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Philippians 2:24 But I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly.

Dealing with the failure of something hoped for or something you so expect to happen could be very
trying. We often frown to our dismay, unconsciously nagging unpleasant words and that unknowingly we
are killing people in our thoughts when our plans do not turn out to be successful.

Disappointments can be any event in our life. It can be a loss in a business deal, can be someone you like
did not like you back, perhaps your relationship did not work out, or a friend betrayed you, or many
things are really messing you up!

1. Disappointments can stem from too much trusting ourselves

Often we get disappointed because we put so much trust to our plans. But don't you know that there
can be hidden blessings in our disappoinments? The bible says in Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not
your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."

2. Disappointment is God's way of telling you to "Trust in the Lord and lean not unto thine own
understanding". Prov. 3:5

Our disappointments can mean passion to things we do. We get disappointed because we love what we
are doing. When a friend betrays you and you get disappointed, it's because you love and value the
friendship. You are disappointed when you get low scores in your quizzes, it's because you want higher
scores. Hence, your disappointment will give you opportunities for growth and self-betterment. Treat
your disappointments as "troubleshooting thing" instead of "crying over spilt milk". By understanding
the cause of your disappointment, you'll get to understand the gaps which will eventually lead you to a
higher, more satisfying, wiser strategies.

3. Disappointments in life (when you react to the situation constructively) will help you become more
resilient in life. Life in this world is a battle and only the strong can survive. Deal with your
disappointments and the next time you do it, make sure that "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he
shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6

Be therefore thankful of your disappointments because blessings are surely next to it. Have a blessed

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