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1 #DIANA I hated holidays because I had no where

to go if I wasn't with Julie than I was home with my
sisters and mother . Julie came running in our yard
.I got up and watched her .. "Who is chasing you " I
asked " Wait " she said trying to catch her breath
This girl was so dramatic. "You are now okay" I said
She rolled her eyes . "What is it " I asked "There is a
cute guy at Bana mutale's place ( mutale's mother)
girl he is cute " she said "That's why you were
running like someone was chasing you " I asked She
grabbed my hand and we stood by the gate .The
boy she was talking about was sitting outside Bana
mutale's place . he had headsets on . ''Can I go
inside " I asked "Let's go we introduce ourselves "
she said "Are you insane no " I said "Sometimes I
feel like you are a lesbian you are scared of boys "
she said "Where you not taught that you should
stay away from boys " I said The guy got up and he
was coming our way. "He is coming act normal "she
said "You are the one acting crazy " I said He waved
and passed. "So you made me just wait here for
nothing " I said "Its not for nothing he waved at me
did you see how he was looking at me? " she asked
"Whatever " I said I clicked my tongue We went
inside she couldn't stop talking about this guy.
"Diana mum is calling you " Fiona said as I came
back from escorting julie I walked in and she was
with Bana mutale I greeted them and went
room which I shared with Fiona. "Did you see the
guy who came at Bana mutale's place " I asked " Oh
yeah mark why you like him " she asked "No its
Julie who likes him " I said "She has good taste
Sponsored its Julie who likes him " I said "She has
good taste the guy is cute " she said "Do you like
him? " I asked She laughed "Am asking" I said " I
don't date grade 12 graduates am in college and
moreover I have a rich boyfriend " she said "Sugar
daddy Fiona " I corrected her She laughed Theresa(
first born). walked in "Welcome " I said "Haven't
you packed yet ain't you leaving for school
tomorrow " she asked Fiona " Sister you act like my
school is far it's only in Ndola " Fiona said " Fiona
am working in Ndola tomorrow so I asked my boss if
she can drop you off " she said " why am I leaving so
early " fiona asked " free transport and you like
carrying a lot of things I will take you and that's
final " she said walking out . " she likes making
simple things hard " she complained I helped her
pack . " mummy can't you talk to Theresa I dont
want to leave early " Fiona complained " you are
going whether you or not " mum said " I don't know
why you are even complaining to mum " Theresa
said Fiona walked away furious .you can even know
by the way she was stapping her feet. "She is upset
" I said " Let her beshe is going tomorrow morning "
mum said focused on watching TV . I joined her ..
Dad walked in later on . I helped Fiona to Cook
though she was complaining the all time . " Why
can't you just tell them your sugar daddy isn't
around " I said laughing . " fuseki " she said getting
up . I laughed After our supper I washed the dishes
. I went to sleep . I had a dream about mark even
though I didn't see his face . I woke up did the
house chores . Fiona was just upset she didn't talk
to anyone . "You know if you keep acting like that
they will know " I whispered "Shout up " she said " I
will tell mum that you are upset because you will be
bored that your boyfriend isn't around " I said " I
hate you " she said I hugged her . They left now I
will be bored even though Fiona was never home
atlest I had someone to talk too at night.
2 #MARK I haven't been able to think about
anything apart from that girl . This place was boring
I missed home though . " Mark can you kindly take
this to Bana Theresa (mother to Theresa) for me the
next house " aunty said I got the plastic bag and
walked to the neighbours house . I knocked and my
crush came out . " Hey how are you " I said She just
starred at me as if she has seen a ghost . " I have
brought this " I said She got it and walked in the
house . "Okay rude " I said going back home I was
about to enter the yard when a girl stopped me . "
Hey am Julie " she said " Am Mark " I said "If you are
bored by any chance you should just come to that
house after that blue one" she said showing me her
house . I nodded and walked in the yard . "Did you
find her " aunty asked "Her daughter was the one
who opened the door " I said " Oh Diana she is
pretty"she said " Yeah but weird she didn't answer
when I greeted her " I said "Its because she is scared
of boys " she said " Oh " I mummbled She laughed "
Even if one is scared of boys you don't act like that "
I said " Let her be "She walking away . Mutale
walked in she was my agement and my favorite
cousin. " I need a favour " I said "You have started "
she complained " I will tell aunty that last night you
sneaked out " I said "Snitch " she said I laughed
"What's the favour " she asked "I want you to give
this letter to Diana" I said She laughed "What's
funny " I asked "You want me to give Diana?that girl
is afraid of boys mum made sure she is scared " she
said "Just give her " I said She got it and walked
away . she took long to come back and I knew she
went to see her boyfriend . She came back after
lunch . "Where did you go " I asked She Gave me
the letter . I read through it and she agreed to meet
her . Around 5pm I went outside to wait for her . "
Am here " she said facing the other way. " I want a
person to show me around am bored always home
sleeping " I said "We can go tomorrow if that's okay
" she said " Yeah what time " I asked her ". 2pm if its
fine with you " she said "Its fine " I said I watched
her enter her yard . I went inside . "So what
happened " mutale asked all smiley . " Nothing
happened " I said " I doubt if she would even like
you like dude Sponsored its Diana we are talking
about " she said "Mutale shouldn't you be planning
how you are going to sneak out " I asked She
chuckled "So you sneak out have sex by the gate
uncle will cut your legs " I laughed "He doesn't have
a house daahh " she said I just shook my head .
Sleeping that night was hard I was just imaging how
our day will be like . I woke up growing up in a
house where you are spoiled its really hard when
you go to other places . My aunty was a nurse even
Diana's mom was a nurse . Time moved so fast it
was 2pm I didnt want her to wait for me. I wore a
sweat pant and T-shirt with some pep wave zone . I
found her with her friend my heart was broken I
just wanted us to be the two of us . The friend
smiled . "Sorry for keeping you ladies waiting " I said
"Its fine " the friend said The friend was the one
busy talking Diana was just quite . " Diana why ain't
you talking " I asked "She ain't feeling okay " the
friend answered " Oh my bad let's just go back we
will go some other day " I said " I can go back Julie
will show you around " she said ''Don't worry let us
take you home " I said We took her home than I
went back home .
3 #DIANA He makes my knees feel weak everything
I think about him I kept my distance for a few days
because of my periods . "What are you doing today
" mum asked " Bana mutale's nephew wants me
and Julie to show him around maybe I can introduce
him to some other guys he day he is bored here " I
said "That's nice of you alo after that guy showed
up I now see Julie a lot " she said I laughed "She
likes him teh " she asked I shrugged my shoulders
"Awe you girls " she said laughing . She was in the
afternoon shift I cooked early lunch after she left I
took a bath wore my floral dress with slippers I had
to put some roll on to smell good yooh . I went to
Bana mutale's place since I didn't tell him that we
are going today . " Diana you can just go in am
leaving " she said "Can't you just call him " I said
"Awe Diana am late see baby girl you know my
room now the next one is where mark is " she said
leaving . I took a deep breath I got inside and closed
the door behind me . I knocked he didn't answer I
opened the door slowly and he was sleeping . I
stood by the door and watched him sleep
peacefully. I got inside I shook him gently he
opened his eyes .okay this man was cute . " Oh hey
" he said " Am sorry I didn't tell him can we go " I
said I didn't even know what I just said . He got up
Sponsored got his tooth brush he came back after
4minutes . "So you are in which grade " he asked as
he got his t-shirt. "Going into my 12th grade " I said
"Just a year and you will be a school leaver " he said
"What about you " I asked " I just wrote my exam
hoping I get better grades " he said ''You will pass
let's go " I said We got out and he locked up . I
started showing around and introduced him to
some of my guy friends . " Hey chomi hey mark "
Julie said Julie was a buzz kill like she was like
obsessed with mark . "Can we go back am tired " he
said "So soon mark " Julie said " I have to go do
something for my aunty " I said We started going
back . " Julie hey " nsama said . We greeted nsama
and thank God she kept Julie busy . I wanted to
spend some time with him I was starting to like
him . "Your friend is a lot " he said "She likes you " I
said "Too bad I like someone else " he said My heart
was broken . I just faked a smile . '' Why don't you
come to my place am all alone " I said He nodded " I
thought you were going to do something for your
aunty " I said opening the gate . He laughed I
unlocked the door and We went to my room . "So
what time does your parents get home " he asked
"Why are you scared ?"i. asked " Yeah they can beat
me " he said " Dad knocks off at 20pm and mum is
knocking off at 19 my elder sister traveled for work
" I said "So we have 3 hours " he said I nodded "So
do you have a girlfriend " I asked Wait what was
that am I stupid ? "No but I like someone I don't
know if she likes me " he said "Who is that? " I
asked He came closer and looked at me . " Am
looking at her " he said My heart was beating fast .
He planted his wet lips on mine ohh my word they
felt so good I have kissed a boy once but come on .
He kissed me and I followed the flow . He made me
lay on the bed and He got on top of me . Oh yeah
!!!! " Diana " Julie shouted . He got off me fast . He
got my album and pretended to be seeing my
photos . Julie walked in .
4 #MARK I was so ready to have her. The friend
walked in . "What are you guys doing here " Julie
asked "Nothing we were just talking " she said " I
better get going " I said "Let me see you off " she
said She escorted me till the door i peeked her lips
and left . We just kissed oh my word have won my
crush's heart . I went home and mutale was outside
eating groundnuts . "Girls don't eat these " I said
getting the plate from her . "You are an idiot " she
said I laughed I joined her . "What happened " she
asked "What happened where " I asked her . " I left
so you can have some alone time with Diana and
when I came back the house was locked " she said
"Nothing happened we just went for the tour
around here " I said "You are boring " she laughed
"Please and moreover the friend is always around "
I said "Oh Julie? she likes you" she said '' I don't like
her I like Diana " i said "While mama doesn't like
your ass" she said "Atlest I have an ass some people
I know are just flat like a plasma TV " I said She
clicked her tongue . People would think the cousin
bond me and mutale share is like from way back but
naah me and her started talking when I was here .
We had our supperwe left for our rooms .. Aunty
has 4kids mutale being the first she has two boys
plus a girl they all went for holidays . I couldn't stop
thinking about that kiss . the days that went by I
spent time with her and I fell in love with her .
"What's wrong " I asked her "You are leaving " she
said facing down I lifted her chin with my index
finger and I made face me . " I will find time to come
see you okay" I said She smiled I kissed her our kiss
was so slow and passionately I started playing with
her boobs Sponsored I started playing with her
boobs she let out a soft moan I continued kissing
her . I removed her dress she didn't stop me I
continued doing my magic until she was wet . I
inserted my finger she was a virgin I stopped . " I
think we should stop " I whispered "Don't " she said
I continued till she was ready for me . I tried
entering her and she screamed . "We will be caught
" I said She got a pillow and covered herself . We
made sweet love yooh I did the withdraw method
because I didn't have condoms and I didn't want her
to get pregnant . I kissed her when we were done .
"Are you okay " I asked her She nodded . We stayed
like that for a few minutes till she told me to leave
her mother was on her way back . I helped her
remove the stained beddings and put new ones . " I
will come see you okay " I sad She nodded I kissed
her and left . I was in love with this girl and she
made me over have doubts of going back home .
"But dad we never talked about me going to Russia
for school " I said "You will go mark you are my only
son I have to give you the best life " he said " I don't
want to go " I said "Oh yes you are going " he said "
Dad I want to study in Zambia " I said " Am already
processing your passport and everything you need
and you were already accepted " he said. I wanted
to study in Zambia so that I can be close to Diana
now what will happen 4years away from home . In
the morning I went to see how she was doing . Her
mother was the one that opened . " Good morning
aunty is Diana in " I asked "Yes now she isn't feeling
well " she said " I will come later " I said "Oh okay
than " she said I went back home and got my
drawing book . I started drawing her my heart was
broken that I was leaving her .
