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VILTROX Video Monitor Firmware Update Steps

Upgrade overview

1. Turn on the monitor and check the system version number in the menu
settings. 50T.X corresponds to the program of DC550PRO,50.X
corresponds to the program of DC550 and 50-T.XX corresponds to the
program of DC550Lite. After the upgrade is completed, the
version number will be updated.
2. Copy the MERGE.bin program of the corresponding device in the
compressed package to the root directory of the SD card (the format of the SD
card must be FAT32, and an empty card is recommended). Copying the wrong
version will cause an upgrade error.
3. Insert the SD card into the card slot of the device, select the system to check
for updates in the menu, when the monitor reads the SD card, the reading
progress reaches 100%, and it will enter the second stage - upgrade the
4. The device enters the second stage—upgrade. It is normal to display a blue
screen/black screen during the upgrade process. Please do not power off, wait
for 3 to 5 minutes for the background upgrade, then take out the SD card, turn
off and on again.
5. Enter the system settings again, and if you see that the version number is
updated, the firmware upgrade is successful.
Remarks: Pay special attention to point 3 during the upgrade process! Please
be careful not to copy the wrong firmware for the PRO and standard version,
which will lead to an upgrade error!


 Viltrox Monitor DC-550 Series

 A blank SD card ([FAT32] format)
 Fully charged NPF series lithium battery / USB-C / DC power supply: ensure
stable power supply during the upgrade process
 Computer: format SD card, download and install the latest firmware
 SD card reader

B. Download The Firmware (if you already have firmware,

skip this step)

①. Enter the download center of Viltrox official website

( to download the corresponding monitor
upgrade firmware. Note the model number! For example, the firmware of
DC-550 / DC-550 PRO / DC-550 Lite cannot be used in common.
Reminder: If there is a problem with the monitor due to updating the wrong
firmware version, please contact Viltrox official personnel for assistance in time

②Select to enter the corresponding content, click "Video Monitor Firmware",

after successfully entering the verification code, the browser will download the
compressed file.
If it is a Mac system, after successfully entering the verification code, there is
no download response, please check whether there is an intercepted icon at the
right end of the address bar of the browser, as shown in the following figure:
(click the icon, select cancel interception)

C.Firmware Copy

1. Check the SD card

1.1 Make sure the SD card is blank and there are no other files
2.2 Right-click the SD card to check [Properties], whether the file system is
[FAT32], if not, select [Format]
①The file manager that comes with the computer system can only format cards
up to 32G in FAT32 format, and files larger than 32G need to be formatted by
third-party software, such as rufus.
②The upgrade file size is about 5M, and an SD card with too much memory is
not required.

2. Copy files
Copy the MERGE.bin program of the corresponding device in the folder to the
root directory of the SD card

2.1 After decompression

2.2 Copy to SD card

2.3 Eject SD card after checking

Check whether the modification date, bin file name, and size are consistent.
After confirming that everything is correct, eject the SD card from the
Reminder: The name of the firmware file cannot contain any numbers, symbols,
or Chinese, such as MERGE (1), the machine will not recognize it.

D.Monitor Upgrade

1. Please turn on the monitor first, then insert the SD card

Check whether the battery has sufficient power, or plug in the USB-C / DC
power supply (recommended);
After the monitor is turned on, insert the SD card.
2. Check the system version number
Select the system in the menu, and check the current system version number
first. Note that the firmware cannot be mixed.
(50T.X corresponds to the program of DC550PRO,50.X
corresponds to the program of DC550 and 50-T.XX corresponds to the
program of DC550Lite)

3. The first stage of upgrading

Click the icon "Check for Update", and the words "Updating now..." appear to
indicate that the firmware of the SD card is being retrieved

After the retrieval is successful, a number appears to indicate the reading

progress, and the reading status reaches "100", entering the second stage of

4. The second stage of upgrading

The upgrade process monitor will display a blue screen/black screen status,
please do not power off or shut down! ! ! Wait for about 2 minutes for the
upgrade to complete, then take out the SD card, turn off the power and turn it
on again to complete the update.
(In some cases, there will be a blue screen status + a visual progress bar during
the upgrade process, as follows:)

5. Check the version number

Enter the system settings again, and if you see that the version number is
updated, the firmware upgrade is successful. As shown below

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