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Name: Desta Riancahya Yogantara

NIM: 230511100114

Reflection for Website 1:

Website Name: TED Talks

Why You Chose It: I chose TED Talks because I’m interested in diverse topics presented by
experts, and I believe it could expose me to different accents and speaking styles.

What You Listened To: I listened to a talk titled “The Power of Introverts” by Susan Cain.

A. Did You Enjoy It? Why or Why Not: Yes, I enjoyed it. Susan’s engaging delivery and
relatable content made the talk intriguing and insightful.

B. Any Challenges? How Did You Manage? Some vocabulary was challenging, but I
managed by context and pausing to look up unfamiliar words.

C. How It Could Help You Listen Better: TED Talks offer exposure to various accents,
complex ideas, and speaking styles, enhancing comprehension and critical thinking

Reflection for Website 2:

Site Name: LyricsTraining

Why You Chose It: I selected LyricsTraining because I love music, and I thought it would be
a fun way to practice listening while enjoying songs.

What You Listened To: I played “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake.
A. Did You Enjoy It? Why or Why Not: Yes, it was enjoyable. Filling in the missing
lyrics kept me engaged and challenged.

B. Any Challenges? How Did You Manage? Some parts were fast-paced, but I managed
by listening repeatedly and focusing on familiar words.

C. How It Could Help You Listen Better: LyricsTraining improves listening accuracy,
rhythm recognition, and vocabulary retention through interactive engagement with

Exploring TED Talks and LyricsTraining provided valuable insights into diverse topics and
enhanced my listening skills in different contexts. TED Talks offered intellectual stimulation
and exposure to varied accents, while LyricsTraining made learning enjoyable through music.
Both platforms cater to different interests and learning styles, making them effective tools for
English language learners.

TED Talks:

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