5 #DIANA Mom walked in my home with some pain
killers . She handed them to me. "Your friend was
here " mum said " Julie " I said giving her the cup
"No mark " she said "He left " I asked "Yes am sure
he will come later " she said I smiled Every time I
looked at him or think about him I developed
butterflies . My lips only wanted to kiss him I was
really sad that he was leaving in 3days time but he
assumed me that he will be visiting me . In the
afternoon I felt better just my thighs and back were
killing me. " Hey you where is your boyfriend " she
asked as she entered my room . "Who are we
talking about " I asked her . "The guy you stole from
me " she said " I laughed "What's funny you know I
liked him but you always with him " she said " Julie
stop with the act you don't even Like him" I said
"Anyway I was just joking me and john got back
together " she said " Oh that's nice " I said I hated
john for her he never treated her like she deserves I
will never let a man treat me like bubblegum when
the sweet is over he threws me away. I know my
worth . I escorted her . " Mark hey " she said with a
smile " Hey Julie " he said Looking at him Sponsored
I developed butterflies this guy knew what he was
doing to me without doing anything. " I will see you
guys later " she said walking away . "Where are you
from " I asked him " I went to buy airtime for aunty
"he said . "You better get going than " he said "We
can go together at my place moreover she is leaving
for work " he said . We went to his place though I
was sitting outside till the aunty left for work . We
went to his room mutale was sleeping in the living
room . He locked the door . " Why are you locking it
" I asked "I don't want anyone to disturb us " he said
I found his drawing book . "Can I ?" I asked He
nodded . I went through them and there were
amazing . I found mine and number of times . "You
love drawing me " I asked him "Because you have
my heart " he said I giggled . "We should go take
some photos tomorrow " he suggested "That would
be nice " I said We had sex again It felt better than
the first time this time around I enjoyed it . he
kissed me goodbye and he left after taking me
home. " I was in love " I said to myself . The next
day we took some pictures and we shared . " I will
treasure these " he said I blushed . We went home
he was leaving the next day . My heart was bleeding
I just wanted him to be with him forever . "Didn't
you hear me that food is ready " Theresa said
banging into our room . " Am sorry " I said getting
up "What is wrong with you " she asked " Nothing "
I said I walked out eating was hard I felt like I was
eating stones and I couldn't swallow . "You seem off
what is it " Theresa asked " Nothing am just tired " I
said She got my diary and she saw the pictures. She
held them and looked at me . " Diana what are you
doing with this boy " she asked "Sis those are
harmless photos even Julie took some with him " I
said "Where are the one with the three of you " she
asked " Julie and Mark took them " I said She looked
at me with I don't believe look . The next day came
Saying goodbye wasnt something i wanted to do . I
stayed In bed . Mum dad and Theresa left for work
.I cried so much . .
6 #MARK I was already packed but Leaving this
place was like I was gotten stabbed in the heart . "
Am late for work but please travel safe " she said
removing some money . "Thank you so much I wish
I stayed longer " I said She hugged me . "Mutale will
escort you to the station " she said with a sad face.
" Why are you sad ?" I asked " I will miss you you
are an amazing boy am not the only person who
will miss you " she said "Yeah I will miss mutale so
much she was a pain on my neck but I enjoyed her
company " I said "Am not talking about mutale am
talking about Diana " she said " Aunty come on she
is my friend " I said "While you don't kiss your friend
" she said laughing I laughed . "Next time kiss inside
the house " she said laughing . She left and I took a
bath wore shorts and a T-shirt I went to see Diana I
needed to say goodbye . I knocked and she opened
the door . I took a deep breath and got inside . She
went to her room and I followed . "You are here to
say goodbye " she said facing the other way . "Yes
Sponsored but I just can spend an hour with you " I
said "You should just go " she said " I want to say
goodbye my love " I said "Mark just leave" she said
with a shakey voice . I made her turn and her eyes
were red . I kissed her eyes . " I don't want you to
leave " she said tears coming out of her eyes . " I
also don't want to leave but you know my father
will come drag me " I said She sat on my laps and
kissed me our kisses ended in us breathing heavily .
" I will miss you " I said " I will miss you too I can't
wait to move to Lusaka so that I will be closer to
you " she said I faked a smile . " there are schools
for medicine in Lusaka right? " she asked "A lot " I
said "You need to get going now " she said "You are
chasing me " I asked "You will reach very late in
Lusaka " she said I gave her along kiss . " I love you "
I said She gave me a hug . Mutale took me to the
station . "You seem sad " mutale said " Am leaving
her forever " I said "You are going to Russia not
dying " she said I took a deep breath . "Did you tell
her " she asked "No I couldn't and she will come
stay in Lusaka for school " I said "Anyway your bus is
about to start make sure to call me when you get a
phone " she said I left for Lusaka . I couldn't stop
thinking about Diana and I imagined how I will stay
4years without seeing her . I got home very late . " I
thought your aunty said you will be here very early
"dad said "The bus delayed abit " I said I went to my
room and got the photos we took . "Sir !!! your
father is calling you " maria said I got up and went
to his study . "You sent for me " I said "You are
leaving on Friday to Russia I have paid for
everything " he said " I won't say bye to mom". I
Asked "Your mother is on a business trip and she
will be back next month " he said I went to my
room. In the morning I went to see Ronald he was
my best friend . "When did you get back " he asked
"Yesterday and am leaving on Friday " I said "To
where " he asked " Russia? " I said "What happened
to us studying here "he asked "You know my father
I met a girl in Kitwe am in love " I said "You have to
tell " he said all excited . " I left the pictures home
but I will show you when you come " I said " I have
to see the girl you are leaving so the I marry her
when you are away "he teaes " I will kill you " I
7 #DIANA The all week I kept crying my heart was in
so much pain . " Diana ninshi kashi( what is it) "
mum asked "Nothing mum just scared this year is
my last year " I said "Don't be my baby you are
intelligent " she said . On Monday schools opened .
"You seem off after mark left " Julie said "What? no
" I said "Look all those Lusaka boys only want to
have sex and dump you " she said " Oh " I said " I
hope you didn't sleep with him because you will
never see him again " she said " Nothing happened
" I said " Thank God " she said I faked a smile . The
months went by so fast I didn't hear from mark
indeed Julie was right he just wanted to use me he
got what he wanted From that day I promised
myself that I will never think or talk about mark I
started by burning the letters then our photos . I
started concentrating on school I was left with a
month to write my final exam . "You seem happy
you no longer sad ?" I teased Fiona she showed me
what her boyfriend got for her " I don't get it sister
and mum can give you all those things " I said "Their
money isn't enough " she clicked her tongue " I
would never date a man for money " I said " Am
Fiona not Diana" she said I laughed and continued
studying.. You know the hardest part wasn't hating
him it was forgetting all the things he did to my
body I missed his touch I missed His voice . "You
are now done with your exam ' mum said "Yes mum
Sponsored ' mum said "Yes mumcan't wait to go to
college " I said " My little doctor " she said I had
finally forgotten about mark and I didn't miss him
like I used too . " Hey" a man said " I turned and
looked at him " Am Daniel and you are " he asked " I
don't talk to strangers " I said "Cute and sassy " he
said I blushed " Oh look at that she can blush " he
teased I smiled He removed his card and gave me . "
I don't have a phone " I said " Why " he asked
"Mum's rules" I said " I can give you mine " he said
"No need I will find a way to call you " I said " I be
waiting though am going back to Lusaka so I really
need to see you before I leave " he said I nodded.
"As if I was dumb me a Lusaka boy " I said to myself
I left and went home I threw the card on the bed . I
went to the kitchen to get something to eat . "Who
is Daniel Chama " Fiona asked " I don't know " I said
"Liar you have a card on your bed " she said
"Sometimes learn to mind your own business " I
said She rolled her eyes . "So who is he " she asked
"Its some guy I met on my way back " I said "You
should call him he is waiting for your call " she said "
Am not calling him " I said "Who are you keeping
your virgnity for ?'' She asked "No one I haven't
met the one " I said "The one how will you know?
sweetheart you will not meet the one till you go out
there and look for them you think life is like in
movies you think this is Cinderella where she goes
to the dance and meet her prince or sleeping
beauty waiting for her prince to wake her up with a
kiss " she asked " I didn't say that " I said "That's
what you take life explore and meet your prince "
she said " what about you have you met yours" I
asked "Yes but he is a dependent like me " she said
"You only think about money " I said "Money is life
babe " she said laughing . Theresa walked in looking
tired. Fiona got the card and put it in her purse "You
should call him " she whispered . I nodded
8 #DANIEL "Come here mama" I told her . "Now you
are leaving so you are not coming back here ?" Julie
said I kissed her . " I might if you give me a good
time " I said "Let me do it than " she said She got on
top of me and ride her waist mama was talented .
She indeed Gave me a good time . " I have to go "
she said " Why are you a party pulper " I asked " I
will come tomorrow " she said " I have work " I said
I took her to her place gave her some cash and I
went back to the hotel . " I can't sleep alone who do
I call " I said getting my phone . I received a strange
number . *call* Hello - me " Hi this is the girl you
gave your card too - her " Oh hey I thought you
wouldn't call let me call you back - me She cut and I
called her . We talked for hours . I don't know why
but I liked the girl . I had to test her honey pot
before I leave . The next day after work I went to
see her . " Hey I thought you won't be here " I said "
I am here " she said she said getting into the car .
"Here you go " I said giving her the phone I bought
for her . " I can't accept this " she said giving it back
. That's the first a girl refusing gifts . "Come on I just
want to talk to you nothing more " I said " I won't
accept it Sponsored I will continue using my sister's
phone till mum get me one " she said I just kept
quite . "Don't be quite am sorry " she said She had a
side that most men want in a woman . " Am sorry "
she apologized again . I kissed her and she
responded we kissed for a while till my friend
misbehaved . "Can we leave this place? " I asked
She nodded . I took her to my room . "Can I order
something for you " I asked " Am fine don't worry "
she said "You seem shy or you are just not
comfortable with me '' I asked her " Am
comfortable its just that I have never been at a
hotel before " she said I smiled "What kind of work
do you do " she asked "You didn't read the card " I
asked "No" she said "Am a contractor " I said " Oh
that's a really great job" she said "What about you "
i asked for the first time I didn't want sex I just
wanted to talkjust have some to one conversation
with someone . "Just wrote grade twelve waiting for
my results " she said "What do you want to study " I
asked her "Medicine " she said "Medical doctor " I
said She giggled . "Can I kiss you again ''I asked She
nodded We kissed and our kiss wanted us to have
sex but she refused . " I need to go " she said " so
soon " I asked "Yeah I have to cook" she said ''But
can you get your phone please " I begged . She
hesitated and I continued to beg . " Thank you for
the phone " she said " Will I see you tomorrow am
going back to Lusaka I want to come see you " I said
"Just give me a call since you have even gotten a
sim card for this phone " she said I smiled .
"Goodnight hey " she said "No kiss" I asked She
kissed me and got out of the car. I called Julie to
spend the night and she accepted.
9 #DIANA 4years has passed and I was so happy
with everything that was happening in my life I was
in love with Daniel . am in my third year in school .
"Hey love " I said as I got in "I thought you will be
out with Daniel i have a guest coming over " she
said "Who is the guest " I asked "Some guy I met
two weeks ago he has been suffocating me asking
me out everyday so I was like let me give him a
change " she said Cindy is my now best friend Julie
started acting strange and she pushed me away
from her life my sisters thought it was the fact that
she failed her two subject but I don't know . Cindy
lost her boyfriend to cancer and moving on was
hard for her she would cry blame everyone for his
death but a year later she was doing fine . "So are
you going to introduce me to him " I asked "Not
now mama you are too judgement " she said I
laughed " Okay fine I will see you tomorrow " I said
" I called Daniel and he was thrilled to have me over
. " Hey babe " I said getting inside . " Am in the
bathroom " he shouted . I made myself comfortable
. he came out with a towel wrapped around his
waist he looked so yummy . I got up and moved
closer to him . "Someone is in the mood " he said
biting his lower lip . I kissed him and he placed me
on the sofa . He made love to me everywhere in the
living on the sofa Sponsored on the sofa on the
table . "That's was great " I said "You should be
coming more often " he said I laughed . "I went to
the room and changed in his T-shirt . "What do you
want to eat " I asked "You " he said "Be serious silly
" I said "You know in love anything you cook right "
he asked. "Okay babe " I said walking away . I
started cooking . I felt hands around my waist . " I
love you " I said "Love you too " he said I continued
cooking till I was done I dished out the food for us .
