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Kaotion o a few metas with oat

Expt b-


Metals can be arranged on the basis of relative reactivity. The arrangement of metalsin a vertical
in order of their decreasing reactivity downwards is called the reactivity series of fnetals.
" In teactivity series, the most reactive metal (K) is placed at the top of the series whíle the
metal Au) is placed at the bottom.
A more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from its salt soution or compounds.
Hydrogen which js a non-metal is also placed in reactivity series.
Metals which lie above hydrogen in reactivity series are more reáctive than hydrogen.
metals can displace hydrogen from its compounds like acids and water.
Metals lying below hydrogen in reactivity series are less, reactive than hydrogen. These
displace hydrogen from acids and water. metals canne
Element Symbol
Potassium K
Most DecreasiDg
Sodium Na
Calcium Ca
Magnesium Mg
Aluminium Al
Zinc Zn
Iron Fe
Tin Sn
Lead P
Hydrogen H
Standard Reference
Copper Cu
Mercury Hg
Silver Ag
Least Reactive
y Observg the action of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al
(a) ZnS0,(aq.) (b) FeSO,(aq.) metals on the following salt
hißOArranging Zn, Fe, Cu and Al (e) CuSO,(aq.) solutions:
(metals) in the decreasing order of (d) Al,(SO),(aq.)
MATERIALS REQUIRED reactivity based on the above result.
Testtubes, test tube stand, metals-Zn
sulphate, ferrous sulphate, granules, Fe filings, Cu turnings,
copper sulphate Al foil and
and aluminium aqueous solutions of zinc
BORY sulphate.
In a
element. It may be reaction an ion or an atom in a
denoted as compound is replaced by an ion or an
atom of zinc
reactive metal fromreactions
its salt
are based on the
X+ Y ’ XZ + Y
reactivity series, where a more
FOrthree-dif erent
reactive than metal metals-A,
B. B, C, if metal
A-replaces metal-B.fram its aqueous
reactive metal displaces a lesa
Together wtk Science soBution ther metal Ais
Lab-10 more
1. Take four test tubes and label them as ZnS0, FeS04, CuSO, and Al(SO)3. ,
2. Pour equal amount of their aqueous solutions into the respective test tubes.
3. Add a small strip of Al foil to each of the test tubes.
4. Observe the changes and record your observations.
Repeat similar procedure using:
(a) Cu turnings with ZnSO4, FeSO4, CuSO, and Al,(SO), solutions.
(b) Fe filings with ZnSO,, Feso,, CuSO, and Al,(SO,), solutions.
(c) Zn granules with ZnSO, FeSO, CuS0, and Al,S0,), solutions.
Record your observations in the-following tabte:
Salt solution
S.No. Metal Observation Inference
in which added
1. AI Al,(S0), No change cooerved Metal cannot displace
itself from its salt

FeSO, Pale green colour of the solusion disappears Al displaces iron roa
ahdft beeorres colourless. DepOsits Qn A)metal theettolution.
ére seén. Therefore, A iS"more
2Al(s) + 3FeSO,(aq) ’ Al,(S0,), + 3Fels) reactive than Fe.
white pale green colourless blackish

Experiments 35
No change in colour efthe sotation, bt a new Al
coatingis seer on AB, displaces
Zn fro
the satt gotutiem
2Al(s) + 3Zn80,(ag) ’ Al,(80,)a + 3Zn(s) therefore-
colourles8 colourles8 deposits
on Al
Teactive than- Zn.
By¿ colourof the solution disappears and it Al
CuS0, Cu fro
Becofmes colourless. Reddish brÑwn depósits salt-solution
ate seen on Al. therefore Al-ie mor
reaetive-than Cu.
2Al(s) + 3CuSO,(aq) 3Cu(s) +Al,(S0,){aq)
white blue reddish colourless

