
14.2 hotter than yesterday
14.3 have been married
14.4 will/’ll get better

Repetytorium dla szkoły podstawowej, część 1 © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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