''Babe food is ready " I called him " Am coming " he
said His phone was ringing I checked the caller and
it was Julie . I picked up the phone . "Babe am in
Lusaka " Julie said I hung up . "The food smells so
good " he said I handed him the phone . "Was it
ringing? " he asked " Julie called she said she was in
Lusaka " I said He looked at me . " I told you about
her she is my friend " I said " Babe its not what you
think " he said "What do I think you tell me " I asked
In a calm voice "Yhe is a friend " he said "A friend
you call babe " I asked I walked away if I leave his
place where am I going to spend the night I called
Cindy and she told me the guy left . I called my cab
driver to come pick me up . I changed into my
clothes . " Babe don't go " he begged "So when Julie
is in Lusaka she is always here right " I asked He was
quite . I just walked away he tried stopping me but I
refused . Was I so stupid he was sleeping with me
and my friend . I got home and explained everything
to Cindy. " Am sorry mama" she hugged me . I just
went to sleep . I ignored Daniel as much as I could .
When I knocked off from class I found his car
packed outside . I took a deep breath and went
inside . He was alone . " Hey " he said "What do you
want " I asked He knelt down "No Daniel " I said "
Am so sorry I promise you that I have cut ties with
her if you want you can check my phone " he said
10 #DANIEL I hated begging for a woman especially
if she was even playing hard to get . "You accept ?" I
asked "Promise me am the only woman in your life
" she said " I promise baby" I said She escorted me
to the car . " I will come pick you up tomorrow " I
said I kissed her and left . I have dealt with one and
the one home was the stubborn one . I reached
home and she was eating . " Hey ".she Said " I
thought you are leaving today " I asked "Yes but I
have changed my mind "she said " Why" I asked
"You are lonely here and moreover its not like Diana
will find out " she said "She knows about you and I
told her you are no longer in my life " I said "What is
it about her that excites you huh " she asked " Look
lets talk in the bedroom my soul needs food " I said
She followed me and we had sex . I convinced her in
the morning to leave till finally she left . In the
afternoon I went to see Sonia . " I missed you "i said
. "You saw me two days ago" she said " I forgot " I
said I hated keeping tab with every girl I met every
week . In the evening I took Diana out . After that I
took her back I had someone warming my bed at
home . The week went well till Diana send me a text
that she was pregnant After work I went to see her .
"How did you get pregnant" I yelled . "Stop talking
to me like you don't know how I got pregnant ":she
said "For Christ sake ain't you studying medicine "I
asked " Why are you upset " she asked . "Tomorrow
am coming to take you to a doctor so that we can
get rid of that baby " I said "You can't be serious "
she asked "You want to keep it " I yelled " Why are
you yelling " she asked . "Because you are
unbelievable you have school Sponsored you have
school how are you going to manage school and a
baby " I asked She broke down . I hugged her.
"Tomorrow I will come so that I take you to the
hospital " I said she nodded . Women can't you take
care of yourself. I went back to work than later
went for a drink with my friend . "I thought Diana
was the one " Joshua said " Oh please "I said " I
don't get you Diana is a good woman why don't you
marry her " mulenga asked " Look am not here to
talk about her she is pregnant " I said "Have you
called your doctor " joshua asked . ''You know I
have " I said "You are bad news " they laughed.
After having a good time with the boys I got a call
from Ruth . I haven't seen her in a while . She came
over and gave me a good time . " I dont get why you
always act like a person who doesn't miss me " she
said ''You know I miss you nowonder I called you " I
said She got up . "What " I asked "Who is she? " she
asked "Who is who? " "The girl you are in love with
" she said I laughed " I know when you are in love "
she said . "Are you done? " I asked "Done what ?
these woman you mistreat one day you will taste
your own medicine " she said "Are you giving me
one of your section I dont need therapy " I said She
got dressed and left . I clicked my tongue as if I want
any drama . I called Diana to see how she was doing
. In the morning I took her to the hospital after the
abortion I took her to my place . I did everything the
doctor said and I left her resting.
11 #DIANA "This is your second abortion in
3months and you heard what that doctor said about
not having a child if you have another abortion that
guy doesn't love you he is just using you " Cindy said
"He loves me and he wants what's best for me "I
said Cindy laughed "You are not in love that's why "
I said " I was never this stupid in love this guy is
treating you like rubbish and you still go back to him
" I just can't let go of him 4 years with him I feel like
I have found the one " I said " Mama there is a guy
out there for you and its not Daniel " she said I tried
ignoring Daniel but I couldn't even when he never
called I still wanted to see him . A week passed and I
was always alone Cindy was always with the guy
she met . I decided to go see him . I knocked and he
opened . " Hey " I said "Hi " he said I got it the house
looked a mess "Let me clean up here " I said " Okay
" he said "Have you eaten " I asked "Not yet I was
about to go buy some food in town " he said ''No
need I will cook something for you " I said "Okay "
he said I started cleaning the kitchen while I
prepared some food while I cleaned . when I was
done cooking I dished out some food for him . " Let
me clean the bedroom while you eat " I said . He got
the plate and started cleaning his bedroom I found
used condom and some lady's lipstick on the pillow
cover . He walked in . "Who spent the night here " I
asked "How is that your business? " he asked "
Daniel you are my boyfriend I need some respect " I
said "Like you said am your boyfriend not your
husband this is my house I will do anything I want
Sponsored this is my house I will do anything I want
I fuck whoever I want " he said "You are stupid " I
said I was about to walk away when he grabbed my
hand . "What did you just call me " he asked " Let
me go " I said He let go of my hand . I got my things
when I was about to walk out Julie walked in . " Hey
Diana you came to see our man " she said "Our man
he dumped you " I said " Diana " he said "You have
company " I said " I can explain " he said . "Dont you
couldn't explain in the room now you want to
explain " I said He tried touching me but I stopped
him . I got on a bus and went home . I cried so much
that I developed a headache . Cindy walked in I just
heard voices I pretended to be sleeping. " I have to
go babe my friend is back and we need to catch up
" the guy said "The one who was in Russia " Cindy
asked "Yes and I might bring him this weekend " the
guy said " Okay honey "she said There was some
silence I bet there were kissing . I heard the door
close and I turned . She got back in . " Mama what
happened " she asked " Nothing I was sleeping " I
said "My love you can lie to everyone but not me
"she said "He is cheating on me '' I said "He has
always been cheating its okay my love " she said
She hugged me so tight . The next day I decided to
go home since we were even on break . I reached
home and mum was so happy to see me . " Look at
you " she said " I missed you " I hugged her . "Me
worse " she said . "That guy who was came to look
for you " mum said "Which guy " I asked " Daniel "
Fiona said getting into the house . " I thought you
moved out ain't you working " I asked " I will move
out when someone brings plates for marriage " she
said " Whatever what did Daniel say " I asked He
wanted to see you " Fiona said ... I wasn't interested
in him he can go to hell .
12 #MARK Its been 5years since I left this country
but the thing I knew was I was madly in love with
Diana I have never been with anyobe since I left
Zambia I missed her every second . "You are useless
as a cousin " I said to mutale . "You missed me " she
said " I told you to be close to Diana " I said "Are
you stupid you know am married right I need to
take care of my family why didn't you go with her to
Russia " she said "So its like that huh " I asked "
Mark Diana is in a love with someone else they have
been together for 4years now she uploaded a pic of
the two weeks ago I think you need to move on "
she said. "You know I can't am in love with her " I
said "Now you are calm dude let her go find
someone as well do you think she can leave a man
who she has dated for 4years for a guy she dated
for 2weeks " she said " I will talk to you later " I said
"Send me my money dummy " she said "Send your
account details " I said "That's why you are my
favorite "she said I laughed I went to see Ronald .
"All smiley " I said "Cause am in love " he said "Who
stole your heart " I asked He got his phone and
showed me the girl . "You have good taste " I said
"Till searching for her " he asked "Mutale just
informed me that she is in a relationship with some
guy for 4years now " I said "That's a losing batter
dont you think " he asked " I don't know man
Sponsored I have never been with anyone else
apart from Diana " I said . "Dont say Diana
remember you dated joy " he asked "Yes I have and
chitalu " I said " I met chitalu two weeks ago she is a
hotty now " he said "Dont start that girl made me
forget my problems" I laughed "But you are going to
see my babe tomorrow " he said " I agreed the first
time " I said I went home ate the food I bought in
town . "You need to get married " Esther said "Big
sister " I said "Marriage " she said I laughed and
went to my room I needed to get a place of my own
. In the morning Ronald kept calling me to remind
me of his date . "You know I will be alone right " I
asked "Just be ready you might meet a cute girl
there " he said "ByeI need to go see my agent " I
said " Why didn't you hire me " he said "You are
useless and your company I told you before I left
Russia till now " I said "Okay let's make it Monday I
will get you a house " he said "If you don't get me a
house I will never recommend your company " I
said " Okay boss " he said . I hung up and went to
the kitchen to make myself breakfast . I took a glass
of whiskey and went to watch soccer I was replacing
my father in his company since he is old blah blah .
Around 6pm Ronald pulled over . "Ain't you ready "
he asked "You act like am your girlfriend " I said
"Get ready " he said I got up and I got dressed and
we left . "If girls look at you please give them your
number cause you look hot " he teased . "You are
weird " I said "How is that your gay friend from
Russia" he asked "He called in the morning " I said
He laughed he loved it when I talked about Rob.
We reached the school and what Ronald said was
true girls were looking at us . The lady opened the
door . "Hey babe " he kissed her . " Hey " she said
"This is Mark Mark meet my everything " he said "
Nice meeting you " she said "Same here" I said with
a smile . We got in and she served us juice . " I
wanted to cook but this guy here said we are going
out " she said " Yeah I did " he said "Let's wait abit
my roommate is on her way she is already in Lusaka
and I already told her that we are having dinner "
she said I continued chatting with people on
WhatsApp .
13 #DIANA I was so tired but I promised Cindy that I
will be there . "Finally " Cindy said " Am sorry
forgive me Lusaka traffic and I used a bus " I said "
Honey meet Diana" she said "Finally your face looks
familiar as if I have met you before " he said
"Maybe " I said with a smile . "This Ronald " she said
A guy walked in as I put my bag on the bed . "
Mark!! this is Diana " Ronald said " Diana " he said I
couldn't believe my eyes . " Hey long time how are
you " I said He gave me a hug he smelled so good . "
Guys am hungry it seems you know each other you
can catch up on your way " Cindy said " Let me take
a quick shower please " I said "We will be waiting in
the car " the guys said Mark was starring at me . "
Mark let's go in the car " Ronald said . They left .
"You know Mark? " she asked "The guy I told you
about who disappeared " I said "It was him he was
studying in Russia he just came back so you were
the girl he told Ronald about " she said "What did
he say " I asked "Alot if I knew you were the one I
would have told him to find a girl '' she said
laughing I took a quick shower and wore a black
dress and a some pumps I didn't feel like wear
heels . We went to the car and the guys were busy
laughing . We went to a fancy place I sat next to
Mark and Cindy to Ronald . We made small talk
.after eating . Ronald and Cindy excused themselves
. I got my phone and pretended to be waiting for a
call . "Waiting for a call? " he asked "Yes my
boyfriend said he will call me " I said "And
congratulations Sponsored 4years ain't a joke " he
said " I know right its not like two weeks " I said He
chuckled "You used me and left " I said "That's what
you think of me right " he asked me "Yes you left
me after using me " I said " I didn't have means of
communicating to you you never had a phone and
that was even the time my aunty got transferred I
asked Mutale to get a number from you but she was
told you left for school " he said " I dont believe you
" I said He got his phone and showed me the
conversation he was having with mutale. "It doesn't
change anything am in love with someone " I said
"And I respect that trust me I will not come
between you and your boyfriend " he said If I was
over him why was my body betraying me like this .
