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The new Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates of 2023 supersede former analyses and results published

by UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank Group



Every child has the right to good nutrition. Child wasting is the life-threatening result number of children affected by stunting
Well-nourished children grow and develop of poor nutrient intake and/or recurrent by 2030, with an assessment of progress
to their full potential. They are better illnesses. Children suffering from wasting to date not being possible for about one
equipped to lead healthy lives, to be free have weakened immunity, are susceptible quarter of countries. Even fewer countries
from poverty, to learn and participate, to long-term developmental delays and are expected to achieve the 2030 target of
and to continue thriving across the life face an increased risk of death, particularly 3 per cent prevalence for overweight, with
course, with benefits that continue over when wasting is severe. Children suffering just 1 in 6 countries currently ‘on track’.
generations. from severe wasting require early detection Further, an assessment of progress towards
and timely treatment and care to survive. the wasting target is not possible for nearly
The past two decades have seen half of countries.
important gains in improving maternal In 2022, an estimated 45 million children
and child nutrition, including a one-third under 5 (6.8 per cent) were affected by More intensive efforts are required if
decline in the proportion of children wasting, of which 13.7 million (2.1 per the world is to achieve the global target
suffering from stunting. Yet the triple cent) were suffering from severe wasting. of reducing the number of children with
burden of malnutrition – stunting, wasting More than three quarters of all children stunting to 89 million by 2030. With
and overweight – continues to jeopardize with severe wasting live in Asia and current progress, the 2030 target will be
children’s ability to survive and thrive. another 22 per cent live in Africa. missed by 39.6 million children, with more
than 80 per cent of these ‘missed’ children
Stunting is the devastating result of poor Childhood overweight occurs when living in Africa.
nutrition in-utero and early childhood. children’s caloric intake from food
Children suffering from stunting may never and beverages exceeds their energy All forms of malnutrition are preventable.
attain their full possible height and their requirements. This form of malnutrition To stop malnutrition before it starts,
brains may never develop to their full is driven by failing food systems children and their families need access
cognitive potential. These children begin characterized by poor affordability and to nutritious diets, essential services and
their lives at a marked disadvantage with access to nutritious foods, the marketing positive practices to set them on the path
consequences continuing into adulthood: of nutrient-poor ultra-processed foods, to survive and thrive. But today, these
they face learning difficulties in school, and inadequate opportunities for physical vital pathways to good nutrition are under
earn less as adults, and face barriers to activity. There are now 37 million children growing threat, as many countries plunge
participation in their communities. under 5 living with overweight globally, an deep into a global food and nutrition
increase of nearly 4 million since 2000. crisis fueled by poverty, conflict, climate
Stunting has been declining steadily over change and the enduring secondary
the last decade, with 148.1 million, or 22.3 The Joint Malnutrition Estimates (JME) effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As
per cent of children under age 5 worldwide released in 2023 reveal insufficient the world responds to the crisis, urgent
affected in 2022. Nearly all children progress to reach the 2025 World Health action is critical to protect maternal and
affected lived in Asia (52 per cent of the Assembly (WHA) global nutrition targets child nutrition – especially in the most
global share) and Africa (43 per cent of the and the 2030 Sustainable Development affected regions – and secure a future
global share). Goal (SDG) 2 targets. Only about one third where the right to nutrition is a reality for
of all countries are ‘on track’ to halve the every child.

Defining the forms of malnutrition* highlighted in this key findings report

Stunting refers to a child who is too short for Wasting refers to a child who is too Overweight refers to a child who is too heavy
his or her age. Children affected by stunting thin for his or her height. Wasting is the for his or her height. This form of malnutrition
can suffer severe irreversible physical and result of recent rapid weight loss or the results when energy intakes from food
cognitive damage that accompanies stunted failure to gain weight. A child who is and beverages exceed children’s energy
growth. The devastating consequences of moderately or severely wasted has an requirements. Overweight increases the risk
stunting can last a lifetime and even affect increased risk of death, but treatment of diet-related noncommunicable diseases
the next generation. is possible. later in life.

Stunting Stunting * Some children suffer from more than one form of malnutrition – such as stunting
and overweight or stunting and wasting. There are currently no joint global or
and and regional estimates for these combined conditions.
overweight wasting

2 UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Group – Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates 2023 edition

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