Paradigm Shift in A Christian

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Paradigm Shift in a Christian’s Life

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things
are become new. “ 2 Corinthians 5: 17

“ And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the
ministry of reconciliation.” - 2 Corinthians 5: 18

Introduction: One major dilemma a baby Christian used to encounter is his/ her metamorphosis/
transition from his old ways to new way of living. Once saved, the next question is how shall one lived in
a way that one gets the favor of God. How shall one live in the way of Christ. Madalas we receive
remarks from our old peers na ayaw na natin makisama, hindi ka na marunong makibarkada, KJ na etc.
Lahat naman siguro tayo na hindi lumaking Christian ay may mga nakagawian tayong mga bagay na
mahirap pagpagin sa way of living natin. It can be bad habits, traits, or vices. Mahirap iwan ang mga
makamundong bagay na iyon dahil it brings temporary happiness/ pleasure to us. So napakalaking
challenge satin at sa sarili ko mismo noong una, ay kung paano iwan ang mga bagay na iyon (pag iinom).

1. Discontinue to continue ( “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are
passed away; behold, all things are become new. “ 2 Corinthians 5: 17
“ And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to
us the ministry of reconciliation.” - 2 Corinthians 5: 18
- It is really hard to leave our perennial friends/ colleagues/ confidante ones we reconciled to
God. It is even harder to leave when they keep on dragging us back to the life we once
enjoyed. Party party, sinful lifestyle, infamous doings etc. Pero let us always remember na
once na tinanggap na natin si Cristo bilang ating tagapagligtas, kasama na rin nun ang
pagbabago sa buhay natin bilang Kristiyano. Even it if it means leaving our old peers behind.
Proverbs 1: 15-16; “My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from
their path.” 16” For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. Sometimes we
often find it hard na iwan sila kasi we equate happiness with being with them and doing the
old things we used to do.
- Madalas kinakalimutan natin na ang totoong kaligayahan ay nasa Diyos at wala sa anumang
bagay/ tao dito sa mundo. Psalm 16: 9 “Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth:
my flesh also shall rest in hope.” In this verse, we see David getting the assurance that not
even death will separate him from God, and this gives delight and joy to him.
- There was a time na nagpaalam ako kay Melai kung pwede ba akong magjoin sa mga friends
ko kasi they will be having a birthday party. I even assured her na hindi naman ako mag
iinom kahit pipilitin nila ako. She just frowned and said, “ bahala ka, choice mo yan, pero
isipin mo ng maigi kung kailangan mo ba talaga yan.” Then I think for a while at napagtanto
ko, oo nga no, Christian na ako pero bakit hindi ko pa kinakalimutan pa ang old ways ko.
Then I ended up showering and before I sleep I thank God for reminding me thru Melai.
2. Unlearn to learn
“ For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the gentiles, when we
walked in lasciviousness, lust, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable
idolatries.”-1 Peter 4: 3
- One of the major reasons why we cannot continue to go to church is that our life is
embedded with a lot of wrong doctrines/ teachings from our previous belief. Example is
idolatry and believing in a lot of superstitions. Pagsamba sa rebulto,pag aalay ng atang at
pagsunod sa mga ipinagbabawal tuwing may patay kahit wala namang basehan.(Don’t get
me wrong). Mahirap talaga iwaglit ito lalo kung ito na ang nakasanayan natin. Pero let us
always remember that these are all folk- Christianity created by the Spaniards. Paano nga ba
nabubuo ang superstition/ norm/ kaugalian? Let me share you the story of the Experiment
of five monkeys. Minsan ginagawa natin ang mga bagay bagay kahit wala namang basehan
at labag sa kalooban ng Diyos dahil yun ang nakasanayan. Sometimes we follow ways na
hindi naman natin alam kung bakit natin sinusunod. Hindi porke naipasa satin ang kaugalian
ng pagsamba sa rebulto ay gagawin na rin natin dahil yun ang nakasanayan. Isa lang ang
message nito, magtiwala tayo sa kung anong sinasabi ng biblia.

3. Let go to gain
The story of the rich young man in the book of Mathew 19: 16-30, Mark , and luke.
- It is really hard to let go off things that are so dear to us. But let the story of a king with four
wives remind us with this.
- 4th wife- adorned with gold and jewelries…..body
- 3rd wife- show her off to outer kingdoms….possessions
- 2nd wife- very supportive and caring………family
- 1st wife- volunteered to go…….soul

Conclusion- Let us find make this our guiding principle “ Whether ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10: 31

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