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Sp cies his Desce t of can be acc pted by the

p rs b lieves of with ut
li vi g word r v l ti he accept
thics as taugh t by H rb rt Sp cer and oth rs of the
s me class wi t hou t imp iring his ith in th e exist nce of
for those f rms v luti n nly inventions of
gnostic I d lity and blind th ism volution in thics
or Positivism has only its purpos the de ial of
and worship of human int ll ct as man improves
me tally from generati n to gen ra t ion Therefore their
only objects adoration are and will be such as
Homer irgil Shak sp are Socrates Byron Plato ristotle
Charl magne Milton Dan e ulius C esar
P ul L ibnit B con David Hume Th se cases
of mental evolution such will be their o ly gods of
future the m der ythol gy of the Positivists From
all such all believers of C hristianity and the Bibl turn
awa y

man need ever expect a topia upon earth pon

earth to th t would i possibl while such views
held by men in matters of religion man can do is to
conf rm to t he gold n rule as near as possible strict
conformity to justic truth is ecessary to consolidate
mor l good huma society The C hristian religion
does admit of pers cution on acc u t dif rence in
the pinions of th y may be l ft to their own de

c h k p r ilt h r m ti
cl g c pt c but b c u th y p cim
v l v i t ll ct th y cl by ti v i t c m t l
c ll c rth th ir v r ti itivi t h v
but hum ity
but let C hristi ns of v ry shade of beli f v id
indelity of times For as in the times the Fr nch
evolutio indelity was of the chi f c us s t hat
to such bloodsh d throughou ur pe let cultiv t e
Scriptur l C hristi nity it leads to peace and good will in
all nations as well among men

The lines will clearly describe ef ects of

th i m p v
rul p t y
criptur truth i pir mi
ith m ti v u t cti ki


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