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Resources and their Types

Goods Services
1 Books Teacher
2 Food Doctor
3 Vehicles Barber

Tell the names of any goods you bought today.

Books Food Cycle

Your father sells goods or services? Write it

Your school’s peon sells services or goods?
Note: Students write what their father sells.

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Define resources? There are how many
types of it?
Ans. Resources are supply of things to fulfill the
needs of life.
There are three types of resources:
(i) Natural (ii) Human (iii) Capital

2. Tell an example of each type of resources.
Ans. (i) Water and air etc are natural resources.
(ii) Doctor and engineers etc are human
(iii) Factories and vehicles etc are capital
3. What is the difference between goods and
Ans. Goods are tangible and services are
4. What is the difference between buyer and
Ans. A person who buys a product or service in
exchange of money is called a buyer and
the person who sells a product or service to
others is called seller.
5. How are we all interdependent?
Ans. We cannot live and act independently for
example farmer produces crops and provide
it to people who cannot produce crops.
Similarly farmer needs tools like tractor
that he cannot make on his own. For this he
needs other people who make these tools.
So everybody depend on other people for
certain things.
6. What do you know about scarcity?
Ans. Some times the demand of resources, goods
or services is greater than the available

supply. This situation is called scarcity.
7. What do you understand by the term
economic choice?
Ans. Everybody does not have the capacity to
buy all kinds of goods and services. They
may face the lack of money, a price hike
or scarcity. So they buy according to their
affordability or the availability of goods or
services. This is called economic choice.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. There are three types of resources.
2. Goods are tangible things.
3. Goods and services are produced by all
types of resources .
4. A person who buys a product is called a
buyer .
5. Everybody depends on other people .
C. Answer the following critical thinking questions.
1. A barber is cutting the hair, which type of
resource is he selling?
Ans. Barber is selling human resource.
2. Is capital resource a type of human
Ans. No, capital resources are not a type of
human resource.
3. If a doctor buys fruits, is he buyer or a
Ans. Doctor is a buyer.

4. If a cobbler is selling shoes, is it his services
or goods?
Ans. Cobbler is selling goods.
5. Dinosaurs are no longer existing in the
world. Is this scarcity?
Ans. No this is not scarcity.
6. Can we produce everything of our need?
Ans. No, we cannot produce everything of our
D. Write the resources in their column.
wood water bread factory
coal sui gas sand book
nurse machinery building sunlight
train tools school hospital

Natural Human Capital

wood nurse machinery
coal school tools
water hospital factory
sui gas book building
sand bread train

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah �

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Who lived together in Hindustan?
Ans. Muslims and Hindus lived together in
2. Who was being selected as the leader of
the Muslims?
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah �
was selected as the leader of Muslims.
3. When did Pakistan come into being?
Ans. Pakistan came into being on 14th August,
4. Who is the founder of Pakistan?
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah �
is the founder of Pakistan.
5. When did Muhammad Ali Jinnah �
Ans. Muhammad Ali Jinnah � was born on
25 December, 1876.

B. Tick () the true and cross () the false
1. Our culture and traditions are different
from Hindus. 
2. The Muslims decided to live with the
Hindus. 
3. Muhammad Ali Jinnah � was given
the title of Quaid-e-Azam �. 
4. M. Ali Jinnah � got his early
education from London. 
5. Pakistan Resolution was passed on 14
August, 1947. 
C. Fill in the blanks.
1. It was difficult for the Muslims to live
with the Hindus.
2. The Muslims decided to get a separate
homeland .
3. M. Ali Jinnah � was born on
25th December 1876 .
4. M. Ali Jinnah � died on
11th September 1948
5. His tomb is in Karachi .