Ronald and Cindy came back . "You guys took long "
I teased "We can go now " mark said " Why so soon
" Ronald asked " I need to sleep " he said We left
they dropped us off . "Mark was quite what
happened" she asked "We talked " I said "And?" she
asked removing her dress. " Am still in love with
Daniel " I said She rolled her eyes . "What can't you
support me for once " I asked her . " I will support
you if you find a man who will love and respect you
not a man who makes you go get abortions " she
said Before I could answer Fiona called. *Call* "
Darling sister " I answered " Why is your boyfriend
troubling me " she said "Which boyfriend ?" I asked
"You have many oh " she said "No dummy am single
" I said '' Daniel called that he wants to see you and
that you ain't picking his calls " she said " I blocked
him " I said "Unblocked him and tell him to stop
calling me "she said " I have heard " I said She hung
up and took a deep breath .
14 #DANIEL Diana used to piss me off sometimes
but she never disrespected me . I was so stupid I
went to see her family maybe they would talk to her
but nothing I called her sister still nothing . "You will
abort that baby " I ordered "No I won't " she said "
Julie I will kill you " I said " kill me everyone at my
place they will know that you killed me " she said " I
dont love you " I said " I dont care as long as I will
keep this baby " she said " I should find you gone " I
said "Next time I will come with my father " she said
She got her bag and walked out . I went to see
Joshua . "That Julie girl " I took a deep breath . " I
told you Diana is a good woman for you " he said " I
know but am not ready to settle and am sure she is
" I said "She still has 4years of school and you think
she would want to settlethat girl loves you " he said
I tried calling Diana but her phone couldn't go
through . I called her sister again . "Daniel look just
follow her where she stays " she said "She won't
allow me to see her " I said "What makes you think
Sponsored that girl loves you " he said I tried calling
Diana but her phone couldn't go through . I called
her sister again . "Daniel look just follow her where
she stays " she said "She won't allow me to see her
" I said "What makes you think me talking to her will
change her mind " she asked "Did you talk to her ?"
I asked "Yes am sure she will call you don't worry "
she said " Thank you " I said She hung up . I took a
deep breath . I drove to her school . I knocked and
her roommate opened . " Hey how are you " I asked
"Fine " she said "Is Diana around " I asked " Diana
someone is here " she said . She came out . " Hey " I
said "Can I help you? " she said "Can we talk " I
asked "About what " she asked "Please can we go
somewhere " I asked She took a deep breath and
followed me she was wearing shorts and a T-shirt .
She got in the car and we went to my place . "Please
come out " I said She got out . We went inside .
"What can I offer you " I asked "Am fine " she said .
"Am sorry for everything please " I said She looked
at me I moved closer and kissed her neck she loved
being kissed on the neck . I moved to her lips .I
started removing her clothes . "Do you have
condoms " she asked I nodded I went to get them
and we made love . My phone started ringing I
checked and it was Julie . "What " I said getting out
of bed . "Am coming tomorrow with my uncle " she
said "Are you on drugs?" I asked " tomorrow am
coming " she said hunging up I went back to bed .
What have I gotten myself into . When I woke up
Diana wasn't next to me . " Babe " I called . " Am in
here " she said "It smells so good " I said "You can
take a seat I dish out for you " she said I took a seat
and she gave me a plate of food . After I ate she
started cleaning . Julie walked in with an old man .
"What are you doing here " I whispered " Why are
you whispering " she asked Diana walked in.
15 #DIANA . I couldn't believe it Julie again . " Oh
hey what are you doing here " she asked " Julie stop
it " Daniel said "Did you tell her that am pregnant "
she asked I looked at Daniel . " Babe I can explain "
he said "No need " I said He made me abort twice
and he made her keep it . I went to the room and
looked for a chitenge I left . I got it and wrapped it
around my waist . " Babe please " he begged . "You
know with the last pregnancy I almost lost my
womb " I said "Its you I want " he said I just walked
away . I didn't have any money on me I didn't have
a phone I started walking I dont know how I will
move . I stood by the road side hoping for a miracle
tears was flowing down my face I kept crying . After
30 minutes a car stopped . " Diana " he said I wiped
my tears and looked at him it was Mark. " Hey " I
said "Get in let me drop you " he said " Thank you "
I said " Why are crying " he asked me . When people
ask me why I was crying its like tears couldn't stop
coming out . He parked his car .he got out of the
drivers seat and came over to the passagers seat .
He hugged me . I felt at home with him my heart
felt happy . "Let me take you to your place " he said
after I calmed down . " I dont want to go there
cause he will come look for me " I said " I take you
to my place " he asked I nodded He took me to his
house and I couldn't stop starring it was beautiful .
There were some people doing some designing in
the house . "Only my room Is done " he said " Okay
" I said He took me to his room.. " I will be back
okay feel at home the bathroom is there " he said
He walked out I took a shower and wrapped a towel
around my body . he came back with a plastic bag
He gave me the plastic . " I dont know the size of
the panty and I hope you love the clothes" he said
It was a grey two piece a biker short and and crop
top Sponsored he also got a hoodie to match he
also got black panty . "Thank you " I said "You are
welcome " he said He left the room and I got
dressed it fitted perfectly I wish I had my phone I
could have taken some pics . " Hey " I said "You look
beautiful " he said " Thank you " I said "Can I take
some few pics for you not me " he said I nodded its
like he read my mind . He took a lot of pics and he
sent them to me on WhatsApp . We ate the food he
got . " I have to go to work am I going to find you "
he asked " Yeah " He left and I started watching TV
in his room since the designers were busy . I saw his
drawing book he still had it I noticed he had two
now . I got it and I found our pictures . I went
through his drawing book he was just drawing me
the drawing had dates . He never stopped thinking
about me . I put them back . He came back very late
I really needed to go back . " Hey " he said he had
pizza and some soft drinks " Hey " I said helping him
with the plastic . "You can eat I want to take a
shower " he said " Okay " I said I waited for him he
came out with a towel wrapped around his waist .
He got dressed . "Let's eat I take you " he said We
ate and I kept stealing glances . Why did I miss him
even though he was next to me ?
16 ay " I said She got some ice cream and we
started eating . "You have some ice cream here "
she said removing some . She licked her fingers . I
cleared my throat . " I need to get going " I said
"Why " she asked "Cause I dont want to do anything
you and i will regret " I said She put her ice cream
bowl down . "What will i regret " she asked me . I
pinned her to the wall and kissed I missed those
lips Sponsored I missed those lips she started
removing my jacket she was wearing an oversized
t-shirt . . I continued kissing her .
17 #DiANA THIS CHAPTER IS � If I tell you I didn't
want to sleep with him I would lie my body wanted
him so bad . He made me lay down and pulled ice
cream on my body . If I tell you I didn't enjoy it I
would lie he pulled the ice cream on my lady part
and he licked it I moaned He pulled some more ice
cream and I moaned . He played with my clitories in
his mouth while he placed his finger in my honey
pot I cum a thousand times . I gave him condoms .
before that I got on top of him I pulled the ice
cream on his dick . I sucked it he moaned . I swear
I think we were heard I gave him a blow job I have
never done it before but I did it on mark I kept on
pulling the ice cream dude had to cum in my mouth
. He wore the condom and ride me I was out of
breath because this dude knew my body he knew
where to touch .we did all styles . " Oh my gosh
that was oh my gosh " I said He kissed me . " My
legs are weak " I said "They have to be " he said My
phone rung. I looked at the caller and turned it .
"You can pick up " he said I got my phone and
answered . "What " I answered "Can I see you
tomorrow " he asked. " I have class " I said "When
you knock off " he said " I will call you " I said . I
hung up . "You still love him " Mark asked I was
quite . "Than what was this than am your rebound
right " he asked "No mark " I said " I get it that I left
you and I hurt youit wasn't my fault my plan was to
study here in Zambia so that I would be close to you
I didn't tell you because I was afraid you will be
more hurt I have never slept with anyone for 4years
but today was my first time and I enjoyed every bit
of it but I can't compete with your boyfriend " he
said "You are not competing " I said "You ain't over
him Diana I want to be with you but not like this" he
said getting dressed " Mark come on " I said He
finished getting dressed and he left . Diana what did
you do ? I went to take a shower everytime I closed
my eyes I would only imagine what mark did to me .
I dried my body and for dressed . Our house was a 3
roomed house it had bedroom (we had two beds) a
toilet and a kitchen I tried calling Mark but his
phone was off . " Am sorry if you are mad at me " I
sent the text . I slept all alone I woke up Cleaned the
house and I took a shower and prepared for class .
Even though it was at 10am . I tried calling Mark but
his phone was off . Cindy walked in . " Hey " I said "
Hey I brought you this cute dress " she said
removing it . "This is cute thank you " I said " How
was your night" she asked "It was fine Mark was
here though he left " I said "You chased him? " she
asked "No we ummmm " I stammered "You what
"she asked taking a seat next to me . "We made
love it was one of the best let me not say one of the
it was the best sex I have ever hadits like he knew
my body very well he was communicating with me
" I said " Look at how you are blushing just because
of sex" she teased " Anyway it's history he willl
never talk to me again " I said "What happened "
she asked " Daniel called and Mark started asking if
I still have feeling for him " I said "What did you say
" she asked " I didn't say anything " I said " Diana
come on now really " she said " I dont know what to
do " I said I heard a knock and I went to get it . " Hey
" he asked " Daniel what do you want" I asked "To
talk my love " he said "Last time I checked you and
me have nothing to talk about" I said " Look she is
gone " he said "That's what you told me the last
time and I believed you so please leave " I said He
left without arguing .. I needed to talk to Mark now
18 THIS CHAPTER IS � #MARK You know what hurts
the most is fighting for a love that isn't even yours I
felt like a fool last night . maybe I should find
someone. " I have been trying to calling you why is
your phone off " he asked " I dont want any drama
anymore " I said "Who is giving you drama " he
asked taking a seat "Last night was amazing me and
Diana I can't explain it and than boom her ex called
its clear she is madly in love with him " I said "Give
her time " he said " Anyway why are you here " I
asked " Jeremiah is in town he has also been trying
to calling you he wants us to meet tomorrow for
some drinks " he said "No problem "'i said . His
phone rung and it was one of his client these real
Estate agency he was doing great for his company
he started it by himself . I got some hungry lion I
was hungry I wanted to eat . I put my things in my
mini office I went to eat first cause I was hungry I
ate my food and went to the bedroom it had
candles Diana was on my bed wear a sexy lingerie
and she had whipping cream in her hands . "What
are you doing here ?" I asked her "Shhiii I just want
you to sit here " she said . I took a seat and she put
on some music she started giving me a lap dance ...
