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) Anti-social and Deliquency Behavior - a person wants

ADOLESCENTS to inflict harm to other people, through physical and
psychological means (ANTI-SOCIAL), criminal
Risky Behavior behaviour, especially that carried out by a juvenile
- Santrock (2012) cited that biological, psychological, and (DELIQUENCY).
social factors interplay and contribute to creating 6.) Using and Abusing Drugs -
problems you must overcome during adolescence. 7.) Depression -
8.) Being Addicted to Computer Games -
Biological/Physical Factors
- Genes, puberty, hormones, and brain development Depression Symptoms
cause challenges that adolescents face. - Thoughts of Death
- No Concentration
Psychological Factors - Loss of Interest
- A sense of identity and successful formation of your - Angry Outburst
identity will lead to healthy academic, social, and - Tiredness and Lack of Energy
psychological functioning. - Feelings of Sadness
- Reduced Appetite
Social Factors - Sleep Disturbances
- family, peers, school, socioeconomic status, and
immediate environment. Risk Factors for Depression


- Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may
1.) Physical Appearance - Self-consciousness about looks contribute to symptoms of depression.
often begins with puberty. ❖ PERSONALITY
2.) Identity Development - the complex process by which - People with low self-esteem, who are easily
people come to develop a sense and understanding overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally
themselves. pessimistic.
3.) Gender Identity - Personal conception of oneself as ❖ GENETICS
male or female (or rarely, both or neither). - Depression can run in families.
4.) Sexual Behavior - Reproductive characteristics start ❖ ENVIRONMENT
getting emphasized during puberty. (Endocrine System - Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse
- responsible for hormones) or poverty.
- All about mind and thinking. (EX. Having memory
Stress problems, Unable to concentrate, Having poor
- Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental judgment, Seeing only the negative, Being
tension caused by a difficult situation. anxious, Worrying constantly)
Stressors - All about actions. (EX. Eating more or less,
- Caused of your stress. (Failed exam, School demands Sleeping too much or too little, Isolating yourself
and frustrations, Problems with friends and/or peers at from others, Procrastinating, Neglecting
school, Negative thoughts or feelings about responsibilities, Drinking alcoholic beverages,
themselves, Relationship, Misunderstanding with smoking cigarettes, taking illegal drugs, or
parents) playing computer for several hours and pacing
restlessly, Having nervous habits such as nail
Type of Stress biting)

➔ Eustress Ways of Coping

- This stress can challenge and motivate you to
find creative solutions to your concerns ➢ Problem-focused coping
➔ Distress - means facing the situation squarely and exerting
- Stress becomes overwhelming that can lead you efforts to solve the problem.
to a sense of helplessness and exhaustion. ➢ Emotion-focused coping
- refers to responding in an emotional way.
Symptoms of Stress ➢ Avoidant coping
- is another way of dealing with stress which
❖ PHYSICAL involves ignoring a problem and hoping that it
- All about body. (EX. Body aches and pains, will disappear on its own.
Diarrhea or constipation, Nausea and dizziness,
Chest pain, Rapid heartbeat, Frequent colds) PERSONAL WAYS OF COPING WITH STRESS
❖ EMOTIONAL - Eating comfort food
- All about feelings. (EX. Moodiness, Irritability o - Meditation
short temper, Restlessness, Feeling of being - Engaging in physical activities
overwhelmed, Sense of loneliness and isolation, - Using aromatherapy
Depression or unhappiness) - Having a good cry

1.) Emotional stability. Remaining calm and not being

carried away by your emotions signals a healthy way of
2.) Being tactful. Being able to express your thoughts and
feelings in a nonaggressive manner indicates your
capacity to handle stress.
3.) Doing well in school. Your ability to meet all your
academic requirements and get high scores show your
capacity to cope with the various demands of the
4.) Learning to say “No”. By being able firm on what you
believe is right and saying “no” to peer pressure is a
positive sign of being able to cope well with stress.

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