Allama Muhammad Iqbal �

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Who gave the idea of Pakistan?
Ans. Allama Muhammad Iqbal � gave the
idea of Pakistan.
2. From where did he got his higher education
and when?
Ans. He received his Ph.D degree from Germany
in 1907.
3. Write something about his professional
Ans. He started his professional life as a lecturer
and then he started his career as a lawyer.
4. What do you know about the education of
Allama Iqbal �?
Ans. Allama Iqbal got his early education in
Sialkot then he went to Lahore for master’s
studies. In 1905 he went to Germany for
higher education.
5. What are the efforts of Allama Iqbal �
for Pakistan?
Ans. Allama Iqbal � gave the idea of Pakistan.
He wrote many letters to Quaid-e-Azam �
asking him to come back to India and lead
the Muslims.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. In his address of Allahabad , he gave the
idea of separate homeland.
2. Allama Iqbal � was born on
9th November 1877 .
3. The name of the father of Allama Iqbal �
is Sheikh Noor Muhammad .
4. Allama Iqbal � is called the national poet
of Pakistan .
5. He started his career as a lecturer .
6. Allama Iqbal � asked Quaid-e-Azam
� to come back and lead the
C. Tick () the true and cross () the false
1. Allama Iqbal � was born in:
a. Karachi
b. Sialkot 
2. Sheikh Noor Muhammad was a:
a. tailor 
b. poet
3. In 1927, Allama Iqbal � was elected as
Secretery General of:
a. All India Muslim League 
b. Muslim League Punjab

4. Allama Iqbal � wrote many books on:
a. poetry 
b. law
5. Allama Iqbal � was given the title of:
a. Quaid
b. Sir 
6. Allama Iqbal � was burried in:
a. Sialkot
b. Lahore 

Changing World

A. Answer the questions.

1. Was the life difficult in the past or at
Ans. In the past the life was little difficult.
2. Which facilities do we have in our houses
Ans. We have many facilities in our houses like
air-conditioners, geysers, fans, etc
3. How can we keep us cool in hot weather
Ans. We can keep ourselves cool in hot weather
with air-conditioner.
4. How communication has been improved
day by day?
Ans. In the old time people used to send letters to
contact someone, but letters used to reach
on destination very late. The invention of
telephones make it easy to contact with
others. Now with the help of mobile phone,
it is very easy to communicate with others.

5. How the means of transport evolved?
Ans. In the past, people used carts and boats for
long distances. Now bikes, cars, ships and
aeroplanes have made transportation easy
and fast.
B. Tick() the true and cross() the false
1. We have a lot of facilities in our houses 
2. We cannot preserve the food now. 
3. Now we can contact someone within 
4. We do not need any more knowledge. 
5. World is like a global village now. 
C. Circle the right option.
1. The most modern mean of communication is:
a. letter
b. landline phone
c. mobile phone 
2. It has changed the lifestyle:
a. geyser
b. air-conditioner
c. Internet 
3. The fastest mean of transportation is:
a. car
b. boat
c. aeroplane 

The Role of the Government
and the Citizens

A. Answer the questions.

1. What is a community?
Ans. A community is a group of people. They live
and work together in the same area.
2. Why do we live in a community?
Ans. It is the need of the people to live in a
community. A single person cannot perform
all the duties.
3. What are our community problems?
Ans. We work for the betterment of the
community. Even then there are many
problems. Some of them are given below.
(i) Shortage of drinking water.
(ii) Lack of educational facilities.
(iii) Lack of health facilities.
(iv) Poor sewerage system.
4. What is the role of the government?
Ans. The role of the government is to work for
the welfare of its citizens Like:

(i) Establishes schools & colleges.
(ii) Establishes police department to
enforce the law.
(iii) Establishes courts for justice.
5. What are any three traits of a good citizen?
Ans. Traits of good citizens are,
(i) Loyal to Pakistan.
(ii) Obey the law of Pakistan.
(iii) Respect the rights of others.
B. Think and answer.
1. What are the benefits of a community?
Ans. The benefits of community are:
(i) We resolve our problems at local basis.
(ii) We share things with each other.
(iii) We learn from each other.
(iv) We help each other.
2. How does a traffic sergeant work for the
welfare of the community?
Ans. A traffic sergeant enforces traffic laws,
regulate traffic so people can travel safely
and reach on their destination in time.
3. Have you ever contributed to your
Ans. I contribute in my community by helping
others and sharing things with others.
4. Do you fulfil all your responsibilities as a
good citizen?
Ans. Yes, I fulfill all my responsibilities as a good

5. Identify any three community problems
which are not given in the unit.
Ans. Three community problems are.
• Poor road condition.
• Public transport.
• High price of goods and services.
Self assessment:
1 My traits as a good citizen are following:
(i) I obey the law of Pakistan.
(ii) Respect the rights of others.
(iii) Treats everyone equally.
(iv) Honest and fair.
2 The basic facilities that we are having from
the government are following:
(i) Schools
(ii) Hospitals
(iii) Clean water
(iv) Parks

Working out Disagreement
Let us Draw
Draw various face expression to show different feelings
like happy, sad, angry, etc.

