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1. 18 years ago.
2. An elementary school in my hometown, in Bandung.
3. Seven years old.
4. On July
5. She was excited.
6. The person who accompanied the writer/Amara was her father.
7. She was Ibu Dewi, the school principal.
8. Because she was too nervous.
9. The vice principal.
10. School yard, the language laboratory, science laboratory, school’s
health clinic, and teacher room.
11. She was crying.
12.Listen to stories from the teacher and draw something related to the
13. The girl who is friends with the writer is Mira.
14. She ran to the school gate with Mira and her picture, and also her
handmade craft, just like Ayu always did.
15. The writer's first day at elementary school was very exciting but felt
tense, because he cried because he was so nervous.
16. How about you, did you have a similar experience of the first day at
school as the writer? Explain your own experience!


1. School health clinic

2. Teachers room
3. Classroom
4. Language laboratory
5. Science laboratory
6. School yard
7. Library
8. Canteen


1. School Health Clinic.

2. School Yard
3. Language Laboratory I
4. Teachers Room.
5. Classroom
6. Canteen
7. Science Laboratory
8. Library

1. Dapatkah Saudara menjelaskan, peristiwa apa yang Saudara lihat dari
kedua gambar tersebut?
Based on the information you have provided, these two images show
incidents of bullying or bullying at school. In the first picture, a group of
male students can be seen crowding around and taunting another male
student. In the second picture, a female student is seen being bullied by
another female student.

2. Di mana peristiwa tersebut biasanya terjadi?

Bullying usually occurs in places that are not supervised by adults, such
Classroom. When teachers are not paying attention, students may be
bolder in bullying their friends.
Toilet. Toilets are secluded places and often don't have surveillance
cameras, making them ideal places for bullying.
Playground. Playgrounds are busy places full of children, so bullying can
easily occur without adults realizing it.
School bus. The school bus is a confined place and difficult to escape
from, making it an ideal place for bullying.

3. Apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya peristiwa tersebut?

There are many factors that can cause bullying, including:
Lack of self-control. Bullies may have weak self-control and become
easily frustrated. They may use bullying as a way to deal with their
problems. Lack of empathy. The bully may not be able to understand how
the other person feels. They may not realize that their actions are
hurting others. Attention seeking. Bullies may seek attention from others
by bullying their friends. They may want to feel strong and powerful.

4. Apa yang Saudara akan lakukan jika melihat peristiwa tersebut?

If you see bullying occurring, it is important to take immediate action.
Here are some things you can do:
Step forward and stop the bullying. If you feel safe to do so, you can try
to stop the bullying by talking to the bully or helping the victim escape.
Report bullying to an adult. You can report bullying to a teacher, school
staff, parent, or other trusted adult.
Support the victim. You can offer emotional support to the victim and
help them feel safe.
Raise awareness. You can talk to your friends and family about bullying
and encourage them to take action if they see it happening.

1. Hut
2. Bullies
3. Fear
4. Loner
5. Courage
6. Panic attack
7. Bullying
8. Phobia

Being an upstander requires courage, but this action can make a
big difference for the victim. This shows the victim that they are not
alone and that there are people who care about them. It can also
help stop bullying and create a safer environment for everyone.


Upstanders Bystanders

- Tell an adult / teacher - Keep silent and watch

- Tell the bullies to stop - Ignore what is happening
- Distract the bullies - Laugh along with the bullies
- Ask the victim to join you - Encouraging the bullies to

In my opinion, the two texts above are recount texts. This can be seen
from the structure used, there is orientation, events and reorientation.

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