"We can't " I said She kissed me . I kissed her back
she removed my clothes she tied me to a chair it
was like fifty shades of grey . She sprayed some
whipped cream on me . "Trust me " she said blind
folding me . She licked the cream .her tongue felt
great on my body . "She licked my dick she licked it
slowly and I lost it . I moaned loudly . " Oh yeah
baby " I said "Like this " she asked "Yes yes " I said
When she was done she got a condom she put it on
me And ride me she ride me like it was about me
and her . The time she was done I think my voice
was gone . She kissed me . She untied me . I
grabbed her and fucked her real hard she kept
screaming my name . When we were done we laid
down breathing heavily . "Okay " she said "Okay
what " I asked " I accept your apology " she said
"What apology" I asked her . "For leaving me I was
devastated when you left " she said " I know honey
" I said We cuddled and slept . I woke up I needed
to work on some presentations . It was 3:30 am . I
got my short and t-shirt I also got my robe and
went to my office I started working. I put headsets
on so I could listen to music and work at the same
time . I was deep in the work when I felt cold arms
"Hey " I said removing my headset "Its 4am let's go
back to bed " she said "Am almost done " I said
"How many minutes " she asked "10minutes " I said
She smiled and walked away .. In 20minutes time I
was done . I joined her in bed . " Tell me what is this
we are doing " I asked her " Am not ready for a
relationship " she said "So I can date anyone I like " I
asked " Yeah " she said We slept and my alarm rung
for 06:00am I went to shower got dressed found my
breakfast served . "What time is your class "I asked
" I dont have any class today " she said " I will find
you or I take you to your place " I asked "I think just
take me " she said " Okay than " I said having a bite
of my bread. Chitalu video called me Diana looked
at me than her food . "Hey cutie " I said "You look
handsome let me see " she said I gave Diana the
phone to hold it . She was upset that she could eat
someone . " I look good right " I asked
19 #DIANA My heart was boiling .after he showed
her the slim suit he wore he abandoned his
breakfast and went to talk to the same Lady in his
room . Why was I jealous I told him to find
someone.. I cleaned the kitchen and waited for him
. He came out and he was still talking to this girlshe
was very hot . "Can we go " I whispered . He nodded
All the Way he was just talking to the lady .. " Let
me call you back am dropping off my friend " he
said She hung up . "You should tell her I made you
moan last night " I said " Why are you mad " he
asked " Am not mad just incase you forgot that last
night you were moaning" I said I got out and
slammed the door . I got in and sat on the bed . The
girl he was talking too was hot . "She is beautiful " I
said "Who again " she asked opening her eyes. "The
girl Mark is talking too " I said "Are you jealous ain't
you the one who said you will just be friends with
benefit " she asked . " I also don't know why my
heart is betraying me" I said I just slept even though
I had a test. on Monday I heard voices when I got
out of bed it was Ronald and Cindy . " Hey you "
Ronald said " Hey " I said " babewho is Chitalu "
Cindy asked "A girl Mark is talking too " I asked
"That was his first girlfriend why " he asked . "
Nothing " I said I couldn't stop thinking about Mark I
just wanted to be with him . For a week I haven't
seen him my body missed him . When I got back
from class that day .. I went to sleep. "Love we
should go now " she said I opened my eyes . "I dont
want to go " I said "We need to buy those groceries
"she said We got on a bus and went to makeni mall
. When we were done shopping we decided to get
some food because I was hungry . As we were
eating. "Have you seen Mark" she said "No" I said
she waved her hand . "The girl is hot " she said He
was with her ? " Hey ladies " he said " Hey " we said
"This is chitalu Sponsored we decided to get some
food because I was hungry . As we were eating.
"Have you seen Mark" she said "No" I said she
waved her hand . "The girl is hot " she said He was
with her ? " Hey ladies " he said " Hey " we said
"This is chitalu babe this is Cindy Ronald 's girlfriend
Diana is our friend " he introduced Friend??? I
looked at the girl she had a model body but she had
hips and a butt she was wearing black ripped jeans
a white crop top and black heels . "Let me get a few
things than I can drop you off " he said " Okay "
Cindy said "No need we are fine " I said "She is just
joking " Cindy said They walked away holding hands
. "You should learn to pretend that it doesn't hurt
you " she said "It doesn't " I said "With that look I
doubt " she said They came back . We packed our
things in the car . The girl sat infront with Mark he
put his hand on he thigh I just got my phone and
went through my Facebook feed . We reached
home . We got out things from the car . "Being
jealous doesn't suit you" Cindy said . " Am not
jealous " I said "The way you were looking at the girl
if eyes could killthat girl could have been dead " she
said "Whatever " I said She started Cooking while I
stalked the girl on Instagram . She just posted a pic
of Mark's hand on thigh . "Huh" I groaned Cindy
came running in the room . "What is it" she asked "
Nothing I felt a sharp pain on my abdomen area " I
said "That's bad mama " she said .
20 #MARK If looks could kill chitalu would be dead
by now the way Diana was looking at her . I was
even scared for chitalu . " I met her with your
girlfriend and I made the matter worse by
introducing Diana as a friend the look on her face " I
said laughing "She is in denial " he said laughing
aswel "Let's us enjoy where this thing is going " I
said "What about chitalu " he asked "We are getting
to know each other again we need to be sure this
time around I haven't slept with her yet so don't
come for me " I said "She hasn't seduced you yet "
he asked "No we are taking our time I need to go
see Diana after work " I said "That girl will kill you "
he said I laughed "She will kill me in bed " I said He
laughed I finished working I went first home took a
bath wore my sweat pant and white muscle T-shirt
got my slippers( men slippers). Got a bottle of castle
lite and drove to see my mum first . ''I called you a
week ago that am back you can't come see me "
mum complained I hugged her . "Who is the girl
stealing you away from me " she asked "The same
girl who stole it along time ago " I said "That girl
from Kitwe " she asked "Yes it has only been that
same girl all my life " I said "Hope it will lead to
marriage " mum said "Fingers crossed " I said She
came back with four slim suits in different colours.
"These are nice same price " I asked her " I got them
for you " she said . "You are so sweet mother "
"Whatever I wanted to sell them what kind of a
child are you? " " I love you" I hugged her . She
rolled her eyes I laughed I ate supper at mum's
place Sponsored what kind of a child are you? " " I
love you" I hugged her . She rolled her eyes I
laughed I ate supper at mum's place than I went to
see Diana. " Hey come in " Cindy said "Just call her
for me " I said "Alright"she said I leaned on my car
as I waited for her she came out with an oversized t-
shirt with flurry slippers . "Where is you babe? " she
said folding her arms I pinned her to the car . "Stop
" she said " Why " I asked "People can see us " she
said " I can take you to my place " I said " I dont
want your babe might find us " she said "Are you
jealous " I asked " Am not "she said I kissed her my
other other was already in her pants .. "Stop " she
whispered trying to remove my hand . "Do you
want me to stop" she asked . "Yes " she said with
her eyes closed . "Your body is telling me a different
story " I said . " My body is lying to you " she said I
kissed her neck I made sure she had a hickey . " I
want you to come with me tomorrow " I said "To
where " she asked "Its a surprise will come pick you
up tomorrow morning I know Fridays you don't
have class " I said "Yes but you have to tell me
where we are going to " she asked " Am going to
mongu for work we will be back on Sunday " I said "
Okay " she said "I will come pick you up at 04am " I
said " Why dont I sleep at your place than " she
suggested " Go get your things than " I said She
went inside packed a few things and came out with
her T-shirt . We went to my place though that night
we just kissed no sex and we slept . I woke her up
03:00am We went to take a shower and I prepared
something to eat for us ..I went to bath as well got
dressed ate our food she cleaned the kitchen we
locked up and we left around 04am. She slept the
all way . Around 10am we were in mongu . I already
found the team as booked a room for me . "I have
ordered some food for you " I said "Ain't you eating
" she asked "We are eating at the meeting " i said "
Let me sleep than " she said " I will see you later but
dont over sleep cause your food will be brought
here " I said " Okay sugar " she said closing her eyes
21 #DIANA I was woken up by a knock .I got up and
opened it was my food . I tipped the waitress she
left I noticed I was only in my undies I ate my food
and went to bath I got dressed . in a cute short
dress . My phone rung and it was Cindy . She video
called me on WhatsApp . "Bitchhhhh where are you
" she asked . "Mongu " I said laughing "With Mark "
she asked "Yes who else " I asked " Look at the way
you are blushing " she said We laughed . I later
started watching TV After gossiping with Cindy .
Mark came back at 5:56pm " Hey " he said "You
seem tired " I said "Busy day " he said I kissed him .
"That feels so good " he said . "Why dont we take it
to the bathroom " I said "That would be nice " I said
We went to the bathroom and made sweet love .
"What is it " he said "You are cute " I said He
laughed "What " I asked "Cute is for babies " he said
"What do you want to eat cutie " I asked "You " he
said I kissed him . " Am hungry " I said "We can go
to the restaurant " he said "That would be great " I
said We went to the restaurant in the hotel and
order . He bought castle lite and he got me spin off
. " I dont want you to be drunk " he said "Wouldn't
you love to see my crazy side " I said He drunk his
beer . "What " I asked . Our food was brought a
lady was busy starring at him . " I want a kiss " I said
" Why " he asked . " I need to have a reason to kiss
you " I asked He kissed me . "Your lips taste so good
" I said "Are you getting drunk " he asked "That
wouldn't be bad idea right " I said "Than let's get
drunk " he said We started drinking Sponsored " he
said "That would be great " I said We went to the
restaurant in the hotel and order . He bought castle
lite and he got me spin off . " I dont want you to be
drunk " he said "Wouldn't you love to see my crazy
side " I said He drunk his beer . "What " I asked .
Our food was brought a lady was busy starring at
him . " I want a kiss " I said " Why " he asked . " I
need to have a reason to kiss you " I asked He kissed
me . "Your lips taste so good " I said "Are you
getting drunk " he asked "That wouldn't be bad idea
right " I said "Than let's get drunk " he said We
started drinking the time I was done I couldn't
even move . He lifted me up " I love you " I said than
closed my eyes . When I woke up the next day I had
a terrible hangover . " where are you going " I asked
him He kissed my lips . "Where are you going " I
asked again " I have a meeting but ordered some
tea for you " he said " Okay " I said He left and my
hangover wasn't doing me good . I spent the all
morning sleeping after I had my breakfast . He came
back . "Can we go out " he suggested "No I can't
even move " I said "You wanted to drink remember
" he asked I went to take a shower got dressed and
we went on a drive around mongu . He bought a lot
of things for us . The next day we went back to
Lusaka . He took the things he got for his house at
his house . He than took me to my place . We
removed everything.. Daniel drove in "What is he
doing here " mark asked he has seen him before " I
also dont know " I said Daniel got out of his car and
kissed me .
22 #MARK I watched them as they kissed and she
was responding . " Mark dont " Cindy held my hand
. She let go of my hand . Diana pulled out of the kiss
but her eyes were closed . " woow did you forget
me " I asked " Mark " she said " ummmm Mark " the
guy said "Did you tell your ex boyfriend that
yesterday you were moaning and busy calling my
name while I was fucking Her " I said The guy
punched me and I punched him back . Diana held
the boyfriend and Cindy held me back . "She is mine
" he said " I can see that and you can keep her " I
said "Please calm down Daniel leave " she ordered.
" I will leave and you never hear from me again I
dont want to see you ever again last time I didn't
want to leave you but this time I want to " I said " I
want to be with you " she said "You body wants to
be with me not your heart " I said " Mark please "
she begged " I can't compete with him " I said "
Mark you can't drive let me call Ronald to take you
home " Cindy said I peeked her cheeks and left . I
got into my car and drove off . My phone was just
ringing . I drove as fast as I could .I reached at a
restaurant which had a bar ..I started drinking I
remembered the first time I saw her Sponsored I
remembered the first time I saw her I was so in
love with her . My phone rung again and it was
Ronald I ignored it .. When I tried getting up I was
so drunk . Getting into my car was the hardest .. I
managed to get in . My phone rung . "What " I
asked "Dude where are you " he asked "Somewhere
" I said I started driving and the next thing I could
see was lights and hooting from that time I didn't
know what happened . When I opened my eyes .