A. Answer these questions.

1. What is a disagreement?
Ans. When two or more people don’t agree on
one point. It’s called disagreement.
2. Write any three causes of disagreements.
Ans. (i) Lack of communication
(ii) differences of opinion
(iii) differing needs
are the causes of disagreements.
3. Write any three points to resolve the

Ans. By this we can resolve the disagreements,
(i) Respect others
(ii) Compromise
(iii) Behave well
4. How can we prevent the disagreements?
Ans. We can prevent the disagreements by
following these points.
(i) be positive
(ii) Be respectful and calm
(iii) Be aware of differences.
B. Think and answer the questions.
1. Have you ever faced a disagreement?
Ans. Yes, I have faced disagreement many times.
2. Was it your fault or not?
Ans. Sometimes it’s my fault and sometime
3. If it was your fault, how did you cope with
Ans. When it was my fault I apologized for it.
4. What was the reason of the disagreement?
Ans. Sometimes lack of communication and
sometimes differences of opinion.
5. How did you resolve the disagreement?
Ans. I resolve the disagreement by communicating
with each other. And by discussing the main
issue of disagreement.
6. What did you plan to avoid such
disagreements in future?

Ans. I have many plans to avoid such
disagreements in future like, when I
disagree with someone then I will explain it
why I disagree. And I will also respect other


A. Answer the questions.

1. Which dangers can we face inside home?
Ans. There are many dangers inside our home
like, fire burns everything, stove and iron
are hot they can burn our hands. Playing
with pointed or sharp objects, can cut our
2. Which things are dangerous to play with?
Ans. Do not play with pointed and sharp things
they can cut our skin. Do not play on the
stairs or terrace we may fall down and may
get injured.
3. How should we be careful outside home?
Ans. We should be careful about our safety while
outside home.
i) Always walk on footpaths, not on the
(ii) Cross road carefully, looking at both
(iii) Stay away from electric poles.

4. What is meant by natural disaster?
Ans. A natural disaster is a sudden adverse event
resulting from natural processes. Like flood,
earthquake and landsliding, etc.
5. What are the precautionary measures
during flood?
Ans. During flood do not try to walk, swim or
drive through the floods. Try to move
towards higher ground.
6. What safety measures can we take while
using electrical appliances?
Ans. I take safety measures while using electrical
appliances. I do not touch switches with the
wet hand. Always turn the switch off before
I plug in anything.
B. Write the names of the disasters under each

Flood Earthquake Tsunami

Landsliding Fire Thunderstorm

C. Fill in the blanks.
1. We should be well-prepared to avoid
accidents .
2. Electricity is a dangerous thing.
3. Do not touch the switches with
wet hands.
4. Do not open the main gate of the house for
strangers .
5. When you feel danger, shout for
6. If you feel something unusual or
unsafe, immediately talk to your
parents or teachers.
D. Write the names any two natural disasters and
two man-made disasters.
Natural Man-made
Flood Fire
Earthquake Road Accident
E. If you face an earthquack, how would you save
If I am at home I will take cover under a study
table. Stay away from glass, walls or anything
that could fall. If I am outdoor I will stay away
from buildings and electric wires and sit in an
open area.


Write the things that plants and animals

need to stay alive.
1. Air
2. Water
3. Light

1. Air
2. Water
3. Food
3. Forest Habitat
Q. What do you see everywhere in this
Ans. I see number of trees and animals in this
4. Aquatic Habitat
Q. What is found everywhere in an aquatic
Ans. I found lot of fishes, frogs and algae, etc
everywhere in this aquatic habitat.

Let us Think

Hens and ducks both lay eggs. But, their beaks and
feet are different.