2. Fe Al,(S0), No change observed Fe cannot

displace Al
from the salt solution.
Fes) +Al,(80,),(aq) ’ No Reaction.
therefore, Fe-is less
Teactrve thar Al.
FeS0, No change obeerved Metal cannot displace
itself from its salt
ZnSO, No change observed Fe cannot displace Zn
Fe(s) + ZnS0,(aq) ’ No Reaction from the salt-solutien.
therefore, Pe is tess
eaetive than-Zn.
CuSO, Bráe sotutior chagesto pale green, peddish Fe displaces Cu frem
brown Cr gets deposítedon Pe filings.
Fe(s) + CuSO,aq) ’ FeSO,ag) + Culs) thesattsolution,
therefore, Fe ismere
blue pale reddish reaetive-than Cu.
green brown
3. Cu
Al,(S0,), No change obeeod
Cu cannot displace
Cu(s) + Al,(SO),(aq) ’ No Reaction Alfroa-pelt-olutien,
therefore, Gu isless
reactive than At.
FeSO, No change obee.ved
Cu cannot displace
Cu(s) + FeSO,(ag) ’ No Reaction Fe irom-salt solutien,
therefore, Cu is less
reactivethan Fe.
ZnS04 No change oboerved
Culs) + ZnSO,(ag)’ No Reaction fron the displace Zn
therefere Cu-is tess
CuSO, No change oboervo
reactivethan Zn.
Metal cannot displace
itself from its salt
4. Zn solution.
Al,(80,), No change oboerved
Zn cannot displace
Zn(s) + Al,(SO,),(aq) ’ No Reaction Al fremsalt soution,
therefore, Zn istess
reactive-than Al
36 7ogether with
Science Lab-10
FeSO, Fale greep solutión beeomes colourless, Fe gets Zn displaces Fe
depositod on grahules. fram salt-solutian,
therefore, Zr is more
Znís) + FeS0,{aq) > ZnS0, (aq) + Fels) reäctivethan Fe:
pale green colourless blackish

ZnSO, No change ebaerved Metal cannot displace

itself from its salt

CuSO, Blúe solution becomes colourléss, reddish brówn Zn displaces Cu eom

Cu gets deposited on Zn granles. therefore, Zr is m¡re
Zn(s) + CuS0,(aq) ’ ZnS0,aq) + Culs) reaotive than Cu.
blue colourless reddish

L. Al is able to displace Fe, Cu and Zn from their salt solutions, therefore Al is most reactive.
2. Cu is unable to displace any metal among Al, Fe and Zn from their salt solutions, therefore Cu is least
3. Fe is unable to displace Zn from its salt solution, whereas Zn is able to displace Fe from its salt
therefore Zn is more reactive than Fe.
4. The decreasing order of reactivity for these metals follow the order:
Al > Zn > Fe > Cu.
A Handle the chemicals carefully.
Clean each metal with sand paper.
2 Observe the changes carefully as few reactions may occur slowly.
4. Do not taste the chemicals.
5. Wash your hands properly after the experiment.
Short Answer

Ashmita added Al metal to colourless solution

of ZnSO4 After half an hour the solution was
observed. It
It was colourless. What conclusions
be must draw after taking the observations.
9 10 ml of freshly prepared iron sulphate solution
like to draw and why?
A student prepared an aqueous solution of CuSO,
in beaker X and aqueous solution of FeSO4 in
beaker Ý. He then dropped some iron pieces in
beaker X and some Zn pieces in beaker Y. What
changes would he observe in both the solution
after about 10 hours. Give justification.
9. In an exneriment. each of the metals Al. Zn, Cu

aluminium sulphate
Short Answer Questions
(i) Reaction occured
1. (i) Reaction occured and aluminium sulphate 6. was formed.
was formed reactive than Zn.
2Al(s) + 3ZnS0,(ag) ’ Al,(S0,),(aq)+ 3Zn(s) (ii) Alis more followed
that Zn is more active metal
(ii) Zn is deposited on aluminium. 7. We conclude
(üi) Al displaces Zn from the Zn80, solution, by iron and copper. ferrons
not react, but zinc reacts with
therefore Al is more reactive than Zn. Copper does
solution. Thus, zinc is most reactive
2. Black residue was obtained in test tube C and sulphate
D due to coating of iron on Zn and Al strips. followed by iron and copper.
Al and Zn will displace iron from FeSO, solution
ZnSO, + Fe
Zn + FeSO,
to form black residue as these are more reactive No reaction
Cu + FeSO,
than iron.
beaker X change from
2Al(s) + 3FeSOAaq) ’ Al,(SO),laq) + 3Fe(s) The colour of the solution in
formation of FeSO,(ag)
Zn(s) + FeSO,(aq) ’ nSO,(aq) + Fe(s) blue to pale green due to
FeSO, + Cu
3. The decreasing order of reactivity is Al > Zn >
Fe +
CuSO4 Pale green
Fe > Cu
Al, Zn, Fe, Cu is decreasing order of reactivity In beaker Y, solution will turn colourless
because Al is displacing Zn, Zinc is displacing Zn + FeSO4 ZnSO, + Fe
iron and iron is displacing copper from CuSO, Pale green Colourless
9. Al > Zn > Fe > Cu.
4. In test-tubes A, Cand D reaction will not occur
Because, Al can displaced all from their salt
ion. while Zn can displace Fe and Cu and

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