"Welcome back Mr mbewe " chitalu said she was
wearing her nurse uniform . "Hey " I said with a
smile "Let me call the doctor " she said leaving the
room She came back with the doctor . "How are you
feeling Mr mbewe " he asked " I feel like my head
has been cut into two parts " I said "Its because of
the accident " the doctor "Can you please give me
something it really hurts " He gave me some
painkillers . Ronald and Cindy came in my room . He
hugged me . " I know you love me but hey " I said
"You scared me dude " he said Cindy gave me a hug
. " Am here I just had to much to drink last night " I
said They looked at me . "What " I asked "Dude you
have been here for 2months " he said 2 months? no
wonder people are happy to see me alive again. My
parents came to see me though dad was just giving
me a lecture about life They left after some time .
Ronald came back . " Never do that " he said " I was
upset and am sorry " I said " Diana is ... I interrupted
him . " Never mention that name to me ever again "
I said "She is the love of your life " he said "That girl
died along time ago " I said He didn't say a world .
We started watching soccer . He spent the night at
the hospital . "Man " I called He opened his eyes. "
Why can't I feel my legs " I asked " I dont know let
me call the doctor " he said The doctor walked in "
Why can't I feel my legs " I asked "Dont worry Mr
mbewe its normal you will be able to feel them
after a few pyshiotherapy " he said I nodded .
23 #DIANA I don't know what came over me but I
wanted to be with Mark yes he can say my body
wants himbecause he drives me insane he was my
first so he knows my body more than anyone . After
the accident I blamed myself for everything I would
go see him everyday sit with him for hours . "Can I
see him " I asked "He doesn't want to see you "
Ronald said "But how is he doing " I asked "Still in
pain but by next week he will be out " he said "Ikay
than am leaving " I said I left I didn't even know
what to do at this point Daniel was on my neck that
he wanted to get back together and Mark didn't
want to see me . I reached our place and Cindy had
two envelopes in her hands . "What are those " I
asked her . "Our attachment letters " she said
"Where are we going " I asked "Ine is for choma and
the other is for Lusaka " she said " I will get the one
for choma keep the Lusaka one " I said " Why " she
asked "There is nothing for me in Lusaka anymore
mark doesn't want to see me and Daniel is just
harassing me " I said "You won't stay and fight " she
asked "My love you have Ronald here and I don't
have anyone he doesn't want to talk to me am glad
he is alive if he died I would have died with him " I
said "Talk to him before you leave " she said " Cindy
which part don't you get that he doesn't want to
see me " I asked "He will see you " she said She
called Ronald and he came to pick us up . I was
playing with my fingers . "Stop doing that " he said
"You ain't being hated by someone you love " I said
"So you love him " he asked "Just drop it " I said
They laughed . We reached the hospital and my
heart was beating fast . " I can't do it " I said " Diana
behave naiwe you need to talk to him " she said I
took a deep breath . I walked in and he had his
headset on Sponsored you need to talk to him " she
said I took a deep breath . I walked in and he had
his headset on Mark loved music if there is
something that he loved in this world is music . I
stood there and watched him . I tapped his hand he
opened his eyes . "What do you want?" he asked
getting angry "Please hear me " I said "Hear what
huh ?" He started yelling " Mark calm down am just
here to say am sorry and am leaving to choma " I
said "What do you want me to do ? You know what
I wished I lost my memory so that I would have
forgotten about you I wish I never remembered
your face your touch or anything" he said " Mark
please " I begged "Please what ? You didn't beg me
when he was kissing you you didn't beg me when
you enjoyed that kiss or am I lying " he asked. " I
have been with Daniel for 4years mark you can't
just forget feelings don't disappear over night it
takes time " I said "So am just a man you can have
sex with and leave " he said "At first it was about
sex but now it wasn't that " I said He chuckled .
"Just leave Diana my life would have been easy if I
didn't come to Kitwe when I was in Russia I was just
thinking about you I missed you so much but you
know what there is a thin line between love and
hate " he said The pretty girl walked in " Hey" she
said "The lady was leaving " he said I looked at him
for one last time I took a deep breath and walked
out of the room . Cindy hugged me . "He hates me "
I said "He will come around " Ronald said I shook my
head . Ronald took us home . We were leaving on
Friday . " I will miss you one year in choma am
moving out " she said "You ain't moving out " I said
"What am I going to do here alone " she asked " Am
here " Ronald said " I should just move in with you "
she said "That would be nice babe" he said "You
have a roommate " I giggled . Friday came and we
started off the 5 of us from my class . We reached
and we were given small houses though you have to
share with someone . " Am Joel am a medical
doctor at this hospital " he said " Am Diana " I said
24 #JOEL Looking at her I knew I will have fun with
her . "Stop it you are married " he remained me " I
know but she doesn't " i said " Joel one day one will
report you how many students will you sleep with "
he asked " Look I dont love that loveless married " I
said "No one told you to get married to her you two
are like roommates" he said "Oh thank you for
reminding me " I said "Stay away from that girl " he
said "You know Abraham you are a party pulper " I
said "With student doctors really" he asked
"Whatever I know you like one " I said to him . " I
actually respect my wife " he said I laughed . "What
its true " he said " I would be stupid to believe you "
I said . "Let me work " he said I am married with two
kids I got married after my one night stand got
pregnant she had a boyfriend I had a girlfriend .fast
forward her family brought her to my parents house
got us married had the first child a year later had
another because my parents where on my neck ..
Now we moved out of my parents house the kids
are mostly with my family my wife disappears and
comes back after two or 3months .and I don't care
as long I have student doctors or nurses that come
every year am all good . They worked in the wards
and we did the doctors round checked on the
patients discharged those who were fit to leave . I
asked Diana a question and she answered without
any hesitation . Smart student. I also asked the
others and they answered with fail some hesitated
but yeah . I gave them wards they will be in charge
and Diana would be working with me Sponsored .
"Are you always nice to every student or what " she
asked I looked at her . "Cause every student were
given a ward without any supervision why do I need
supervision " she asked "You have a problem with
that " I asked " My question is why don't the other
students have a supervisor and I do " she asked
folding her arms . "Its your first day and you are
acting like this am the one who will sign your
recommendation letter " I said " Doctor don't you
think its unfair am moving around here with you
while my fellow student are working " she said "You
know you are a hard nut to crack " I asked "Its not
about being hard here sir am just being fair " she
said Who brought judge Judy here ? Abraham
walked in on us arguing over supervision . "How are
you doctor " she greeted. " Abraham kindly explain
to miss Banda the reason why am.working with her
" I said " sir look am not being dramatic my fellow
student don't have a supervisor and I do how will
people see me " she asked "And why don't the
other student have a supervisor " he asked She
shrugged her shoulders " Ain't there two other
doctors her at the hospital " he asked " I didn't talk
to the them " I said "Talk to them cause miss banda
here ain't playing " he said He left and I talked to
the other doctors though there were in the night
shift . We had to share the students with Abraham .
" Am tired " I said getting home My wife was busy
on the phone . "Is my food ready " I asked "Yes it's
on the table " she said "How was your honeymoon
with your lover " I asked "Fine no girl tonight " she
asked "No I need to rest " I said I went to take a
bathhad my supper and I slept . The next day
Monica was busy packing her clothes . " where are
you going " I asked " Am going on a vacation I will
be back after some time " she said "Some time " I
asked "Yes cause I don't know where am going and
for how long " she said "Okay enjoy hey " I said She
smiled .. I got to work and the students were
already busy with there wards . "What have you
planned for the Diana girl " he asked "That girl is
sassy I don't know if I can do it " I said "Are you okay
Joel" he asked " Am fine " I said "A girl had defeated
you " he said laughing " I will get her she is just a
kid" I said .
25 #DIANA This man was really now getting on my
nerves I know this was for school but I was even
having second thoughts about this . I went to join
my classmates we had our lunch and lunch break
was over . " I have seen you with doctor Joel " a
nurse said "Oh yeah he is my supervisor" I said "Be
careful with himhe sleep with every student doctor
or nursethat come here I don't know why am
warning you but be careful " she said " Thank you
very much I was starting to question him because
he is too nice to me " I said "He is nice because he
wants to taste you " she said "He will be surprised "
I said " Am Maria" she said " Am Diana " I said She
went back to work . Poor doctor I will be the only
one you will not sleep with . After work I called
Mark but he didn't answer . I don't even know why I
kept on calling when I know he will never answer
me . I called Cindy . " call" " Hey you " she answered
"How are you I have missed you " I said " Am fine
babe just tired I miss you more I feel a year is too
Much " she complained "How is mark " I asksd "He
is fine he is actually here with Ronald " she said "Am
glad he is okay what about his leg " I asked "Doing
better he is using crutches " she said "That's good to
know " I said "You haven't talked to him " she asked
"He doesn't pick my calls I wish I could hear his
voice even hello "I said " Oh my friend " she said "
Anyway there is this man here who is harassing me
Sponsored okay its not an harrasment but he is
making advances at me sometimes am scared " I
said "Who is he " she asked "The head of
department for doctors am scared" I said "About
what?" she asked "Everything " I said " Babe "
Ronald called "Wifey duties calling " she said
"Please go " I said " I love you " she said " I love you
too babe " I said She hung up . I was really scared
doctor Joel was really making my stay here really
uncomfortable . I heard a knock I opened it it was
doctor Joel . "How may I help you " I asked " Why
are you rude " he asked "What are you doing here "
I asked " Am here to see you can I come in " he
asked "No what will other students think of me and
what if this news get to my boyfriend he will kill
both of us? and I heard you have this habit of
sleeping with students with me you won't get your
way " I said He laughed "What's funny doctor Joel
you are a married man don't you think you have to
be warming the bed for your wife not a student " I
said " Look little girl you I have the power to
terminate your attachments " he warned "Because I
refused to sleep with you ?" I asked "You will come
begging me to make love to you you will wish I
made love to you " he said I closed the door . I knew
from this I will regret .. The next day doctor Joel was
so rude at me he would pass silly comments . I went
to doctor Abraham . "Afternoon sir " I said " Oh hey
how are you " he asked " Am fine sir sir I want you
to help me get my attachment letter from doctor
Joel " I said He put the file for a patient down . "
Why " he asked " I want to go home " I said " Diana
you know you can't " he said " I know sirbut doctor
Joel is making it hard for me to stay " I said " I will
talk to him " he said " Don't sir " I said " Okay fine
you will be working with me from now on " he said "
Thank you sir" I said
26 #MARK A year has passed and I haven't seen or
talked to Diana yes I miss her a lot am dying to be
with her but I was tired of her taking advantage of
me . " Diana stop crying " Ronald said " why is she
crying " I whispered " let me call you back " he hung
up " Babe did you manage to convince her not too "
Cindy asked "Would you guys tell me what is going
on " I asked " I called Diana yesterday because our
attachment ended a week ago" she explained .." I
called her to find out why she wasn't back yet and
the HOD has refused to sign her
recommendationsaying he has to sleep with her
that when he will sign " . " Oh okay I thought it was
something serious " I said "Man come on I know
you still love her you can do something " he said
"Like what sign it myself " I asked " Mark please put
your problems aside and help her " she said I took a
deep breath and removed my phone . I called Diana
and she picked up after the second ring. "Explain to
me everything " I said She narrated everything . "
Okay tomorrow me and Ronald we are coming to
pick you up " I said "But my letter " she said "Just
pack and don't do anything stupid " I said I hung up .
" Thank you " she said Ronald held my shoulder . In
the morning we drove to choma and reached
around 4pm . I called Diana and we went to see the
doctor. "How are you doctor " i said " Am fine and
how may I help you " he asked " Am here to collect
miss Banda's recommendation letter " I said . " Am
sorry I don't have it "he said "It will be so sad that I
give this evidence to the high authority you will
lose your practicing license " I said "What evidence
" he asked " Diana here was recording the
conversations you were having with her I would
have given you a good beating for trying to sleep
with my woman but I will respect you " I said He
looked at me . "The letter " I said " Wait here " he
said He went in his office and he came out with a
envelope .he gave me the letter to open . I opened
it and it was signed . " Thank you Sponsored babe
check if everything is okay " I said looking at Diana .