A duck has webbed feet. Why?

Ans. These webbed feet help the duck
to swim in water.

Identfy the habitat.

plenty of food very dry

many trees sand everywhere
lot of rain. lots of sunlight

Habitat Habitat
forest desert

snow everywhere
no trees
very cold

What are some environmental factors

that support life in an ecosystem.
1. Soil
Check your
2. Water
3. Sunlight
4. Temperature

A. Fill in the blanks using the given words.
dangerous cold habitats sun
1. The sun is the main source of the
heat and light.
2. Chemicals from factories are dangerous
for aquatic life.
3. Pines are found in cold areas.
4. Animals and plants adapt to their
habitats .
B. Identify the habitat.

Desert Forest Polar

C. Tick () the correct option.

1. Lotus plants grow in:
a. soil
b. water 
c. snow
2. The area between land and sea is:
a. coastal habitat 
b. polar habitat
c. desert habitat
3. Penguins live in:
a. mountains
b. polar regions 
c. oceans
4. Cactus plants adapt to live in:
a. water
b. deserts 
c. snow
D. Answer the questions.
1. Define the habitat.
Ans. A habitat is a place where plants and
animals live.
2. How is the Sun important for living things?
Ans. Heat and light of the sun helps to sustain life
on earth. Plants need sunlight to make food.
Animals and humans need plants for food
and oxygen.
3. Name a few habitats.
Ans. Names of few habitats.
(i) Polar habitat (ii) Desert habitat
(iii) Forest habitat (iv) Aquatic habitat
4. How is a camel adapted to a desert
Ans. Camels live in deserts. Food and water are
hard to find. A camel’s hump has fat. This
help the camels live without food and water
for long time. Soft and wide feet help him to
move on the sand.

5. How human activities affect living things.
Ans. There are many human activities affect on
living things, for example
Due to deforestation many plants and
animals lose their homes.
Due to throwing garbage here and there
spoils land and plants cannot grow in this
Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
affect plants, animals and humans badly.

Changes in Living Things
Tick() the animals whose babies are different
from their parents in the beginning.

 

cat frog man butterfly

A. Tick () the correct option.

1. Most plants start their life as:
a. leaf
b. seed 
c. root
2. Which one is a stage in the life cycle of a
a. kitten
b. larva
c. tadpole 

A butterfly has stages in its
life cycle.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4 
Brain Check
Observe the pictures of the life cycle of frog
and put ‘First’, ‘Next’ ‘Then Next’ and ‘Last’.

then next last first next

B. Answer these questions.

1. Define the life cycle.
Ans. All living things go through a cycle. The way
a living thing grows and changes is called its
life cycle.
2. Name the stages of the life cycle of a plant.
Ans. The stages of the life cycle of a plant are:
(i) Seed (ii) Seedling (iii) Adult plant
3. What is the difference between tadpole
and frog ?
Ans. Differences between tadpole and frog is
tadpole has a long tail , but no legs. Frog has
no tail. It has legs to move.
4. How is larva different from pupa in the life
cycle of butterfly?

Ans. Larva feeds on leaves but pupa stops
feeding. Larva can move but pupa does not
5. What a young plant is called?
Ans. A young plant is called seedling.
C. Draw the picture of this animal’s mother.

The Sun
Which things give off their own light? Circle them.

Find out the directions.
In the morning, a boy is standing facing the Sun. Write the
names of four cardinal directions.

A magnet compass can help to find cardinal directions.

Telling the time
Observe the shadow and tell the time whether it is

Noon Evening Morning

A Tick () the correct option.

