Vocabulary - Unit 6A

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6A VOCABULARY Common adverb collocations

Circle the correct adverb to complete the sentence.

1 Tropical fruits like mangos were considered exotic in the UK 50 years ago, but now they are fully /
perfectly / readily available.
2 We are fully / greatly / readily aware that our website is not functioning properly, and we hope to
have it fixed as soon as possible.
3 No one ever says hello to strangers in a London park, but halfway up a Welsh mountain, it’s freely /
kindly / perfectly normal.
4 I wanted to fly home for Christmas, but the flights turned out to be bitterly / deeply / prohibitively
5 We had to have our roof repaired after it was badly / fiercely / painfully damaged in the storm.
6 If you think I’m going to do your homework for you again, you’re painfully / quietly / sadly mistaken.
7 I thought the notice was firmly / flatly / roughly attached to the window, but it’s disappeared.
8 I donate to a charity for homeless people, and if I had more time, I’d get more actively / highly /
readily involved.
9 In most countries, all car drivers and passengers are firmly / legally / strongly required to wear seat
10 This book is deeply / highly / hugely recommended for anyone who wants a readable introduction
to global economics.
11 I walked all the way through the airport, blissfully / fiercely / ridiculously unaware that my suitcase
was open and I was scattering clothes behind me.
12 After years of being deeply / firmly / strongly unhappy in a loveless marriage, Tanya finally filed
for divorce.
13 Overall, this film doesn’t have much emotional depth, but it is fully / happily / hugely enjoyable.
14 We usually enjoy hiking in all weathers, but that day, it was so bitterly / roughly / strongly cold that
we turned back after about an hour.
15 At Cathy’s café, the service isn’t the best, but the food is greatly / perfectly / reasonably priced and
extremely tasty.
16 We would greatly / hugely / largely appreciate it if you could complete all the documentation by
17 If you have any long-term health conditions, we actively / highly / strongly advise that you consult
your doctor before participating in this activity.
18 Mr Clarke was accused of fraud, but categorically / firmly / warmly denied all charges.
19 I begged my teacher to give me an extra day to finish my assignment, but she flatly / strongly /
violently refused.
20 Thank you for greatly / happily / kindly agreeing to check my CV. I look forward to your comments.

Work with a partner. A Read a sentence aloud, leaving a gap instead of the bold adverb. B Without
looking at the worksheet, say an adverb that can be used in the gap. Then swap roles.
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Advanced Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021

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