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Research the following:

1. What does the genre approach in ESP courses entail?

- The genre approach entails a pedagogical method that centers on the analysis and teaching of
language within the prevalent professional setting or context. Acknowledges the different fields or
disciplines have their unique characteristics and conventions that's why this approach equips
learners with the language skills to effectively engage with other genres.

2. Which aspects of language are being studied in ESP courses' discourse analysis?
- In studying aspects of language in ESP courses’ discourse analysis one must be guided by the notion
that language is not just a means of conveying information but is also shaped by social, cultural,
and contextual factors. The aspects of language that are being studied in ESP courses discourse
analysis are language beyond its surface structures, language use in a specific context, spoken
interactions, written text, and in multimodal communication, language examination within specific
fields, and examination of social interaction patterns within language use like turn-taking, power
dynamics, politeness strategies.

3. What are the corpora-based approaches in ESP?

- The corpora-based approaches in ESP are vocabulary and collocation analysis which studies word
usage and combinations within specific domains, language pattern analysis which analyzes
language patterns, frequencies, and usage in various fields, authentic language input, which
provides learners with real-world examples of language use in their area of study or work and
planning tailored lessons, which designs lessons based on corpus research findings to address
learner's language needs effectively.

4. What role(s) do materials play in ESP instruction?

- There are two roles that materials play in ESP instruction based on the discussion, first, in ESP
instruction materials serve as a foundation of language learning and skill development within the
specific disciplinary context, and second, materials in ESP instructions provide learners with an
authentic activity, text, etc. that is relevant to learner needs and interest.

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