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ce end Paltem§ missin

cônvening belween unils ot mêasure: i
- km, m. cm and mm,
Conversion of Unils
- kg and g.
ând mi,liliters an vic
Àgebralc lerms (e.g like term, vâriaDle, cûngtaii'll
o ualion I '....''
jftont o.,,
Addilion and sublracliùn ic ex ressiôlls

Algebraic Êipressions and lâclorizâtion

Multipllcation ot simpie algebraic explessions by poslllv. 3i-r.j
e consta
simplincation of algebraic exptessions - using krlo\tledge 01

ç . r § tr, éa h, Simplification ot âlgebraic expressiqns - by edparrsiôr ar.'d

119!!inçrlrrg.!-erl§., . ....,.,... -. , .
salv-(,-q b e siÇ -!!!t§? L 9q9 e!iq! q tn. a srnqle variibic
sim e linear ualans-Iin a§u-q!c-[el|anlg. .-
Algebraic Equations
Soiving word problems by ,ôrmulatrng and sôlving lineaj.
calculating the area and perimeter 0ttrian§lÊs. squôaes,

Calculating lne unt()own sides using the concept ol area anu

perimêter of triangles. squaaes, rectanglË:s, parâlleloEËnls
and lrapeziums
Perimeter, Area and Volume
Çàlculaling lhe surface arêa and volunle of ôubes. ctlbÛlû§
(probiem§ involving internal and eflernâlv0lumes 6re r,cil

Cl,^.- D* I Using concepls ofareâ, perimeter, surtâ[e area afld volLiirt

oblem s
Conrepts of collectifig, recording, organizng, di§playing and
interpreling data - by chooslng an approprlate firethod
nts and e B-e,,sr]§)..
Difiereniiating between:
- grouped afi,i ijngrcuped daia
- discrele ând ,ûonlirluous dala
frequency Distribution and Stalislical Grâph$
struc and i d lùie pn.§- .
Constructing, cômparilg and lnterpreting bar §raplls
(verticâ1, horizonlal, mulliple iup 10 2 bars)), ând picto§fams
fior discrele data onlv)
lJ,\! Conslructing and inlerpreting ,requency lables ior di$crete

Calculâtlng the mean, median, mode and râ,rge of

Calculating the mean and mediaû lrom a lrequency tailie âûd
Measures ol Central Tendêncy from â dôt d
ltd-utg$.e rnsgglrcrn-§1ê!§1icËi-qlelia[s_4ng lE!1u,9].!{iy.
t) Cônrparing choôsing ând justi[,lng lne appropriâlë r èâsures
sl ç_ejtr3] !9n§c$"YjflgatL!)§_rl""e-q19gle[) lq{.? giver} sÈt .]l

Inlroduclion lô Sel theory tesent sets usin a Venn diâ ran'l :Eg.Y:J:
Well-defined sels, equal sets, urriversals ngleton sets

Dilterenti behveen linite and inlinite sels

Understanding the rieaning of the ternrs; experimeût,
outcome, event, sâmple space, equally likely everrts,
Lisllng all elements oIa sample space âfld its ssbseis oi a
Probabilily 0qlg,9ve!l-clp-e.tsç!"t.".."..--".-."..
Differentiating betlveen the ûutcomes thât are equally liKsly
afid nôl

€i{ tne côn1

e above
ol an event

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