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C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Galimulator\data\mods\ships


If you have any punctuation in any ship description, the entire ship section in the sandbox menu
will not appear!


name: shipname
texture: file.png
uncoloredTexture: file2.png
description: sample text (remember, no punctuation!!!!)
speed: 0.001
hitpoints: 2
width: 0.04
height: 0
supportBonus: 1
monster: true/false
fleetable: true/false
weapons: [
Sample weapon 1 (weapons MUST be tabbed once!)
Sample weapon 2
behaviour: Patrol/Static/Raid
carrierPayload: (if you don’t want a payload, delete this line entirely)

Supported weapons:
Laser (1 damage laser)
Weak Laser (0.1 damage laser)
Anti-ship Missile (orange missile)
Surface Missile (white missile)
Spread Missile (shoots 5 gray missiles in a shot)
MIRV Missile (blue sniper missile)
Dragon Missile (green missile)
Heal Ray (self explanatory lol)
Disruptor Missile (the one that destroys stars and cuts off starlanes)
Dragons Breath (disruptor missile, but directional AOE)
Chain Missile (series of several gray missiles, what the fighter shoots)
Illuminator weapon (yellow AOE attack)
Railgun (very fast short-range gray missile)

There is currently no support for destroyer missiles, the 5-shot spread that closes in on targets

Supported carrierPayloads:
Gunstation (but don't try it, they orbit around the center star, it’s weird)

modded ships can also be made as carrierPayloads

Weapons CAN be duplicated

carrierPayloads cannot :(

About carrierPayload: when an enemy ship is within a certain range, the carrier ship will spawn 5
of its payload. If a payload ship dies, it will soon be rebuilt.


These are all space oddities, when they’re made as a carrierPayload ship, they are (sometimes)
allied with the nation they came from, and usually act weird. All of them also still count as
monsters, and thus: will be pursued by hunters (with some exceptions), will be targeted by sentinel
stations (with some exceptions), and will trigger a warning message in the game. They can also go
on quests, lol.
Note: for those that crash the game, it could be that I haven’t figured out the proper type name for
them, since carrierPayload requires names to be without typos, but not case sensitive.

Note 2: the bold names are how they appear on the space oddity menu, and (names in parentheses)
are the “typename” which is what should be used after carrierPayload.

Note 3: anything space oddity that spawns, and then grows tentacles/creates clones/etc that are
still allied to the empire that spawned it often bugs out the ship counter for that empire, creating
phantom ships that never go away, even if the host ship that created them has died.

Meteor Storm (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Galaxy Man (galaxyman)

Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, and will fire allied planetary missiles,
but sometimes dies much quicker than natural Galaxy Men. Not fleetable.

Elder Thing (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Eater of Stars (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Strangefish (strangefish)
Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, and so are the tentacles it slowly
grows. Fleetable, but will stray from starlanes.

Cecaelian Abomination (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Yggdrasil (yggdrasil)
Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, and so are the tentacles/branches it
slowly grows. Fleetable, but will stray from starlanes.

Glubben (glubben)
Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, and so are the tentacles/branches it
slowly grows. Fleetable, but will stray from starlanes.

Anneverworm (anneverworm)
Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, and so are the segments it slowly
grows. Can fire both green missiles out of body segments, and directional AOE attack out of head.
Fleetable, but will sometimes stray from starlanes. Eggs are neutral, and as with natural
Anneverworms, will only be targeted by Anneverworms that didn’t lay it. Further generations are
neutral entirely.

Dubbelring (dubbelring)
Only spawns one Dubbelring next to the carrier ship. The other spawns at the galaxy’s edge, and
is neutral, but takes orders from fleet commander, and unlike most other allied space oddities,
follows starlanes. Fleetable, but the half that spawns next to the carrier ship doesn’t follow

Nox Miles Overlord (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Sleeper Service (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Dragon (dragon)
Dragon head will spawn near carrier, additional segments spawn at galaxy’s edge. Additional
segments are neutral. Fleetable, but will stray from starlanes. Can fire both green missiles and
directional AOE attack out of head. Because additional segments are neutral, the head will fire on
them and split into more dragons. This behavior has some strange bugs attached.

Will not shoot at allied stars. Other than that, they behave normally, wandering around randomly
until they eventually die. If assigned to a fleet, they don't wander (unless leader of said fleet) but
still die in time. Unlike normal ships, carrierPayload-ed Marauders always persist after the death
of the empire that spawned them. Those that aren’t switched to control of a random empire still
remain, shooting at hostile stars and eventually dying as well.

Hunter (hunter)
Will spawn “allied” Hunters. These Hunters do not fire at enemy ships, and will only fire at space
oddities. However, they are fleetable, and despite constantly displaying the “Meh, nothing to hunt
here.” message if there are no space oddities when they are spawned, will stay in the galaxy unless
sent on a quest, in which case they will be entirely destroyed.

Seeper of Sloth (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Puppet Mistress (unknown)

Crashes the game.

Quiescer (quiescer)
Will spawn properly, at least for a payload ship. It spawns next to the carrier, instead of at the
edge of the galaxy. Will destroy stars, even allied ones. Moves far faster than normal as well as
going back and forth, but only in one direction. Will persist beyond the death of the empire that
spawned them (they literally don’t leave). Will not be pursued by hunters.

Wyvern (wyvern)
Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, and so are the segments it slowly
grows. Breath attacks will damage allied ships. Fleetable.

Kabandha (kabandha)
Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, and so are the tentacles it slowly
grows. AOE attacks will damage allied ships. Fleetable.

Smatter Piece (smatter)

Will spawn a generation 0 Smatter Piece properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, but
further generations are sometimes neutral and sometimes allied. If assigned to a fleet, it can
sometimes be “uprooted” from the star it landed on (most likely, the star the carrier ship was
nearest to). Will still spawn drones from the anchor star, but they are neutral and will be targeted.

Loveling (loveling)
Will spawn two Lovelings. One is neutral and orbits a random star, the other is allied and orbits
the same star, but starting from the star its carrier was on, usually meaning a very large orbit. If
the original neutral Loveling is killed and the allied Loveling it was spawned with still exists,
another neutral Loveling will appear at a random location. This is likely because ships with a
carrierPayload automatically rebuild lost payload ships. In this case, it often results in a
galaxy-wide Loveling infection that lasts as long as the carrier ship is alive or has enemy ships
close enough to activate.

Santa (santa)
Only functions if “Let it snow” is enabled in settings. Spawned Santas are allied, but do absolutely
nothing, and are not hunted by Hunters.

Plague (plague)
Will spawn one Plague, which destroys the carrier ship and infects the star it orbited.

Shoggoth (shoggoth)
Will spawn properly. Is allied to the empire that spawned it, Shoggoth Nodes (the little floating
eyes) will be neutral, and cultists spawned will be allied to the empire that spawned it. Artifact
destruction capabilities unknown.

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