1. The main source of light and heat on the
Earth is:
a. the Moon
b. the Sun 
c. fire
2. The Sun seems to rise in the:
a. south
b. north
c. east 
3. There are cardinal directions:
a. three
b. four 
c. five
4. When are the shadows the shortest?
a. in the first part of the day

b. in the middle part of the day 
c. in the last part of the day
5. The Earth moves around the Sun in its:
a. line
b. orbit 
c. circle
B. Tick () for true and cross () for the false
1. The shadow is on the same side of the
light source. 
2. A sundial can tell time. 
3. The Sun warms the land, air and water. 
4. The Sun rises in the west. 
5. Earth takes 24 hours to move around
its axis. 
C. Write answers to these questions.
1. Name at least four light sources.
Ans. Sun, stars, lamp and fire are the sources of
2. Where does the Sun appear to set?
Ans. Sun appears to set in the west.
3. Name the cardinal directions.
Ans. Names of cardinal directions are north,
south, east and west.
4. How is a shadow formed?
Ans. A shadow forms when something blocks the

5. How does a sundial work?
Ans. Sundial can tell time. Its surface has marking
for each hour of day light. When the sun
shines on the sundial, its another part casts
a shadow on these markings. The position
of the shadow shows what time it is.
D. Write the names of cardinal directions against
each picture.


West East


West East


Select things in your surroundings that
belong to three states of matter. Observe
their properties and write in the table.
1 Stone own shape own size
2 Water not own shape own size
3 Air not own shape not own size

Under the supervision of your science
teacher, take a few ice cubes in a pan. Heat
the pan and observe the changes.
Think and answer.
• What state of matter is ice?
Ans. Solid
• What changes ice into water?
Ans.Heat changes ice into water.
• What happens to liquid state of water?
Ans.On heat water changes its state into gas.


Here are two solids. How are they alike and

Both of these have their own shape and size
but their shapes are different.
How are solids and liquids alike and
Solid and liquids are diffrent because solids
have specific shape but liquids change its
shape according to the container. Both are
alike because they have their own size.
A. Tick (4) the correct option.
1. Which state of matter has its own shape
and size?
a. solid 4
b. liquid
c. gas
2. What happens to water when we boil it?
a. It turns into a solid.
b. It turns into a liquid.
c. It turns into a gas. 4

3. The lightest state of matter is:
a. gas 4
b. liquid
c. solid
4. Steam is the _____ state of water.
a. solid
b. gaseous 4
c. liquid
B. Write answers to these questions.
1. What is matter?
Ans. Matter is anything that takes up space and
has mass.
2. Describe a solid. Also give examples.
Ans. A solid is matter that has its own size and
shape. Like glass and books etc.
3. How are gases different from liquids and
Ans. Gases do not not have their own shape and
4. Why does a gas take the size and shape of
its container?
Ans. Because parts of gas move freely. They are
not attached to each other.
5. How can we change the state of matter?
Ans. We can change the state of matter with
heat. On heating, a solid changes into liquid
and liquid into gas.

C. Write the state of matter.
Things State of Matter

1. ball Solid

2. air in a balloon Gas

3. juice Liquid

4. tea Liquid

5. water vapour gas

6. air in our body gas

D. Fill in the blanks.
shape gaseous liquid milk
1. Air is a gatseous form of matter.
2. A liquid takes the shape of its
3. Water, milk petrol and oil are
4. Solids have fixed shape .
Project Work
Take a candle. Observe its shape.
Now lit the candle and observe changes.
1. What state of matter the candle is?
Ans. Solid
2. Did you observe any liquid state?
Ans. Yes! I observe when light the candle its
state change into liquid.
3. What causes the changes in candle?
Ans. Heat is the cause of changes in the candle.

Brain Check Write ‘Solid’, ‘Liquid’, and ‘Gas.’

Liquid Gas


Energy and Its Sources

A. Fill in the blanks.

wind electricity the sun energy
1. The main source of heat and light is
the Sun .
2. We need energy to run.
3. Moving air is called wind .
4. Some power plants burn natural gas to
make electricty .
B. Tick () the correct option.
1. The ability to do work is:
a. force
b. energy 
c. matter
2. The word ‘solar’ refers to:
a. the Sun 
b. the Moon
c. the Earth
3. Which source of energy is not limited for us?
a. coal
b. natural gas
c. the Sun 

4. A dam uses to make electricity.
a. wind
b. coal
c. flowing water 
C. Answer the questions.
1. Define energy.
Ans. Energy is the ability to do work. Energy can
make things move, grow or change.
2. Where does Earth get most of its energy?
Ans. Earth gets most of its energy from sun.
3. What are some sources of heat?
Ans. Sun, burning wood, coal, oil and natural gas
are some sources of heat.
4. Where does a car get energy?
Ans. A car gets energy from the oil.
5. What can light energy do?
Ans. (i) Light energy helps us to see around us.
(ii) Plants make their food from light.
And then humans and animals eat these

