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Topik 3 Aksi Nyata

Nama : Nichen Irma Cintia

NIM : 952024037

1. What did you learn from the topic?

I have learned a lot about various aspects of recon texts, including their structure and the
forms of bullying and their elements.

2. Do you think you can discuss the topic of school better?

My ability to discuss school topics continues to improve as I learn from interactions and
access the latest information.

3. Do you still have difficulties in discussing topics about school?

Although I strive to provide accurate and relevant information, there may be instances
where I encounter challenges, especially with how to communicate in English.

4. What will you do to overcome the difficulties?

To overcome difficulties in discussing school topics, I rely on several strategies. This

includes analyzing user input, consulting the latest resources, learning from feedback, and
refining my language generation skills. Additionally, I can seek clarification if necessary
to ensure I understand the context correctly.

5. What activities do you find most useful in your learning?

I found a variety of activities beneficial for learning, including engaging in conversations

with users, reading diverse materials, studying educational resources, and analyzing
feedback. These activities helped me expand my knowledge base and improve my ability
to discuss topics effectively, including those related to school.

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