She read through . "Yes its okay " she said " Thank
you doctor next time you try blackmailing these
students you will end up in jail and without a job " I
said We left the hospital and Diana went to get her
things . " My girlfriend " Ronald teased "Shout up " I
said She came out with her things and we put them
in the car . "Should we spend a night or drive " I
asked "Let's spend a night we can leave tomorrow
cause if we move we can reach Lusaka around 10
pm " he said "Its fine you will be helping me drive "
I said " Diana are you okay " Ronald asked She
nodded We got some food and we started driving
we reached Lusaka around 11pm I was very tired .
Chitalu was just calling me . "She will spend a night
here " I said " Yeah no problem " he said We got her
things out of the car . " Thank you so much " she
said " Okay " I said " Mark do you still hate me? "
she asked "No and I have to go someone is waiting
for me at home " I said She peeked my cheek . I
drove back home because I had someone waiting
for me . I got home and she was wearing nothing .
"You will get cold " I said covering her . "When did
you start worrying about my health and where did
you go? " she asked "We went to help Diana out in
choma " I said "You did what ?" she yelled " Relax
kitty cat we went with Ronald " I said "That's what
you do now " she asked "Don't start with your
jealous am here with you " I said "That girl almost
got you killed I think you want to die " she said I
chuckled "You know its true you want to die " she
said walking away
27 #DIANA "How are you " Ronald said entering the
kitchen . " Am fine I just need to find a house now "
I said " Why don't you stay here " he asked " I
appreciate that but I rather have my own place you
guys need privacy I can just walk in on you guys
having sex in the kitchen that's yunk " I said He
laughed . "Can you help me Mr agent " I asked him
"Sure how many rooms " he asked "Two will be
okay or something " I said " I will get back to you
tonight " he said "Who is Mark dating now " i asked
" Chitalu and she hates you " he said " I know who
wouldn't hate me? I can steal Mark if I want but I
can't " I laughed "That would be drama" he laughed
"What are you guys laughing about " Cindy asked as
she walked in "Me trying to steal Mark " I said "
Good luck " she said " Anyway he wasn't mine by
the way am leaving " I said " Why ain't you happy
here " she asked " I am baby but this is your home
not mine I don't belong here " I said "We ain't
complaining " she said " I know my love but you
guys need privacy " I said She hugged me . I started
helping them clean up the house .Mark walked in
with his girlfriend .when she saw me she kissed him.
I just walked away . " Mark is here with his girlfriend
" I said " Let me finish up preparing than " she said "
Let me finish go talk to them or something " I said
She wiped her hands and walked out of the kitchen
. Someone walked in the kitchen . " Am almost done
" I said without turning to see who it was . "Done
with what " he asked Sponsored I got startled .
"Ummmm cooking " I said He moved closer . " I
know you jealous " he said " Why would I be jealous
you know you are mine " I said I switched off the
cooker . "How am I yours " he asked "See how your
body wants me to do things to you you are just
scared that your little model will be more jealous
and you will lose her " I said He laughed . "You want
me to show you " I asked him. "Show me " he said I
kissed him and moved my hands I touched his little
friend " Diana what are you thinking about " Cindy
said I was day dreaming . "Nothing " I said I dished
out the food and we took it to the dinning table .
The girl couldn't keep hee hands off Mark . We
started eating while they made conversation I was
just quite . When we were done I cleared the table .
"You were quite " she said . "He looked happy with
her " I said "He is or he is pretending" she said
Ronald joined us . " I found a house for you but " he
said "But what? " I asked "It belongs to Mark
actually its marks house " he said " I don't get it " I
asked " Mark's house has a quarter behind and he
wanted someone to stay there " he said "And that
person is me is there no other place " I asked "You
know rainy season houses are hard to find look you
could stay there till the season is over than I will
find you a better place " he said " Okay thank you " I
said I wasn't sure about it but I had no where to
stay . "So the house is furnished and you don't have
to worry about anything " he said " Why is it
furnished " I asked "Those where the pieces left in
the house he bought he didn't know where to put it
so the only thing you can buy is pots and plates " he
said Mark and his lady walked in. "Sas she
accepted? " mark asked "How much " he asked "
k1500 that's 3months advance " he said . "Its fine I
will send the money right away " I said "First you
see the house " mark said . I nodded .
28 #MARK Tell me something have you ever been
love where you don't want to hate the person even
when they hurt you so much? Have you ever hated
someone you love so much that you still want them
closer? I hated and loved Diana at the same time I
wanted her to feel my hate still I wanted her to feel
my love does that make any sense?. I watched her
as she removed the clothes on the line the rain was
pulling on her body she wore a jean short and a
white vest I could see her nipples . She finished
removing them and ran in the house . " Babe
"chitalu shouted . " Yeah " I shouted as well cause
she was in the other room . The relationship with
her wasn't as good as the one I had with Diana
anyway let me just say my relationship with Diana
was complicated she didn't know what she wanted
she was too complicated . Chitalu was in the room
dressed for work . "Are you dropping me off " she
asked "Yes " I said getting up "Why are you sitted
here" she asked "No reason I need to have a specific
place am suppose to sit " I asked "Can I know am
even worried leaving you here alone " she said "You
shouldn't be worried " I said " I will be going to see
my parents I have over stayed here " she said "Okay
sugar " I said "You better behave " she warned
"Always my Queen " I said She got her mini luggage
bag and I took had to work . " I was looking for you "
she said in a short dress okay this girl wanted me . I
got out of the car and locked it .." Can I help you " I
asked "The lights in my room.ain't working " she
said "Okay let's go Sponsored okay this girl wanted
me . I got out of the car and locked it .." Can I help
you " I asked "The lights in my room.ain't working "
she said "Okay let's go I check it out" I said She
followed me behind it smelled so good she had her
candles on . I checked it and it needed an electrican
I called my good friend and he said he will come
the next day . "Is that all?" I asked "No that's not all
"she said "What else" I asked She kissed me and I
kissed her back . " I know you want me " she said
"Yes I do but I hate you " I said " I doubt that " she
said She pushed me on the sofa and kissed me ..
She removed my friend and inserted it in her honey
pot and ride me . I moaned and she was moaning .
We were disturbed by a car that pulled in my yard .
"Let me finish " she said ''It must be my sister " I
said "Do it fast " she instructed. I did it very fast and
we both cum . She cleaned me up and I went to see
who it was . I found her waiting outside . " Hey you
" I said " I thought I had to call the police " she said
"Come on Given I was busy " I said " i can see " she
said looking at my neck . "What can you see " I
asked "That hickey there who is the girl " she asked
I opened the door . "No one " I said getting inside .
"Okay than atlest zip up your pants " she said "You
like seeing everything " I said "You are my little
brother I had to look after you " she said I laughed
"Who is the girl? " she asked again "Why are you
here ?" I asked " I will know her " she said .."
Anyway its dad's birthday on Saturday and I would
love for you to look for a venue invite your friends
and your friend who made you forget to zip up your
pants " she said I chuckled . She walked out and I
followed her she went to the quarters . "What are
you doing " I asked She knocked Diana opened . " I
wanted to invite you to my dad's birthday party on
Saturday " she said "Okay thank you " Diana said
We walked away from Diana . "Wait is she the girl
you from Kitwe the love of your life?" she asked
"Yes and stay away " I said ..
29 #DIANA After the sister left I went to take a
shower . I heard someone open the door . Minutes
laterI felt cold arms behind me . "What have you
done to me I want to hate you and I also want to
love you " he said "Than love me " i whispered " Am
afraid that you will continue hurting me " he said
"Trust me I will never hurt you I love you too Much
to do that " I said He made me turn and he kissed
me that kiss turned into a hot steamy sex. ''what
will happen to your beautiful Lady " I asked " I don't
know " he said " I hate it when someone kisses you
those lips are mine only mine " I said " ummm sassy
" he teased My phone rung and it was Theresa "
Hey big sis " I answered "When are you coming to
see you nephew " she asked "You have given birth
when " I asked "Today and I had to call you" she
said "As soon as I am on break I will come see my
boy " I said We talked abit and she hung up .
"Congratulations " he said "Thank you " I said When
we closed I went to visit my sister and to my
surprise all these months I have been having
unprotected sex with Mark and not even once did I
get a pregnancy scare. "We have been having
unprotected sex but I have never been pregnant " I
told Cindy . "You want to be pregnant " she asked
me "No its just that with Daniel i used to get
pregnant "I said "Is it that mark is infertile " she
asked " I think what the doctor said is happening
what if I never get pregnant " I asked "Come on
Diana don't think like that okay tomorrow we will
go see the doctor " she said Mark and Ronald
walked in I wiped my tears . "What is it babe " he
asked me I smiled . He broke up with chitalu and we
were now leaving together Sponsored I wiped my
tears . "What is it babe " he asked me I smiled . He
broke up with chitalu and we were now leaving
together my parents would kill me if they found out
that am now leaving with A man . "You seem off
what is it " he asked as we got home " Am fine my
love I think am just tired " I said getting out of the
car . That night I couldn't sleep . In the morning we
had class after class we went to see the doctor . "Is
everything okay " I asked the doctor . " Have you
ever had an abortion or miscarriage " he asked
"Two abortions " I said "Miss Banda the chances of
you having babies are slim " he said "Slim meaning
what ?" "Its a 50/50 chance " I got up . " thank you
doctor " "Mama are you okay " Cindy asked Tears
streamed down my face . "Ashhhi mama its going to
be okay " she said "It will never be okay Mark
always talked about having kids " I said "He said the
chances of being pregnant are slim he never said
you can't have a baby " she said "Why was I so
careless " I said "You were in love Diana you didn't
know " she said "Yes and I was stupid to let a man
take me for a fool.and now I have to pay " I said
crying . I cried so much that I felt weak . I didn't
want to go home smile at Mark's face and say
everything is going to be okay . I switched off my
phone I cried that night . I was at a hotel . I wanted
to be alone and cry . In the morning I checked out of
the room . I went home because I had class Mark
wasn't there I took a bath and left for class . "Where
did you go " she whispered " I booked a room " I
said " Diana don't do that Mark was worried sick
about you " she said I didn't answer her I
concentrated on what the lecturer was teaching .
After class I went to the mall alone to get myself
some icecream . " Diana " a lady said "It was Julie
she was pregnant again . " Hey how are you " I said
" Am fine am having my 3rd child " she said "That's
really good " I said There was an awkward silence . "
I saw mark he is back! " she asked "Yes we are
together " I said "That's really good " she said
rubbing her belly I didn't say much and I didn't want
to cry I got up and left
30 #MARK I got home Cindy called that Diana was
fine . She was cuddled up in the living room crying .