Brain Check
Where do we get energy?
We get energy from our
food like milk, meat, eggs,
cheese, nuts and dry

Project Work
Find out the energy sources for these objects to work.
Objects Sources of Energy




Conservation of Natural

Look at the picture, and investigate the type(s) of pollution

caused by this human activity.
1. Land pollution 2. Water pollution

Why is ‘‘Endangered Species Day’’ is celebrated?
This day is celebrated to highlight the needs and
ways for the protection of endangered species

A. Tick () the correct option.

1. Smoke from cars, buses and factories

a. the land dirty.
b. the air dirty. 
c. the water dirty.
2. Everything around a living thing is the part
of its:
a. environment 
b. society
c. culture
3. Which activity can destroy homes of
animals and plants?
a. making a dam
b. making a canal
c. cutting down many trees 

Identity the animals that are endangered in our

country. Tick ().

 

Writing in Science What would happen if:
There were no gas for cooking?
We have to use other things like perol etc.
There were no water in your school?
It will be difficult to stay in school for long
There were no electricity in your home?
There will be darkness in home.

B. Answers the questions.

1. Name a few natural resources that cannot
be replaced.
Ans. Oil and coal cannot be replaced.
2. Define pollution.
Ans. Pollution happens when harmful gases,
smoke and chemicals are added to the land,
air and water.
3. What are the main types of pollution?
Ans. These are four main types of pollution.
(i) Land pollution (ii) Water pollution
(iii) Air pollution (iv) Noise pollution
4. What are some bad effects of deforestation?
Ans. Deforestation will destroy homes of animals
and plants. The temperature of the earth
will rise.
5. Why should we save endangered animals?
Ans. We should save endangered animals to
maintain the ecosystem, because animals
depend on each other.

Humans belong to omnivores What feeding
group do humans
belong to?
feeding group

Activity Identify animals as ‘Herbivore’, ‘Carnivore’

or ‘Omnivore’.

Herbivores Carnivores

Omnivores Herbivores

Carnivores Herbivores

Write names of your favourite fruits
and vegetables.
1. Apple 2. Mango 3. Banana
4. Peach
1. Carrot 2. Pea 3. Brinjal
4. Lady finger

Check your Daily Diet
Write what you eat:
Breakfast Bread Butter Milk
Lunch Meat Roti Fresh juice

Dinner Vegetable Roti Dried fruit

 Is your diet balanced?

Yes, my diet is balanced.

Make a list of games you play at home and at

1. Badminton 2. Football 3. Cricket

1. Which game is your favourite? 1. Cricket

2. Why do you like this game? 2. I play it well
3.Where do you play this game? 3. In playground
4. When do you play this game? 4. In evening
5. How do you feel after playing
5. I feel healthy
your favourite game?
and strong.

A. Tick () the correct option.

1. Plant-eating animals are called:
a. omnivores b. herbivores 
c. carnivores
2. Carnivores use ___________ teeth to tear
a. flat
b. small
c. sharp 
3. Food has ______________ in it.
a. nutrients 
b. poison
c. air
4. Which food group helps to repair our
a. meat, fish, chicken and eggs 
b. fruit and vegetables
c. grains
Write the names of four foods that we eat.
1. Fruit and vegetable
2. Meat, Poultry, fish
3. Grains
4. Dairy products

B. Use following words to fill in the blanks.

clean balanced grains
1. Our body needs a balanced diet.
2. We must keep our surroundings clean .
3. Wheat, rice and corn are grains .

C. Answer the following questions.
1. Why are green leaves important to plants?
Ans. Leaves make food for plants air also enter
into plants through leaves.
2. Why should we drink milk every day?
Ans. We should drink milk every day. This makes
our bones and teeth strong.
3. What is a balanced diet?
Ans. A diet which has food such as fruits,
vegetables, meat, eggs and milk, etc is
called a balanced diet.
4. How can we keep ourselves healthy?
Ans. Balanced diet, cleanliness, proper sleep and
exercise, etc keep us healthy.

