Vishwashanti Gurukul Schools: MAEER's MIT Pune's

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MAEER’s MIT Pune’s


Aurangabad | Barshi | Kothrud | Loni Kalbhor | Pandharpur | Sangli | Solapur | Ulwe

Summer Holiday Assignment : 2024-25

Grade : X

Subject: English


HOW TO DO : Write a captivating two-minute speech on ANY of the topics given below.

Prepare well for the presentation as the video recording will take place in the classroom

immediately after the summer break.

I. Healthy people Healthy Nation (Reference-MCB Unit 1)

II. Paving the way for inclusive vocational education (Reference-MCB Unit 2)

III. Harnessing Solar Energy for a holistic development (Reference-MCB Unit 3)

IV. Forests-our lifeline (Reference-MCB Unit 4)

V. Eco Tourism in India (Reference-MCB Unit 5)

VI. Astronomy - Retrospect & Prospect (Reference-MCB Unit 3)

VII. Diversity gives beauty and power comes from unity (Reference-MCB Unit 6)

NOTE : Use your imagination. You are expected to submit an original and unpublished

piece of writing.

WHERE TO DO IT : Write the speech in English CW. Get it checked as soon as school

reopens. This will allow us to provide feedback and make any necessary revisions before the

video recording.



Subject: Mathematics

“Without Mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is
Mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” - Shakuntla Devi

* Art - Integrated Activity: (MATHOART) *

Topic : Linear Equations In two variables

Material Required: Graph Paper, scale, colours

Students Task: Create a spider web or a Stained glass window design or any other design of
your choice using linear equations in two variables. To be done in NOTEBOOK.


Timely submission, Presentation, Creativity, Diagrammatic skill, Use of knowledge


*Art - Integrated Activity:(Mind Map)

Prepare a colourful and creative ‘Mind Map’ in your notebook of the first three topics (Real
Numbers, polynomials, and Pair of Linear equations in two variables) including the
definitions and examples for each type .


Timely submission, Presentation, Creativity, Diagrammatic skill, Use of knowledge

Subject: Science

Holiday homework is a part of internal assessment. All questions are mandatory. Students

to solve the following questions on A4 size sheets and submit them in the file.

A] Prepare the tabular display of all the cases of image formation by concave and convex

mirror along with proper neat ray diagrams of the same.

B] Make a systematic chart of all the important formulas and sign convention for mirrors.

C] Make a list of at least 5 uses of concave and convex mirrors in our daily life around us.


Timely submission, Presentation, Creativity, Diagrammatic skill, content

Subject: Social Science

Students to gather information and prepare a Portfolio/Paper presentation on any one of the
following topics:
Consumer Awareness OR Social Issues OR Sustainable Development

Subject: IT

Activity-I - Basic ICT Skill-II

Draw the mind map of Basic ICT skill-II in your IT Notebook. Refer the following given mind

Activity-II - Electronic Spreadsheet

1] Make a chart of different types of cell references available in Open Office Calc with

2] Make a chart in your notebook mentioning different features of Open Office Calc & in
which menu these features are available.

Refer following chart.

Calc Feature Menu

Data Consolidation Data

Scenario Tools

Goal Seek Tools

Solver Tools

Picture Insert

Hyperlink Insert


Subject: Hindi

प्रश्न 1 प्रश्न 1 सिक्किम और महाराष्ट्र िे िम्बंसित पररयोजन कायय कर उिे िां स्कृसतक िरोहर की PPT के रूप में

पररवसतयत कीसजये I

(Art Integration Activity)

प्रश्न २. ननम्ननिखित मुद्दों के आधार पर हररहर काका कहानी की समीक्षा कीनिये I

कहानी समीक्षा (Story Review)

आपका नाम --------------------------------------------------

कहानी का नाम: --------------------------------------------------

मूलयां कन :

पात्ों के नाम:

कहानी को चार भागों में बां टकर प्रत्येक भाग का िार ७-९ पंक्कियों में सलक्किएI

कहानी का वह भाग, जो आपको अच्छा लगा और क्ों?

वह पात्, जो आपको अच्छा लगा, उिका नाम और सवशेषताएँ :-

कहानी के सलए कोई दू िरा शीषयक:-


Subject: Marathi

१) व्याकरण - वाक्ां चे प्रकार, प्रत्येकी चार उदाहरणे

िमािाचे प्रकार, प्रत्येकी चार उदाहरणे

२) मराठी िासहत्यप्रकार- कोणत्याही पाच िासहत्यप्रकारां ची िसवस्तर मासहती, प्रत्येक िासहत्यप्रकार सलसहणाऱ्या

कमीत कमी दोन ले िकां ची िसचत् नावे .


Subject: Sanskrit

प्र. नहन्दी भाषाया निखितानाों वाक्यानाों सोंस्कृतभाषायाम् अनुवाद: नियताम् |

१. यह सनश्चय ही नीलकण्ठ महादे व है |

२. वह सवदु षी थी |

३. कबूतर उँ चे नहीं उड़ता |

४. नगर िे बाहर बगीचा है |

५. यह मेरे घर के िमीप है |

६. मेरा सवद्यालय एक प्रमुि नगर में है |

७. गंगा का जल पसवत् है |

८. महाकसव कासलदाि मेरे सप्रय कसव है |

९. गाँ व िे बाहर नदी बहती है |

१०.पेड़ िे फल सगरते है |

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