"Babewhat did I do " I asked "Nothing'' she said
"Than why are you crying " I asked " I can't be with
you " she said " huh" I mumbled " I can't be with
you " she said "Reason " I said " I can't give you kids
" she said "Okay am lost please explain so that i can
be found cause am lost " I said . "We have been
having unprotected sex for a while now right " she
asked "Yes " I said "How come am not getting
pregnant " she asked " Diana is that why you are
crying " I asked "We went to the hospital and I
found out I have slim chances of having a baby " she
said "Does slim mean barren ? It dosent nowadays
there are geniuses who have come out with ways a
woman can carry her own child" I said " I want to
carry mine in my womb " she said "You will babe " I
said She cried. "With or without a baby am here to
stay " i said " I love you " she said "The last time you
told me that was when we were in mongu " I said
"No I didn't " she said "You don't remember cause
you were drunk " I said She kissed me . Months
later she was done with school . "We need to go see
your parents this cohabiting thing ain't working " I
said "You nolonger want to be with me " she asked
"No I meant I want us to get married Diana am 28
and you are 25 we need to settle down now " I said
"You should have said so " she said " Yeah right you
should call your parents I think this weekend " I
said " Okay my love " she said getting her phone .
she called her parents and they agreed. I called my
uncles and also agreed . She left for Kitwe first and
we followed the next day . When we reached her
mother was surprised to see me . "Naukula ( you
have grown ) now you want to be my son in law
"the mother said . "Nalimutemwa saana Diana
mwandi ( I love Diana so much ) I want to settle
down with her " I said "Natotela ( thank you )" she
said We went inside and we were charged for bride
price Sponsored I think this weekend " I said " Okay
my love " she said getting her phone . she called her
parents and they agreed. I called my uncles and
also agreed . She left for Kitwe first and we followed
the next day . When we reached her mother was
surprised to see me . "Naukula ( you have grown )
now you want to be my son in law "the mother said
. "Nalimutemwa saana Diana mwandi ( I love Diana
so much ) I want to settle down with her " I said
"Natotela ( thank you )" she said We went inside
and we were charged for bride price as if I knew I
had money in my car . We paid and we left . "Yes
babe " I answered the call . " I will be coming back
tomorrow " she said " Okay my love " I said We
chatted till she was so tired. "So there was nowould
you marry me thing " Cindy teased "No the only
time she will receive a ring it's on her wedding day "
I laughed " I think you did a good thing not by giving
someone's child a ring and making them wait
forever to actually get married " he said " I really
want to get married like now but you know ladies " I
said " what have we done " Cindy asked " Look at
you you are heavily pregnant but you would want
to have a wedding kitchen party" I said " I never
needed that as long as I am with this handsome
man here am fine " she said "Man yes handsome no
" I teased . Cindy graduated while she was pregnant
it never used to show . but now she is married to
my best friend . I went back home. " Hey I have
been waiting for you " chitalu said "How may I help
you" I asked her " I miss you mark please take me
back " she begged "Its too late am getting married
soon " I said "To who " she asked "The person you
know " I said "It has always been her " she asked
"Always and forever " I said She chuckled "You are a
good woman and any mam would love to be with
you " I said " I wanted you " she said "Am in love
with someone else . She smiled .
31 #DIANA #2years as passed and I wasn't able to
have my own baby I would cry in the shower
sometimes i would cry to Mark about having our on
kid . " Happy birthday my love " he said walking in
our room. "Cake " I said "Yes my love I know you are
tired from work but I need to spoil you " he said "
Ain't you going to work " I asked him . "You are
important to me make three wishes " he said I
made one wish three times . " Happy birthday you
can now cut the cake we eat am hungry " he said "
Look at you " I said Laughing I cut the cake and he
fed me . " Let me cut my own and eat " he said I was
really tired this night shift . " Tell me mama what
do you want today " he asked " I want to sleep Mr
Mbewe " I said "Its your birthday and I want you to
spoil you before you go for work " he said I pulled
him in for a hug. "No-no " he said "What am just
hugging you " I said laughing " Go take a shower
and get dressed we are going out " he said " Babe I
only slept for an hour " I complained . " I don't care
I want to spoil you today " he said "You are mean " I
said I went in the shower that day I was grateful for
my life I thanked God for all the blessing and love . I
went to the kitchen and he was already dressed .
"You are not fair " I said "That crop top is giving me
vibes " he said "Leave me " i said He took me out for
lunch and we had so much fun . He received a call
and we left . "Stop driving like a crazy person " I said
"It would be nice if we died together " he said with
a wink. "That ain't funny " I said He laughed . We
reached at the gate and he blindfolded me . " Babe
what are you doing " I asked He kept driving .he
helped me get out of the car .and he removed my
blindfold . '' Happy birthday babe " he said It was
Land rover svx 2019 I was just talking to him about
this . I couldn't believe it Sponsored I was just
talking to him about this . I couldn't believe it I
screamed I kissed his all face . ''Do you love it ?" he
asked "Of course " I shouted "Here are the papers
its in your name " he said "You are not serious " I
said looking at the papers they had my name . "
Babe " I said crying . I gave him my phone and took
pics on my brand new car . I posted on my status
than posted on Facebook and captioned it "
everyday should be my birthday I love you hubby "
" I love you " I said "Now you need to give me my
reward for being the best husband " he said "Can
we do it in the car " I asked "No in the house " he
said We made love in our room . I got ready for
work . "One day I will open a hospital for you " he
said "That would be nice but no I know how you are
" I said He rolled his eyes . " Will see you tomorrow
" I said " Don't forget your licenseI don't want to be
woken up by the police that you were arrested " he
said "Than take me cause I don't know where it is " I
said He took me to work . " I really need your
husband " nurse Stella said I laughed "Like serious
doctor that car can take me 5years of saving " she
said I smiled cause I didn't know what to say . When
I knocked of mark was already gone for work . I
slept abit than in the afternoon I went to see Cindy .
" Jr is a big boy look at him " I said "He is a handful "
she said "Boys will always be boys " I said laughing
She brought little Luna and I held her I wish I could
have given mark a baby.
32 #MARK "How is marriage life am sorry I missed
the wedding " Jeremiah said "Its okay man am just
glad your wife is doing better " I said " Am also glad
so how is wifey doing I saw her post on Facebook "
he said " she is fine " I said My assistant brought
some files . "When are you starting to have babies "
he asked "While just waiting for her to enjoy her
work than we can start " I said "When is that day "
he asked "Soon man " I said "You are 30 you know "
he said "Don't remind me " I said laughing My
phone rung . " hello " I answered " Mr mbewe you
are needed here at uTH your wife fainted " she said
" Am on my way " I said "What is it " Jeremiah asked
" Diana fainted " I said " Let me drive you I think you
are worked up" he said "Don't worry am good " I
said He followed me behind . We reached at the
hospital and we asked we were taken to her room .
"What is wrong with her " I asked the doctor as she
walked in the room. "She is pregnant " the doctor
said . "Who Diana " I asked " Mrs mbewe doctor
Banda " she said She handed me the test results . "
Am I dying? "Diana asked when she opened her
eyes I gave her the test results. "Are these mine
didn't they make a mistake " she asked " I asked the
same question but Its yours " I said " Am pregnant "
she said "Yes honey " I said kissing her . She was
taken for ultrasound . "That's my baby " she asked
"Babies doctor " the gentleman said "Babies am
carrying twins " she asked "Yes babe you will be
Bana mpundu ( mama to twins)" I said We left the
hospital "You heard what the doctor said " I asked
her . "Yes rest More rest " She said sarcastically
"You are being sarcastic you know that" I said "
whatever" she said Diana being stubborn she kept
going to work and it really scared me "Do you want
to miscarry the pregnancy " I asked her "Can't I
work " she asked "No your health and the babies
health " I said She groaned in pain . "What " I asked
her . " I feel a sharp pain " she said She screamed I
drove her to the hospital . " I told you she needs
rest " the doctor said "She doesn't listen to me " I
said " Mr Mbewe you have to force her her
pregnancy is so delicate "she said . I nodded "Take
her home Sponsored her pregnancy is so delicate
"she said . I nodded "Take her home let her apply
for maternity live " she said I took her home . "You
are quitting or having a maternity leave " I said
"That won't happen " she said " Why are you
stubborn Diana " I said "You only care about these
kids not me " she yelled We argued but still I was
by her side . She was now 8 months gone and her
pregnancy wasn't the easiest. This day she woke up
vomiting . "Are you okay mama" I asked "Please
take me to the hospital " she said I drove her to the
hospital. " Mr Mbewe we need to deliver the
babies " the doctor said "If that will save her life
than go ahead " I said "Its a 50/50 its either the
mother survives or the twins " he said "You can't
save them both " I asked "No Mr Mbewe " he said
"Save the babies " Diana said "No no bae no " I said
with tears in my eyes . " Mark I have lived these kids
need to live as well " she said "You can't do this to
me "I cried "Your operation will be in the next two
hours " the doctor said "Listen take me to that place
you took me where I can see the city of Lusaka
please don't cry you are breaking my heart "she said
I took her to the place she wanted to go .. She
played forever by mutale nkonde its a love song
she dedicated to me on our wedding day . "Can I
have this last dance" she asked I got up and we
slowed danced to the song even though it was hard
I had to do it the song wasn't even a slow music to
dance too . I took her back I had already called my
family and her family as well I also called Ronald
and Cindy .. Her family couldn't start off that day
because it was late . "You have too be strong "
Ronald said My family arrived . "How is she " dad
asked ''They just took her to theater " Cindy said
We waited for close to an hour . The doctor
walked out . " Mr Mbewe congratulations its a boy
and a baby girl " he said " Thank you and my
33 # DIANA I think I died but God saved my life and
told me to go back to earth to be a good wife and
mother to my babies . "You are really lucky because
the way you were bleeding " doctor malumbo said "
I thank God hey " I said "Indeed God is good "he
said "How is my babies my husband how is he " I
asked "The babies are healthy your husband is okay
now after hearing the news " he said "Can I see him
" I asked Mark walked in he eyes were red . "Come
here " I said he hugged me and cried . "Its okay
babe am here am not going anywhere " I said he
wiped his tears . "You are my everything am not
going anywhere " I said " I love you " he said " I love
you more " I said The babies where brought to the
room I was in so much pain because of the cut . The
pain killers only worked for a few hours than
stopped working . "How are you girlfriend " Cindy
asked "In pain " I said " I can imagine am glad
nothing happened to you " she said " Am here to
stay " I said "Yes you are sugar " she said After
seeing everyone my parents arrived . " My baby "
mum said I just cried I was grateful for everything
by this time I would be in a cold place by myself but
God had other plans for me . Days later I was
discharged . Though the cut wasnt healed . I was
able to walk by myself . Mum didn't go back she
stayed until I was able to take care of the kids . She
helped me with the babies yes mark helped with
feeding them ( formula ) since my breasts took long
to supplying milk for the babies . " I can't wait to go
back to work " I said "Which work " he asked
"Hospital " I said "You ain't going back I will open a
clinic or hospital for you " he said "Stop mark I need
to feel independent " I said "And having a clinic you
won't feel independent " he asked "Yes it would be
your money " I said "You are my wife am suppose to
do things for you" he said "No Mr Mbewe " I said
"You are stubborn " He walked out to go check on
the twins . He came back and he didn't argue no
more . "Where is hubby " Cindy asked "Work " I said
"He didn't get paternity leave " she asked "Paternity
your own company " I asked. She laughed " I met
Daniel by the mall yesterdaythere are opening
another mall don't know where he was getting
some designs " she said " Good for really
happy " I said #3months later . My wound was
finally healed . We decided to go grocery shopping .
The twins were in they troller . " Will you wait for
me I forgot to buy milk for the twins " I said " Okay
babe" He said putting the babies in their car seat . I
walked back to pick n pay to get the milk and I
didn't find so It Sponsored he was getting some
designs " she said " Good for really happy " I
said #3months later . My wound was finally healed .
We decided to go grocery shopping . The twins
were in they troller . " Will you wait for me I forgot
to buy milk for the twins " I said " Okay babe" He
said putting the babies in their car seat . I walked
back to pick n pay to get the milk and I didn't find so
It i went to shoprite and they had the milk . " Diana
hey " I wouldn't forget that voice even if I wanted
too . " Daniel hey " I said turning to look at him I
could see my husband looking at us . "How are you
how have you been " he asked " Am fine how are
you how is Julie " I asked '' Am great me and Julie
got divorced what about you still searching " he
asked I showed him my ring . "Engaged woow that's
nice " he said " Am married to Mark remember
him? We have two adorable kids it wasn't easy
because of the abortions you forced me to have you
know what without you I wouldn't have had those
two babies and I have to thank you because me
and Mark worked because of you " I said "He is a
lucky man I took advantage of you I never treated
you right I wish I can turn back the time " he said
"Am glad you know now but that man over there
loved me despite my flaws he taught me that life
isn't about one's past but one's future " I said " Nice
seeing you again " he said " Same here I have to go
my husband is waiting for me '' I said We got in the
car and we went home . "You won't ask me what
happened " I asked him "You are mine not his " he
said " I love you " I said " I love you too " he said
This was just the beginning of our love story . . . THE

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