Think and Explore
Make a list of your favourite
1. Mobile phone 2. Fan
3. Aeroplane 4. Computer
5. Iron 6. Internet

Explore Explore the ways we can use a mobile

phone in our studies.
1. We can use moblie for calculation.
2. Watch videos related to subjects topic.
3. Read book realated to subject.

Activity Write the name of an invention that

has changed the profession a lot.
Doctor: X-rays machines
Teacher: Intractive whiteboard
Farmer: Tractor
Businessman: Vehicles
Shopkeeper: Calculators

Suppose you and your friend are inventors and are trying
to invent something useful for future. Think and answer.
1. What would you try to invent?
Ans: I will try to invent an electric bike.
2. How would your invention be beneficial
for people?
Ans: It will be efficient and affordable.
3. Would your invention be environmentally
Ans: Yes! it will not cause air pollution.
4. What would be the name of your invention?
Ans: E-Bike

A. Identify and write in the blanks.

1. Work of Benjamin Franklin and Electricty
Thomas Edison
2. A person who makes Inventor
something new
3. The inventor of first computer Charles

4. Most commonly used device in Mobile
the modern world Phone
5. A system to connect Internet
computers worldwide
B. Answer the questions.
1. Define the word ‘invention’.
Ans. Making something new that was not existed
is called invention.
2. Make a list of five inventions that are being
used in your house.
Ans. Inventions that are being used in our
(i) Fan (ii) Mobile Phone
(iii) Iron (iv) Electricity
(v) TV
3. Name few inventions of ancient times.
Ans. The ancient time inventions are the wheel,
the spear, the knife and the arrow.
4. How has internet changed our lives?
Ans. Internet makes many changes in our life.
Now by sitting at one place we can do
business all over the world, online banking,
online education all due to internet. The
internet has removed all the communication

5. Why is it necessary to think that
major inventions can affect people or
Ans. These major inventions are having a bad
impact on people and the environment.
People are moving away from each other.
Social and societal values are disappearing.
Due to these inventions environment
pollution is increasing day by day which
is also a cause of increased incidents of
C. Match Column A and B.
Column A Column B

Online shopping Mobile phone

Martin Cooper Aeroplane

Cover long distances in short time Abacus

First computing machine Computer

Charles Babbage Internet

Force and Machines
Push and pull the door
and explain the intensity
of force and quantity of
change. Now answer these questions:
1. What happens when you apply little
force on the door?
Ans. It closes slowly with low sound.
2. What happens when you apply more
force on the door?
Ans. It will close instantly with huge noise.

Activity Collect information about the tools

people used in past and identify some
tools of the past that are still in use today.
No. Tool Use in past Use in present
1. Axe 4 4
2. Wheel 4 4
3. Pulley 4 4

A. Tick () the correct option.
1. A push or pull is called:
a. speed
b. motion
c. force 
2. To push which object we need more force?
a. a book
b. a tricycle
c. an air cooler 
3. Which one is not a simple machine?
a. saw
b. screwdriver
c. sewing machine 
4. A knife is a:
a. screw
b. wedge 
c. lever
5. To carry a load of bricks to the upper storey,
we can use:
a. pulley 
b. wedge
c. wheel and axle
6. Roads in hilly areas are the example of:
a. lever
b. inclined plane 
c. wheel and axle

Try to find some simple
machines used in a bicycle.
1. Wheel
2. Axle
3. Screw
C. Answer the following questions.
1. What is force? How can we move an object
Ans. A push or pull that may move or stop
something is called force. We can move an
object faster when we apply more force in
the direction of motion.
2. Define a simple machine. Name a few
simple machines.
Ans. A simple machine is a tool that changes the
force and makes our work easier. Knives,
screw driver and ramps are some simple
3. What do you know about a wedge?
Ans. A wedge is a simple machine that can push
things a part.
4. How is a pulley helpful to us?
Ans. A pulley help us to moves an object up,
down, or sideways.
5. What type of simple machine is an inclined
Ans. Inclined plane is a simple machine. It is a
flat tilled surface. Ramps, stairs and slides,
etc are examples of an inclined plane.


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