Computer Engineering - Semester 4 - 2023 - May - Database Management Systemrev 2019 C Scheme

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€,*W u- Papcr / Subject Code: 40523/ Datatrase l\Ianagement S,r,stem

gE Sa,^lV /gq
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nurutiolr, IrVrax Marks:Sol

N.B.: (t)QrrestionNo I isComputsory. d p .: Z:JBB3

(2) Attempt aly three questions out of the remaining five.
(3) All quest.ions carry equal marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if required and state it clearly.

1 Attempt any FOUR

a Identift different ofdatabase system
b Convert schema






6 \\'rite short note on the following (Any four)
a Colversion of specialization to relational schema with suitable example
' [0s]
b Types of attiibutes ,, . ::
d Triggers ,..-1



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